Infinite Cute King

Ninety-two, a good skill for Limuru

"Hee hee~Marvel~Marvel!" In the team base, Nine-Tails flashed back and forth excitedly, and now she has basically replaced her way of walking with a talent similar to wormhole jumping, or in other words, if it wasn't for She practiced how to walk in order to go shopping with Rimuru, this guy probably won't walk at all.

Yes, it seems that people have evolved to walk on two legs by nature. It is not impossible to let her use both hands and feet to learn how to crawl on four legs like a puppy, but after all, that is the way of walking that was eliminated by evolution in the past, and it is useless except for entertainment.

And after Nine-Tails' wormhole leap talent is full, it is almost within sight, and you can use the wormhole to transfer yourself with a flick of your mind, and you don't even need to go into the wormhole yourself. This leads to them gradually forgetting to walk and other backward actions over a long period of time.

Even, because they are spiritual creatures, even without wormhole jumps, they can directly float and translate, that is, fly.

Limuru looked at Kyuubi jumping up and down, treating this action as a date, as if going to an amusement park, and smiled helplessly.

Since this guy passed the trial, he finally reached the level of Protoss per capita, that is, the same Sequence 3 as Lilith. However, judging from the growth value of the Protoss race, this is not the final result of natural growth. If a Protoss is killed without cultivation, it is very likely that it will break through Sequence 2 naturally in the end... After all, they are Protoss themselves.

Compared with Nine Tails, the reactions of other people are much more normal, because after all, the Marvel world belongs to the world under the complete control of the extraordinary space, not the original world, so the risk of this operation is naturally not as terrible as opening up wasteland, but again, it means The rewards given by the space will not be too much.

But this is another big action in the team, so everyone's research naturally shifted to the strange direction of how to hollow out the world, and Limulu rarely objected, after all, his friend in Marvel said To be honest, Stark was alone.

Stark, people on Earth, and apart from a few gems on Earth, there is really nothing that interests Limuru. On the contrary, if Limuru and the others go to the universe to kill the Quartet, maybe they can make people in this world Stark died in his later years.

At least...not in the thirties..."I am Iron Man".

As for the Iron Man in other worlds... Get out, the Marvel world itself is a six-dimensional collection, and the parallel worlds alone form a three-dimensional again. There are parallel worlds horizontally and vertically. Between them, there is eternity. None of them can completely take care of it, let alone Rimuru.

It is worth mentioning that if each parallel world in the Marvel world is regarded as a planet in the universe, then although this universe is close to infinite, it is still marginal after all, which leads to the fact that this six-dimensional world has its own the center point of .

And the closer to the center point,

The more the world resembles the original world, the more dangerous it is, and even the appearance frequency of the powers of gods and observers will increase, and it will move closer to the comic world.

Therefore, it seems wrong to say that the Marvel world is under the control of R'lyeh, because what the extraordinary space can control seems to be only the edge of the universe and the inner and outer worlds, the inner core, and the life court, the council of the gods The only supreme core world where these are located has never been breached by void power.

"So, don't take this action too casually." Limulu instructed: "Although as a world where low-level sequences have been practiced, it is reasonable to say that it will not attract too much power, but we still have to be cautious. .”

"I know, I know." Everyone is still discussing about the things that can be obtained in the Marvel world. After all, there is no Marvel-related existence in this world, so the information they know is the things that Limuru gave them recently, so recently This group of people even started a movie watching conference by the way, and they became movie fans one by one.

Kyuubi is okay, she is not interested in the things inside, in her and Lilith's view, even the Infinity Stones are nothing more than defective products that can collect the extra volatile law power in the universe, Especially the power of the Infinity Stones can't even affect the rest of the Marvel Universe.

From the perspective of the protoss, if a world rises to the sixth dimension, that is, the level of the infinite universe because of the law, then the level of power should also increase. But it is similar to nuclear bombs in other worlds, or in other words, stronger star-killing weapons.

Because, even if the Infinity Stones are assembled, they can only affect this planet (universe) if they do more, and cannot affect other planets (universe).

This is why Kyuubi and Lilith seem to be very weak and rubbish things, but even so, the infinite gems are indeed the power of law, yes, it is no problem to be able to meet Limuru's conditions, Yilimuru It's enough to slowly devour stronger laws of space and time in the future.

Of course, if it is the supreme power in the original world, that is, the core world, then it must be extremely powerful.

"Kill all the six gems!" Ye Xiaoqian was murderous, as if she was venting the anger that Kyuubi had taken over Limuru recently.

"Except for these? Why don't you loot the treasure house of Asgard? What about Odin's Spear, Thor's Hammer, Eternal Fire... Hey, that's the treasure house of Norse mythology!!" Zhang Yutong feared that the world would not be chaotic, and the two People do not rob the world once or twice, and the two of them have an indescribable tacit understanding in this kind of work.

"Don't forget about the other transcendents. When you see one, wash the other, and they will all be plucked!" Ye Xiaoqian worked hard to calculate the subtle gains and losses.

"Alien civilizations like dark elves don't seem to have anything worth taking? Ah bah, what a waste..."

"Yeah, there is no interesting ability, even if you kill it, you may not be able to explode... It seems that it really looks like a vacation."

"...don't forget about the collectors." Suddenly, Yaoxue, who had been silent all this time, reminded them, which instantly made their eyes light up.

The robbery team has another member again.

The three were chattering there, and suddenly Zhang Yutong turned around and blinked at Limulu who was spread out on the sofa: "Speaking of which, can I go and rob Stark? To be honest, my Tool Nation is a bit empty..."

"...Please be a human being." Limu showed black lines all over his head: "Are you still planning to pack everything on earth?"

"It's not impossible... Tool Nation can hold a lot of things."

"..." Limuru was speechless.

Lilith smiled lightly and looked at the "joyful" crowd: "When are we going to leave?"

"We have to wait for someone..." Limulu rubbed his forehead, glanced at the address book and said, "We'll be there soon."

"The saint of the Truth Society?" Lilith raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm." Limulu shrugged, and a communication request for admission was sent to all members.

"Ha~~~~~" As soon as Lukeqinsi stepped into the station and attracted the attention of other members, she immediately rushed to Limulu with an excited expression: "As a Sequence 8, I want to come to your high-level It’s really not easy to be stationed!!”

The next moment, Kyuubi's immature and puzzled face suddenly appeared in front of her, she tilted her head, blinked her eyes, and smiled.

A pitch-black wormhole appeared, and suddenly moved the opponent to the automatic drink making machine in the corner.

If it's Sequence 8, let's go and see the water dispenser honestly!

Lu Keqinsi looked at Limulu with a resentful face, and the latter grabbed Jiuwei's collar, pulled the excited guy back behind him, and walked towards her with a little apology: "Come on, here you!"

As he spoke, he solemnly handed over the Stone of the Past to Luke Qinsi, and said with a serious face: "Don't make a mistake, this is the only one after all, otherwise I wouldn't have looked for you..."

"..." Lu Keqinsi was stunned, your words are more exaggerated than Nine Tails' actions, do you know that? ! !

So sad.

At this time, even Lu Keqinsi, who is mentally abnormal, can't help but start to wonder if she paid by mistake! How can there be such a scumbag in the world... But when she quietly glanced at Limulu, she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart for some reason.

She couldn't help but tighten her legs... as if the colder and crueler the other party was to her, the more excited she would be.


In fact, Lukeqinsi is currently positioned by everyone as a tool man part-time vase, because even if Lukeqinsi has a large-scale distortion infection, it can be regarded as an anti-military level combat power, which can turn a city into an indescribable monster , but after all, Limulu didn't want to completely give up being a human being and run on the road of being condemned by God.

So Limuru will not allow her to use this ability.

But even so, everyone will not worry about her safety. After all, even if she is not a deformed life, the skills shared by the team are enough to save her life.

At present, Limulu's team has a maximum of twelve people, and seven places have been set for Lilith, Limulu and Nine Tails, and Squad and Sifeier.

Although Olic surrendered to Limulu, he stayed in the lower-level legions of this team. The initial team defaulted to two lower-level teams with twelve members. The team copy of the perfect level is constantly challenged by the upper limit of the number of people.

Among these seven people, apart from Yaoxue, who is still struggling with which skill to share because most of her talents are for enhancing her summons, Ye Xiaoqian and Zhang Yutong directly chose to lie flat with the idea of ​​using CD early. They all chose their skills.

The talent provided by Ye Xiaoqian is called Shadow Protection, which can prevent everyone from being locked by shadows. If they are in the shadow world, they will not be actively attacked by shadow creatures. It can be regarded as a fairly standard immunity skill.

Yutong, on the other hand, provides permission exemption, which is a master key, which can be judged in front of all machines that require permission. After the judgment is successful, you can browse, enter, and operate regardless of the permission.

Rimuru shared the natural physical immunity from the beginning.

On the other hand, Lilith gave nearly 50% of all-purpose blood-sucking to everyone, and even turned it into a terrifying state that could be full of blood as long as it could attack after being actively activated.

Kyuubi has many racial talents, and she originally wanted to give everyone what she thought was the strongest talent, that is, the spiritual eternity of the protoss...but Limuru persuaded her to choose another talent, namely space warp and wormhole.

This is not its active effect, but the passive talent that allows the protoss to see the turning points in the space without consuming any, thereby performing continuous short-distance flashes.

The advantage is that there is no cooldown time, and it can flicker without limit anytime, anywhere, but the disadvantage is that although space breakpoints are everywhere, they are very fragile, and they are easily disturbed by simple space abilities, and they are also restricted by space shackles.

However, just like Lilith, Kyuubi actually chose the active skill with additional abilities as a trick. Limuru's proposal is to give everyone some space abilities so that everyone can escape and chase. Limuru actually values ​​​​Kyuubi. The long-distance wormhole teleportation at the end, isn't this much better than the space support in the previous selection?

Therefore, when this skill is actively activated, it becomes the forcible activation of all space nodes, causing space turbulence and storms enough to break through any space shackles in an instant, and the distance is unlimited, as long as you know the coordinates and have enough magic power The wormhole ability that can make a jump.

In fact, for Kyuubi, this talent can only be regarded as the most basic talent of the Protoss clan, and it can be said to be the weakest ability. Compared with it, Kyuubi can even give them the ability to share the creation of the universe, and even the world.

But this is actually the same for Lilith. Blood desire itself is not Lilith's strongest ability, but it is the ability that is most suitable for other members of Limuru's team-too strong ability will make other members dependent. One, and the other is too strong active ability, they can't use it.

Creating a universe and then directly exploding in the void, or directly reducing the dimensionality of a world is a must kill, even if this kind of big move can only be used once a day, it is enough. After all, even Nine Tails have not used it a few times until now .

But the problem is... leaving aside the practicality, the energy required by these big moves is also extremely terrifying.

This is like playing a game. Your ult is to consume tens of thousands of mana to make the opponent's base explode directly, but the problem is that even if you install Liushen, your mana bar limit can't exceed 10,000. Isn't this a joke! ! !

Therefore, Limulu is quite satisfied with these team skills, except for the underworld thing that got in.

Skill sharing from Sifeier: Essence Absorption.

To be precise, this ability level is quite high. It is a super skill that absorbs essence and converts it into spiritual power, life force, magic power, and even temporary attributes. As long as you have enough energy, God can kill you His invincible skills... But the problem is, apart from this guy, who would be idle to absorb the essence?

After Limulu was extremely speechless, Sifeier also told Limulu a secret that this skill also has the effect of dual cultivation.

She vaguely reminded Limulu that although the harem is good, you need to be restrained, but when she provides this skill, hey, you don't need to restrain yourself! !

The angry Limulu almost put her in limbo on the spot.

For this, she not only has no regrets, but is also very proud!

Because the skills contributed by other people are actually useless to Limuru, they are purely to make up for the shortcomings of others, but she is different.

Her skills are useless to others though.

But she is especially useful for Rimuru! ! !

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