Infinite Cute King

Sixteen, obey, my, master.

After hearing Limuru's reminder, Tohsaka Rin turned around quickly, and saw three familiars made of bones approaching them quietly——

As if it would rush up in the next moment, the pale and bony body gleamed with sharp edges and ferociousness.

"Ah, mere familiar..."

Rin raised one arm handsomely, turned his hand into a knife and aimed at the opponent!

The black-red condensed light instantly condensed and exploded, hitting the charging familiar time and time again with precision like a magic bullet, turning it into pieces.

Gandr, also called Yin-Qi Bullet, is a kind of engineering magic originated in Northern Europe. Although it looks like a magic bullet uses energy to fight directly, it is actually a method that relies on directness to increase the severity of the disease and make the target body dull. The curse belongs to one branch of the rune magic system.

And Rin also showed a strong magical quality here, because although the Dragon Tooth Soldier is a one-time miscellaneous soldier, but because it is a familiar formed by the dragon's teeth, it has a mandatory powerful anti-magic power and the wisdom from the earth. and other attributes, so they are not afraid of ordinary magic.

After easily killing the three Dragon Tooth Soldiers, she glanced back at Archer proudly, but was quickly reminded by Limuru with a chuckle, "Side view, Rin!"

"Huh?" Rin turned his head again, and found that at the corner on the right at some time, dozens of Dragon Tooth Soldiers were making hoarse screams, and at the same time, a huge, ferocious beast whose head was taller than himself The giant beast had already crawled in front of him like a crocodile, and opened its ferocious mouth.

"Hmph..." Rin was taken aback for a moment, and then snorted softly. With his left hand, he pressed down on his right wrist, which had turned into a pistol and fired Yin Qi bullets, so that the magic power formed a closed loop—another black and red light instantly formed , after swallowing the opponent with a bang.

The ferocious behemoth turned into dust and slowly dispersed.

"As expected of my Master, she is really excellent." Seeing this scene, Rimuru said without concealing her praise.

This heartfelt praise immediately made the corners of Rin's lips curl up in satisfaction. She closed her eyes and raised her head proudly, then opened one and said, "That's natural."

Rin's judgment of the Dragon Tooth Soldier's attributes, his ability to quickly find out the weakness and instantly determine the stable excitation circuit of engineering magic, and the magic technique of finally releasing Gandr are enough to prove that the opponent is indeed worthy of the name of genius, or that the opponent His strength has surpassed most magicians of the same age, at least the opponent is much stronger than Weber of this age.

"With your current strength, you are now the unstoppable leader in going to the Clock Tower. Why do you continue to study in high school here, Rin?"

"Huh?" The two continued to move forward. After hearing Limuru's question, Rin said directly without thinking, "Because this was arranged by my father."

Rin Tohsaka casually cleaned the familiars who were peeping around, and said: "The quota for me to go to the Clock Tower for further study was actually set by my father from the moment I was born, and my father also made it When I was seventeen, I was able to achieve my goal of going to the Clock Tower for further studies."

"Then he probably didn't expect you to grow up so fast."

"Not only that, but my father and even my grandfather went to the clock tower around this time, so this can be regarded as a kind of family inheritance." Rin retorted slightly, but asked with a chuckle: "It's you, Archer , you seem to know the clock tower very well—you can’t be a modern servant or... a heroic spirit from the clock tower, right?"

"..." Limulu was stunned, no, didn't I just mention the clock tower? Do you start to doubt?

Rin noticed that Archer beside him had suddenly lost his voice, and when he looked up, he saw Limuru's extremely speechless expression, and immediately waved his hands and said nervously, "Well, you're just kidding, don't you care?"

Most of the heroic spirits came from the end of the Age of Gods. At that time, the Magic Association had not yet been established, and modern magic was even more looked down upon.

Human beings who rebel against the gods can be heroes, or they can be said to be villains who bring disaster to other human beings.

Therefore, for some heroic spirits, the clock tower is not a place worth mentioning.

Rin also realized this after seeing Rimuru's expression and silence, and suddenly felt annoyed and wanted to slap himself—he said the wrong thing again, or said, he did it wrong.

"It's okay, I'm just surprised by your acuity." Rimuru knows that Rin is very strict with her behavior, perhaps because she has been required to behave in line with the successor of the Tohsaka family all the year round, and she even reflects on what she does during the day every night It's not perfect, and at the same time correct it, and because of this, Rin will be that perfect in the eyes of most people.

"Huh? So Archer is indeed related to the clock tower?"

"You can also say that." After Limuru finished speaking, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, and Rin also noticed something and immediately looked at a half-closed door in the distance——

The two looked at each other, and Rin immediately clenched the gemstone in his hand and walked over.


Rin unceremoniously threw her slender legs up, kicked the door open with a bang, and a lavender mist began to pervade in an instant—she quickly covered her mouth and nose with her arms, and said with disgust on her face: "This What is the smell—it's so choking!"

"It should be a witch's ointment, made of celery."

Limulu walked in slowly, and while the Encyclopedia of Great Sages in his brain started working instantly, the two also took in the surrounding environment in their eyes.

In the huge office, at least 30 people collapsed in front of their desks, as if they had died suddenly, and people couldn't help but lament the cruelty of capitalism.

"The effect should be... well, to destroy the relationship between a man and a woman... It seems that our opponent is a woman, and she may have suffered a fatal emotional injury."

Unlike Tohsaka Rin who was cautious, Limuru stepped directly into the thick fog, and said with a light smile: "Obviously the essence of the enchantment is to absorb energy and vitality, but did you enjoy a drama before launching it? "

"The explanation of the efficacy of the medicine should be omitted...cough...cough cough." After seeing Limuru's safe gesture, Rin Tohsaka walked directly to the window and said, "I'm going to open the window."

But when Rin passed by a victim, the other victim suddenly twitched, making her slightly stunned, stopped and remained silent for a while, then slowly stretched out her hand and put it in front of that person—tested her breath .

But soon, Limulu clearly saw that the other party frowned and gritted his teeth.


The opponent is dead.

Indeed, under such circumstances, people will die every moment because they cannot bear the damage of this enchantment.

"Archer, since you have a strong magic ability, you must be able to easily find and remove this enchantment, right?" Tohsaka Rin turned around and ordered solemnly: "You have also seen that this time it is not with the school. The same magic that hasn't been activated yet—as soon as possible..."

"Try to solve this enchantment as quickly as you can, no problem?"

If it is in a state that has not yet been activated, then as the master, Rin is willing to work until dark, but it does not matter, but at this time...

She could no longer maintain her arrogance.

She can only turn to Rimuru for help.

"Of order, my, master." Hearing this, Limuru smiled slightly and bowed.

Ten minutes later, Tohsaka Rin opened the windows of more than a dozen floors one by one with his head sweating profusely, and Limuru also disposed of more than a dozen enchantment nodes inside and outside the entire building, as well as the magic power delivery device, Rin breathed a sigh of relief, and after calling the emergency number, he walked to the overpass beside the road.

The reason why the rescue team did not dare to rescue easily is that under the premise of not ascertaining the situation, in the case of a suspected gas leak, entering the rescue without authorization will not only cause poisoning itself, but even if you wear a gas mask, it may cause a huge fire due to friction. explode.

But once the internal gas can be circulated, it will be very difficult for the rescue team to save people.

By the time everything was done, the night was already very dark, the swaying red windbreaker was blown by the breeze, and the twin ponytails danced slightly tilted. She looked at the distant scenery, and the golden spirits beside her slowly condensed. A cup of milk tea was handed to her, which aroused her surprise.

"What's the matter?" Limulu handed the milk tea to her, turned around and leaned against the overpass.

"No, it's nothing, I just didn't expect you servants..." Rin looked at the milk tea in his hand, not knowing how to describe it.

Warm guy? Or is it... well, so understanding of the way modern people care?

"Ha, just looking at your sweaty appearance, I think you must be thirsty." Limulu said lightly: "Although I can also directly transform water, it would be perfunctory to do so."

"However, you acted quite calmly. I thought you would rush directly to Liudong Temple to find the other party and fight for your life."

Although Limuru has solved the enchantment and the magic power transmission device, most of the magic power has actually been plundered, and the direction-naturally cannot be hidden from the two magicians Limuru and Tohsaka Rin, Liu Dongsi, Obviously, there are the ovaries of this witch.

However, since the opponent has exposed it so brazenly without concealing it, and since such a huge magic power has been plundered by the opponent, it is conceivable that the opponent has a magic defense project that is no less terrifying than the Tohsaka Mansion.

"After all, as the manager of Fuyuki City, dealing with these things is part of my daily life." Rin pulled her hair back and said suddenly, "Well, suppressing emotions under rationality is what a magician must do. Arrived."

With the wind blowing, she turned her head with one hand on her waist and said, "In short, I may not be the strongest master in the Holy Grail War, but at least I will try to be the best one. Don't worry, Archer."

You don't need to work hard on this, it's already...

Hearing this, Limulu sighed helplessly, raised his head and said, "I believe this, but if this is the case, then my performance yesterday was a bit out of control."

"Gaffe?" Rin turned his head suspiciously: "Is that so, I think what you've done is already good enough."

"However, the other party's eagerness to increase their magic power is most likely due to spying on my battle with Berserker, which aroused vigilance."

"And I showed my strength yesterday. Not only did I fail to kill Berserker, but I also exposed my hole cards." Limulu raised her eyes slightly, and said softly, "Oh, oh, what a mistake."

"I am also partially responsible for this." Lin heard the words, turned his head and said softly: "Because when you let the berserker go, I can definitely order you to kill it completely."

"But I made a wrong decision, because your strength made me forget the decision I should make as a master, but simply decided to trust you."

"Archer, it took you eight minutes to break the barrier today." Rin turned around and said seriously: "But you didn't take the initiative to mention that you could easily break the barrier in school—and before Lanser appeared, Have you found him too?"

"But you didn't take the initiative to mention it. You seem to be completely uninterested in these things, and you even put on a lazy attitude that if they don't come to provoke you, you can't be bothered to do it—"

"Just like this time, you just said that the magic power is flowing to Liudong Temple, but you didn't take the initiative to tell me... Caster's aura is still very strong. It is obvious that the other party ran away in a panic after seeing you after we came. It didn't go far, did it?"

"..." Rimuru stared blankly at Tohsaka Rin, and suddenly, with a chuckle, he raised his hands and couldn't help clapping.

"Rin, I have to say, you gave me a big surprise."

"She didn't go far, which means you can kill him before he returns to the magic workshop, right? Archer."


"Then why didn't you take the initiative to bring this up? Archer, yesterday's actions made me think that you are not the type who likes to avoid battles, but you don't seem to like eliminating them..."

"Rin, do you know what the best way to win the Holy Grail War is?"

"It's hiding in the dark and waiting quietly." Limulu said softly: "I am more inclined to let other people fight each other on the principle of having to fight—rather than we end it ourselves."

"The principle of having to take action is similar to what I do today." Hearing this, Rin was silent for a while, and said: "As a manager, I have to turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior."

"That's right." Limulu said lightly: "The existence of justice cannot tolerate evil behavior, and those who have goals are destined to fight with them."

"Rin, in this war, I have no desire, no purpose, and my own character is also indifferent, so, without your order, I can even wait quietly, wait They decide the final winner, and then they come to the door."

"I understand, Archer." Hearing this, Rin lightly evoked a beautiful smile, turned around and said: "In short, you need me and you need me to make decisions, right?"

"I told you when I signed the contract with you, Rin." Rimuru also chuckled, "It's good to be an executor once in a while."

"So, Archer, let me ask you one more question."

"Are you sure about killing the caster?" Rin said seriously, "If there is, then—"

"I order you now to kill her! Even if this is not in line with the current optimal solution, as a manager."

"I want to get rid of her!"

"The answer is of course yes, Rin." Limuru stood up and said lightly: "So, do you want to go with me? Go and witness the witch's exit together."

PS: I don’t know what’s going on recently. Before I didn’t write after get off work, I felt all kinds of worries. After I finished writing, I was reluctant to let go. I still wanted to continue writing. I always wanted to explode updates. Fortunately, I held back.

But today, I finally figured it out, good guy, I am the Rin Chef!

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