Infinite Cute King

Eighty-seven, goodbye Olick.

Luke Qinsi was very resentful.

Even though she knew that what Limulu said was reasonable, and the other party's current status was more valuable than the Holy Son of the Truth Society, she couldn't help but complain.

So, she pouted and sent Limulu away, and then called her brother back with a call.

"Scumbag, what a scumbag!"

"Huh?" Oakes, who had just rushed back from La'lye, and his buttocks were still hot, was speechless after hearing this sentence.

"What news did that tyrant make you so angry?"

He raised his eyebrows, and he was keenly aware of the abnormality in his sister's tone and expression, and he was immediately overjoyed: "I've said it before, that guy Shengzi is unreliable, and it's okay to take advantage of it. If you really give your heart ..."

"Brother, how about I give you a mission?" Lu Keqinsi suddenly interrupted her brother's words.

Oakes was slightly taken aback: "What?"

Luke Qinsi turned her head and said without any refusal, "Go to New York and follow Brent's orders."

"..." Oakes went numb.

No, didn't you scold him there just now? ! !


When Limuru went back, the feeling she received was much better than the first time. After all, she was mentally prepared, but even so, Limuru still felt physically and mentally exhausted, and just wanted to go back to sleep quickly.

Although Limuru can slowly restore physical strength and eliminate fatigue without sleep, sleeping is the most effective way.

You know, from New York to Switzerland, the distance is one-third of the earth...

However, before going to sleep, Limuru thought about it, and chose to contact Lilith first, intending to discuss the matter of the black cat Dixie. He did intend to give priority to borrowing Lilith's power, but, after all, Lilith's An agreement was reached between the Hidden Alliance and the Night Watchman, and even if it affects the whole body, Lilith's opinion is the most important.

So, after Limulu got through to Lilith's communication, he told her about what happened.

"You mean... the rare death path?"

Lilith also expressed surprise, how many years had she not heard the name Death?

hundreds of years,

Since the launch of the witch hunting movement three or four hundred years ago, the last dependents of the death path have been completely wiped out. Since then, only the dark night dead under the Goddess of the Night have remained in the path related to death.

That is the only remaining ancient one with the power of death.

"Yes, as far as I know, the death path is very rare even in the void...the death goddess and the retinue of the death god are even more powerful, so...I think it is very necessary to cultivate him."

Limulu said calmly: "However, the premise is that this will not affect your side."

Lilith has already established the ceremony of ascending to the god rank in advance. You know, until now, ordinary people all over the world are afraid to look at the moon, is a red moon.

"That doesn't matter..." Lilith pondered for a while: "It's just that if I make a shot... will it be too heavy?"

"Limulu, orders between forces are often passed down layer by layer. You said that you just want to find a helper who can withstand the pressure of Sequence 5 under his command, right?"

Lilith frowned slightly, and said with a helpless smile: "But do you think that I might be able to touch that level?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Limulu with a half-smile, which made the corner of Limulu's mouth twitch.

He did understand what Lilith meant. At Lilith's height, it is impossible to directly order the lowest-level fighters. Just like now, if the procedure is really followed, she should tell Limulu to issue the oracle, and then Limulu directly threw it to the subordinates on the next floor, and then went to the next floor to discuss, convey, and finally come up with orders and give instructions.

Layer by layer, like drumming to pass flowers.

You can't tell which link the subordinates didn't understand the order. When they heard that it was an oracle, they even got excited and wanted to take the initiative, and directly sent a dozen Sequence 5s.

Therefore, Lilith doesn't think it's the best choice for Limulu to come to her, no matter whether she considers diplomatic issues or not.

"But... I can give you a suggestion, hehe." Lilith looked at Limulu's distressed appearance, and after she felt that she had been teased, she immediately changed the subject: "Your little guy, listen to you It is said that it belongs to the successors of the witch victims, right?"

"It's the Guta clan of the witch lineage."

"Guta... you are really lucky." Lilith's eyes widened immediately, and then narrowed into crescent moons happily: "That's the family member of the god of death that even I was afraid of back then."

"Then, I have a faction that I can recommend to you, but I'm not familiar with them, and I can even say that I have a grudge against them."

In fact, if this family hadn't responded to her when she initiated the ceremony, swore to the secret, and maintained the glory of the night, Lilith would have attacked this family long ago.

But since the other party also belongs to the forces under the night, then she who has inherited the hidden power should naturally protect her. To put it bluntly, even the other party is also regarded as his believer, and this believer... prefers to kill his own people...

"..." Limulu blurted out after hearing Lilith's words, "Demon hunter?"

"Ah? You know?" Lilith was taken aback for a moment, and then she turned her proud face, and said helplessly, "Since you know, why did you come to me?"

"Since you know the witcher, you should understand that the witcher was split into two factions when it came to hunting witches."

Limuru took a deep breath, and suddenly knew who to look for.

"However, I don't have any means of contacting the demon hunters, so you may need to go to the Dark Council first. Their leader, Edward, seems to have some thoughts about the traitors among the demon hunters recently. "

"Understood, thank you, Lilith..."

"Hmm, you will also thank me, Captain~" Lilith blinked slyly, and suddenly said: "But you have to be careful, the Bukelia family is not so talkative."

"..." Lilith was silent for a while and said, "They live by hunting blood races, and..."

"I know." Limulu nodded with a chuckle, and said softly, "They are also blood races, right?"

Bukelia, why did I forget that when I first met Dixie, I asked the great sage to look up the information—but, this is not a coincidence.

If I remember correctly, Bukelia's patriarch...does he still owe me money? !

Limuru smiled.

In fact, to the other party, those thousands of Extraordinary points are obviously not too much, but the reason why the other party has not given it all the time is because the meaning is very simple. I owe you a life-saving favor. When you need it, when will you come to ask for it.

After all, to put it mildly, their lives are only worth so much...

To put it more seriously, this is a favor, and... a life-saving favor.

After finishing the conversation with Lilith, Limulu spread out on the sofa, watching the crowds outside the square, and fell into a rare memory.

Olic and Lucy, yawn, see them tomorrow...

Thinking of this, Rimuru yawned and slowly closed her eyes.


Since the Bukelia family was expelled from the United States, they are currently living in seclusion in a small country in Europe.

After all, it belongs to their family, and to tell the truth, it really belongs to the target of public criticism. The family has fallen into a crisis of faith because of the gradual and complete vampireization of blood.

At this time, what troubled Patriarch Olick the most was not the dangers and targets outside, but whether they should belong to Lilith's belief, completely abandon the identity and glory of the demon hunter, and belong to the blood clan.

On this day, Olic ignored Edward's shameless communication application and invitation as usual, and after rejecting the Dark Council cleanly, he fell into deep thought.

The Bukelia family is unlucky, but also lucky.

Because of the increasing power of vampires in the body and the continuous development of geniuses from generation to generation, not only the bloodline of the family has completely changed, but it has become more and more like a vampire, and the geniuses in the family have also begun to be overwhelmed.

Yes, I can't hold back.

Lucy is the first genius of their family as a vampire. She has the top talent of losing sanity, increasing blood-sucking rage, and magic immunity and damage reduction. With this talent, she can even withstand Sequence 6 as a Sequence 7. Attack for ten minutes! !

To be precise, it is to press down on the opponent and fight for more than ten minutes, and will not be ground to death until the berserk is over.

And in the latest generation, more and more clan members and branch families began to show complicated expressions, and came to report to him, saying what kind of talents the new children had... Without exception, they were all very good.

This means... As a vampire family, their bloodline is getting stronger and stronger—maybe they will be able to achieve Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 in the future.

But again...these people have the same mixed feelings as Orlick - because it's against the glory of the witcher.

If it were a different family, they might fall directly into the arms of the Dark Council, but don't underestimate the inheritance of faith for nearly a thousand years!

It's like we can't understand those religious believers and think it's an anti-intellectual behavior, but it doesn't affect their religious belief at all, and we pour the teachings into the minds of our children from an early age.

Faith, this kind of thing has been passed down for thousands of years, even if it is not correct, it is still a totem cast by some people with time and generations.

On the one hand, it is the belief of thousands of years, and on the other hand, it is the blood of the blood that will become stronger and stronger in the future. For them, it is really difficult to choose.

Olic sat on the boss chair, looking at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, suddenly felt a little headache.

Suddenly, Olic's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, he heard the butler's voice: "Master, someone is visiting..."

Hearing this, Olic frowned slightly: "Didn't I tell you? I refuse all of them."

The Bukelia family is only in turmoil internally. As an existence that can compete with other orthodox demon hunters today, their family's strength and influence are not weak, otherwise they would not be able to participate in the affairs of Switzerland.

Therefore, rather than living in a small country in seclusion, it is better to say that it directly occupied this small country with a small number of people.

But this is not bad for the effect. The arrival of the Bukelia Group [surface] has completely changed the survival of the central city of this small country. In just one month, the infrastructure and living standards have doubled several times.

But this is only limited to the people in this small country who know that since they are called hermits, the Bukelia family naturally set up an enchantment to hide the family's address very well.

But now someone else found the door and came up...?

This made Bukelia habitually frown, and couldn't be someone from the Dark Council, right?

However, the next moment, the steward's hesitant voice came from the other side: "Patriarch, he is a member of the Secret Alliance... Blood Moon's minion."

"Blood Moon's Minion" is Limulu's current name in the outside world. Well, although it sounds ugly, it is at least much nicer than that confidant. In a sense, these names mainly include other people's ridicule and jealousy.

"...That one? Forget it, let him in."

If it is that person, even if he refuses, he must refuse in person...

After all, to put it bluntly, now Lilith is the underground emperor in the whole situation.

All dark forces must respect her wishes.

To tell the truth, when Brent entered the family residence, he smacked his tongue.

There are villas and high-rise buildings with a sense of technology here. They seem to be assembled together, but there is no sense of awkwardness. The designer alone probably cost a lot of money.

However, the most important thing is that this is in a small remote country.


Limulu knows that many people think that Europe is very rich and modernized, but in fact, there are many small countries in Europe that are not even as developed as Southeast Asia with the support of the Xia Kingdom.

Although major cities such as the capital also have high-rise buildings, they are definitely not luxurious and clean, because although they can build buildings, they lack infrastructure, such as no internet, no running water, and even sewers in some places in the city nothing.

This is hard to imagine for modern people.

However, after the family's residence entered the barrier, the other party actually gave Limulu a question whether I came to the wrong city, am I really not in Wall Street? a feeling of

Hiss, to be honest, Olick's family is indeed worse than he imagined...

It was so short.

When Limulu stepped into the hall, he saw Olick rushing towards him. He was still wearing the black and handsome German-style windbreaker, but when he separated from Limulu, his temperament was a little more calm.

Originally, although Olic was also a patriarch, he mainly focused on the extraordinary world, and the family affairs were mainly decided by the retired previous patriarch and part-time elder.

To put it bluntly, at that time, when the world hadn't changed drastically, he only needed to make a sign. As long as his strength was high enough, he didn't have to worry about anything else.

But now, the world is changing and under the turmoil, their family must decide the direction, the team, at this time...

The decision-making of the family requires Olick, the strongest and most famous blood earl, to bear the burden, because next, he needs to carry the family forward together.

Limulu originally wanted to hide his identity first, if the other party really refused to agree to him, he would use his cards to use up favors——but seeing the other party's appearance, he sighed for some reason.

"Your Excellency Olic, when do you plan to pay back the money you owe me?"

Hearing this, Oakley was stunned for a moment in doubt, and just about to speak, he heard——

"Seven thousand extraordinary points, the contract IOU is still in my hand, don't you want to break the contract?"

This time, Olic was completely stunned.

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