Infinite Cute King

Seventy-three, is that you? Emiya Kiritsugu? !

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Animsfia is not stupid.

In the night, Limulu looked at the back of Animsfia leaving, glanced at the cold coffee, smiled lightly and continued to write.

He clearly understands that if the wish of the Holy Grail is fulfilled with malice, then Saber will most likely turn his back on it and become an existence that opposes the wish fulfillment.

And since Saber has the possibility of betrayal, and the Animsfia, who is also extremely indifferent and ruthless in nature, doesn't care about everyone in this Holy Grail War. For him, as long as he can get the Holy Grail, everyone It's all possible to die.

He made a request to Rimuru as a matter of course.

In fact, he could directly make Saber commit suicide, but as Limuru's collaborator and colleague, the corresponding respect between the monarchs is still due.

As for Limuru, of course he rejected his request.

Ah, speaking of which, who still remembers that Limuru is a saber chef!

However, although Animsfia was rejected, the other party also reminded Rimuru.

"I can see that you really want Saber to get the Holy Grail."

"But are you sure you did it to make the other person's dream come true instead of..."

"Want to see what the other person looks like after their dreams are shattered?"

Animsfia and Rimuru are actually very clear that the Holy Grail cannot fulfill Artoria's wish.

Limuru knows it because he understands the nature of the Holy Grail. Even without the polluted Holy Grail, miracles that change the world cannot occur, even if Saber is sent to a parallel world, let alone polluted.

And Animsfia is a master of astronomy, observing history and the future. He deeply understands that the existence of history means that it cannot be changed, even if Dr. Hatteres traveled back to the Fairy Realm. Thirty years ago, at the end... it was only the completion of the closed time loop, and I finally realized that I had thrown my original childhood self into the fairy realm with my own hands.

You think you've changed, but in reality it's just destiny.

This is the time paradox.

This is because the source predestined cause and effect - and wanting to change or create new cause and effect,

Then what it needs must be the existence of miracles, such as Gaia directly destroying human beings by distorting history.

Keke, far away.

In short, Animsfia obviously meant that he was dissatisfied with Limuru's refusal of his request, and pointed out with a light smile that Limuru's behavior was essentially for his own unnecessary bad taste.

"Well, it was still found."

Thinking of this, Rimuru chuckled helplessly, looked at the ten percent of Shirou Emiya in the task panel, and fell into deep thought.


Illya's heart, the Little Holy Grail is floating and jumping faintly in the magic circle set up by Limuru—but because the rider and assassin team left the world early, the reason why the Little Holy Grail is not close to overflowing now , so Limuru needs to fill it with magic without moving.

In fact, the best way is to find a container for the Little Holy Grail...just like Irisviel in the last Holy Grail War or Shinji Matou in the original book.

But when Limulu thought about this, he found that the best container choice was gone.

Illya's body was destroyed by him, and the best remaining existence is Tohsaka Rin...


Emiya Shiro?

While Rimuru was thinking like this, Tohsaka Rin tossed and turned on his bed, his blue eyes shining brightly in the night, and he couldn't close them no matter what.

She already has the chance to win, but the widening of her eyes makes her goal no longer as simple as winning the Holy Grail War.

"Tomorrow is the decisive battle...a decisive battle that is not a decisive battle..."

Rin Tohsaka stretched out his hand, stretched five fingers in front of his eyes in the darkness... and sighed softly.

She wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep tonight.


The next day, when Illya's heart began to swell and change, an uninvited guest came to the Tohsaka mansion early in the morning.

Emiya Shiro.

"Oh? I thought you wouldn't stay at home for a while longer." Limulu yawned and walked out of the house. While turning off the magic alarm in the yard with a wave of his hand, he floated up and said with interest: " In the end, did you rush to die so early?"

"..." Shirou Emiya lowered his head and said nothing.

Until Saber, Rin and others heard the sound and rushed over: "Shirou?!" "Student Emiya?"

Since Saber has become a follower of Animsfia, she naturally also lived in the Tohsaka mansion. However, she also meditated in the lobby all night last night, and did not enter the room arranged by Limuru. It was one reason, but the bigger reason was that she was confused.

Today's master is Animsfia. After he came out of Limuru's study yesterday, he only said two words to her from the beginning to the end: "You are free to do what you want, after all, I I just want the status of master."

"But... Saber, if you choose the path that is firm in your heart, then the Holy will miss it."

This made her feel a little overwhelmed. No matter how she looked at it, the ending of Limulu's winning the Holy Grail could not be changed. She seemed to be winning the Holy Grail, but this winning had violated her oath.

Sifeier flew out of the window with a smile on her buttocks and sat on the roof. Animsfia lightly made herself a cup of morning tea, opened the window unhurriedly, and leaned on the side to watch the scene .

All of a sudden, everyone quickly took their positions, as if they had been waiting for a long time...

"I don't understand, Emiya Shirou." Limuru looked at the silent young man, and said lightly, "You seem to be looking down on me... Shouldn't I be looking for you in this hunt?"

"Or do you mean that you have given up resistance and plan to end your life early?"

"I didn't come here for your wish, Rimuru!" Hearing this, Emiya Shirou finally spoke.


"The Holy Grail is about to overflow, and I'm here for the Holy Grail."

"It's ridiculous, you're gone..." Rimuru's words stopped abruptly, because he saw that there was a bright red Command Seal on Emiya Shirou's slowly extending arm.

Rin grabbed the guardrail: "How is it possible!"

Saber was also stunned, she glanced reflexively at Animsfia by the window, but he was still just smiling——

"I see." When others were wondering, Rimuru quickly sorted out the logic, and understood what happened in an instant: "Is it Kotomine Kirei?"

Kotomine Kirei used two Command Spells, one for Gungee to prevent him from attacking with all his strength, and one for Gilgamesh to show his full strength.

But now, the last Command Seal is... Qi, really, you didn't forget to make trouble for me in the end? !

"So, in order to obtain the Holy Grail, are you willing to cooperate with an absolute villain like Kotomine Kirei? You really let me down, Shirou."

Limulu raised his head and looked at the other party with a smile, since the other party is so self-willed and depraved...

However, Emiya Shirou shook his head unwaveringly and said, "Good and evil are relative, Rimuru, you taught me this sentence..."

"If justice and order cannot stand against darkness, then use madness and chaos to tear it apart!!"

He spoke righteously.

Limuru was stunned.

Because he suddenly saw on his task bar, the progress bar of the righteous partner, which suddenly increased by 50% after the other party finished speaking!

It's smelly! Do whatever it takes for justice, plunge yourself into darkness to fight against darkness, and use violence to control violence!

Are you Emiya Kiritsugu? !

Limulu stared blankly at the other party, and an interesting idea spread uncontrollably in his heart. Limulu knew that it was called joy.

He suddenly understood that Kotomine Kirei hadn't changed at all, and he suddenly chose to help Emiya Shirou, to put it bluntly, for this kind of pleasure, right?

In the end, he still did what Rimuru did not do, that is, led Emiya Shirou to the old path of Emiya Kiritsugu.

Amazing! Kirei! !

But so what if it's 100%.

Limuru lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth like an evil villain. Ever since he realized that the second method of completion violated his promise, he had no intention of using the second method to complete the task.

Whether Shirou Emiya should be killed or not is not important, the important thing is... I agreed to Red A, even if Red A's own ideas are wrong... that must be done!

Emiya Shirou didn't notice Rimuru's happy face, after he finished speaking, he immediately looked at Saber...

"Saber... are you willing to continue fighting side by side with me?!"

"Shirou..." Saber was taken aback for a moment, and she was on the spot. She looked at her current master in a complicated way, and after a moment of silence, she gritted her teeth and said, "Of course I am willing, but..."

"Don't be funny, okay?" Limuru couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Shirou Emiya, you're still so naive. Could it be that you really think the so-called contract is just a decoration?"

"The only ones who can forcibly change the contract regardless of the will of the heroic spirit and the contract itself are me and the disappeared caster."

"Even if Saber is willing to give up the Holy Grail and continue to be with you, so what?" Rimuru narrowed his eyes and said softly, "You have to kill the Animsfia Lord first, so that Saber becomes without a master Just do it!"

"Now you, can you do it?"

Emiya Shirou was slightly taken aback by these words, he forced himself to calm down, and analyzed unhurriedly: "Although that is the case, there is only one Command Seal left in Animsfia, right?"


"Although the command spells will not be lost even if all the command spells are used up, generally speaking, in order to prevent the servants from betraying, a command spell will be left as proof of the contract, right?"

"Well... that's what it means..." Limuru looked at Shirou Emiya, who was talking eloquently, and immediately became interested: "But it is impossible for Saber to devour the Lord."

"Yes, but if..." He looked at Saber and said loudly, "If you come to help me, he can't give orders, right?!"

"!!" Saber raised her head sharply, and looked at Emiya Shirou.

"If the order forbids you to help me, then you can act freely with your own will?!"

"And if he wants to continue restricting you, then at least at this moment, he can't use the command spell to prevent you from standing by my side? Saber!!!!"

His tone became more and more urgent, and finally he couldn't help shouting: "Come back to me! Saber!!"

Interesting... Rimuru narrowed her eyes.

Shirou... Tohsaka Rin opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound.

Saber fell into deep thought, and clenched the blade tightly. Shirou Emiya's words made sense, but only Saber understood that it was not the case.

She was just about to explain, but Animsfia said with a gentle smile: "Good analysis, Saber's former master."

"But you overlooked one point." Animsfia took a sip of tea lightly, and suddenly said: "That is the linkage produced by me threatening Saber with other orders."

"For example, if Saber chooses to help you, then immediately, I can issue an order to make her commit suicide."

Emiya Shirou suddenly constricted his pupils, and couldn't help but take a half step back: "!!"

"Yes, Emiya Shirou, right?" Animusfia's voice was very gentle, but there was endless chill in it: "I don't care whether Saber exists, so you think Saber still has a chance to implement Do you have your own will?"

"You bastard..." Emiya Shirou couldn't believe it, he suddenly realized that he had made a mistake, that is, the other party's concept of treating Saber was different from his own!

"There is more." Animsfia stretched out his arms and gave checkmate.

I saw three scarlet Command Spells filling the top.

"Limuru can replenish Command Seals without limit. You don't seem to have thought of this?"

"Slightly naive decision, isn't it?" Animsfia lowered his eyes, looked at the bottomless morning tea in the cup, and suddenly laughed: "However, with your background as a magician, you can do it." This is already very good to counter the actions of Lord Rimuru."

"Since that's the case, I'll give you a little help. I will never interfere with Saber's actions except for matters related to the Holy Grail. How about it?"

"Huh?!" Now, before Emiya Shirou spoke, Rimuru couldn't help it: "Lord Animsfia, what do you mean?"

"Add some fun to your bad taste." Animsfia chuckled, with a playful look in his eyes: "To be honest, I have watched this scene for a long time, and I have a little bit of it without knowing it. fun."

"Limuru, if I remember correctly, his father was also defeated by you—only the Holy Grail can change the situation of the battle and defeat you, the biggest shady...Unknowingly, this boy's purpose became harmonious. Just like his father."

"Can the partners of justice break the curse of history? I'm a little... wait and see."

"Tsk." Limulu was stunned, and he sighed helplessly: "What you said... really looks like a magic stick..."

"After all, I am the astrological monarch who observes the history and the future." Animsfia said with a chuckle: "It is my greatest pleasure to witness the epic of mankind."

【How did this guy summon Solomon? ] The great sage was a little upset: 【I think he should summon that trash Shakespeare. 】

Hiss... Shakespeare is not trash, don't talk nonsense... However, I agree with the first half of your sentence.

Limuru was a little helpless, but somehow he could understand.

After all... it is human nature to watch theater, if it were him, he would probably do the same.

But having said that, after hearing Animsfia's words, Rimuru also fully understood.

That's why Emiya Shiro said that he came for the Holy Grail, not for his own life.

That's right, Emiya Shirou at this time is very similar to Emiya Kiritsugu back then.

Betting all means, as long as you get the Holy Grail, you can change everything—a partner of justice?

Rimuru looked at the resolute Emiya Shirou, and suddenly smiled, very happily.

"Sa, have you heard a word, Shirou."


"I want the blood shed in Fuyuki City to be the last drop of blood shed by human beings." Limuru raised his eyes and showed his fangs in the shadows.

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