Infinite Cute King

Twenty Four, I can understand your feelings, but...

"Even you are going to start using these dirty tricks?" Limulu raised his head, surrounded by hot flames covering the world, this is a place similar to his infinite sword system, that is to say, the opponent directly Pulled him into the field!

And it seems that the other party is not as simple as letting him out, completely using flames to strengthen this world.

"Oh?" Just as Limuru quickly made a judgment, the figure of the red fox slowly emerged from the flames: "Servant vs. Servant, Master vs. Master, no matter how you look at it, it is a very fair way of confrontation. , isn't it?"


At this time, the outside world.

Just when Rin noticed something and suddenly raised his head and missed Emiya Shirou who was in front of him and looked behind him, a chain like lightning struck - "Be careful!"

Tohsaka fiercely threw out the green gemstone that had already been prepared - "Transformation Pole!"

boom! The moment the gem exploded, a square barrier instantly condensed and circled up, blocking Emiya Shirou's back. However, the defensive magic used in an emergency is not so omnipotent, and it is still too difficult to resist a servant's attack. , I saw that the square enchantment was only in place for a short moment, and it was smashed to pieces by the invisible chain.

However, even this short moment was enough for Rin to grab Emiya Shirou and pull her aside to escape the blow: "Archer!!"

She instinctively called out to her servant, only to remember that just now, the reason why she felt something was wrong was because her servant disappeared in an instant.

"Rin." Suddenly, the command spell in her hand became hot, and Limuru directly used Alaya's authority to connect to Rin through human consciousness, that is, teleportation: "I was dragged into the inherent state by the servant of the other party. The enchantment is over, can you deal with it?"

"Inherent enchantment?!" Hearing this, Rin was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the masked woman who retracted the chain with a whoosh and appeared out of thin air. There's a servant here too!"

"..." In the enchantment, Limulu was slightly taken aback when he heard this, then looked at the red fox with black lines all over his head and said, "This is what you mean by fairness?!"

"Isn't it?" Chihu continued calmly: "One-on-one, three-on-three."

"Could it be that you can only be allowed to unite, and I am not allowed to find a helper?"


Rimuru's voice did not come again,

Because he believes that with Lin's ability, he should be able to know the best way to deal with it now.

And in fact, it is true.

"Use the command spell! Is your command spell a decoration?!" Tohsaka Rin pulled Emiya Shiro back, and finally found that there was already a wall of the corridor behind, and realized that there was no way to retreat, and turned his head to look back Emiya Shirou, who was stunned and at a loss, suddenly yelled at him out of breath.

"Summon Saber here!!"

"Ah?! Oh!!" Regarding the correct usage of Command Seals, now Rin finally thought of it!

Emiya Shirou raised his hand in a panic: "Saber, come to me!"

He didn't even arouse the magic power, nor did he use any ceremonial words, but it was such a simple sentence - hum!

The woman walking towards the two of them was taken aback for a moment, and stopped in her tracks - because in front of the two of them, a tall girl in a white shirt and black skirt stood there. After she appeared, a momentary doubt flashed by. , but soon, knowing that she could only be summoned by Shirou when he encountered danger, Saber turned serious, turned around and put on a gesture of holding swords in both hands, the blue magic power exuded brilliance, and the blue armor slowly pulled She wraps.

"Are you all right, Shirou?"

"It's... not bad, thanks to Tohsaka-san." Emiya Shirou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Saber appear, but at this moment, the blindfolded woman who stopped in the distance suddenly turned into a spirit child, With a look of wanting to run away, Saber saw this and immediately wanted to catch up.

"Don't chase... Saber!" Rin shouted quickly, causing Saber's footsteps to pause and hesitate for a while. She could have ignored Rin's words, but the other party was Rimuru's master, Irimru's. Temperament, Saber even found it hard to believe that the other party would be willing to obey a person's command, she must not pay attention to this point, she nodded slowly, and walked back again.

"Why didn't you let Saber chase you, Tohsaka-san." Emiya Shirou was a little puzzled.

"Are you stupid?" Hearing this, Rin sighed, hating iron for not becoming steel:

"The opponent's class is either Assassin or Rdier. Regardless of which class, these two classes are good at guerrilla warfare. Not to mention the possibility of entering a disadvantage if you chase without authorization, what's more important!"

"Who will protect us when Saber is gone?! If the master fights two-on-two, can I win with you?!"

That's right, this is what makes Rin feel distressed. As a swordsman, Saber, even if his ability has dropped by a level, can compete with assassins, casters, and Riders on the ground in frontal combat, and even gain an advantage. The problem is, the other party obviously knows this too.

As their Master, he obviously understands this truth, and Assassin is extremely good at fighting against the Master. In this way, once Saber leaves, Shirou Emiya, who has no self-protection ability, will fall into an absolute disadvantage, but if Guarding Emiya Shirou, then Saber will not be able to exert her own advantages even more.

Because it is obvious that the caster is an expert in defensive operations, and the three major classes are better at frontal combat.

"The analysis is quite good, but there is one thing that is wrong." Suddenly, a gentle voice came from the top of the two of them, and Tohsaka Rin's pupils shrank. The shadow of the shadow floated up: "I usually don't hurt others, so please rest assured that your lives will not be in danger."

Rin looked at the other person who was about the same height as Rimuru, and was slightly taken aback. Another Illya? !

But...why do you familiar?

"What kind of expression do you have, Rin." Seeing this, the other party tilted his head slightly, and said with a chuckle: "Sougar, is that so? Is it because of my age that you are confused?"

"My dear...sister."



If it's just two-on-two masters, Rin may be at a disadvantage at the beginning. Rimuru knows this, but don't forget that Emiya Shirou is a terrifying existence who can tear apart heroic spirits in the future. Even if he He doesn't have much combat experience, but he does have some toughness, so even if he doesn't have an advantage, his life is definitely not in danger.

But the problem is, the reason why he is still worried is because the opponent's Master is very likely to be...

Matou Sakura.

This has long been out of this world and has become a transcendent existence. When everyone can determine the strength, only Sakura, he knows nothing and cannot judge. If the other party is really strong, then give Rin No matter how much room to play, she still can't let Saber target two servant-level people!

Limulu looked at the other party. At this time, the red fox has become completely different from the resolute young man. The once black short hair may now be due to his own strength, and the hair has turned red like a flame. For some reason, he left a tail behind his slightly loose hair and tied it into a long braid.

The former perseverance has disappeared, but the wisdom of being the captain has not dissipated. Instead, it has replaced the perseverance, becoming a kind of calmness and unhurriedness that seems to see through everything in the world. When Limulu saw the other party for the first time, she understood that it was not so much a kind of calmness in the world, it was better to say it was.

Even if the world is destroyed, he doesn't care about his indifference.

It seems... After experiencing the group destruction, he finally understood that everything in this world should not be filled with true feelings, and embarked on a completely different path from Limuru.

If... Limuru met Kyuubi and his uncle "connection manager" "Void Link" and was influenced by them to embark on the life of a PY courtesan and become a leader, then Red Fox It was influenced by Limulu - after he killed all his teammates, he embarked on the path of a complete lone wolf.

Even if the opponent is now in the behemoth of Phoenix, the action is still a single team.

"You made me understand... Before the strength is strong enough to protect everyone, you are not qualified to put the team in your heart." Under Limulu's slightly dignified eyes, the red fox slightly tilted his head, Instead of attacking furiously and furiously like Limulu thought, she said slowly as if meeting an old friend: "But I also know that I should not be bound by my weak self, and I will never be able to get out of that place." This is a kind of shadow... So, I beg my teacher, Your Majesty Phoenix, not to let anyone trouble you, even, if necessary..."

"I can help you too." The voice of the red fox hit Limulu's heart like a heavy hammer, making him suddenly understand what the bust of Phoenix said to him in the magic ban.

"However, I think that without my request, most of them would be grateful to you. After all, you forced me back... In short, I regard you as a standard. After a person can pass, he will continue to be qualified to lead the team." standard."

The red fox laughed self-deprecatingly, and flames slowly emerged from behind to form wings: "Come on, let's make an understanding, between you and me, there must be only one person to continue walking."

Every rebirth from the ashes only makes me stronger.

"...You said it with certainty, but to be honest, you are not necessarily my opponent." Limulu was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised her head with a chuckle and said, "You are not the only one who has grown up."

But at this time, the opponent's power mixed with angry flames had already struck, and the entire field was instantly like the surface of the sun, stirring up flames from time to time.

Limulu narrowed his eyes. He didn't like this kind of environment—for a while, when the full magic power erupted, a burst of flames cooled down in an instant, and suddenly, it turned into a wave and fell heavily, in the endless The sea of ​​fire turned into a mist, the temperature began to cool down, and the area centered on Limuru began to freeze slowly, completely freezing the flames under the feet.

"Indeed!" Seeing this scene, the red fox did not stop, but raised his fist indifferently, and when he attacked Limuru heavily, an indifferent voice came to his ears: "I have heard According to your rumors, you once defeated a demigod..."

"Bang!" Limuru raised his palm, and the full magic power instantly turned into countless strengthened blessings, blocking the opponent's fire fist with a bang. For a while, the huge impact first passed through Limuru's body , and then passed to the feet of the two of them, the rumbling crackling sound shattered the ice under Limulu's feet, and directly exploded a circle of raging flames and cold currents around it.


The ice layer slowly flowed out from the inside of the shattered arm, quickly climbed up the red fox's arm along the contact point, and then continued to attack——

"And this is your world, the gods are on your side, and my strength is also suppressed, but that doesn't seem to matter." The red fox frowned slightly, and quickly pulled away to look at his arm, which was crystal clear. Even after losing consciousness, he cut off his arm directly, and with a bang, the broken arm turned into flame energy and dissipated, but a flame ignited again in his body and condensed into the arm entity.

"Why don't you talk? Limuru, I remember you talking a lot, don't you?"

Elemental incarnation, at the stage of demigod, is no longer as simple as elemental incarnation, but also the so-called essence.

Just like before Kaguya's essence is Chakra, she will not die if Chakra is not destroyed, Rimuru's essence is a liquid like slime, even if it does not reach the demigod, as long as it is split in the endless world If an individual is immortal, he will never die, and the essence of the red fox today is an energy body like a phoenix.

In other words...the other party has completely abandoned the identity of a human for the sake of power——

"I'm just excited to see what you said, and I don't want to disturb you."

Of course, it wasn't that Limulu didn't really want to disturb him, but that at this time he was really not interested in the other party's mental journey, and he didn't even want to be a life mentor.

The other party is obviously a jerk of the protagonist template, what if the mysterious power is triggered in the dark by talking to him, what if he directly gives himself a BUFF?

Besides, he is different from the other party now, the other party has taken the lone wolf route, maybe only Sakura is worth caring about in his heart now, but now Limuru has a lot of things that he can't let go, more and more friends and experiences make him more and more While being more indifferent, you will also be more protective of those around you.

The two are galloping on their respective roads and it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong, but Limulu is really paying more attention to the outside situation now!

You want to fight with me, one-on-one, sorry, I just want to TP around and support my teammates.

That's probably the mentality. At this time, Rimuru can be said to be full of thoughts on how to break the barrier and go out to help Rin out of danger.

After all... the reality is not a game, and single kills cannot be infinitely single-handed, and it is always the team that decides the outcome.

Limuru actually has a lot of means against the world type, but apart from Gilgamesh's Ea, there is no ability that can be called "restraint". For a substantive attack, the place to attack is the confrontation between one's own domain and the opponent's domain.

The erosion ability of the great sage is even more similar to the attack and defense between hackers. If it is the same level of domain, the great sage, as a demigod, can crush and occupy the opponent's domain in an instant. One of the important reasons for not being afraid of the domain, but the question is... What if the other party is also a demigod in essence?

Even if Alaya suppressed the opponent to the peak level of Sequence 5, but the opponent's understanding of the field and operability are still comparable to the great sage, then the offense and defense will inevitably fall into a stalemate.

And Ea Tiandi left Pizhixing, shaking for more than three seconds before casting the spell...

But it seems... that's still the only way -

"I can understand your desire for revenge, but..." Limuru sighed slowly, and took out the Deviant Sword...

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