Infinite Cute King

One hundred and seventeen, disputes

"Huh? You said you were hated by the Creator God?"

A few minutes later, everyone who was full of food and drink looked at the helpless Limulu, and the great Ms. Lilith was the first to express sympathy, and comforted: "Look at it, I feel that the creation level It’s better to hate the gods than to offend the demigods.”

"Huh? Where did this fallacy come from?" Limuru knocked on the bowl and chopsticks rather dissatisfied. He suspected that Lilith was gloating.

"What do you think, it's like the highest limit in this world is Sequence 3, if you are a demigod, you can come to trouble you right now, right?"

Lilith trimmed her nails unhurriedly: "What's more... God battles above Sequence 2 are not easy to fight."

"The higher the strength, the greater the restriction." Hearing this, Ye Xiaoqian frowned slightly: "If this is the case, what's the use of pursuing such a high strength?"

"You can't say that." Limulu said, his mood is a bit complicated now, he doesn't know whether to cry or be happy.

Or is it a mixed blessing?

The existence that hates him has been upgraded again, from Sequence 3 directly to a creation-level god of Sequence 2. This level is completely complete, and it can be called the existence of God in the void.

But also because of this, his ceremony has completely reached the standard, and he can already start the ceremony to complete the promotion.

"Just like the nuclear bomb on the earth, something that no one will use in the future, do you dare to say that it is useless?"

"In the end, you don't have to, but you can't." Lilith finally concluded, and said softly: "It seems that I have to be promoted as soon as possible. You offend people so fast, Limulu."

"...I can't even refute it." Limulu curled her lips resentfully when she heard the other party's disgusting voice.

It's changed, it's all changed, since you got me, you don't cherish me anymore!

However, now is not the time to be entangled in this and to be funny, he stood up and said: "I have to find a place to be promoted first."

He said it very casually, as if it was not an important matter. In fact, in Limulu's mind, it was indeed not a big matter.

He even offended Sequence 2, and now his mind is full of thoughts, is there any way to directly skip the coronation of Sequence 4 and Sequence 3, and directly advance to Sequence 2? seems not.

Damn it.

"Let's go too." Hearing this, Lilith was taken aback for a moment, stopped her actions, and said with a light smile, "After all, there are already so many teams entering the arena, and there may be demigods inside."

She didn't give Limuru a chance to refuse, she made a decision on her own.

No matter how disgusted it is on the surface, it's just a joke.

The upper limit of the Marvel movie world is demigods, such as Ancient One, Thanos, etc. (Death and others are the only ones that are not in this universe.), so Extraordinary Space will not waste too many resources entrusting gods to take action. It stands to reason that Sequence 3 may also Lack of interest, but always guard against the existence of those who have nothing to do and think about frying fish.

Limuru did not refuse this either, after all, he is not used to letting him act alone now, I don't know when, Limulu has become used to having people around him when he acts, instead of just being accompanied by the great sage .

For the location of the promotion, Limulu chose the Himalayas.

After all, since he is the supreme mage now, he has to fulfill the tradition of the supreme mages.

Practitioners often like to exercise their will and ability in this environment, and there are no people... Limulu doesn't have to worry about the fluctuations brought about by the promotion ceremony hurting innocent people.


Just when Limuru was starting to prepare for the promotion, our Tony Stark has been a bit annoying lately.

It may be because of the follow-up of the New York incident. I don’t know why there are many strange faces and suspicious people in New York recently. Conflicts between capable people often break out. Those are some very powerful ones that can cause bad The existence of all kinds of strange things that are less destructive,

They seem to be fighting independently and belong to different forces, but some people cooperate with each other. It is not difficult to see the shadow of a huge team behind them. the light."

S.H.I.E.L.D. conducted a survey of these proliferating ability users, and most of them claim to be mutants—a rather rare concept.

Just as the Dead Apostle has become extinct in the fate world line of the same type moon world, in the Marvel world where Iron Man and other Avengers are the protagonists, there are not no mutants, but there are very few, far less than the X-Men, which is about to flood Except for the famous Wolverine or Deadpool, there are almost no traces of the existence of other mutants.

And the most important thing is that what Tony is paying attention to recently is actually an organization called the Ten Rings Gang. Fighting openly and secretly, for example, after Tony learned of the other party's kidnapping of a cruise ship, he did not hesitate to call the police, and easily destroyed the other party's action like a dimensionality reduction strike.

Natasha, the black widow, also directly blew up a plane of the Ten Rings Gang... These actions have caused heavy losses to the terrorist organization, the Ten Rings Gang, but similarly, the Ten Rings Gang is also in this situation, crazily retaliating against S.H.I.E.L.D. , Infiltrating a large number of terrorist activities into New York and other regions in the United States.

Recently, this organization became active, and put the next terrorist operation in New York. It seems that it wants to name and provoke him as Iron Man, and draw an end to the battle between the two.

To be fair, if it wasn't for this terrorist organization, Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D. probably wouldn't have discovered the invasion of the Transcendents so quickly...

This made Tony think of Limulu for the first time, but when he went to visit Limulu in the magic temple, he learned that the other party had gone to the Himalayas to practice, which made him speechless.

However, in fact, Limuru has also expected this, although he is sure that he is still willing to come to Earth to do plots during this period of time, or most of the Transcendents who aim at superheroes or super villains on Earth are weak chickens or low-to-medium people below Sequence 6 However, just in case, he let Ye Xiaoqian and others wander around New York, secretly warning and deterring some hyenas who wanted to attack Tony.

As for the matter about the plot, Limuru herself is not really interested.

He knew that this period belonged to the plot of Iron Man 3, the legendary comic world where the real "Mandarin" only appeared, and there was no strongest mortal in the movie with this ability comparable to the peak of Sequence 5, even if there was, the so-called The Ten Rings gang really existed, and it is not Mandarin who is against Tony now, but a politician who uses the Extremis virus to do evil everywhere.

Yes, with Limulu's current vision and status, he no longer needs to worry about these trivial and troublesome things. What he needs to focus on now is promotion and the next reality gem.

Now he has set his goal on R'lyye. He who wanted to devour R'lyye at the beginning has regarded R'lyye as his own. If so, he will regard himself as the master of R'lyye. R'lyeh's interests are naturally his interests.

Therefore, as the owner of the company, it is also necessary to ensure the development of the company and the interests of his subordinates.

This kind of plot can be handed over to other extraordinary people who want to come to drink soup, there is no need for him to do it himself.

Except for those hyenas who want to destroy the earth or do something to Tony, who may be sunk in the Huangpu River because they accidentally offended his boss, the other Limuru don't mind letting them go unscrupulous, and even cover for them when necessary .

There is no way, although it is driven by interests, but generally speaking, these extraordinary people are really fighting for R'lyeh.

Interestingly, during this period of time, many people also focused on Kama Taj.

The low-level team wants to apprentice, and the high-level team wants to invade directly.

Until they heard that the supreme mage had changed, and the current supreme mage was called Limulu, they were so frightened that they ran away with their tails between their legs.

"Hey, let me tell you, fortunately I was cautious and didn't attack the king directly... that is, I ran fast, otherwise I think you might not be able to see me."

In the bar where the extraordinary gathered, an extraordinary man held a sad expression, and angrily criticized: "You said, why is the tyrant's hand so fast this damn day? It's fine, you should send a statement on the world channel anyway." It’s okay to say that you pouted the Supreme Mage! What’s the benefit of hiding it?”

"Hey, I suspect that he is deliberately attracting people to offend him and then fishing for law enforcement!!"

"I'm still scared when I think about it, but luckily I run fast!!"

On the side, the other people were very happy to see his angry look. Another reason why this kind of crusade against the world is popular is that he is the same as the original forbidden world, that is, superhumans are not encouraged to fight each other , although it is not prohibited, killing will also explode things, but it will also have penalties, which cannot effectively prevent others from killing and stealing treasures, but overall it is better than those worlds that encourage fighting, right?

The Transcendents here are having fun talking, but not everyone in the Transcendent Space knows that Limulu is such a number one figure.

"Is the tyrant you mentioned... so terrible?" Someone next to him began to question: "If I were you, I'm afraid I would give it a go."

After all, not everyone pays attention to the dynamics of other people in the Extraordinary Dimension. Even if Limulu ranked third in the Sequence 6 arena and once topped the Sequence 7 arena, people who don't know him still don't know him. Not a lot.

My own life and death cannot be guaranteed every day, who has the time to pay attention to other extraordinary beings?

After all, there are usually only a few organizations that are capable of transmitting information and receiving information. Most of the extraordinary people who travel alone don't pay attention to it, and it's normal to not know about it.

"Give it a go?" Hearing this, the extraordinary man who was drinking tilted his head for a moment, then sneered and said, "Fuck a fart!"

"Do you know who the other party is? You just give it a go?"

He didn't try to explain anything, he just sneered, looked at the questioner, and said with a sneer, "Hey, what's your strength?"

"Sequence 5, what? Do you still want to teach me a lesson?" Another transcendent paused, narrowed his eyes, and raised his head.

In the Transcendent Realm, everyone who got out of it understood one truth, that is, they should not show weakness.

"The lesson is not so..." Hearing that it is Sequence 5, the Transcendent at the beginning is somewhat clear, no wonder he is so confident, but it is also, the dignified Sequence 5 can be regarded as a high-end battle in the Marvel world no matter what. It's hard work, to participate in this kind of plot is obviously to fry fish... a little arrogant but the whole scene.

"How about this, how about you try to attack me with your strongest attack?"

"... Oh?" ​​Hearing this, the questioner suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the people around the extraordinary man, and saw that they all looked like they were watching a show, and even as the extraordinary man's team members, none of them spoke out. His face immediately sank.

He is not an idiot, as a lone traveler, he managed to reach Sequence 5 by himself, which is enough to show his brains and strength.

But it was also like this, he understood almost instantly that the other party was probably someone he couldn't afford to mess with.

"..." He pondered for a moment, then resolutely confessed: "Your Excellency, if I have offended you before, then I am sorry for that."

"After all, I am a lone wolf, and it is normal for the intelligence system to be missing..."

"It must be a big man who can't compare with your team..."

He lowered his head, showing humility.

There is no way, seeing that there is no trace of worry in the eyes of this group of people, he understands that this group of people has full confidence in that person's strength, and may even be a half-step half-god, the peak of Sequence 5... If you can't beat it, you have to admit it quickly , It's better to lose face than to be missed by the other party.

"You are very knowledgeable about current affairs..." The other party's performance made the Transcendent at the beginning a little astonished. His interest was greatly increased, and he showed a playful smile: "So are you going to make a move?"

"If you don't make a move, then I will change the way."

"I will attack once. If you can bear it, not only will I not continue to pursue your offense just now, but I may even give you some benefits."

Offended by the wanton and self-willed attitude of the transcendent? He just interrupted to express his opinion, how could he offend this statement? !

The other party was clearly looking for fun with him, bullying him by relying on his strength and having a team.

But he still has to endure...

The questioner looked around the gradually quiet bar, and saw that at some point, the conversation between the two had already attracted countless other extraordinary people who watched the excitement. Feel inappropriate or bravely want to help him.

However, as a lone wolf, he was used to it, sighed, and said softly: "Your Excellency, it's just a word, it's not worth it..."

Ding——The ice cubes in the wine made a crisp collision. The next moment, the questioner hadn't finished speaking, his pupils were already constricted, he lowered his head and retched continuously with a puff, and a big mouthful of blood gushed out crazily. He looked at the leader of the Transcendent in disbelief: "...half...half...half God?!"

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