Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Three days later, the entire base seemed like a fully activated tank, showing its power to the outside world.

Two tanks, ten armored vehicles, dozens of rocket launchers, long-range sniper rifles, automatic rifles, powerful AK47... various guns, and dozens of cars, more than 600 people, five All the brigades were dispatched. In order to completely capture Tongxin County, Wang Shuang mobilized almost all the evolvers. Only a few evolvers without combat effectiveness were left in Jinniu Town. Of course, Wang Shuang himself was in Jinniu Town.

This time, the evolvers dispatched include Li Xin, Zhang Ye, Wang Hu, Zhang Zhen, Liu Xin, Zhou Ying, Deng Mei, Hao Dahai, Lu Zhe, Zhao Xin, Hong Wu, and Zhou Yunyue.

As the deputy captain, Huang Tianheng is also the commander-in-chief this time. Wang Shuang also wants to see how his deputy captain's commanding abilities are. After all, they have been together for so long, and he has rarely seen his abilities. Let yourself see the strength of these subordinates.

What is worth mentioning is that Zhou Yunyue, a woman who had just become an evolver, was taken outside by Wang Shuang the next day for life and death training. From fighting skills to killing techniques, Wang Shuang's teaching methods were simple and crude, even Throw her directly into the pile of zombies... In just one day, Zhou Yunyue's temperament has undergone a huge change. Wang Shuang is not in a hurry to upgrade her level, because her foundation is too weak and there is nothing Due to combat experience, he could not fully display his strength even if he suddenly had too much strength, and it would be easy to accidentally injure himself. Therefore, Wang Shuang kept polishing Zhou Yunyue's will and combat skills!

In order to train Zhou Yunyue, Wang Shuang specially called Hongwu, a dual-lineage evolver, and asked him to train Zhou Yunyue together. Wang Shuang originally thought that Hongwu would go easy on Zhou Yunyue because of her status as a woman, but she didn't expect that he would be more ruthless. Zhou Yunyue was directly thrown into the herd of mutated beasts.

"If you want to become a truly invincible strong man, you must have the consciousness of fighting for the rest of your life. The real strong man is the one who crawls out from the dead!" These were Hong Wu's original words, and Wang Shuang was immediately convinced by this sentence. His opinion changed again!

Therefore, Zhou Yunyue went through two days of brutal training. Although his level did not improve, his combat awareness and sense of danger increased dramatically.

In this battle, Wang Shuang was sent by Hong Wu's side, so that she could use this battle to achieve a more perfect transformation.

Watching everyone leaving, Wang Shuang stood at the gate of the town. He turned his palm and a green vine appeared from his body.

"Go ahead and help them out if there's any danger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the Green Demon Vine, which was only one foot in size, appeared completely from the palm of Wang Shuang's hand and ran towards the distance like lightning.

Watching the Green Devil Vine go away, Wang Shuang's face also showed a smile. After conquering it, he found that the Green Devil Vine could only grow by devouring a large amount of energy. He did not have much energy for the Green Devil Vine to devour, but zombies and mutants The beast had the energy needed by the green magic vine, so Wang Shuang directly sent the green magic vine to the front line of the battle, allowing it to devour and grow on its own.

As for safety, Wang Shuang is not worried at all. He has become the master of the Green Demon Vine. As long as he thinks about it, the Green Demon Vine will collapse instantly. He has already ordered the Green Demon Vine, and its somewhat simple head also understands that he What it has to do is, if it dares to take action against Li Xin and others, the spiritual imprint left by Wang Shuang in its mind will explode and it will be blown to pieces!

Wang Shuang returned to the town and saw his sister, Cai Xiao, Su Wei, Dong Zhu and others arranging things. Now, except for Wang Shuang himself, the entire base could be said to be empty of troops. They also had to appease people and ensure the rear. No problem will arise.

Wang Shuang greeted them with a smile and prepared to go see Yi Xiaochuan. After all, he was also very curious about what Yi Xiaochuan's mercenary union was like and how it was different from what he had thought before.

Wang Shuang asked someone casually and learned the direction of the mercenary union. Soon, he came to a huge open space. The houses were hollowed out and connected together. There was a sign hanging outside.

"Mercenary Union"

Although most of the fighting forces here have gone out to fight, there are still many people coming in and out at the door. Some people can't hide the joy on their faces, while others have a look of annoyance.

Wang Shuang went in quietly without alerting anyone. His eyes suddenly lit up. The hall was made up of many rooms. There was a huge electronic screen hanging in the center. Various tasks were listed on it. Many people were working seriously. Watching, people were coming in and out of the rooms at the back from time to time, coming out with a small sign in their hand.

Wang Shuang looked around and saw that none of the tasks above were too difficult. Most of them were about looking for things.

"Looking for a vehicle worth more than five million yuan, the reward is one pound of rice."

"There are already three people who have gone out in a team to look for supplies. The supplies will be shared equally among everyone!"

"Buy guns at a high price!"


Different pieces of information were listed on it. Wang Shuang just glanced at it and became very interested.

"Team King!" At this time, an exclamation sounded. Wang Shuang turned around and saw that it was an old acquaintance, Hou Ming, who came here with him at the time. He originally wanted to give him a position, but he was a little busy for a while. , I forgot about it!

"Hou Ming, why are you here?" Wang Shuang looked at Hou Ming and asked curiously.

After hearing Wang Shuang's question, Hou Ming quickly replied: "Captain Wang, I am now the on-site person in charge of the mercenary union, and I am specifically responsible for union safety issues."

"President Yi will be very happy if he knows you are here. I will inform him right away!"

Wang Shuang waved his hand to stop his behavior, "No, just tell me where he is and I'll go by myself!"

Hearing this, Hou Ming said nothing more and pointed to a small small room for Wang Shuang. Without disturbing anyone, Wang Shuang opened the door and found a table, two chairs, and a filing cabinet. Everything in the room, Yi Xiaochuan and Yi Xiaohe, two brothers and sisters, were looking down at some materials on the table. They seemed to be so engrossed that they didn't notice Wang Shuang's arrival.

Wang Shuang walked behind the two men and found that they were reading a report on the development of the mercenary union. Some of the data above were listed.

Wang Shuang even saw various levels of tasks and levels certified by the mercenary union.

Involuntarily, Wang Shuang took another step forward, which immediately startled Yi Xiaochuan and Yi Xiaochuan. They turned around and were shocked to find that it was Wang Shuang.

"Captain Wang, you're here!" The two of them stood up in a hurry and looked at Wang Shuang with some anxiety. Yi Xiaohe even pushed his chair next to Wang Shuang.

"Haha, don't be nervous, I won't eat you." Wang Shuang smiled and signaled them to relax. Looking at the materials in their hands, he asked curiously: "I heard that you established a mercenary union. I am more If you are curious, come and take a look.”

Hearing this, the Yi Xiaochuan brothers and sisters breathed a sigh of relief, and Yi Xiaochuan suddenly introduced them excitedly.

The mercenary union only provides a platform for everyone to publish and receive tasks. This platform does not participate in the process of tasks. It is its main responsibility to wait for people to release tasks and receive tasks. However, there are certain requirements for receiving and publishing tasks. Restrictions, for example, when posting tasks, the rewards for different tasks are different, the priority of tasks, and the posting time will also vary with the processing fees. There are many tasks every day, and you want the task you posted to be ranked before others. If you are seen by more people before the task, you will have to pay more handling fees.

Moreover, general task releases will only be kept for three days. If no one comes to claim the task within three days, the task will be automatically canceled. If you want to keep it for a longer period, you will also have to pay more handling fees.

In addition to these, the mercenary union also has a role to assess the strength level of those who receive tasks. From high to low, it is divided into nine levels: sss, ss, s, a, b, c, d, e, and f. The lowest level is F level, which is the strength of ordinary people. At this price, you can only receive some extremely simple tasks, such as knowing what news, building a house, fetching water, etc. The lowest level tasks without restrictions.

Level E is the level of some ordinary soldiers. They have a strong sense of fighting and strong physical fitness. One person can be as strong as three ordinary people! At this level, you can go out and complete some simple tasks.

Level D represents the strength of elite special forces. One person can deal with about ten ordinary zombies. As long as they have guns in hand, they can even deal with some of the lowest level special zombies! This strength is already the backbone of a team.

C level is the king of soldiers. Although they have not become evolvers, they are already barely comparable to the newly evolved evolvers! People with this kind of strength are mostly leaders of small gangs.

As for level B, then it is the true strength of the evolver. Generally, those below level three are level B. Of course, the evolvers referred to here are the fighting type evolvers, not those auxiliary type evolvers. .

Level A is the evolvers of level four to level six. They are already considered the middle-level force of a force.

S-level is a master of level seven or above. With this kind of strength, he is a top-level master no matter which force he is in!

The higher-up SS level, SSS level, and even Yi Xiaochuan cannot evaluate it anymore, because they don't know what the lower levels are.

After listening to Yi Xiaochuan's explanation, Wang Shuang gradually understood the situation of this union. In the future, as long as someone wants to receive a task, they must conduct strength certification here. In this way, it will be clear at a glance how many masters there are in the base, and It's not like a master suddenly appeared and he and others didn't know about it.

"This is just a preliminary plan. We thought about it. If we want to attract the top evolvers to participate, we must have something to attract them. However, there are only so many evolvers in our base, and everyone knows each other. , so there is basically nothing to attract them!" Yi Xiaochuan said helplessly to Wang Shuang about the helplessness of himself and others.

Yi Xiaohe also said timidly: "Now our union is just a grassroots. It can only issue some simple tasks, and they are all digested by the people in its own base. In our vision, this union will be spread all over the world in the future. Force, in this case, making money is secondary, our understanding of other forces and the recruitment of experts play a huge role!"

Wang Shuang's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of the huge advantages of this union. In the future, everyone can go to the union to assess their strength level and receive tasks, while he only provides a platform, but he can gain a lot of wealth and precious news,

When he thought of this, Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel excited, and his eyes sparkled when he looked at the two of them. He had saved them on a whim at the time, but he didn't expect that he would get such a big reward now!

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