Infinite Cute King

Forty-five, Uchiha Madara, died

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"Ninjutsu of this level... how is it possible..." Kazekage looked at the falling moon from the sky, if it weren't for the three starry stars in the opposite sky that were clearly facing each other, he would have thought it was the end of the world... …

"Looking at the location, it shouldn't be very far from Shayin Village, at most a few hundred kilometers." He lightly pressed the bamboo hat, and Anbu said, "Go and invite Elder Chidai."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the Fengying Building. Layers of golden placer gold began to flow slowly from the ground, and began to float up layer by layer, preparing to protect the upper part of Sand Hidden Village—to prevent the civilians from being hurt by the aftermath of this battle. .


And in the country of fire in the central hinterland, in Konoha Village.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a pipe. He was in his prime and was discussing with Danzo about whether to intervene in the war between Thunder and Earth. After all, a year and a half had passed since the war started. The country of the country drew a stick and immediately retreated. After they had been fighting with Sand Hidden Village for a long time, they also signed an armistice agreement. They also felt that the war involving the entire ninja world should stop.

At this time, a ninja rushed in quickly and handed over a piece of information without even reporting, making the two of them frown slightly.

But soon, Hiruzaru Sarutobi still didn't get angry, but asked lightly while receiving the information: "Is Daimyo okay?"

"Daimyo is fine, so I don't need to bother you, Hokage-sama." Hearing this, the ninja chuckled, and after instantly dissipating into a little bit of starlight, Danzo couldn't help but patted the table: "This group of damned Guard, what do you think of us?"

"After all, they represent daimyo." Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't have much resentment, but just sighed: "Besides, their strength is not inferior to you and me."

As he spoke, he opened the information scroll——suddenly, his pupils shrank, and a teleportation technique disappeared in front of Danzo. above.

"Why..." Danzo just wanted to ask, but he was overwhelmed by the distant fall above the sky, and he stayed there completely.

"This... this is..."

"... Hiss." Rao tried to calm down again, Sarutobi Hiruzen still couldn't hold back, after taking a deep breath of the cigarette, he slowly exhaled it, and said: "We are in trouble."

He passed the information to Danzo,

There are only two pieces of information above.

"The tyrant of Wuyin Village reappeared. After defeating Mizukage forcefully, he ascended to the position of Mizukage. After bloodbathing the country of Mizukage, he resolutely sent troops, suspected to avenge his senior sister Ito Rei and the Tailed Beast."

"Heavenly Obstacle Shocking Star, using Chakra to forcibly pull down the meteorite from the sky, the suspected caster..."

"Uchiha Madara!"


Just when the shadow of the falling moon covered the hearts of the people on the ground, and cast a layer of haze that made everyone react differently for a while, Uchiha Madara was already pale, half kneeling on the ground, and the surging chakra passed crazily , even Susanoo's appearance has been faintly weakened.

Continuously using the two huge ninjutsu of Tianshi Zhenxing and Earth Explosion Tianxing, it would be a little consumption if he was in his heyday or after reincarnation, but now his body has already entered old age, relying on the powerful pillar of counterattack He, who uses cells to maintain his vitality, forcibly uses so many chakras, let alone consumption, even the burden on this body is extremely powerful.

But even though his face was pale and his body was in severe pain, Uchiha Madara still lifted up his body resolutely, and looked at the desolate stars that were slowly colliding together in the sky, showing excitement and strong fighting spirit!


When the edge of the desolate star and the falling moon overlap, and when the edges meet and collide, the shattering explosion visible to the naked eye begins to spread across the two sides centered on the edge of the desolate star and the falling moon, and a violent shock wave strikes from above the sky , turned into a storm and blew away all the white clouds in an instant, and the deafening sound resounded through the sky——

At the end of the violent collision, the desolate star was completely turned into endless dust, and Luoyue was also successfully shattered, turning into three irregular and smaller desolate stars and the same dust scattered around, deflected by him forcibly. Lost direction and continued to fall.

The dust produced by the explosion also spread rapidly, falling rapidly at the same time, spreading rapidly, accompanied by the fall, began to be rubbed by the air, produced flames, and finally turned into a shower of meteors and meteorites, smashing to the ground.

Every particle of dust that hits the ground is a boulder the size of a person, and the shattered desolate star is like a star explosion that destroys the world. The dense sunlight turns into light waves from the gap and sweeps across the sky. When it was scattered, the storm generated by the shock wave also swept in. When the wind gradually picked up, Madara Uchiha took the lead, and the aftermath and gravitational force generated by the earth-exploding stars overlapped and repelled each other instantly, which instantly affected the storm. !

They swept across boulders, yellow sand, and dust—they rushed towards Limulu and the others in an instant!

The momentum is huge, but Limulu understands that the opponent is at the end of his battle! However, he didn't feel very good. After all, even though he had absorbed most of Sanwei's energy and doubled the upper limit of mana to 10,000, releasing such a terrifying Luoyue still consumed more than half of his mana.

So, he didn't continue to do it, but turned his head and smiled lightly: "It's your turn to perform. The so-called companions are the ones you can rely on, right?"

"Hee hee, leave it to me." Ye Xiaoqian was in the shadows, only her head was exposed, and she immediately laughed and said, "A bowl of ramen."

"Yes." Before Limulu finished speaking, Ye Xiaoqian's figure had turned into a dark afterimage, and slowly disappeared above his shadow. Her sniper rifle was held in her hand in an instant, and she picked up the handsome one with one hand, aiming at the endless meteorites and storms in the sky.

The next moment, the shadows began to weave, and the endless meteorites covered each other, bringing countless shadows, and in these shadows, the malicious atmosphere was like chaos, devouring the surrounding world——

If ordinary shadow walkers are best at using the shadow world to carry out assassinations, while high-end shadow walkers pull the opponent into the shadow world to kill.

Then the shadow weaver... is to forcibly weave the shadow world with his own thoughts, and directly devour the enemies like an inherent enchantment! !

In an instant, in the eyes of Uchiha Madara and Rimuru who were also slightly astonished, the world began to turn upside down, everything turned into a blurry chaos, and the edges and corners of the mountains in the distance were no longer clear, but blurred like ripples And twisting, intertwined with other existences, full of suffocating dizziness and visual distortion.

And above the sky, the meteorites are also entangled with each other, like a huge cloud - at this moment, a dragon roar is heard, and the huge figure of the shadow dragon reappears, and when it disappears in the sky like a background board, bang!

Ye Xiaoqian pulled the trigger in her hand.

The ferocious sniper cannon spewed out tongues of flame, and under the endless flames, the bullets full of destructive aura flew out instantly, and shot into the dark clouds with a bang——

Immediately afterwards, the world began to shatter, and the shadows began to recede—when they returned to reality, all the meteorites in the sky seemed to be shot in an instant, shaking crazily, and a terrifying energy wave emanated from within——

Boom boom boom! !

The sound of endless explosions began to be heard, and explosions like fireworks bloomed brilliantly above everyone's heads and in the storm, turning into real dust and dyeing the world yellow. Suddenly, the dust was dense, and the entire sky turned into yellow sand The sky is full of yellow fog.

"Ahem..." Ye Xiaoqian landed on the ground, and was suddenly choked into a cough...

At this time, a gust of wind also blew quickly, blowing away the dust all over the sky. The coughing Ye Xiaoqian looked up and saw Yaoxue's eyes that were smiling but not smiling and wings flapping behind her. She grabbed the half-dead Hei Jue , slowly landed beside Ye Xiaoqian, and while blowing away the dust, he handed over a glass of water.

"Not bad." Rimuru also walked to the side of the two, raised his head, and looked in the direction of Uchiha Madara with a smile.

There, a shadow was approaching rapidly, it was the aftermath of the explosion, one of the only three remaining fragments of the falling moon.

As a fantasy materialized creation, the three fragments and the other two deviated fragments, Limuru, can directly cancel the materialization so that they can be transformed into magic power to dissipate again, which is regarded as the opponent's resistance.

But this... the only remaining moon fragment... still hit Uchiha Madara straight, Rimuru raised his head, and couldn't help but have a little expectation: "What should you do, Uchiha Madara?"

Whispering like this, he looked at the half-dead Hei Jue with a terrified face, and stretched out his palm. Suddenly, a black mist mixed with unknown malice and distortion slowly climbed up his body.

"No...don't...don't!!! Ahhh!!!"

The next moment, black mist climbed up his face, completely swallowing his voice—and in the other direction, the pale figure who was staring at the fragments of the sky suddenly felt pain on one side of his body, as if he felt something , His pupils shrank, and he didn't hesitate any longer. The wooden tunnels grew crazily, turned into endless pillars and twisted together, forming a huge wooden man - he actually planned to resist the blow directly.

"Stupid decision." Seeing this scene, Limulu shook his head slightly and said: "As long as you have studied a little physics, you should know that under the impact of the falling celestial body, unless you have the same impact as the heavenly tremor The acceleration of force, otherwise, any object of mass is as fragile as paper in the face of this terrifying acceleration—”

What's more, it's just wood—however, at the next moment, purple chakra bones burst into flames on the huge wooden man, forming a powerful armor—it's Susano!

Immediately afterwards, a huge repulsive force suddenly erupted from the figure supported by the wooden man, and for an instant, the fragments of the moon that fell down quickly stopped for a while, visible to the naked eye.

God Luo Tianzheng!

With the addition of the three kinds of ninjutsu, although the fragments of the moon that covered the sky and the sun were quickly smashed when they touched the wooden man's hands, the falling trend was unexpectedly resisted? ! !

Limulu looked at this scene in astonishment, and the sentence that was in his mouth: "If I were him, I would dig a hole and hide in the ground, maybe I could escape my life." She also squirmed a few times, resentfully swallowed it back.

"It seems that Newton's three laws cannot be used in a different world, right?" Ye Xiaoqian looked at Limulu with a smile and covered her small mouth.

"Damn Shenluo Tianzheng, I forgot the reaction force." Limuru was slightly taken aback, and under the reminder of the great sage, he quickly understood this, and said angrily: "But he is not worth it!"

"His breath is very weak, which shows that this hard top method obviously cost him a lot of price and strength."

"Indeed, for extraordinary people, it is safer to go underground in the face of this kind of attack." Suddenly, Zhang Yutong and Jiebiao Danxi came back, accompanied by Zhang Yutong's crisp voice: "But for As far as he is concerned, that is obviously a very embarrassing way, right? That is the arrogance of Uchiha Madara."

"Are you back?" Hearing this, Limulu pouted, arrogance or something, life is not important, right?

"Yeah." Jie Biao nodded faintly, with a simple and horrifying meaning: "The golem of the heretics has been found. Besides, there are a large number of intercolumn cells and a few white test subjects in the cave. Obviously , Uchiha Madara is on the way to study the Baijue army, but he hasn't done it yet."

"Did the interstitial cells come back?"

"No." Zhang Yutong gently pulled the information status to read, and bottles of tiny tissues soaked in liquid and some petri dishes appeared in front of Limulu, who swallowed them all unceremoniously. .

"Hey, that's a trophy." Zhang Yutong chuckled lightly.

"Go back and exchange it for you, and you will all get your wages in the future." Limulu also smiled back, raised his chin and nodded the huge wooden man who had fallen silent, and said softly: "Let's go, go and see that bit."

Along with Limuru's walking, probably sensing their approach, the tree man's Susanoo suddenly released, and the tree man that originally supported Broken Moon also collapsed, and when the debris with a diameter of nearly a kilometer collapsed, Rimuru undid the materialization and directly turned it into magic power to dissipate, revealing Uchiha Madara who was sitting with his back against a boulder inside, with one leg curled up.

His breath was weak, and under his slightly old face, there was a pair of cold reincarnation eyes that were unwilling but mixed with fighting intent. The blood was still overflowing from the corner of his mouth. When he saw Limulu, he tried to struggle to stand up. When he got up, he suddenly coughed twice and then sat back helplessly, letting out a sigh.

"It seems that you are ready to die." Limulu looked at the other party indifferently, and suddenly said: "Shall the unpsychic heretic golem struggle?"

"My psychic heretic golem's... induction...cough cough, disappeared." Hearing this, Uchiha Madara did close his eyes, and asked back: "It's not...cough...did you do it?"

"Huh?" Limulu tilted his head, and Zhang Yutong beside him smiled triumphantly and said, "Blocking the flow of information in the world is my forte, and I can temporarily block all psychics, including summoning. "

Cow batch.

Limulu stretched out his thumb. To be honest, he never thought that his team members were so powerful——

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara opened his eyes again wearily, and gave a few people a cold look: "As for whether you are ready to die... Huh, I have lived for so long, if it is not supported by Hei Ze's plan I, I'm afraid I've been buried in the ground long ago, so how could I prepare to talk about it?"

"The only thing I'm unwilling to say is that I can't do my best to fight you at the last stop, kid." Uchiha Madara's tone was mixed with a trace of unwillingness, but he suddenly said: "Since we have lost, So let me ask you a question..."

"Is what you said true?"

"Ah, it's true." Limulu threw out the blade and chuckled as if he was about to strike: "It's true that I will resurrect you, so if you want to fight, there is still a chance in the future—"

"So... there are a few more questions... ahem."

"you say."

"You said you came from outside the world, your world...peaceful?"

"Peace?" Ye Xiaoqian and Li Mulu glanced at each other, shook their heads amusedly and said, "From the perspective of our country, it should be considered peace."

Big countries threaten each other without war, but small countries are like the world of Hokage, where wars are raging. In the world, where can there be real peace?

"Is that so." Madara Uchiha lowered his eyes as if seeing something from the expressions of everyone.

"If you have nothing to ask, I'll see you next time." Limuru stood in front of him, raised his sword and said softly: "I'm sorry that I can't revive you immediately, because the reincarnation of the dirty soil is still in Konoha .”

"Wait." Who knows, just when Rimuru was about to make a move, Uchiha Madara did suddenly raise his hand, and inserted it fiercely into his own eyes——


"I'll do it myself—I, Uchiha Madara, even if I die, I don't want anyone to move around on my corpse."

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