Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

An activity organized by Feng Yu himself (reward gifts)

In order to thank all the book friends for their support, Feng Yu decided to organize an event by himself. This is done by himself and has nothing to do with the website. The relationship must be cleared up first to avoid misunderstanding! Although Feng Yu is not a great author, he is still a salted fish with dreams. If he turns over, he will be the overlord among the salted fish, haha...

1. Every month, reward the top three.

The first place can get a small gift, such as a doll. The picture on the body is the image of the protagonist. It was specially made by someone. It is being worked on. To be honest, Feng Yu is also looking forward to it.

The second place will be rewarded with a mouse pad or mobile phone case, and the picture on the surface is also the protagonist's image.

The third place will be rewarded with a water glass, and the picture is also customized!

Of course, if the first person doesn’t like dolls, he can also choose a mouse pad or a mobile phone case. There are only these types, let’s not consider the others for now!

And there is a premise for the activity. The total amount of rewards this month must be more than 1,000 yuan for the reward feedback activity to be established. It starts on the first day of each month and ends on the last day. The results will be counted on the first day of the next month. The gift will be completed and delivered within a week. The reward for those excluding the alliance leader is more than 1,000, and one more chapter will be added! If it exceeds one thousand and five, add another chapter, and so on.

When the statistical results come out, a special thank you chapter will be opened to mark the winning book friends!

Of course, if you can't even reach the reward of 1,000, you can just treat it as a joke. Not all the reward money goes to Fengyu, but also to the website. So, don't think that Fengyu is greedy. After all, activities require funds. Fengyu basically spends one-third of the reward money divided with the website to buy gifts and distribute red envelopes to the official readership. The remaining money for himself is only a few hundred yuan. Please excuse me.

2. If you want to reward a leader, just send a gift, a doll, a mouse pad, or a mobile phone case. You can also make a request, such as specifically creating a character or a plot...etc. The request is not too excessive, and it must be done in the wind and rain. To the best of our ability, legally, reasonably and ethically. In addition, a chapter will be added for the leader, and the title will indicate who the update is for! If the leader does not participate in the above activities, the rewards will not overlap with the above activities!

3. As a consolation prize, friends who are fully booked, or those with a star value of more than 5,000, can join the WeChat group, where red envelopes will be sent out from time to time, the plot will be discussed, and suggestions will be made. Feng Yu will absorb everyone's opinions and even make special arrangements for them. Character building. Join the WeChat group, advance to the QQ group, 869433616, chat privately with the group owner in the group, show star value screenshots, and get you into the VIP reader group, WeChat group!

It is best for genuine readers to join a group. In the group, you can contact book friends in time, friends who give rewards, or those with a star value of more than 5,000 can also privately chat with the group owner in a timely manner to facilitate communication. The distribution of gifts must be I need to know your address. Of course, Feng Yu will also announce the winning book friends in the book review area!

This activity will be piloted for a few months and may be gradually improved in the future.

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