The more Wang Shuang heard this, the uglier his face became. This guy is going to die if he takes over Jiangnan City now, and he is still the kind of person who formed a group! Are these crazy guys suffering from hunger?

Commander Qiu didn't seem to notice, and continued to speak: "Once we regain Jiangnan City, then, Xiaoshuang, we can give you a deputy director level treatment and be in charge of a regiment of troops!"

"How about it, Xiaoshuang, this is my greatest sincerity!"

Everyone looked at Wang Shuang, expecting his answer.

"Are you crazy?" Unexpectedly, Wang Shuang was silent for a long time, but he said this, which shocked everyone.

"Bold!" Sui Cheng shouted angrily and stepped forward, the aura on his body surged like a sharp sword towards Wang Shuang.

"Yeah" Wang Shuangyi frowned. Faced with this situation, he showed no fear at all, even in other people's territory. His momentum was like a big wave and he counterattacked like lightning!

Although they are both seventh-level evolvers, Wang Shuang's strength is dozens of times that of masters at the same level! Therefore, facing Wang Shuang's terrifying momentum like a huge wave, Sui Cheng's momentum was instantly counterattacked like an egg hitting a stone. Wang Shuang's momentum plus Sui Cheng's own momentum were superimposed, and they all swarmed on Sui Cheng.

"Deng Deng Deng"

Sui Cheng's body instantly flew backwards, and he fell back on the ground for several steps before stopping. He then raised his head and looked at Wang Shuang with a horrified expression. Although he knew that Wang Shuang was powerful, he did not expect that he was so powerful.

He is also a powerful seventh-level evolver, but after the test just now, he feels that compared to Wang Shuang, he is like a small boat that may capsize at any time.

Everyone else's eyes froze when they saw this scene. Those who originally had doubts about Wang Shuang's strength were shocked, "With such a powerful force, it seems that he really killed the hunter." !”

"I'm talking, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson!" Wang Shuang looked at him coldly, as if looking at a passerby. You must know that Sui Cheng is an extremely powerful evolver with extremely powerful skills, but in Wang Shuang's case, Under the pressure of his momentum, he looked extremely embarrassed!

Wang Shuang had met Sui Cheng before and understood his strength. He could even be regarded as one of the top evolvers in the entire military camp. However, Wang Shuang didn't care at all and still spoke domineeringly!

Hearing Wang Shuang's words, everyone's faces changed, and Kang Ping's face also became a little ugly. This Sui Cheng was the strongest man under him. It can be said that with his current status, at least half of them are Because of Sui Cheng’s incomparable strength! Therefore, now that I see him being humiliated, I feel extremely angry! However, he is also a person who has experienced great storms, and his emotions and anger are not shown on his face, so his face only changed slightly and he did not say anything. Secretary Cao would naturally speak for him without him opening his mouth.

As expected, Cao Jun also looked at Wang Shuang with a somewhat ugly expression, "Xiao Shuang, what do you mean? Do you think we can't capture Jiangnan City with our strength!"

Wang Shuang sneered, "You are only five thousand soldiers. Although you have a large number of modern weapons, it is just a dream to capture Jiangnan City, which has millions of zombies!"

"Those ordinary zombies are okay, but those special zombies, do you really think they are so easy to deal with? Even I dare not say that you can deal with them. I dare say that if you really attack Jiangnan City, not to mention the entire army will be annihilated. At least he will come back defeated!"

"Are those special zombies really that powerful?" Master Qiu asked with a frown.

"Awesome?" Wang Shuang sneered, "More than a month ago, I encountered a zombie. I almost died with just one blow. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been killed on the spot! This was a month ago, now You have all evolved to such an extent, wouldn’t those zombies that are hundreds of times more numerous than us evolve to be more powerful than you!”

They all frowned when they heard Wang Shuang's words. Some people are constantly thinking in their hearts whether attacking Jiangnan City is a good idea!

"Secretary Cao, you escaped from Jiangnan City, so you should be relatively clear about it. Why did you come up with such a bad idea now?" Wang Shuang turned to look at Cao Jun and said with some confusion. He didn't care at all about his status as municipal party secretary.

When Cao Jun heard this, his face became ugly for a while, but this time he did not speak. Next to him, Wang Li, the former mayor of Jiangnan City, said with a cold face: "Wang Shuang, we know that Jiangnan City has become extremely dangerous now. , but it’s also because of this that we invite you, a powerful evolver, to deal with those terrifying mutated zombies!”

"Forget it, you'd better find someone else! I really don't dare to take this kind of job!" Wang Shuang waved his hands and spoke with disdain. He originally had a good impression of them, but now it seems that they are crazy and dare to do this to them. Make an idea there!

"Xiao Shuang, we are almost at the end of our rope now. Otherwise, how could we have made such a dangerous move." Cao Jun sighed.

"Now our supplies are almost exhausted, and the future of thousands of soldiers is unknown. We must give them a hope! And attacking Jiangnan City and regaining Jiangnan City is the motivation for them to persist. With this hope, This army will not collapse!"

"No matter how many difficulties we encounter ahead, we will not give up! Because once we give up this goal, I am afraid this unit will disappear!"

After hearing what Cao Jun said, Wang Shuang fell silent. He looked around at the other people in the hall and found that they all had sighing expressions on their faces. He understood that this might be the hope they had for existence. Once they gave up this hope, I am afraid that these thousands of People will completely fall apart!

"Well, in that case, I don't have anything to say anymore! You have your persistence, and I have my own things to do. Please forgive me for not being able to accompany you!" Wang Shuang sighed, but still refused in the end. He still had many things to do. Do it. His relatives haven’t been found yet. He doesn’t have to think about himself, but he must think about others!

Commander Qiu, Cao Jun and others all sighed, as if they already knew the result and stopped talking.

"You are so unmanly. We are here for ordinary people to survive better, not for ourselves. Everyone is ready to throw their lives and blood, but you refuse because of fear. This is too That's selfish!" No one said anything, Qiu Yingtong, who was sitting next to Qiu Baoguo, spoke in a low voice with some anger.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed at the same time. Zhou Ying and others beside Wang Shuang had been silent since they first came in. At this time, they all became angry when they heard Qiu Yingtong's words, and they coldly reprimanded: "Presumptuous!"

Wang Shuang waved his hands to signal them not to be angry, but he was not angry. He didn't care about these false reputations anyway, not to mention that he was about to leave, so it didn't matter.

Teacher Qiu's expression changed slightly and he quickly stopped his daughter's behavior.

The meal was finished in an atmosphere of extreme silence. Everyone was either thinking about the next battle or the future scene.

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