Infinite Cute King

seventy-eight, named Azathoth

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As for the Xingyue world, a slight change has also taken place at this time.

Rin Tohsaka strolled through the streets of London with his suitcase.

Her goal seems to have been decided long ago, and her direction of progress is extremely firm.

Rin Tosaka, who was supposed to go to the Clock Tower after graduating a year later, resolutely embarked on the road to the Clock Tower a week after the Holy Grail War.

Although it is not the admission season for the Clock Tower at this time, Rin stood in front of the British Museum, watching the tourists and ordinary people coming and going, and finally locked his eyes on a silver-haired girl, and suddenly revealed smile.


When Eilaire suddenly felt a bad premonition and the hair on her head suddenly turned into an exclamation mark, she heard this extremely polite greeting: "You must be the famous Lord Eilaire. "

"...I am." The alarm bells in Elaire's heart rang out.

Find the right person! Hearing this, Rin Tohsaka raised the corners of his mouth immediately, blinked slyly like a little devil, and introduced himself directly: "Sure enough, I am a senior sister, let me introduce myself, I am the future Lord Limuru Tempest Disciple, Tohsaka Rin."

She stared into the eyes of her senior sister, and smiled softly: "So, can you take me to Teacher Limulu?"

"..." At this moment, Eilair stared at the sudden girl, with only one thought in his mind.

broken! There are thieves!


Limulu doesn't know about the changes in other worlds at this time, but he doesn't need to know, after all, in his heart, the Xingyue world has nothing to do with him.

yes, that's ok.

When she saw the word Phoenix, Limuru acquiesced that the mission failed, and prayed silently in her heart...

Alaya, take care! farewell!

Facing the red fox, Limulu is not afraid. After all, no matter how awesome it is, it is only the beginning of Sequence 4.

He worked hard, and if it went well, he might catch up in ten worlds at most.

But Phoenix is ​​Sequence 2! ! Isn't this Nima not comparable?

What's more, no matter how strong Sequence 4 is, it cannot break through the rules of the world. No matter how strong it is, it must abide by the laws of the extraordinary space. If it violates it, it may still be abandoned by the extraordinary space, or even obliterated.

But Sequence 2 is not! ! Sequence 2 and Extraordinary Dimension have a cooperative relationship, dear! !

If he really wants to kill someone, he doesn't need to take into account the extraordinary dimension at all - although he himself belongs to the extraordinary dimension, he is like a shareholder in the company, no matter how powerful Limuru is, even the CEO...he can do Board of Directors? !

He didn't believe what would happen to the company's board of directors for a CEO.

Ah, far away.

Limulu shook his head. At this time, he had already arrived at this mysterious sea area through the teleportation array. It is not so much a sea area, but a huge area half soaked in the sea and half a peninsula.

This is a high-level public area. Sequence 5 and some demigod residences and bases will be connected here. The style is different from the urban area full of cyberpunk and future technology atmosphere. The peninsula here belongs to the style of a technological palace combining gorgeousness and future. , the underwater part is a bit of the ruins of Atlantis.

Limulu had already arrived at the telephone booth at this time. Interestingly, next to this part of the contact area was the collector's auction house in the high-end area.

He is quite fast, after all, it is instant messaging, which means that the other party is waiting for him, but even so, it still took him about two minutes to come here from the middle level, which is logically fast, but You call and ask someone to wait for two minutes to try...

Generally speaking, this kind of outland communication is not used at low-level, so the middle and low-level do not have such facilities. On the other hand... that is, most of the outland communication is also a message.

Rimuru always thought it was Kyuubi, after all, I am afraid that only Kyuubi can be so patient,

But after Limulu got connected, looking at the calm and gentle face of the other party in the pop-up virtual window, he was suddenly flattered.

Without him, what is waiting for him is not Kyuubi, but... Kyuubi's parents.

Or her uncle [Void Connection] jointer!

Compared to Limulu's shock and momentary silence, the uniter was slightly taken aback, and quickly smiled and said: "Your speed is much faster than I imagined, it seems that your distance is not far from here It's..."

After all, the opponent chose to leave La'lyeh in the later stage and set foot in the existence of the void, so he obviously has a certain understanding of La'lyeh.

"I didn't expect that it would be you who contacted me..." Limuru was silent for a while, and replied without saying a word, but still added honorifics, after all, even if it doesn't talk about strength, the other party is also the elder of Kyuubi...

"Oh? Then who do you think it could be... Haha, the little guy is probably still in the process of trial."

The coordinator made a joke first, but obviously he didn't intend to waste too much time chatting and greeting. After the joke, he directly entered the topic and said: "I heard that Phoenix suddenly accepted the crusade against the world for some reason. Task……"

After speaking, he looked at Limulu and raised his eyebrows, then smiled lightly and said, "Why? It seems that you have already met?"

"...Huh." Limulu nodded lightly and said, "Not long ago."

"Tsk, he's moving a little fast... It seems that he's after you." The coordinator said unhurriedly: "It's my fault, although I have paid attention to you and the extraordinary space as much as possible. But my recent commission did have a lot of blood, and the response was full."

"When I learned that you triggered the crusade mission, when I was about to contact La'lye, the other party had already made all the arrangements." Speaking of this, the coordinator sighed: "After all, I left La'lye after all. , there must be no insiders in the action..."

Hearing this, Li Mulu didn't care about the pity the other party said, but instead frowned, looked at the other party and said, "Pay attention to... me?"

"Is it because of the Nine Tails?"

"You seem very upset, haha... Don't forget, Limulu, you are a little jointer." In the end, the jointer smiled happily, and said softly: "Even if I don't have the status of master and apprentice, I still have I really like you, um...or is it more appropriate to use appreciation?"

Li Mulu couldn't deny it, even if she loves her family, she must first become one of her own.

Even if the other party appreciates her, Limuru won't believe it without the influence of Nine Tails.

"Of course, the most important thing is your own value." Having said that, the co-founder became more serious, and suddenly said: "Limulu, you must know that not everyone is worthy of the Protoss princess, and, Do you think that the protoss will really allow Nine Tails to do whatever they want, and even give you the family treasure at will?"

Protoss really knew it was in his hands! ! !

"Hiss..." Limulu's scalp tingled when he thought of that terrifying existence that was comparable to Sequence One, and hurriedly said: "Wait... wait, I can return that thing!"

"It's late, Limuru, do you think why the Protoss hasn't found you until now?" The cooperator smiled jokingly.

"Why...why." Limulu swallowed, it wasn't because he was cowardly, the key is whoever came, facing one of the top protoss in the void, they would be terrified! !

"Because they're going to fix you."

"..." Limulu, who thought it was a terrifying answer, was stunned when he heard the words. After a long time, he tilted his head: "Huh?!"

"Let's not talk about the eldest lady's attitude for the time being." The coordinator chuckled and said, "But for your talent and potential, I have spoken a lot of good things for you and my friend, but the most important thing is about the future of Kowloon. Take the heirloom—"

"Kowloon seizes the throne?"

"Limuru, the next words are very important, I need you to remember them firmly."

The jointer's expression became serious, and he suddenly said: "You should have come into contact with the legend of the Seven Gods in this situation, right?"

"Um... ah."

"Very good, then, what I want to say is..." The ally raised his hand lightly, and a small ball with complicated inscriptions instantly enveloped the surroundings. At that moment, Limulu could see the densely packed encrypted The runes seemed to have passed through the network cable, completely sealing him and the space he was in.

It's as if the hacker directly broke through the encrypted defense of the extraordinary space and completely controlled this part of the area!


Limuru swallowed her throat again... The uniter naturally didn't have such skills, but apparently his friends did!

"If you meet other heirs and you can kill them, don't hold back."

"!!" Limulu shrank his pupils, and at the same time his heart was shocked, countless clues seemed to be connected in series quickly.

The seven gods, the successors, the forces of the current situation, and the reasons why the protoss and the united people value themselves.

His inexplicable authority, Ling Ling's special light-chaser action corps, which is more than other forces, and Si Feier's ability to summon across the world-all of these were quickly recalled by the great sage, and the details of what was wrong were quickly recalled. analyze.

"So that's what it means, is that what Jiulong seizes the heir apparent?"

"Looks like you guessed it, it's much simpler, Limuru." The coordinator chuckled softly, "Do you know why the Transcendent Space is called La'laiye?"

"Ah... I should know now." Limulu sighed lightly: "Because of the previous master?"

"But I still can't understand, even if I have the possibility of inheriting R'lyeh in the future, is this weight enough to be worthy of the princess of the protoss?"

"Don't underestimate La'laiye, Limuru." The cooperator spread out a hand and said with a chuckle, "An autonomous mechanism at the peak of Sequence 2, what do you think its owner should be?"

"Limulu, did you really think that they were fighting for a small situation in the war of the Seven Gods?"

" mean...but, the Seven Gods didn't belong to the same era back then."

"What you said... Limulu, could it be that you have experienced the Age of Gods?" The jointer smiled meaningfully, but Limulu was slightly taken aback.

"In the current situation, don't trust anyone, Limulu." The co-operator joked: "Because they only want to protect the current situation after all. For them, it's best not to have authority figures again."

"The original seven shattered the entire current situation to only a small piece, which is the universe you are in now. If it hadn't been for the activation of La'lyeh's passive protection mechanism, which forcibly cut off the link with the void, the current situation would have already It might just disappear."

"Of course, I'm just hearsay about these things. After all, I'm not even a real person, but Limulu, if you know the ancients, you might be able to hear some real secrets, but more... But it's a lie."

"As for you asking me why I value the extraordinary space so much, it is because of some facts, and some facts that are known to the Eternals of the Void."

"That is the extraordinary space. In the era when the seven authorized persons were all there... swept across the void."


"The void is infinite, but the void has many forces, and the speed of information dissemination is really fast. No one knows how many forces R'lyeh swept away, but everyone knows that he even defeated several Protoss races. , the world must be swallowed by the void."

"However, it has not fallen to such a point now... The ancient history is unknown, and the Eternals are silent, but it is not difficult to guess that the struggle between the seven powers has entered a fierce stage-even their own homes have been destroyed. , and did not appear in the end...the one and only."

"However, now, the successors of the seven authorized persons have appeared again... Tell me, do the forces in our void have expectations for this?"

The associate smiled and said softly: "Of course, you don't need to put too much pressure on you. These identities are nothing more than proof of your potential and worth. Therefore, the Protoss will recognize you. You can only say , that little girl found an incredible match."

Limuru was still silent, the information was huge, and it was difficult for him to digest.

Big brother, I'm just a small Sequence 6, logically speaking, shouldn't I wait for my demigod to tell me these secrets? !

You give me a king bomb as soon as you come up like this now, it's hard for me to play! !

"I have a question..." Limulu's voice was hoarse, and he said with some difficulty: "I heard that the seven gods represent seven different power systems...?"

"I really don't know about this, but it should be. After all, even if it is sweeping the void, it is easy to enter the demigod, but if you want to advance to the true god or the only one, the materials and resources needed can even be called endless. If this is the case, people with the same power system will give priority to killing each other, right?"

"I even suspect that the different power systems of the seven gods in your legend are not because the authorized persons happen to be a few of them, but that all other power systems of the same type have been killed by them. They are the last to win, because the power The system is different and peace becomes the existence of the seven gods."

"Sogar... So after becoming gods, they discovered the real secret and fought each other to become the only one?"

"But why, even though the power system is different, in the end the only achievement is to kill the other six people?" Limulu found Watson.

Unless, although the power systems of the Seven Gods look different, they are all one kind of power in essence? What kind of power does R'lyeh, or the extraordinary space represent?

"This is also where we are strange. Maybe you can give us the answer?" The coordinator chuckled and said, "Okay, what I said today seems to be a bit much, but I think you should be able to handle this information well, I believe you .”

"still have a question!"

Limulu suddenly raised his head and stared closely at the associate, saying, "Do you know the path name of the last fallen authority?"

"You mean the name of the god under the crown?"

At the level of Sequence 2, the sequence path is the name of the god. For example, the sequence of Phoenix is ​​Phoenix, not Phoenix.

"The last one..." The coordinator hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "Well, I really can't do anything about you."

"It is not advisable to call God's name directly, but since he has fallen..."

"Yog, Yog Sothoth."

The associate suddenly opened his eyes, and said lightly: "And the only thing he pursues..."

"The name is Azathoth."

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