"What should we do with these three people?" Li San asked.

Everyone looked at these three guys with undisguised murderous intent on their faces. Scumbags like this deserved to die no matter how many times they died.

Therefore, Huang Tianheng spoke directly to Wang Shuang: "Captain Wang, for scum like this, we should execute them in front of everyone! This can also serve as a warning!"

"No, please, gentlemen, spare our lives!"

“We were wrong and we will never dare to do it again!

As if they heard what everyone said, the three of them reluctantly opened their eyes, looked at Wang Shuang and the others, and begged for mercy in extremely weak voices. At this time, the red light in the three people's eyes also dissipated a lot, unlike when Wang Shuang just saw them.

Wang Shuang felt curious and used his skills to take a look.

"Half-Zombie: If a living person eats a large number of corpses, his body will gradually mutate, and eventually he will even turn into a mutated zombie. He has extremely terrifying speed and strength, is extremely powerful, and is invulnerable. He is a hundred times more terrifying than special zombies!"

"What, he turned into a mutated zombie!" Wang Shuang gasped. It was the first time he saw them not using skills to detect, but he missed this message. The mutated zombies themselves have experienced their power before. If these three guys really turn into mutated zombies, it's hard to say whether they will be their opponents or not!

Unexpectedly, there is another way to turn into a mutated zombie. What a bad luck. Wang Shuang thought to himself, but he was also a little lucky. Fortunately, he discovered it in time and caught them in time before they completely mutated.

"Hmph, you do such a thing and still want to live. Even if you die a hundred times, it won't be enough to repay your debt!"

"That's right, God will tolerate your immortality!" Everyone said one after another, scorning their words. It's really a dream for such a scumbag to want to survive.

When the three heard this, a flash of despair flashed in their eyes. Although they knew that they would definitely die if their affairs were exposed, they still took chances. Now everyone's words would undoubtedly sentence them to death!

Wang Shuang didn't speak, but after seeing their information, his thoughts in his mind changed somewhat. Finally, after everyone finished speaking, they looked at the three dying guys lying on the ground.

"Do you really want to live?"

Wang Shuang suddenly spoke, which shocked everyone. They all looked at Wang Shuang with puzzled expressions. Could it be that Wang Shuang still wanted to let them go?

"Xiao Shuang, what do you mean?" Li Xin looked confused.

"Tell me, do you want to live or die?" Wang Shuang did not answer, but asked again.

"Live, want to live! Want to live!" There was a glimmer of hope on the faces of the three of them, and their heads kept nodding like chickens chasing rice! A glimmer of hope flashed through his heart. Didn't Wang Shuang intend to kill them?

"Captain Wang, they must not live! Scum like this must not live, otherwise, no one will be convinced!" Huang Tianheng on the side spoke with rare force and retorted directly.

Although everyone was a little surprised, they all supported it unanimously. Such heartless guys must not be allowed to live!

Wang Shuang felt that everyone was angry and explained helplessly: "Don't worry, it's not what you think!"

"I'm just thinking that in today's world where morality has declined and order has collapsed, I'm afraid there will never be fewer people like them! We are just killing them now. Although it is very satisfying, it is not the best way to deal with it!"

After hearing this, everyone was a little confused. What did Wang Shuang want to do?

Wang Shuang slowly expressed his thoughts, "They are all heinous guys. Even if they die a hundred times, they will not be able to forgive their hatred, but if I can squeeze out the last bit of their use before they die, I think this is a good idea." .”

"Xiao Shuang, what on earth do you want to do? Don't disappoint everyone!" Everyone urged with some curiosity.

"It's simple. Since they are going to die sooner or later, it's better to let them all die fighting zombies!"

"I plan to set up a death squad, which will mainly place these heinous guys, so that they can constantly fight zombies. Not only can they preserve their own strength, but they can also offset some of the zombies' power!"

"Once they join the death squads, they will never be able to get out again unless they make great contributions. In the death squads, they are treated the worst. The light groups that appear after they kill zombies will be turned over!"

"It can be said that they are almost sentenced to death, but they can still exert their remaining value!"

Listening to Wang Shuang's words, everyone's faces lit up. This method was much better than simply killing them!

"Good idea!" Huang Tianheng also changed his tone at this time and no longer objected.

Only the guy who was lying on the ground like three dead dogs looked relieved when he heard this. After all, although this ending could be called hell, at least his life was saved! When you are alive, there is hope!

"Leave this death squad to Xiaoxin!" Wang Shuang said and looked at Li Xin, "You are responsible for setting up the death squad, specifically responsible for such guys! There is no upper limit on the number of people!"

Li Xin reluctantly agreed. He was already the captain of a team, and now that he had another heavy responsibility falling on him, he felt a little confused.

Afterwards, everyone left, leaving only three guys on the ground who looked like they were going to survive.

Back in the hall, Wang Shuang looked at everyone and said softly, "After we leave, I hope everyone can maintain the order here. When I come back, I will see a different look!"

While they were talking, plates of fragrant and delicious food were brought in and dropped on the table in front of everyone. Wang Shuang said nothing more and said to everyone, "Eat!" Then, there was a gluttonous feast. , what Zhao Xin prepared for everyone was the meat of precious mutated beasts, which are usually hard to get, but now what is left are some of the mutated beasts that Wang Shuang killed!

Everyone had a drink, and the next day, Wang Shuang took Zhou Ying, Lin Xueqing and others to leave Jinniu Town. Everything here had been temporarily handed over to Li Xin, Huang Tianheng, Dong Zhu and others.

Along the way, Lin Xueqing and others were extremely shocked. In the past two months here, they had gradually lost their desire for Huaxin City, and although Wang Shuang did not treat them well here, he did not treat them well either. Bad, after all, they are all classmates, so they are not that bad. I originally thought that I and others would stay in Jinniu Town for the rest of their lives, but they didn't expect that Wang Shuang would suddenly tell them that he would take them to Huaxin City!

They all know very well that when they were here and others, they saw with their own eyes that Wang Shuang founded this base from a small village with less than 200 people and not even a decent weapon to the current one that even has countless grenades. , various rocket launchers, and even a powerful base for armored vehicles!

Now that they suddenly left here, they were all a little confused. I don’t even know if I’m doing the right thing.

Last night, they kept thinking about whether to really leave here. Therefore, this time many people chose to give up and stay in Jinniu Town.

The number of people leaving with them now is only seven or eight! It is worth mentioning that Bai Lanxin also chose to stay here, but Zhang Xin chose to leave.

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