Infinite Cute King

One hundred and twenty-five, this Limuru, something is wrong with him!

"So, let's see if I can join your team."


What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot! What do you mean if you don't explain it and clean it up, it will still be messy!

Limuru tilted his head. Hearing these words, he fell into a daze. With a tangled face, he looked at Nine-Tails aside as if asking for help, but the other party had already ignored what was going on here, and was pinching his hands curiously. Looking at Lena's little face.

Lina seemed to be a bit resistant, but she didn't want to leave the position behind Limuru, so she could only reluctantly let the other party do what she wanted.

The arrival of Lina indicates that the youngest girl in Limuru's team is no longer just an adult, the sixteen-year-old Kyuubi is a little immature, and the fourteen-year-old Lina is matched with Sanwu's expression, which is simply natural Kyuubi couldn't help but feel a little excited about her loli, she has been promoted to sister! !

Limulu twitched the corner of his mouth, and Jiuwei couldn't point his fingers anymore. He looked at Ye Xiaoqian again - he saw Ye Xiaoqian turn around resolutely and naturally, and whistled.

Hiss, what kind of white-eyed wolves are these? !

Ling Ling's request is actually more like a temptation, but even if it is a temptation, Limulu should make a clear rejection - Ling Ling's personality and ideas are too distinct, she is in the hearts of everyone, including Limulu , they all firmly believed that she would be the next Long Ruoqing.

But who is Long Ruoqing!

The patron saint of Xia Kingdom, the descendant of Shenlong, dedicated everything to the land of Xia Kingdom, the existence of this country, a god with an extremely cold personality.

Emmm, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of person to leave the Light Chaser. Even if she dared to leave, Limulu would not dare to accept it...

Hiss... Li Mulu looked up at Ling Ling's calm eyes, and said bravely, "This...isn't that good? Will Lord Long and Elder Jian kill me?"

"Really?" Ling Ling showed a slightly disappointed expression, and then said: "Then if this is the case, you should give us compensation."

"??? Good guy, are you waiting for me here?! Can you fake the disappointment on your face?" Limulu was dumbfounded.

"No, I'm really disappointed." Hearing this, Ling Ling said lightly: "It's just that the disappointed expression is too long since the last time for me, um..."

She sighed softly and said, "If I can quickly elevate my authority, I really don't hesitate to leave the Light Chaser, and... I'm sure I can convince Lord Long."

"..." Limulu opened his mouth and was speechless. This is true. Now that the meaning of authority has been clarified, every opportunity to increase authority is enough to drive the forces crazy.

"Limulu, authority is very important, very important, you are not a person with authority, as a child of the void, maybe you don't know the meaning of a person with authority..."

I know... Who said I don't know... Limuru simply closed his mouth and remained silent.

"However, the person with authority in hell has now concluded a contract with you, which means that you are half a person with authority... You will work hard for her, and it should also become the decision and direction of the team, right?" Ling Ling calmly Analyzing, this made Kyuubi and Limuru's harem group look at each other.

It seems that there is no problem with this... After all, Limuru is a person with authority, and collecting authority and attacking other people with authority seems to be their main decision in the future.

Then, standing in front of the obedience theory put forward by Limulu, in the model where light chasers need to cooperate with Limulu's team to gain benefits, should she, Lingling, also give up the main controlling right, that is, become the person with the most authority? fight?

In this case, Ling Ling paid too much sacrifice, shouldn't compensation be given?

If you are done, you will die.

Kyuubi silently lowered her head. She had already started to think about how to compensate the light chaser. In fact, the reason why Ling Ling said this was because she was one of the friends recognized by Limuru, so she was qualified to put forward such a point of view, and However, Ling Ling herself knew that she was actually not capable of fighting for too much authority, so giving up resolutely was not a wise decision.

And she believes,

If Limulu wants to bring Sifeier to the altar, it is also a very important need to get her support first. Since she can't compete, then cooperate. This is actually a win-win situation, and Limulu doesn't either. reason for rejection.

Limulu chuckled, "You dug a hole well, Captain Ling Ling."

He originally thought that he had won the battle without gunpowder, but Ling Ling turned his backhand and hit him back.

However, only she can have the courage to give up the means of fighting for authority.

"There's nothing wrong with it. As you said, even though we are friends, we can't avoid our positions...I always have to think about Lord Long and the Light Chaser." Ling Ling raised his hand and touched his own chin helplessly. Fasi: "Permissions cannot be waived and transferred, but I can guarantee that I will not interfere with your acquisition of permissions, and I can even support you, a team member with permissions, in similar permissions."

"..." Limulu thought about it seriously: "Yes, but I still want to get your authority support, and we can also open up Sifeier's authority to you when necessary."

"My current authority is only for the team system. You don't have a legion at present. To be honest, my authority is not very useful to you." Ling Ling said calmly: "But you can speak at any time when you need it, but in this case, we Even if it is a cooperative relationship between the two, compensation or something is not a little bit, you have to come up with a contract that makes our heart beat."

"Interesting..." Limulu had to admit that he couldn't refuse the other party's words.

After all, if Ling Ling is added, there will be four persons with authority on Limulu's side. Even if all of them have similar authority, he has already formed an absolute authority circle, which is similar to an absolute controlling right.

In other words, unless the remaining 90% of the authority in the extraordinary space objects to his future orders and resolutions against R'lyeh, they will be unstoppably carried out.

"But, what do you want?!"

After thinking for a long time, Limulu raised his head and made a big decision: "I am also a member of the Light Chaser, so it is understandable to help the Light Chaser more."

"Hey,'s not good to talk about this in front of me, right?" The magician at the side couldn't stand it any longer. This was a good game for the authorized person, Nine Dragons, and you, Ling Ling, are immoral. Bar?

When you do this, you directly let the Void intervene, and realize the dimensionality reduction strike - then don't all other authorized persons have to desperately involve, and find a way to find a Void force to intervene in order to be eligible to fight? !

In Ling Ling's view, this is because she gave up on becoming a god, that is, her personal interests have fulfilled the collective interests of the light chasers. This is in line with her concept, but for other authority figures, it is not so good .

Not everyone is willing to pay for the country like Ling Ling, who was influenced by the army since childhood!

Including magicians, shouldn't most people with authority regard their chances of becoming gods as extremely important? !

What the magician didn't know was that even if Ling Ling hadn't made such a decision, the gods of the void, under the influence of the Protoss and the United, had already begun to enter the arena. If it really comes to Void to enter the arena, it will be the same as the current star who was fighting and playing well, but suddenly the capital ends, and it becomes a mess? !

Not only that - the magic associations and magic systems in Northern Europe, you say they have a good atmosphere, harmonious and free, and the academic atmosphere of research first is really good, but if you say they are united...

It hasn't been long since that incident in Switzerland!

At that time, there were less than ten magic associations, and he still hasn't forgotten about it! ! ! You said that other people's family's Void enters the arena. Anyway, there are many relatives in the family who protect the weak. You said that you can't attract many big shots, and you can guarantee your status, such as heaven, hell, and even that mechanical warrior. Come to support the boss who once left Tool Nation!

To whom do their pursuers go? Looking for my teacher Merlin? !

Fuck, that guy is now wholeheartedly helping the Truth Council take care of the children! Until now, the magician didn't know how he was inferior to that damn saint! !

"There's nothing you can do about it. If you want to blame it, you have to blame the succubus over there." Hearing this, Ling Ling turned around without any guilt and said, "When she took the first step, she Pandora's box has been opened."

"However, this is not without benefits." Ling Ling looked at the magician, spread his hands and said, "At least that Your Majesty should feel very uncomfortable."

"Among those with authority, the Crown Prince originally had an absolute advantage, but now that Void enters the arena, that advantage from strength will also be wiped out. This may be an opportunity for you instead."

The person Ling Ling mentioned was obviously Lilith.

Kyuubi and the others looked weird, Limuru helplessly interrupted the other party's analysis: "Tell me what you want first."

To continue the analysis, Limulu was afraid that Ye Xiaoqian and Jiuwei would show their secrets by laughing.

In fact, Ling Ling's analysis is not wrong, it's just that... the information gap is too big.

"It's up to me to ask you, Limulu." Hearing this, Ling Ling revealed a feeling that Limulu was very familiar with—it was the same feeling as when he smelled it and went to negotiate with Ling Ling. : "Don't ask me what I want, you should think about it."

"What can you give me to impress me." Ling Ling's cold face seemed to have a faint smile mixed in. Even though the corner of the other party's mouth did not change slightly, Limulu still felt it in an instant. Laughing! Laughing and imitating him!

Jokingly launched a provocation.

Oh, damn it!

Feng Shui turns, right? !

Limulu ground her teeth, looked angrily at Ye Xiaoqian who was gloating, grabbed her hair with a headache, and was a little mad.


Status reversal is certain. Even if Ling Ling is in a weak position, Limulu needs this authority too much. Even if there is no such thing as absolute authority, the support of a person with authority is in a sense extremely natural. Big chips.

And when the opponent puts this bargaining chip up, it directly confirms the opponent's dominant position.

There's no way, after all, you can't give what can match it, and when most of what you can give can't match, the other party is indeed qualified to make you think about it.

Damn it, Limuru is too familiar with this pretentious method!

At this time, Kyuubi walked up to Limuru, and gave Limuru a list in the communication, but Limuru shook his head.

"Captain Ling Ling doesn't really want to make compensation, but the need for this cooperation is really worth my consideration." Limulu finally sighed and clapped his hands: "However, I also have to work together with the team members. Discuss, such an important contract cannot be concluded hastily, right?"

"Yeah." Ling Ling understood what the other party meant, and nodded: "Okay, after this world is over, we can have a good talk."


Well, he is indeed not someone from the family, it is normal for both sides not to play with him.

Then the question arises, where should he go to find someone as awesome as Limulu's team?

However, Lina is also regarded as the other party's person now, so she should be eligible to participate in their conversation, right?

He glanced at Lina, thought for a while or lowered his eyes, forget it, Lina is also his sister, since he has found his own path, it's better not to mix too much with other things.

Lisa was silent for a long time, and she was relieved after seeing the performance of the magician.

To be honest, the schoolmaster of the Seeker has the kindness of nurturing the two sisters. This kind of kindness and respect has prompted her to regard the Magic Net faction as her own. For her sister to be free, she He has also been standing in front of him, firmly blocking the burden of duty and responsibility, and preventing these things from falling on his sister.

She did it with great success.

The price is that the younger sister has no sense of belonging to this faction itself, and she is naive and still yearns for her ideal existence and chases after it.

But this is also very good, her dream is that her younger sister can be happy... isn't it?


At the carnival banquet, the magician and his party did not revel with the crowd again, but watched the dinner silently in the corner.

"It's Ragnarok, but you're still so slack?" The astrologer said meaningfully, "Speaking of which, I thought you would bring Lina here, at least this time."

Not bringing it here means that the magician gave up his intention of approaching or obtaining something through Lena.

"Too much has been abandoned on the road of pursuing eternity." Hearing this, the magician lightly picked up the golden bread baked on the table, and said softly: "There is no need to destroy the last trace of warmth and fetters." Lose."

"The cultural origin of Asgard in this century is also from northern Europe." The magician sighed, as if he was feeling something: "But we have lost it. Even when dusk comes, we must remain optimistic." the spirit of."

"It's almost done." Astrology was nothing at all, but when he heard the magician's emotion, he immediately smiled and said, "You also have sentimental moments?!"

"Hey, there's no way, it's too stressful."

"Also, do you guys think that Limuru... feels a bit wrong to me?!"

"Something's wrong?"

"Yes, I don't know where it is, but it just gives me the feeling that there is something wrong... very evil." The magician narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment: "The other party gave me the feeling of time, I am very sure of this, but Today he showed the power of space."

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