Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 240: The rich family is full of wine and meat!

Walking all the way to the city wall, he saw in detail how ordinary people worked. There were old people in their sixties on top and children under ten years old on the bottom. Their bodies were shivering from the cold, and their hands were frozen. It is green, but it is constant work, digging large pits, and the ground is full of spears. If anyone falls in accidentally, he will definitely die.

Some people tie steel wires in two places, waiting for zombies to pass through, and directly cut them in half.

On the side, pots of vegetable soup are burning, with scattered oil splashes floating on them. The aroma of the vegetable soup "gurgling" makes the ordinary people at work full of thirst.

Near the vegetable soup, some guys wearing thick clothes and looking oily looked at the people working coldly, and shouted loudly: "If you want to drink soup, just dig a hole for me, whoever doesn't work seriously" , there’s no need to drink this vegetable soup!”

"This vegetable soup is given to you by the high-ranking adults because they take pity on you. It is not for those lazy people!"

"If anyone is lazy, I will throw him into the pile of zombies to feed them without waiting for the zombies to attack!"

The man's words seemed to have a great intimidating effect. Everyone who heard it shuddered and worked harder.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! Wake up!" Suddenly, a childish voice sounded. When everyone saw it, it was a little boy wearing extremely thin clothes. He was kneeling beside an old man anxiously. Looking at the old man, the old man was only wearing a layer of extremely thin clothes and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Isn't this Old Yutou? What's going on?" Someone saw this scene and was a little confused.

"Old Yutou is already over sixty years old. He is frail and sick. He is lucky to be able to survive in the last days. How can he endure such labor now! It's a pity for his grandson. He is only eight years old now. I'm afraid he will suffer from it in the future. Life is even more miserable!" Someone sighed softly from the side.

"What a pity for such a young child."

"Huh, it's not because of the people in the city who have driven all the ordinary people to work outside the city. The food is only better than pig food. If this continues, if we are not eaten by zombies, we will be squeezed to death by them! "Someone said angrily in a low voice, but his voice was kept very low for fear of being discovered.

"They don't regard us as human beings. They only thought of driving us out to build fortifications when the zombies attacked the city. The weather was so cold that they didn't even give us a piece of thick clothing. At this time, they just wanted us to die!" The young man who looked a little passionate roared and clenched his hands tightly!

"Actually, Mayor Zhang is still very concerned about us ordinary people. He often comes to inspect ordinary areas and specifically tells his subordinates to pay more attention to the lives of us ordinary people. However, with that person around, many of his orders cannot be implemented and are all blocked. Those corrupt officials are corrupt!" An old man sighed and explained to Zhang Tianqi.

"Bullshit, officers are all protecting each other. How can they care about us! You know, I would rather go to other bases than stay here!" Someone sneered.

"Go to other bases? Where else can you go now besides here?"

"Hey, the 21st Division has thousands of troops and a large number of modern weapons. Its strength is several times stronger than here. There is also the recently reported Tianzhi City. The leader there is said to be the third of the three major forces. A master, I heard that people in Tianzhi City don't have to starve or freeze. As long as they work hard, they can get enough food. No one will dare to hurt or kill people at will. There are a large number of soldiers patrolling even at night. , once anyone is found to be causing trouble, he will be jailed at the least, or shot on the spot at the worst!"

Listening to the man's story, other people's eyes flashed with yearning, but when they thought of the current situation of themselves and others, their faces darkened.

"What's going on? You don't even have to work anymore!"

At this time, the supervisors in the distance frowned when they saw the movement here. Now the zombies are gradually marching here. Each of them is extremely nervous. Although they seem majestic now, if the city is breached, They are no different from these ordinary people, they are all cannon fodder.

Therefore, they are extremely active in building defense fortifications just to survive this crisis. If someone dares not to be careful, it is literally killing them.

But when they arrived, they realized that it was an old man with a knife on the ground. A man stepped forward and touched the old man's heart. Then he looked at the tip of the old man's nose, stood up, and said expressionlessly: "He's dead, find me." Throw it somewhere, don’t get in the way here!”

"It's really useless! What a waste!"

"You'll die sooner or later, but it's unlucky to die at this time!" Two people came up from behind, cursing in low voices, carrying the old man's body and trying to leave.

"Grandpa..." After hearing the news of his grandfather's death and watching his grandfather's body being taken away, the little boy suddenly went crazy and rushed to the side of the man who had just announced his grandfather's death.

"It's all you who killed my grandpa. I'll fight with you!" Although the little boy was thin, he had a fierce energy and hit the opponent with his little bloody hands, which were worn out by working for a long time.

"Humph, you little beast, you're looking for death!" The man snorted coldly. Without even looking, he slapped the child's body away with a slap, and then picked up a steel bar nearby with a fierce flash in his eyes, "Pfft "The sound penetrated directly through the child's body.

Suddenly, there was silence all around. Everyone looked at this scene with horrified faces, feeling trembling in their hearts. They couldn't believe that this person dared to be so bold and kill a child less than ten years old at this time.

"Master... Master..." The little boy looked at the steel bar that penetrated him, waving his hands forward feebly, muttering to himself, but his eyes gradually dimmed.

Looking at the expression of the little boy, the man looked indifferent, looked at the people around him, and said: "This is the result of not knowing how to show appreciation. I give you a chance to improve the food. You are not grateful and dare to attack me!"

"If anyone is dissatisfied in the future, please tell me. You don't have to do the work here! I will arrange a better place for you!" The man sneered. At the end, his expression turned extremely cold.

His companions all looked at this scene with smiles, without any criticism or dissatisfaction towards the man. Obviously, this kind of thing is nothing more than a trivial matter to them, it is insignificant at all. In the end of the world, human life is as cheap as a dog, or even worse. Dogs, at least dogs can bite people, but ordinary people can't bite them even if they want to!

Those ordinary people clenched their fists tightly, the veins on their foreheads bulged, and the anger in their hearts could almost turn into a sea of ​​​​fire. But looking at the live ammunition in front of them and the terrifying heavy machine guns on the city wall, they suppressed their hearts tightly. of anger.

"Bah, a bunch of untouchables!" When the man saw this, he became even more arrogant and looked at them with disdain.

"You, damn!" Suddenly, a long voice came, which immediately stunned everyone. Even the other party's face darkened, and he looked around, wanting to know who dared to speak to him like this.

But in just a blink of an eye, he noticed that the people around him were looking at him with extremely frightened eyes, as if they had seen something incredible.

Everyone seemed to have become a sculpture, looking at themselves with extremely dull expressions.

The man was a little puzzled. He suddenly found himself getting closer and closer to the earth. Looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw a headless body still standing there proudly. It was his own body.

"This is me, I'm dead..." This thought flashed through the man's mind, and then he fell into endless darkness.

The others looked at the man who died inexplicably and pressed their lips tightly, knowing clearly that those with this ability must be evolutionaries. In the face of the superior evolutionaries, even these so-called management are just a little bit. Just bigger ants.

Therefore, even when they saw the man's inexplicable death, no one dared to stand up and say a word. Even the soldiers on the city wall who saw this scene looked into the distance with cold eyes, as if nothing happened in front of them. Now is the critical moment for the zombie attack. Every evolver is a solid force. It would be unwise to offend an evolver, so they pretended not to see it.

A long time passed, and no one came out. It seemed that they had left. Everyone gradually recovered and looked at each other. The supervisors all looked at everyone with low voices, "Let's all go back to work!"

After saying that, they all returned to their original place silently, not even daring to report the matter. If Mayor Zhang knew about it, I'm afraid that none of them would even think about it.

Wang Shuang entered the city with an expressionless face, and the aura on his body became extremely cold. Along the way, there was a coldness within three meters around him. Everyone around him got out of the way, as if they were consciously giving to him. Just make way.

There are very few people in the city now. Most of them are people with relatively good lives and some powerful people. Wang Shuang looked from a distance and saw teams of policemen patrolling back and forth in the special zone with live ammunition. Some ladies were patrolling the special zone. Walking leisurely around with your pet dog, you look extremely comfortable.

Wang Shuang glanced indifferently at the closely guarded soldiers coming out of the door, with a touch of sarcasm on his lips, his figure moved and disappeared.

Ten minutes later, Wang Shuang's figure appeared outside a luxurious and huge manor. People came in and out from time to time, holding plates, fruits and other items in their hands. They were walking in a hurry. When Wang Shuang saw this, he felt a little strange and stopped him casually. A person passing by asked: "What are you doing?"

The man who was stopped saw Wang Shuang and replied respectfully: "Sir, now that zombies are attacking, Captain Lei and the others specially invited the 21st Division and Tianzhi City to jointly resist the zombies. They will fight against the zombies tonight." It’s here, so Captain Lei prepared a welcome party to welcome them.”

Although he didn't know Wang Shuang, he could freely move around the special zone either as a powerful person or as an evolutionist. There was no one he, a little waiter, could offend, so his attitude was extremely respectful.

Wang Shuang nodded clearly, and then strolled in. Seeing Wang Shuang leave, the waiter breathed a sigh of relief and quickly went about his business.

Wang Shuang entered the manor and found rockeries, flowing water, some precious plants planted everywhere, and a huge swimming pool. Rows of tables were placed next to them, with fine wine and fruits placed on them. Each lady was wearing a maid uniform. The beautiful women are like butterflies wearing flowers, decorating everywhere, making the manor luxurious and exquisite.

Wang Shuang walked around here with great interest, looking at Wang Shuang's exquisite clothes, feeling a vague pressure, and no one dared to come forward to question Wang Shuang.

At this time, in addition to some waiters, there were also some young people here, both men and women, watching all this while talking and laughing.

There were even some beauties swimming in bikinis in the swimming pool, teasing with the men on the bank from time to time.

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