Wang Shuang was completely shocked when he saw his own data. He had only been promoted to level seven, but his body had undergone such earth-shaking changes. You must know that every time you were promoted before, your strength was only able to increase by the data of two or three ordinary people. However, you did not expect that this time, the data of ten people directly increased, especially the strength and mental power. Breaking through the thirty mark.

Now, Wang Shuang's spirit has exceeded thirty, and he feels that his mind is extremely clear. He even feels extremely familiar with the surrounding plants and trees. Within a radius of ten meters, he can even feel the movement of a group of ants. This is a feeling that seems to have cleared up a layer of confusion.

Wang Shuang's mental power is so strong at the moment that he can even vaguely feel that his mental power will completely transform when it reaches a certain level. When the time comes, I am extremely looking forward to what will happen.

Wang Shuang felt the power that seemed to surge in his body. It seemed that level seven was a huge watershed. Once crossed, he would have power that surpassed all previous progress.

"But, how could Zhou Ying be so weak when he was at level seven?" Wang Shuang had a flash of doubt in his heart. If Zhou Ying heard this, he would probably vomit blood in depression, but Wang Shuang did not expect how different he and Zhou Ying were. Likewise, if you include the strength and speed of your body, then you are an eight-series evolver!

To evolve again, the energy required is eight times that of other people! Therefore, his strength is eight times that of other ordinary seventh-level strong men! But now, Wang Shuang once again has a skill, and the difficulty of upgrading has skyrocketed again. Now even if he kills 10,000 zombies, he may not be able to advance to level eight again!

After slowly calming down his momentum, Wang Shuang turned to look at the others. At this time, everyone gathered around him.

"Xiao Shuang, you have broken through!" Li Xin said in surprise. As soon as they felt the momentum and the terrifying punch, they had already guessed that Wang Shuang had broken through to level seven, but they did not get Wang Shuang's confirmation. But he still dared not confirm it.

"Well, after killing the mutant beast leader, I broke through to level seven!" Wang Shuang nodded and admitted.

Everyone was in an uproar, with a touch of excitement on their faces. Now that Wang Shuang has been promoted to level seven, their strength has once again improved a lot, and their safety will also increase even further!

"Xiao Shuang, who is the leader of the mutated beast? How can he be so powerful?" Zhao Xin looked at Wang Shuang curiously, wondering in his heart that the mutated beast was so terrifying, even the most powerful one among himself and others. The powerful Wang Shuang was suppressed. If Wang Shuang had not escaped in time, I am afraid that he and others would have been killed.

Others also looked at Wang Shuang curiously and listened carefully with their ears raised.

Wang Shuang told everyone the information about the mutant beast leader, which surprised everyone again.

"No wonder, this is such a powerful mutated beast!" Zhang Ye murmured to himself, feeling relieved. I thought it was because I was too weak, but it turned out that my opponent was too strong.

The other evolvers also breathed a sigh of relief, having the same thoughts as Zhang Ye. When Wang Shuang saw everyone's expressions, he ignored the embarrassment of his tattered clothes and spoke in a deep voice.

"What do you think of my strength?" Wang Shuang suddenly spoke, causing everyone to be stunned and look at Wang Shuang in confusion.

"Xiao Shuang, what do you mean?" Li Xin asked.

"Answer me, what do you think of my strength?" Wang Shuang did not answer, and spoke again with an increased tone!

Everyone felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, so they all stopped talking and looked at Wang Shuang. Finally, Wang Hu spoke angrily: "Team Wang is naturally the strongest!"

No one else spoke, but there was a flash of recognition in their eyes. Apparently everyone thinks so.

"It seems that you all think so!" Wang Shuang looked around at everyone, with a flash of self-mockery on his face, "But I, the one you say is the strongest, was almost completely suppressed just now!"

"Do you know what I was thinking when I was suppressed? I don't hate my opponent for being too strong, I only hate that I am too weak!"

"Not having enough strength to protect the people you want to protect is a person's greatest tragedy."

Wang Shuang's voice became louder and louder, deafening. Everyone vaguely understood what Wang Shuang was going to say, and they all lowered their heads in shame.

"This world is changing all the time, and even this change will be much faster than you think. There will be more powerful creatures than today's mutant beast! Even I am no match!"

"When the time comes, can you still count on me! The only thing you rely on is yourself, your own strength! By then, the opponents you encounter will be unimaginably powerful, and you can no longer complain that your opponents are too strong. If you are strong, you will only resent yourself for being too weak!"

Everyone looked at Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang's voice had gradually become calmer, but when his words fell in everyone's hearts, it was like deep-sea bombs, flashing through their hearts like waves!

In particular, many evolvers lowered their heads in shame. Although they looked very desperate and kept killing zombies, the speed of their level improvement was also gratifying. But they all know in their hearts that they actually don't have the determination to give everything, let alone the courage to put life and death at risk.

Under the protection of Wang Shuang's powerful strength, they seemed to be in a comfortable harbor, becoming more and more comfortable.

After Wang Shuang's rebuke, they woke up as if enlightened. They all looked at the tattered Wang Shuang in front of them with a look of shame. When I looked at it again this time, I felt a fierce and invincible aura that I would never die in a hundred battles!

"This should be the aura that a truly strong man should have! Trying his best to be reborn in despair and resurrected in death!" A flash of enlightenment flashed through everyone's hearts.

"Xiao Shuang, we have disappointed you!" This time, it was Li Xin who spoke. He looked at Wang Shuang, his eyes were extremely clear, and he spoke extremely sincerely.

"Don't worry, we won't disappoint you in the future!"

Zhang Ye took a deep breath, raised his head and spoke word by word, "Captain Wang, we will never let you fight alone again! I want to prove to you that even without you, I, Zhang Ye, can stand alone!"

"Me too, I will never let the King fight alone again!"

"Yes, Team King, please trust us! We will not let you down again!"

Everyone spoke one after another, and they all assured Wang Shuang very firmly.

Huang Tianheng smiled slightly, and a touch of relief flashed in his eyes when he saw this scene. He himself had actually discovered this shortcoming of these evolvers, but since he was an outsider, he couldn't say anything. I just kept pretending I didn’t see it.

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