Wang Shuang saw everyone's surprised expressions, and a smile escaped from the corner of his mouth. He turned to look at Su Wei, "Su Wei, get to know Professor Yu. You will be responsible for contacting Professor Yu from now on!"

Everyone was shocked at the same time. Some people knew Su Wei's ability, and they couldn't help but look at Yu Guang with a strange light.

When Su Wei saw Wang Shuang's eyes, she felt a sudden realization and stepped forward to greet him with a smile.

"Hello, Professor Yu, I am Su Wei. Team Wang said you are a weapons expert. I wonder what kind of weapons you are responsible for?"

A faint cyan light appeared in Su Wei's eyes, looking out of the corner of her eye, she asked softly. Hearing this voice, Yu Guangzhong's eyes seemed to be glazed for a moment, and he answered somewhat mechanically: "It's about bullet manufacturing. I mainly study the performance parameters of bullets..."

Professor Yu seemed to have opened up a chat box and introduced his professional knowledge to everyone. However, everyone present seemed to be listening to the bible. It was okay for them to fight, but for something that required strong professional knowledge, they No one can understand it!

Although they didn't understand, everyone was relieved in their hearts. At least this guy was not a fake!

Wang Shuang also felt relieved and signaled Su Wei to stop her powers. Su Wei nodded clearly, her eyes gradually recovered, and the strange fluctuations disappeared. There seemed to be some unfinished thoughts in her peripheral vision.

"Where did I just say that?"

Hearing Yu Guangzhong's words, Wang Shuang smiled and said, "Professor Yu, you don't need to say anything, even us big guys can't understand what you said!"

After hearing Wang Shuang's words, Professor Yu laughed awkwardly.

Huang Tianheng suddenly said, "Professor Yu, you said you are responsible for making bullets. So, do you have a way to make bullets?"

Everyone looked at Yu Guangzhong at the same time, knowing that what he said was right. Saying one thing, doing it is another matter. Nowadays, bullets are a problem that always surrounds everyone, and it is also the most important problem that needs to be solved.

Wang Shuang also looked closely at Yu Guangzhong, knowing that it was one thing, but what this guy's true ability was was what everyone wanted to know.

Being watched closely by everyone, his peripheral vision also tightened. He knew that this was the key to whether he could be reused. What they wanted was a weapons expert who could make bullets, not a guy who could only talk empty words. , if I don't show some of my own value, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the core of Wang Shuang's power at all, let alone have any status.

At this thought, he gritted his teeth in the corner of his eye and said bravely, "As long as there are machines and people, I am confident that I can produce it immediately!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Huang Tianheng continued to ask, "So, can we produce under the current conditions?"

"I'm afraid not. Bullet manufacturing is a high-precision technology that cannot make any mistakes. The required machines are not available in this small town. Even if it is modified, there are no corresponding materials!"

"At least I have to go to the county town. Then, I will modify some machines and I can barely make some rough bullets!"

Yu Guangzhong rejected Huang Guangheng's idea.

"Okay, there is no rush to make bullets now, we can wait until later." Wang Shuang saw that Huang Guangheng wanted to continue asking, so he interrupted the question directly, looked around everyone, and said: "Now, Professor Yu is ours Weapons consultant, everything will be treated according to the captain's treatment!"

"When bullets are produced in the future, the salary can be improved!"

When everyone heard this, no one raised any objection. This kind of special talent was urgently needed by every force. This kind of treatment was even a bit humiliating. However, their scale was also very small, so they could only go so far.

Hearing this from the corner of his eye, he felt a surge of ecstasy in his heart, finally no longer having to live the same life as before. He quickly thanked Wang Shuang.

Afterwards, everyone talked again for a while and then dispersed. Now, everyone rushed into this small town at once, which is equivalent to a lot of waste. There are countless things waiting for them to solve. Just the food, clothing, housing and transportation for everyone. It is a big problem. The distribution of houses, food management, placement of firearms, defense of the town, patrols, etc. are all very troublesome problems. But fortunately Dong Zhu is here, and under her command, everything is Proceeding in an orderly manner, the seven hundred people quickly integrated into the town.

The town that was almost occupied by zombies instantly gained popularity. Including the original nearly a hundred people, there are now nearly eight hundred people. Among these people, according to the previous rules, the elderly do not have to work and the children can also go to school. There will be steamed buns, vegetables, and even some meat every day. Wang Shuang is not too harsh on these people. After all, children are the future of a powerful force. Although the elderly cannot work, their knowledge and experience are also what young people cannot. In fact, on some issues, they see things more clearly than young people.

At the entrance of the town, the gate made of rattan wood was also replaced by a metal gate. Next to it were wall stacks made of reinforced concrete, which were a full four meters high, giving it a vague "city wall" appearance.

This was Huang Tianheng's idea. After the last zombie swarm, they understood that if there is no defensive fortress that can stop the zombies, they will eventually be destroyed. Therefore, the entire town's cement, steel bars, and metals were spent to build such a "city wall!" There are places for placing gun muzzles on the stacks on both sides for their fighting use. The entire stack is more than ten meters long and can hold dozens of people at the same time. Once zombies really come, ten light machine guns can exert huge power.

The entire town is sandwiched between a hill and a river. One road leads to the Jiangzhou Expressway. It is surrounded by hills. It is a good place to grow crops. However, it is already late autumn, so there is no way to grow food. We can only wait until next year. spring.

A barbed wire fence separates one side of the town from the hill. Most of the leaves on the hill are withered and yellow. From time to time, some people want to go up the hill to have a look. If they are lucky, they may be able to catch two game animals to eat, but the patrolmen often check back and forth. No one is allowed to jump over the barbed wire fence.

The whole town is prosperous, with a new look every day. At the same time, Li Xin and others continue to take people out to fight the zombies, constantly looking for supplies and survivors. However, in just a few days, the people here have The number of people quietly increased by more than a dozen people again.

When Wang Shuang saw this scene, he directly asked Liu Qingqing to go to Cai Xiao's place to be responsible for registering the new arrivals, distributing items, etc., so that she could have something to do and not have to clean the house every day.

As for the little girl Liu Lei, Wang Shuang forced her into a school, a school with fifty or sixty students and seven or eight teachers. The teachers were still Lin Xueqing and others teaching cultural classes, while Huang Beibei taught fighting classes.

However, what surprised Wang Shuang was that these students did not seem to be interested in cultural classes at all. On the contrary, they were extremely enthusiastic about fighting classes, which made Wang Shuang wonder whether they all had violence in their bones.

But he also understands that the cruelty of the apocalypse has completely changed them. They all believe that only force can protect themselves, so they are so enthusiastic about fighting classes.

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