Infinite Cute King

Eighty-four, directed at me? !

" are greedy, which caused Finn to kill you?"

"You had no choice but to fight back, and when you fell into a desperate situation, it was a coincidence that Yin and Yang broke through Sequence 7... a desperate fight back?"

Limulu listened to the narration of the black cat Dixie. The other party did not hide how he tested Finn's bottom line, and how he greedily swallowed up Finn's thirteen strongholds... But precisely because the other party did not conceal, Limuru's expression became more and more strange.

Are you sure you're not the protagonist of a third-rate novel?

"Yes... please punish me under the crown."

"Punishment is unnecessary..." It's still the original Sichuan restaurant, but the boss here has completely changed... This time, Li Mulu took a seat directly in the crowded lobby on the first floor and tasted the food Finally, his eyes lit up. Although it is a pity to change the boss and chef, Limulu is not a sentimental person. On the contrary, the food here is even better than before...

"Fin is honestly useless except for easy control, but you, don't you have any resentment?" Limulu felt the surroundings, because of Dixie's little action before, the number of watchers around has decreased by almost two-thirds. Limulu is quite satisfied, obviously Dixie has grown a lot now, or he was very good at making the people above feel comfortable in these details.

"As your protector, he didn't help you when you were in a desperate situation. Don't you have any resentment in your heart?" Limulu looked at the other party strangely.

Dixie, who turned into a black cat, was a little silent, but still said: "There were some at first."

"However, after all, Finn and I are the existence of His Majesty's protection. If we look at it from this perspective, His Majesty must be very disappointed when his subordinates fall into infighting."

"However, the situation has fallen into this..." The black cat lowered its head, and said with an apology: "In the end, I could actually let Finn go...but I didn't."

"Oh why?"

"Because I think... this kind of thing will definitely happen a second time...Your Majesty, I firmly believe that your ability does not require followers to check and balance each other. Compared with it, mutual support should be your original intention, but now, this This original intention has been completely shattered because of my greed, negligence, and lack of consideration..."

"So I chose to make the wrong mistake, and after completely destroying its power... devour the power of that part of my companions." Speaking of which, the black cat paused, and then he hesitated: "Actually, I have guessed whether you just wanted to Raising Gu will allow me to fight with Finn...but..."

Limulu frowned slightly. Seeing this scene, Dixi quickly lowered her head and said, "I'm really sorry for wantonly speculating on Your Majesty's thoughts."

"'re so nervous.

Limulu breathed a sigh of relief. He frowned not because he was dissatisfied with Dixie, but because he didn't even think about taking a little time to come over and ask about such a big thing that happened in New York. Indeed, recently, his mind has been relaxed When it comes to the struggle between the big forces, compared to the Truth Society, the Light Chasers, and the struggle between countries, it seems that these small forces don't need to care at all.

But no matter how small it is, it is still a force supported by myself...

"Fin is indeed a test I set up for you." Limuru said in a deep voice, "But the most important thing is that you were too weak back then. Compared with you, Fein is more suitable to provide me with temporary services." .”

"My purpose is to wait until you grow up before making arrangements, but I didn't would grow up so fast." Limulu narrowed his eyes: "You are in this situation before you die, through will Forcibly breaking through the bottleneck of Sequence 7?"

"Then you know what you're facing, right?"

Having said that, a trace of fluctuation and loss finally flashed in the eyes of the black cat. He lowered his head and said calmly: "I know, Your a distortion."

Forcibly breaking through Sequence 7 in the current situation, in his eyes, he has already entered a high level, and at this time, he is also very clear that part of his body may have been polluted.

"Hmm..." More than just a part.

In Limulu's eyes, at least half of the opponent's soul is pitch black, and the other half is chaos like a whirlpool.

Nearly half of the consciousness has been covered by chaos, which shows that the other party is almost a serious twister. Obviously, the other party's so-called breakthrough before death is not so much the burst of potential before death that penetrated the next formula of the Death Sequence. …The will to live before dying led him to subconsciously embrace forbidden knowledge.

The taboo allows him to directly obtain the knowledge about the advanced stage, which will allow him to break through smoothly, and at the same time directly become a twister.

However, Limuru pondered for a long time, is this his fault?

Or rather, negligence?

"Huh." Limulu thought for a while, first lightly tapped his small hand, and took out an invitation contract from La'lye-the black cat Dixie's pupils constricted for a while, and she raised her head excitedly.

"This is the promised reward." Limulu said softly, "You don't have to get excited."

"I once said that as long as you want me to prove my ability, I will give you corresponding rewards, but there have been a lot of things recently, and you who are in charge of intelligence should have heard of it."

"But no matter what, you are now standing on top of the shadow of the ruins of New York, and I will naturally fulfill my promise."

"I still want to remind you that you have to think carefully about whether to sign your name, because the void is really not as good as you imagined."

"...Your Majesty, is the void more cruel than hell?"

"Hell is just a part of the void, isn't it?"

"..." Hearing this, Dixie's excited expression finally began to cool down a bit. He calmed down and nodded solemnly: "I understand."

High risk high benefit?

"Hmm..." Limulu knocked on the table a few times, and suddenly said: "Then I will continue the topic just now. Considering your loyalty and attitude, I can help you."

"You have become a half-distorter. Logically speaking, I only need to help you clean up the pollution of this part of the distortion, but arbitrariness has never been my style."

Telling everything and leaving it to the other party to choose is Limuru's consistent style, including the former sister Pao, Accelerator, or Saber from Xingyue World, and he does not intend to change this style.

"One is, as I said just now, to help you eliminate this part of the distortion threat, which is a normal practice. There is no risk but it will make you weaker temporarily."

"As for the other one, I actually don't want you to choose, because that would really confirm that I am the holy son of a certain cerebral palsy organization."

Limulu scratched her face helplessly, tilted her head slightly, and opened her eyes: "That's embracing distortion."

The former is actually continuing to walk the path of the god of death, and still belongs to the believers of the goddess of the night.

But the latter one... directly changed the fundamentals, and even betrayed one's beliefs.

"Embrace... Distortion?" The black cat Dixie raised his head, his eyes shone with such shock.

This Majesty is indeed from the forbidden Outer God...

"You have to think carefully, Dixie." Limulu said in a gentle tone, "Embracing distortion will make you stronger, but at the same time, your soul and belief will also completely fall to my way, you... ...will become my believers."

After saying this, Limulu suddenly felt a little funny for some reason.

What? In the final analysis, I am still heading towards the path of creating the second Truth Society by myself...

Limulu didn't get a reply from Dixie, because Dixie's fanatical eyes on her were enough to prove everything.


Limulu didn't discuss the matter of power and Dixie for too long. After knowing Dixie's choice, Limulu began to eat with peace of mind.

And at this moment, Dixie would silently climb up the window sill again like a real cat, with golden cat eyes staring at the people coming and going outside, not knowing what she was thinking.

Limulu knew that the other party's path was the straight path of the God of Death, and most of the sequences of the path of the God of Death could see human souls and...lifespans.

After eating, Limulu ignored the customers around him, took out a hundred dollars and put it on the table, then got up and walked behind Dixie. Dixie who sensed this immediately got up and turned around, and saw Limulu He looked at the direction he was looking at with interest: "What are you looking at?"

"A girl, Your Majesty." Dixi swung her tail, got up and climbed onto Limulu's shoulders, which was an order from Limulu before.

"Let me guess, is your lifespan short?" Limuru was very interested as he walked out of the hotel.

"As expected of Your Majesty."

If Dixie hadn't said this in a very respectful tone, Limulu would have suspected that the other party was mocking: "Aren't you going to save it?"

Rimuru smiled lightly and asked.

"Compared to giving, my way is better at harvesting..."

"Besides, with my current ability, it's not enough to change the lifespan of others." Dixie said calmly, "But if you order..."

"Forget it, I'm just asking." Limulu turned around, never looked in the direction of the girl, and went straight to her office: "I can't save it, compared to this, what information do you need?" Report to me?"

He admired Dixie's attitude.

This is a little guy who knows his job well.

"Information?" Dixi fell into deep thought. He had talked a lot since seeing His Majesty again, but it was true that most of it was about what happened to it recently, and there was naturally a lot of other information.

"A lot of big things have happened recently..." Dixie whispered: "For example, some things about you are currently the most frequently circulated in the underground intelligence organization."

"About Lilith and me."

"..." Hearing the name Lilith, Dixie hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Yes."

Just like Voldemort in Harry Potter, in this world, the name of a god still has a certain deterrent effect on ordinary extraordinary people. Whoever's concept... is likely to be watched by the other party, and even God's punishment is possible.

"What about the others? Forget about international affairs. You probably don't know as much as I do." Limulu raised his footsteps, and a dark ripple suddenly appeared in front of him. He obviously gave up his plan to continue walking after he was full.

After he entered, the ripples behind him suddenly surged up and disappeared completely, leaving a dozen surveillance agents in complete chaos.

Hiss, you have this ability, you fucking used it early! !

"Well, other things... If you really want to talk about it, there is probably only one thing that you are interested in." Dixie only felt a darkness in front of him, and the next moment, they had arrived at the People's Square where people were coming and going.

On the other side of the square, next to a coffee shop that looks good, there is a deserted door with an office plaque hanging alone, and there is a palpitating feeling. Dixie understands that it is a sign of the protection of the night watchman. The sexual atmosphere means that this store is opened by a superhuman, and it is legal and protected by the night.

"Oh? What is it?"

Limuru did not return to her shop immediately. Because Anna was worried about her parents and became a superhuman, she might not be able to return to the shop in a short time. Well, to be honest, he opened the store in order to integrate into the extraordinary circle in New York, but now it seems that it doesn't matter whether the store opens or not.

He simply ran into a nearby coffee shop, intending to find Dennis to catch up.

For this former night watchman who was full of tragic experiences, Limuru had a pretty good relationship with him.

At the same time, Dixie's voice also came from his ears: "I heard that a new general has been airborne from the Iron Throne, you may need to pay attention, this guy..."

Having said that, Dixie's voice came to an abrupt end, because Dennis was grinding coffee at the counter opposite Limuru, and while nodding to the two of them, Emily also slowly crossed her legs, Turn the chair around.

His eyes were directly locked on the black cat.

"Are you talking about Mors..." Emily looked at the black cat on Brent's shoulder and narrowed her eyes slightly: "After I came back, I heard that the underground forces in New York were recently integrated by a black cat After that, I guessed that most of them would have something to do with you..."

He was speaking to Brent, but he kept his eyes on the black cat.

Dixie was flustered, but Limulu was fine. He just smiled and said directly, "Do you know Dixie?"

"Dixie? That pet on your shoulder?" Emily turned around coldly and said, "I've seen it before, but I didn't notice it at the time."

When she went to Finn's tavern to suppress the mutants, the black cat should have been there, and she took a special look at it.

Now it seems that it was a mistake.

"But Brent, in your current capacity, you can just ask me for any information you want. I think the Night Watchman is better than these scumbags."

Emily said meanly as always: "Including Moss, I know a lot more than that."

"I'm actually not interested either." Hearing this, Limulu shrugged: "He couldn't be targeting me, could he?"

"You're really right."

"Huh?" Limulu was taken aback for a moment, and then saw Emily showing a playful smile: "He really came after you."

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