Infinite Cute King

Thirty-two, the so-called team and... eat, eat, eat!

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"Zhang Yutong...?" Li Mulu raised her eyebrows, came out of Ye Xiaoqian's arms in a daze, and raised her head to stare into Ye Xiaoqian's emerald green eyes.

"Well, you are the one that Ye Xiaoqian has been thinking about..." Yutong gave a big smile, stretched out her hand to see Limulu's collapsed face, paused to look around at the others, and then changed her words with a smile: "Hmm...isn't it Miss Captain who is amazing?"

"Get rid of the lady and call the captain." Li Mulu stretched out his hand to touch her, then cast a glance at Ye Xiaoqian, who came up to her from behind, and quickly maintained the captain's majesty, coughed twice and introduced to everyone: "These two are Shadow and Hacker. In addition, your teammate also has a girl who can't participate in this gathering because of R'lyeh's mission."

"A girl again?" Hearing this, the hermit was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Doesn't that mean that there are only three of us boys in this team? Hey, Sicheng, you have to take up the responsibility of a man to protect her." Good for them, haha."

"..." Song Sicheng felt a little helpless when he heard the words: "Don't laugh at me, okay, the whole team might be the weakest of me..."

"This should be impossible, after all, the newly formed team..." The hermit wanted to speak, but Limulu interrupted: "It's really possible."

"Huh?" The hermit looked up in astonishment, and saw Limulu's cold eyes looking at him, a huge pressure suddenly suppressed him, and said dissatisfiedly: "Next time I am talking, don't interrupt at random, wait for me After that, you can talk about whatever you want."

"She seems a little dissatisfied." On the side, Ye Xiaoqian, who is not too serious to watch the excitement, immediately climbed up, ran behind Limulu and said, "Look, I can talk!"


At this moment, the hermit who had calmed down was suddenly annoyed, and stood up against Limulu's pressure. Seeing this scene, Limulu frowned and said with a headache:

"Don't make trouble please!!"

"Not good." Who knows, Ye Xiaoqian raised her eyebrows and said: "So, I came all the way to join you, so you show me this kind of thing?"

"Three Sequence 7s and one Sequence 8?"

As soon as these words came out, even the uncle guard and the lady earl who were watching the show couldn't help raising their eyebrows and looking over.

But in the face of this rather stressful gaze, Ye Xiaoqian put her hands on her hips, her barren chest proudly thrust out!

"What to look at,

I! Ye Xiaoqian! Sequence 6! Do you want to fight! "

"..." Immediately, the lady and the uncle were slightly taken aback, and immediately turned their eyes to the side.

Oh, Sequence 6, that's fine.

Even the hermit froze there, showing a look of embarrassment, neither standing nor sitting——

"Why is she dancing like this today..."

"I'm so excited." Yutong looked at Ye Xiaoqian with a light smile, walked up and grabbed Ye Xiaoqian's ear, dragged her back and whispered: "Don't look at her who is usually good at pretending, every day I'm like a pigeon assassin, I don't know Feelings or something, but after getting acquainted with it, it will be a husky."

"..." Limulu glanced at Ye Xiaoqian helplessly, thought for a while, and with a wave of his hand, the pressure in the entire hall dissipated, and said softly: "Everyone will be teammates in the future, and to be honest, I don't want to mess up the atmosphere." Too bad."

"But I think if I don't say something, you might think I'm unfair or partial."

"Then I'll just say it straight."

"I'm just biased." Seeing the suddenly astonished eyes of several people, Limulu paused and continued: "But my bias is for every team member, Ye Xiaoqian, or the way the shadow greets me. Now, if you get to know me well, I am a captain who is easy to talk to, or I think I am very gentle.”

"But the premise is that you can become the team members I approve." Limulu spread his hands and did not hide it. He glanced at the few people indifferently and said: "Sprout is a new light chaser team, yes, but it There is an independent number, and you may not know what that means, so let me tell you."

"Sprout is the only independent team that belongs to the Light Chaser system of Xia Kingdom's extraordinary people, directly under the demigod's command, and has special operations rights and ignores any orders. For this kind of team, you think the minimum standard for entry is What?"

"..." Hearing this, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, feeling a little dazed.

"Yes, if there is a hard standard, I hope it is Sequence 6." Limulu nodded, and continued: "I don't want to hide from you, but you are indeed not my cronies, so instead of making you dissatisfied with me, I will tell you directly Alright, Shadow, Hacker, Yaoxue, these three are all Sequence 6, and I personally invited—”

Behind her, Ye Xiaoqian was slightly taken aback when she heard the words: "Ah? Is Yaoxue coming too? She's not Ri..."

"Crack!" Limulu threw a water polo in dissatisfaction, her delicate face wrinkled: "Don't interrupt me either!!"

"Ah... sorry..." Seeing that Limulu seemed to be really angry, Ye Xiaoqian quickly shrank her head and stuck out her tongue.

"Of course, when I say this, I don't mean to exclude or exclude you, but to tell you." Limulu glanced at everyone lightly, met their stubborn and unconvinced eyes, and then softened his tone. : "You are favored by Long Ruoqing, by them, by your recommenders, and think that your talents can catch up with us, and I can be convinced that you can keep up with our pace."

"So, I hope that you will turn this sustenance and pressure into motivation, so that you can step up to the standard strength of this team as soon as possible."

"At that time, maybe I will also work hard for you."

"But if you don't have this kind of strength, I can also say ruthlessly, I hope you will leave here as soon as possible, because I don't want my team to feel sad because of the death of the incompetent."

"Well, I'll stop here first, do you have anything else to say?"

Limulu suddenly nodded towards the window, and saw Ling Ling push the door in, and then several young captains came in one after another. Chao Limulu nodded as a greeting, Ye Fan leaned against the door frame, He glanced at Ye Xiaoqian indifferently, and the latter made a face at him, which made him a little helpless.

"It's time, Xiaoxiao, is the arrangement ready? Let's go together, I'm afraid you will get lost." Ling Ling glanced around coldly, especially when he saw Song Sicheng at the end, the latter shrank back obviously head.

"Immediately." Limulu glanced at the time and found that it was indeed coming soon, then glanced at the four of them, and continued: "Then, let's do it."

"Let's have a good chat."

Li Mulu said softly, and then walked out with Ling Ling and the others.

"Tsk, he is obviously our captain, but it turns out that it matches the temperament of Ling Ling and the others..." Seeing the captains who quickly blended with Ye Fan and Ling Ling and left, Ye Xiaoqian stuffed it in her mouth dissatisfied. He took a piece of chocolate and said, "I regret not being the captain."

"This tone is really sour." Hearing this, Yutong shrugged her nose and laughed softly, looking at the team members who were still thinking——

After the black face finished singing, it's time for the white face to come on stage. Just as she cleared her throat, she heard Ye Xiaoqian's tone change rapidly, from looking down at the beginning to a gentle big sister and saying: "Don't pay attention to what the captain said. , he is a typical knife mouth tofu heart."

Although it is true that sometimes it is quite indifferent... Maybe, but it is against the enemy.

"..." Hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while, wasn't it you who looked down on us at first? !

It's not good for you to change your face so quickly, right? !

Especially... the best friend behind you, her face is turning green with anger...

"However, our strength is indeed a bit weak." The uncle code-named guard smiled wryly, and sighed: "I was a little dissatisfied with being assigned to this new team, but now... I doubt my Can I do my job well?"

"That's nothing to worry about." Hearing this, Yutong glared at Ye Xiaoqian in dissatisfaction, stretched out her hand, and a series of data suddenly appeared on the palm of her hand, which was extremely detailed data such as various data and behavior analysis of everyone——

"I just hacked into the database and looked at your original transfer order and analysis, and found that you obviously have extremely strong complementarities in terms of capabilities."


"That's not important." Yutong looked at the information and said with a chuckle: "You can tell one or two from the code name, guards are good at protection and physical combat, earls are good at attacking, hermits are good at strategies and buffs, doctors... don't need me said."

"Actually, it's unfair to compare your individual abilities with ours, because I think your configuration is more like a separate team that was temporarily merged into our team."

"That's true." Ye Xiaoqian raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Not long ago, when the captain and I were shopping in La'lye, he mentioned this point. Ling Ling and his views actually have quite a lot of differences. Compared with other captains who value collective strength, our captain pays more attention to personal strength. Although he does not deny the cooperation between teams, he has always firmly believed that personal strength is the most basic guarantee for your survival. When the team is strong, There will also be times when he can only rely on himself, and this can be seen from the fact that he has always been fully developed with all attributes."

"All... all attribute points are full?" When several people were shocked, Yutong raised her eyebrows sharply, paying attention to something strange: "It's easy to understand, why didn't I sneaked away after you came back R'lyeh?"


"You actually went on a date secretly without telling me!!!"


"How do you plan to arrange them?" On the way, Ling Ling asked indifferently. Although she and Li Mulu had always been at odds, as a colleague and part-timer Long Ruoqing's favorite confidant, she never let go of her concern for Li Mulu It is her responsibility to be responsible for Limuru's growth and integration, and how to learn to become a qualified captain. It is also her long-standing... expectation as a recommender.

"How else can we arrange it?" Hearing this, Limulu chuckled and said with a sneer: "Four Sequence 6s plus four weak chickens, the most ideal mode is nothing more than one person with one, forming a two-person partner mode to act? But unfortunately, I don't want that."

"It's fine for the four of them to struggle together." Limulu said indifferently: "I agree with those who can keep up, and those who can't keep up will be eliminated, that's all."

"You promised me that I would not give up any of the team members." Hearing this, Ling Ling frowned, a little bit dissatisfied.

"That must be a team member I agree with." Regarding this, Limulu said tit-for-tat: "I said that the goal of Germination is a task in the void after all, right? Then you know that in the void, the effect of 3+15 It’s actually bullshit, it’s more about 3 and 1 fighting alone, or 3 being killed by 1!”

"I always believe that a qualified team should not be the strong slowing down to wait for the weak, but the weak trying to catch up with the strong!"

"...We have already argued about this topic." Ling Ling sighed, looked at Ye Fan and said, "You guessed it right again."

"It's not that I guessed right, but Limulu is just a typical empty thinking." Ye Fan shrugged, smiled and said, "I'm really afraid that you two will fight."

"Actually, I can also think of it." Hearing this, Ling Ling said calmly: "As a sniper and assassin, Ye Xiaoqian was originally out of the team, waiting for opportunities. Yutong, as a support staff, has never been strong in battle. Electronic life can Dissociated from any place with network and information state, cooperating with people will be a drag.”

After finishing speaking, she turned to Limulu, and said coldly: "Limulu who has developed in an all-round way, heh, plus Yaoxue, who has always been a lone wolf and formed an army as a summoner."

"Your team has no cooperation at all."

"But everyone is extremely strong. When a person can withstand one direction, hand over his back to the other side. Isn't that the initial cooperation?"

Limulu turned her head and said softly seriously: "Yutong needs protection, and each of us can protect her. When she needs to move her position, she can also run away without worry, because each of us can protect herself."

"Ye Xiaoqian is out of the team, but she can join forces with each of us and carry out joint attacks."

"Yaoxue is in a group, which makes up for our unfavorable situation in team battles, and makes it possible to take the elite route."

"Captain Ling Ling, you think we are not cooperating and don't trust each other."

"But in fact, we are just desperately improving our own shortcomings and pursuing the ultimate in our own field."

"Just so that others in the team can fight with peace of mind, and not fall into decline because of myself."

"For us, reality is not a game. A team does not need such a clear division of functions. Only trust and strength can support us to the end."

Li Mulu looked at Ling Ling and spoke seriously.

Ye Fan looked at the two people who were arguing, and for some reason, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps the theories of the two will eventually become the two pillars of the Xia Kingdom, just like the current Light Chaser and Zhen Shanhe.


But when several people walked to the captain's headquarters, Watson found Limulu alone.

"Luke Qinsi told me that you can suppress the distortion of others and make the twisted people become pure citizens."

"Tsk, then she must be lying to you. If I had the ability, would I still have to sit here and have sex with you?"

"You really said that, exactly as she guessed."

"..." Limulu waved his hand speechlessly: "Then don't bother me, I'm busy arguing with people now."

"...?" Hearing this, Watson was slightly puzzled, but said indifferently, "She asked me to bring you a sentence."


"She said, if you don't know how to suppress the distortion, why don't you try to eat a deformity." Watson slowly approached Limulu's ear, and his tone seemed to be that of Lu Keqin. Silky, softly said: "Just like back then..."

"Eat me..."

"That's normal..."

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