Infinite Cute King

Eleven, uh-huh, uh-huh!

"Really... It's an honor to be remembered by the famous King Arthur."

Limuru put the tea in front of Saber, and went to face her on his own, held the cup with both hands, and lowered his head to taste it lightly. He didn't need to rush to persuade the other party, but quietly waited for the other party to ask questions— —Compared to the desire for the Holy Grail, Saber is the one who cares more.

The smell of fragrant tea slowly diffused in the room along with the warm breath. After a long time, Saber looked at Limuru who had been silent all the time, and really couldn't help but said: "What is your purpose, Archer!"

"...What purpose can I have." Hearing this, Limulu chuckled lightly, what bad thoughts could he have for a slime?

"Saber, do you want to know who won the last Holy Grail War?"

"Is it you? Archer..." Saber frowned, and said coldly, "Are you showing off to me?"

"As the servant who was summoned last, obviously you lost too many opportunities to search for information, well, but think about it, if it was Emiya Shirou, even if you summoned in advance, there is no way to help you collect much information... "

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Saber became even more annoyed.

"The previous victor, the monarch from the clock tower, won the Holy Grail War and completed his third law, but abandoned the Holy Grail."

"The wish of the Holy Grail was obtained by other magicians, and it caused the fire in Fuyuki City ten years ago."

"This kind of information should be known as a Holy Grail participant, right?"

"Throwing...abandoned the Holy Grail?"

"Ah, Saber." Limuru said softly, "Because of the last servant, Karna didn't have a wish, and died with you... Saber."

"And if I need something, how can I abandon the Holy Grail? In other words, if I really want to change the past, why not just go back to the node of the last Holy Grail War."

"Saber, you know all of this." The tea gradually cooled, and Limuru sighed and looked at the shadow outside the door: "You hate me because I was the one who ended you in the last war, and A conflict of ideas."

"But other than that, we don't have any conflicts—just imagine, if the person standing in front of you is not me but another servant, wouldn't you really consider a temporary alliance?"

"Even if the two sides still have to compete for the Holy Grail in the end, it should be joint elimination of other heroic spirits for the time being, right?"

"What's more, now, Saber, the conflict of ideas is no longer a problem, because even if I think your idea is stupid, I will support you-because it is beneficial to me."

"Hehe..." Limuru's words made the serious Saber laugh angrily: "Are you serious? Archer insulted me again and again, but kept saying that he wanted to talk to me." joint--"

"Then you and I will ask you a question?!" Limuru turned around and raised the corners of his mouth: "Do you want the Holy Grail?"

For a moment, Saber was silent.


The reason why Saber is unwilling to join forces with Limuru is not so much distrust, but fear.

It is precisely because she knows that Limuru is a huge threat that cannot be easily believed, Saber has to show the greatest hostility to Limuru, just like the brave camouflage that a hedgehog protects itself.

Saber, who has experienced the last Holy Grail War, knew that the opponent was enough to compete with the heroic spirit when he was a monarch, so now, when the opponent becomes a servant?

Limuru knew this, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he was the winner of the last Holy Grail War. However, isn't this fear just a recognition of his strength?

Because you are strong enough, others will be more wary of you,

But it is precisely because you are strong enough that you also have more convincing power, your actions, your words, and what you do will be regarded as correct—and it is this perfect answer sheet, It will also become a thorn in Saber's heart: this shows that joining forces with Rimuru is indeed the best war to obtain the Holy Grail.

Seeing the silent Saber, Limuru said persuasively, "Think about it, Saber."

"If you really insist on refusing, then we can only find other people to cooperate." Limulu said with a chuckle: "At that time, you will lose a champion thigh on your side, but there will be a rival among the enemies." Is it really good to know your enemy so well?"

"One plus one minus, the difference is not just as simple as two."

These seemingly threatening words made Saber frown, but this is not the first time she has seen Limuru's way of speaking, and as a king, she herself understands that emotions should not dominate the conversation , However, after contemplating for a long time, she asked again: "What is your wish?"

"Don't fool me by saying that you forgot. If you really want to cooperate, being honest and honest should be the best way."

"...No, I don't know why you care so much about my reason for coming back...Okay..."

Limulu sighed: "Because of an agreement."

"Promise?" A trace of confusion flashed in Saber's blue eyes.

"Ah, I once promised a friend that I would come back and finish something." Limuru said helplessly, but couldn't help muttering in her heart—but I didn't expect it to be in this form.

He thought he would go back to the clock tower first, and then kill him directly... Even for this, he even prepared the coming-of-age ceremony equipment for his little apprentice.

Ten years have passed, and Eilaire has changed from a liking for fast racing and the crazy silver balls that like to drill into his arms, to a slim young lady now.

Although he accepted the memory of ten years, as if the world had been sunk for ten years, and Limuru could know the changes of the other party in this world every minute through the memory at any time, he still wanted to see his precious apprentice with his own eyes.

Limuru originally thought that Saber was asking the bottom line, but unexpectedly, after hearing this answer, Saber lowered her eyelids and said softly: "Is that so, I understand."


Finally, when several people entered the room again, Rin habitually looked at her servant, who didn't even have the intention of getting up to greet her, so angrily she almost grabbed the water bottle and threw it on Lim's outcropping head.

On the contrary, it was Saber who stood up and faced Emiya Shirou in a very sensible way——

"That... have you guys finished talking?"

"Ah, we're done chatting, master." After pondering for a moment, Saber said, "Although I still don't agree with this cooperation, I don't object to it myself, so I think——everything is up to the master."

"...Ah, that's what I said, but I haven't made a decision yet..."

"Then let's discuss this matter after making a decision, master."

Saber is actually not without growth.

At least she was softer.

Although he is still resolute and stubborn, he understands that any persistence should not be put on the table to fight, otherwise, it will become stubborn.

The cooperation with Emiya Kiritsugu and the last dispute between the two made her inadvertently choose to be cautious after facing the surname Emiya again.

The well-behaved silence from the beginning to the end, and the reluctance to express opinions easily, can be seen as a knight's respect and etiquette for the Master, but it may not be a truth that he understood because of the last Holy Grail War.

Even if he is a king who is unambiguous, he still needs to think twice when speaking—from the moment King Arthur was summoned again, he has gradually to understand people's hearts.

Rimuru silently looked at Saber who was talking to Emiya Shirou, and sighed slightly in her heart.

Although the gentle and virtuous Saber is good, Limuru actually prefers the dull and naive king in the prequels... um...maybe it feels more poking?

Hey, speaking of things now, who still remembers that he is a saber chef?

He almost forgot, damn it.

But thinking about it carefully, what I seem to like has never been Saber's character, appearance, or... he likes it, but among the thousands of paper wives, these are not outstanding.

What really stands out, and what is accepted by the public is nothing more than the term human design, but Rimuru... What he likes is the other party who is mixed between redemption and destruction, who is obviously like a saint but wanders in hell , that sense of despair where contradictions and distortions are integrated into one.

Hmm... let's not talk about it, so as not to teach the children badly.

"In this case, let's find the fake priest as soon as possible." Rin walked up dissatisfied, and pushed forward the progress. Beside her, Animsfia stood there with a mysterious smile. Mulu immediately glared at him.

"You didn't say anything, did you?"

"Don't worry." The latter gave him a reassuring look, but Rimuru looked at the angry Tohsaka Rin, and it didn't look like he could be relieved.

Little did he realize that what made Rin angry was his casual straight-man behavior.

When visiting the counterfeit priest, Limulu became spiritual all the time and guarded outside the church, but he didn't go in.

And Saber was also wearing a hood and cloak, and stood at the door of the church silently waiting for a few people. Because she was not fully summoned, she herself couldn't even transform into a spiritual child. And during the waiting period, Rimuru would sometimes chatter in her ear——

"I bet that little guy will definitely decide to go to war."

"A partner of justice, a partner of justice... Maybe the reason why he joined the war was to save people..."

"Hey, Saber, by the way, you participated in the battle with the partners of justice for two consecutive times, wouldn't it be very tiring?!"

"Or your compatibility is really..."

"Shut up!" Saber couldn't bear it anymore: "Please keep a distance from me, Archer, we haven't joined forces yet."

"That's coming soon." Regarding this, Rimuru slowly appeared, and said with a light smile, "If Emiya Shirou is your master, he will definitely agree to cooperate."

"Because Rin is his classmate, for Emiya, it is impossible to be an enemy of his classmate."


"Your memory has already recovered, Archer?"

An hour later, Tohsaka Rin, who was separated from Emiya Shiro and others, and Rin who was walking slowly on the narrow path, suddenly spoke.

She stopped in her tracks and quickly added: "Don't lie to me."

"Ah." Limulu slowly appeared from the golden light, and covered his forehead: "It was discovered."

"The amnesia caused by the magic chaos will actually recover after one night. After all, Rin is still very good at magicians."

Knowing that she couldn't hide it, Rimuru lied a little and at the same time patted Rin's ass.

Sure enough, upon hearing this sentence, Rin's deliberately rigid face became somewhat relaxed: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"...Ala, look at what you said..." Limulu smiled lightly, "You didn't even ask."


"Could it be possible that I still have to ask you one day if you remember?"

"That's not impossible!"

"Ar...cher?!" Rin paused, turned his head and akimbo.

"Hey hey... Well, I confess, I repent, I'm guilty." Limulu immediately confessed: "Well, but I really don't think it's necessary to specifically mention things like memory..."

"How can it be unimportant?!" Hearing this, Rin opened his eyes wide, stretched out his hand and said, "After you recover your memory, I can know more about your past, so I can analyze what you are good at and formulate strategies." ..." She said this as a matter of course, and then suddenly remembered something: "Ah, by the way, when you fought Saber today, did you use a sword?"

"Ah... it's a sword."

"So you know swordsmanship?"

"Uh-know a thing or two?"


"Okay." Rin took a deep breath: "What else do you have, tell me everything."


"I know this, you are the magic archer... the next one?"

"Qinqi calligraphy and painting?"


"Fang Tian painted a halberd?"

"Then... what is that..."

"Eighteen kinds of weapons, proficient in all of them?" Limulu smiled slightly, seeing this scene, Rin didn't understand that the other party was playing with him, and suddenly kicked the other party in anger: "Archer! !! Are you trying to piss me off?!"

"But the problem is, I'm telling the truth." Limulu glanced innocently at Rin's long, slender legs, and then focused his gaze on the other's delicate bun face: "I have a certain memory for most of the memories. Dabble, although I only know a little bit about the situation, but I can barely do it, because I have the ability to learn quickly, so even if I don’t know something, I can quickly learn it.”

"If you really say something..." Limuru scratched her cheek... she glanced at Rin from the corner of her eye, and said with a light smile, "Maybe the only thing to do is to have a baby... right...?"


"I'm not joking with you!!" During the gag, Rin gradually relaxed a lot, but also became more embarrassed.

"Me neither."

Limulu slowly put away her smile, and said seriously: "No matter what you ask, I never plan to deal with it, I am very serious."


"It's better than pearls."

"Then let me ask you... what is the relationship between you and Saber, why does she seem to be targeting you so much?"

"Hmm... this is really a troublesome question." Hearing this, Limulu thought for a while and smiled helplessly, "It's actually nothing."

"It was just that I sent her away with my own hands during the previous Holy Grail War."

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