Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 120 Guerrilla Warfare


The roar of the zombies was earth-shattering and could be heard within a radius of several miles. They were suddenly attacked by Wang Shuang and others, and hundreds of zombies were lost at once, but there was no reaction. These hundreds of zombies were indifferent to this huge group of corpses. Yan is just an inconspicuous small part, accounting for less than one percent.


The bullets of Wang Shuang and others were directly fired, and there was a sound of empty guns turning. Then everyone started to change the bullets with great skill, but in less than ten seconds, everyone changed the bullets.

"Drive, leave! Drive faster than the zombies!" Seeing the zombies getting closer and closer to him and others, Wang Shuang shouted and ordered.


The drivers were all veteran drivers who had been driving for nearly ten years. They turned the steering wheel extremely skillfully, and the vehicle swung its tail and reversed its head.

"Keep fighting!"

Everyone's bullets only stopped for less than half a minute before they were turned on again, in a hail of bullets mode. The zombies at the front fell down in rows. Some were hit in the head and died instantly, while others fell and were killed by the zombies behind them. Trampled into pulp.

Seeing that this attack seemed to be very effective, Wang Shuang and others were extremely excited and kept pouring bullets into the zombie group.

Suddenly attacked, the zombie group became a little confused at first, but not long after, the speed zombies behind the zombie group had seen the situation in front, and they roared angrily, turning into ghostly figures, heading towards Wang Shuang and others rushed over at great speed.

"Three level five speed zombies, five level four speed zombies! The others are all level three!" Wang Shuang raised his eyes and frowned. The zombies are evolving faster and faster now, but not just Within two months, even level five zombies could be seen so easily. You know, more than a month ago, level five zombies were the dominant characters in Jiangnan City!

Although these zombies can be dealt with by oneself, except for a few others, it is difficult to deal with them. Once they get close, the consequences will be disastrous.

As soon as Wang Shuang thought this, dozens of fireballs appeared directly, forming a large net that suddenly enveloped them and stopped the group of guys who were quickly leaving the team.

The fist-sized fireball flashed with bright yellow light, directly cut through the air, flew forward suddenly, and was stopped by the fireball. These zombies were not brainless idiots. Feeling the power of the fireball, each figure seemed to be like a ghost. Wanted to dodge from one side.

"Want to hide?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Shuang's mouth. If it was so easy to escape, then he could really throw away his first skill.


The zombie figures just dodged these fireballs and rushed forward at a straight speed, with excited smiles on their gray faces. They really didn't expect that there was a burst of wind coming from behind them. As if they were aware of it, they looked back and saw dozens of fireballs, as if equipped with trackers, turning a corner and rushing towards them.


These speed-evolved zombies roared angrily one by one. The three level five zombies headed by them seemed to be covered with a faint cyan halo, and their speed surged instantly, escaping at the critical moment.


Other zombies did not have this kind of luck. Dozens of fireballs fell directly on them. With a loud noise, big holes were smashed all over their bodies, and they turned into burning people. Some even had their heads pierced by fireballs.

In just the blink of an eye, more than a dozen speed-evolved zombies were almost wiped out, leaving only three level five zombies running towards here at a terrifying speed.

"No!" Everyone was shocked for a moment. Seeing the terrifying speed of these zombies, they couldn't help but change their colors. The guns in their hands kept hitting the three zombies. The rain of bullets formed by the violent bullets seemed to be in a deserted land for these three zombies, and their figures seemed to have become phantoms. The bullets passed through their bodies and fell into the group of zombies behind them, killing dozens of zombies.

However, seeing the zombies getting closer and closer, they did not harm the three zombies at all. Everyone was also anxious. Li Xin narrowed his eyes and wanted to take action to deal with this group of zombies. However, before he could do anything, a figure Already gone out like lightning, the bright sword flashed by, reflecting a trace of cold luster in the sunlight.


The figures of three level five evolved zombies suddenly stopped when they were less than five meters away from the vehicle, but they could no longer move. The three heads fell, rolled to the ground, and their bodies fell straight.

Everyone looked at him in shock. Wang Shuang stood where the three zombies were, with drops of black blood still dripping from the tip of the knife in his hand.

"Dong dong dong"

Like the sound of a mountain falling, the ground trembled faintly. Everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked into the distance. Those huge power zombies were walking towards here step by step. Each step was a full three meters long. It is more than ten meters long, comparable to ordinary people running at full strength. These zombies are like small moving tanks. Every step they take will trample several ordinary zombies to the second level.

The speed of his car is not very fast, it is faster than ordinary zombies, and he always keeps a distance of thirty to fifty meters from it. In this way, everyone can maximize the power of their guns.

But at the same time, these power zombies can catch up. See these little giants running quickly. Wang Shuang quickly investigated.

There are five level five power zombies and seven level four power zombies. Wang Shuang can see that these zombies no longer seem to have muscles on their bodies, but have almost turned into rocks, exuding a gray-white luster and white. Blood vessels are spread all over the body, and muscles are knotted.

Everything shows how terrifying the power of these zombies is, comparable to Zhang Ye's power. You know, Zhang Ye's strength is also among the top five masters in Lijiacun today, but there are five of these zombies!

Wang Shuang did not move forward with the vehicle. He stood on the spot and looked at the dozen evolved zombies running towards him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and felt the energy he had gained from just killing a dozen speed zombies. The distance broke through to six meters. The level is only a piece of paper away.

Wang Shuang looked at the dozen zombies running towards him. No, these were not just zombies. In Wang Shuang's eyes, these zombies had turned into energy storage devices. As long as he killed them, he could break through to six levels. class!

Once he breaks through level six, Wang Shuang believes that with his own strength, he can kill level eight zombies!

Wang Shuang's figure changed. He took a step and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already surrounded by more than a dozen power zombies.


With a low cry, Wang Shuang's blade slashed directly at these zombies without any hesitation!

Level 5 weapons are sharp enough to cut through gold and jade, and can even cut through the fur of level 7 mutant beasts, let alone level 5 zombies.

Just as Wang Shuang expected, his blade fell on a level 4 zombie, directly dividing the zombie into two halves. The upper body and lower body are disconnected in the middle.


However, the zombie's upper body was still moving, moving towards Wang Shuang.

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