Infinite Cute King

18. Rimuru's identity mystery

The pale white door was pushed open by hands dripping with blood. Soichiro Ge Mu raised his head, and saw Caster walking in with a pale face, naked as if one of his hands had been pierced, and plunged into his arms .

"..." Ge Mu Zongyilang hugged her, waited silently for her breathing to stabilize, and then heard the other party's soft voice: "So strong, that guy... so strong."

"Obviously it's not a lancer, but it used a lancer's treasure again..." Caster took a deep breath: "We can no longer defeat that monster with strength, we can only rely on cunning—"

"You should rest first." Ge Mu Zongichiro put her on the mat lightly, and quickly brought the medicine box and other items, as if extremely indifferent.

But Caster knew that this was already a rare concern from the other party.

She smiled slightly, and stretched out her hand to caress the cheek of Ge Mu Zongichiro, who was applying medicine to her, a little unwillingly: "Why didn't I meet you earlier, it's really hateful."

"Do you know, the other party has already let me go, I used the teleportation magic at the moment I was hit, and pretended that I was transferred away by the command spell, although I did not hide the truth from the other party's master, but that servant, Keep staring at the direction where I am - at that time, I almost thought I would never come back."

Hearing this, Ge Mu Zongichiro's behavior finally froze slightly and paused.

"It would be great if there was a Command Seal. This is the first time I am so eager to have this kind of... restrictive contract with someone. At least... I can come to you to protect you at any time, or..."

"Let's rest." Ge Mu Zongichiro finished packing the medicine box, stood up lightly and said, "I'll warn you."

"..." Caster looked at Soichiro Katsuragi who went straight out, showing a funny smile. When her silver hair was falling down, she put her other good hand on her forehead, making up her mind.

Must, must win.

But you must be careful next, after all, she has neither speed advantage nor strong frontal combat ability.

If something like today happened to be intercepted and killed by Archer, I am afraid that she would die outside without even being able to see Ge Mu Zongichiro.


The caster group does not have command spells, because she tricked out three command spells in order to betray the first master.

But obviously, Caster's trick perfectly fooled Tohsaka Rin. Although she didn't seem to have fooled Archer, she did manage to escape back.

Outside the room, Ge Mu Zongichiro was talking on the phone silently.

"Really? So far?"

"Understood, I'll go find—"

This is a call from the school. One of his students, Mizuru Ayako, hasn't come home yet - he turned his head and glanced at the room, was silent for a moment, turned around and went back to his own room.

Caster once warned him that he didn't even want him to continue to set foot in the school, because according to Caster, there are several magical breaths in the school, and there are even fluctuations of servants, which means that there are more than one other people in the school besides him. She is a master, so she doesn't want the other party to take risks, and she can't protect the other party all the time. Katsuki Zongichiro's magic supply is not up to the standard. The other party is not a magician, but an agent who is proficient in assassination. As a result, mother C must hunt outside for a long time to obtain magical supplies.

Therefore, when it was learned that another student was missing in the school, and recently several students often fainted suddenly due to anemia, even to the point of needing first aid, Soichiro Katsuki had obviously realized that this was not a simple problem, and said Maybe the caster itself has been involved.

Originally, Soichiro Katsuki would go directly to investigate this kind of thing, but when the other party was injured, Soichiro Katsuki realized that if he acted rashly, he could easily become a breakthrough for the other party, so he decisively and silently gave up his action.


On the other side, Limuru didn't intend to remind Rin that he was tricked, and he didn't realize that Rin had begun to suspect whether he had something to do with the Animsfia guy in front of him. Instead, he was talking about another topic. Very interested.

"You said that all the masters have been gathered?"

Rimuru suddenly asked.

"Yes, the Church of the Holy Church has issued an order that the Holy Grail War has begun, and the aftermath troops are ready to take action."

Animsfia chuckled and said, "Why, haven't you already started fighting? You still need to ask me about this kind of thing?"

"That's right." Limulu smiled sarcasticly, but was lost in thought.

I originally planned to summon Rider illegally, so the last Rider also appeared...? The existence that Sakura summoned must be the red fox, and the old bug is dead.

Strange...who could it be?

Has the variable finally emerged?

Limulu's eyes were slightly serious, but the corners of his mouth could not help but smile.

Things are finally getting interesting.

"So, what exactly are you planning, Patriarch Tosaka." Animsfia looked up at Rin Tosaka and said.

"Hmm..." Rin pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "Regardless of whether I can win the Holy Grail or not, if I do win the final victory, I also have two questions to confirm."


Animsfia sat a little more seriously, nodded and said.

"What do you want the Holy Grail to do? I'm not satisfied with your previous answer of wanting to save mankind. In fact, I just want to know what you want to wish for."


"And the second question, I want to know what benefits I can bring if I cooperate with you? At least so far, I haven't seen too many factors worthy of giving up the Holy Grail."

When it came to the issue of interests, Rin quickly entered the field of being a magician and showed corresponding strength. She didn't seem to retreat just because the opponent was a monarch, which was quite satisfactory to Rimuru.

"What kind of wish did you make, well, this is quite difficult to say." Animsfia stretched out a finger and scratched her cheek in distress, and said with a smile: "What did Patriarch Tohsaka say? Heard about a theory I once had?"

"That is known as the most theoretical theory in the magic world."

"The most theoretical theory?" Tohsaka Rin was taken aback for a moment, and Limuru reminded softly: "The theory of time travel."

"Ah!" Reminded by Limuru, Rin suddenly realized that she hadn't studied this theory before, but as the monarch of the clock tower, almost everyone has their own representative theory and has become an influence on the future direction of the magic world. basic knowledge.

Just like everyone knows Einstein's quantum mechanics, most people don't understand, but they have definitely heard of it.

What's interesting is that Rimuru's most famous and representative is modern magic theory, but this is just sneered at by electric idiots like Rin.

As for the Animsphia, the most representative is this time retrospective theory. It is also the ultimate form of astronomy after gathering all the theoretical knowledge. There is no problem in theory, but because of the harsh implementation conditions, it is completely impossible. Famous theory realized——In order to realize the observation of the past, the anti-summoning called quasi-spirit transfer can theoretically realize time travel.

"Then... So, you plan to..."

"Ah, although the conditions are harsh, I don't think it's impossible to achieve." Animsfia said with a soft smile, "I'm ashamed to say that the problem I want to solve with the Holy Grail War is money."

Most magicians have no worries about food and drink, because they can get a lot of money from the secular world with casual hints, and many magicians even secretly and illegally control one or two groups. There are many factions under Limulu Although Youzhu doesn't like her father very much for a small-scale group, the Kuonji Group still obeys her orders, and she is also the heir.

Although Youzhu did not help her father, when her mother was still alive, she secretly helped her father solve many enemies and used magic to influence the direction of many businesses.

After all, in the eyes of magicians, ordinary people's money can be obtained and abused at will, but... this is only for small money.

Magicians can disrespect or even kill ordinary people at will, but the premise of this situation is that it cannot cause mysterious leaks and will not affect the current order of the world.

Therefore, magicians must not withdraw funds from the secular world on a large scale without reason, otherwise it will only cause the collapse of the world order, or a mysterious leak of one of the two will happen.

Another point is that although the unspoken rule of a magician is that he can freely obtain funds from the secular people, the reason why the unspoken rule is a hidden rule is that he is not allowed on the surface.

Especially the famous nobles who pay more attention to the magic family and rights, the less the magic family will abuse the manipulation of ordinary people - this can be seen from the comparison between Kenneth and Weber.

Kenneth's hotel on the first floor was booked instead of being occupied directly by magic means, and because of this, his whereabouts were easily grasped by Emiya Kiritsugu——

But Weber did not consciously abuse magic at all, obtaining a place to live through hints, erasing memories and other behaviors, and even directly stealing chickens to summon heroic spirits because he did not dare to use his own blood.

It has to be said that after reading the memories in his mind, and learning about Weber's appearance and his changes and maturity after returning, Limuru can only sigh once again, that the King of Conquerors really changed Weber's life.

But there is no way around this, because it is true that wild magicians similar to Weber have no accumulation, and it is very difficult to just maintain the study of magic to survive. Who cares about respecting ordinary people?

Only these great magic families would pay attention to their own fame and honor, so as to educate them in etiquette, social interaction, politics, and even conduct themselves in the world.

For example, Rin, this perfect posture may not be due to the strong family resources, and even though Kotomine Kirei is too much, it can still be cultivated with all his heart.

But it is precisely because of this that Rin wants to work even if he is poor, and he has not set foot in the secular field without authorization. This is a bit too conservative and traditional in Rimuru's view.

You must know that the current monarch of Archelot has come all the way from the period of the industrial revolution. This old lady still runs dozens of groups under her command, and as the monarch of the plant family, she has monopolized the magic power of the entire magic world. Medicine supply, what is it called?

This is called a big capitalist!

It is not impossible for a magician to get involved in the mundane world, as long as they use legal means. On this point, the Tohsaka family still insists on tradition, thinking that it is a shame to get involved in the mundane world. !

Ah, far away.

Back to Tohsaka Rin and Animsfia, Tohsaka Rin was dumbfounded when he heard the other party's wish.

So the Holy Grail can still be used like this?

yes! I want money too!

She blushed pretty, and looked at Limulu with some coyness, and said, "Well, Monarch Animsfia, to tell you the truth...the patent system at the clock tower is being reformed recently..."

"...haha." Animsfia laughed suddenly, nodded understandingly and said, "Please rest assured about this, this involves the second question, what benefits can I give you?"

"Actually, if the Tosaka family is also interested in money, then I can promise that I only need a part of the money that is enough for me to complete the theory, and I can give the rest to the Tosaka family as research funds. After all, gems Magic is expensive, and I know that."

"Secondly, my original plan was to provide all the original works of me as the Lord of the Clock Tower, and Animsfia will become your eternal friend, but since you have the relationship with Archer, I think this seems to be the case. It's not attractive anymore."

"Ha... wait a minute." Tohsaka Rin finally couldn't pretend she couldn't hear anymore, she turned her head naked, looked at the other party and said, "Arhcer?!"

"Oh? Wait a minute." Seeing this, Animsfia looked at Limulu in surprise and said, "No way, have you not told her your identity at this point? "

"Huh? Why do you use such a surprised tone?" Hearing this, Limuru, who was spread out on the sofa, sat up slightly, frowned and looked at Animsfia and said, "Or do you think you used Can a surprised tone cover up the fact that you made me want to reveal my identity? Just based on this, Animsfia, I shouldn't help you continue to complete your vision now."

"Hey, it's surprising that you have memories of the past—"

Rimuru ignored Animsfia's schadenfreude, but turned to look at Rin who was waiting for an explanation, and explained softly: "Rin, I didn't intend to hide it from you, nor did I not approve of you."

"It's just that I don't want my identity to cause too much interference in this Holy Grail War, and I don't want to put too much pressure on you."

"Because you've done really well recently." Limuru praised softly.

"So... what's your real name? Archer?" However, Rin didn't accept this now. She squinted her eyes, stared at Limuru and asked, "Are you going to answer me now?"

If there was no Animsfia's intervention, then Rin could pretend that he hadn't thought about it, and would not ask this question, and Rimuru would not mention it, and continued to walk as Archer all the way. The two maintained this tacit understanding, just like It's a deliberate avoidance of this topic.

However, now that this question has been brought to the surface by a third person, if Rin still doesn't ask, she will feel sorry for herself.

Frankly speaking, with Rin's strong temper, he can bear to not even ask Archer's real name until now. It's already burning incense. The real name means the most basic trust, except for Saber who is worried that Emiya Shiro is a half-assed magician. She didn't reveal her identity, and Emiya Shirou was not surprised because he had only a half-knowledge of the concept of a magician. If you just pick out a magician and ask, which servant would dare not even tell her real name? !

Concealing is not a problem, the problem is whether concealing the master represents distrust...?

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