But before her hands fell on her, she suddenly noticed that Wang Shuang's expression turned extremely gloomy. I couldn't help but be shocked.

At this time, Liu Feng followed a violent figure walking towards this place. The figure was tall and strong, but his face was sinister, and his eyes were full of fierceness. He seemed to be able to splatter blood three feet away if he said anything wrong.

"Who dares to hurt people in this manor! How audacious!" The man yelled at the source of this place aggressively.

"It's Master Sun Li. He is the leader of the Ju Fist Gang, and he is an evolver himself. How could he help Liu Feng?"

"I almost forgot, Liu Feng's father saved Mr. Sun's life, so they have a very good relationship! Usually Director Liu will ask him for help if something happens, but I didn't expect that Liu Feng could ask Mr. Sun to help him. Come forward!"

"Hey, this Liu Feng is simply reckless. He instigated an evolved person to be an enemy of another evolved person. This is a serious crime. If Mayor Zhang finds out, he will not be able to escape even the police chief!"


Everyone was talking about it, and they were all in the mood of watching a good show. In order to prevent the internal fighting between the evolvers from consuming the strength of the base, Lei Cheng and others announced that the evolvers were strictly prohibited from fighting, otherwise, serious consequences!

Once the order is violated, the two evolved masters may be fine, but Liu Feng, who instigated the fight between the two, even his father cannot save him!

But they didn't know that Liu Feng felt aggrieved. He didn't dare to provoke an evolutionizer to fight with another evolutionizer. This was a complete coincidence.

He went out not far and wanted to find a doctor to see if his broken arm could be reattached. Unexpectedly, he met Sun Li. This evolver once saved his life because of his father, so his mother-in-law treated him the same way. Excellent. La was furious when he saw him like this, and took him to find Wang Shuang who had hurt him.

He had begged the other party not to cause trouble to Wang Shuang, but Sun Li refused to listen and dragged him over, pointing at everyone present and asking him who hurt him.

How dare he say that there is still room for redemption between the two of them now, but once they do, he will definitely die.

Seeing that Liu Feng remained silent, Sun Li looked around with a pair of copper-bell-like eyes and found Wang Shuang's back. He felt a similar aura from Wang Shuang's body and locked his target instantly.

"But why is this figure so familiar? Where have I seen it before?" Sun Li thought with some confusion.

However, he quickly suppressed this thought. This evolver dared to beat Liu Feng like this. Everyone in the base didn't know that Liu Feng and his son were behind him. Now that he was beaten like this, he obviously didn't give him face. It's impossible not to know Liu Feng, the evolver in the base. If it was someone he couldn't afford to offend, he would definitely say it, but he couldn't even name the other person. He was obviously a guy who had just become an evolver. For this guy Such a guy, if he doesn't establish his authority, others may think he is easy to bully!

Therefore, he pointed at Wang Shuang Leng Sheng and said: "It's you who dare to act wild in the base. It seems that you don't take Captain Lei seriously!"

"In that case, then..." Before he finished speaking, Wang Shuang turned around and looked at the familiar guy in front of him.

Wang Shuang remembered that Sun Li was following Zhang Tianqi when he brought Su Yu and others. He was extremely well-behaved, but now he looked arrogant and domineering.

He looked at the other person and whispered indifferently: "Leicheng, I really don't take him seriously!"


When the others heard this, they all looked at Wang Shuang in surprise. Although Wang Shuang was an evolver, he dared to say this to the number one person in Huaxin City. In their opinion, this was completely audacious, even if he was Even the top evolvers in the base don’t dare to say that.

There was a touch of ecstasy on Liu Feng's face. Wang Shuang said this. Even if he was investigated when the time came, Captain Lei would definitely be angry knowing that Wang Shuang said this to him, and he would naturally speak to him. Then he would have room for mediation.

A flash of anxiety flashed across Mo Yuqing's face. Wang Shuang's words were like an enemy of the biggest force in the base. If Captain Lei knew about it, Wang Shuang would definitely face a lot of difficulties in the base.

Thinking of this, Mo Yuqing couldn't help but quickly signaled Wang Shuang with her eyes. Shen Qi, who originally wanted to strike up a conversation, saw this scene, but stopped wanting to talk, and sighed in her heart. If these words reach Lei Cheng's ears, no, they will definitely reach Lei Cheng's ears. Once this happens, I am afraid that even Wang Shuang, an evolver, will not end well.

However, regardless of everyone's reaction, Sun Li looked like he had seen a ghost when he saw Wang Shuang. His eyes were as wide as a bell, and he stammered: "King...Wang...Team Wang!"

When he recaptured the grain depot, he was lucky enough to follow Mayor Zhang in that battle. However, his level 5 evolver's strength could only be regarded as a shrimp, and he could only deal with some low-level special zombies. He also saw that The terror of a zombie king and several magic zombies, any one of which can tear him apart easily.

But for such a terrifying zombie, their strongest master, Master Su Yusu, was seriously injured, but Wang Shuang used his strength to kill the zombie king despite his injuries!

After the battle, Wang Shuang advanced to level eight, completely confirming his title as the strongest of the three major forces!

As for his grudge with Leicheng, it is well known to everyone. At that time, Leicheng wanted to control Wang Shuang's family to threaten him. Later, Wang Shuang directly burned his nephew to death. Now, although he asked Wang Shuang for help, this It does not mean that the relationship between the two parties has eased. The reason why Lei Cheng held this reception banquet was because his subordinates persuaded him to ease the relationship with Wang Shuang and not to be so rigid.

But he didn't expect that Wang Shuang was actually in the base, and he was still preparing to receive Feng Banquet in the manor, and he even had a conflict with Liu Feng. Seeing the horror of Wang Shuang's killing of the zombie king with one sword, Sun Li didn't think that he could stop such a move. One knife.

Therefore, he was already cursing crazily in his heart, "Damn Liu Feng, you are trying to trick me to death. If you offend this god of death, Lei Cheng can't protect me..."

"If you know that you have offended him, even if I cut you to pieces, I will never jump out and say a word. Damn it, damn it..."

Drops of cold sweat kept dripping on his forehead, but he didn't dare to wipe it with his hands. Everyone else looked at Sun Li strangely. How come he looked like a majestic and high-spirited big rooster just now, but now he instantly turned into a little white rabbit curled up in the corner. Such a huge change suddenly made Sun Li Others were puzzled.

Only a few people could see the unconcealed fear in Sun Li's eyes, looking at Wang Shuang as if looking at an ancient ferocious beast.

"Could it be that this person is even more powerful than Lord Sun Li!!" This thought flashed through their minds.

The light that had dissipated in Shen Qi's eyes suddenly returned, and an unconcealable light flashed in her coquettish eyes. She looked at Wang Shuang with a curve in the corner of her mouth.

Wang Shuang looked at Sun Li's appearance and asked indifferently: "Why, do you want to stand up for him?"

Hearing Wang Shuang's words, Sun Li jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "How is it possible? How could I stand up for him! I don't know this guy at all!"

Hearing Sun Li's words, Liu Feng's face instantly became dull, and he looked at him with disbelief. Even if the opponent was stronger than him, he wouldn't be so afraid. He actually renounced himself in the blink of an eye. You know, this It's not that I forced you to come to trouble others, but that you insisted on coming yourself. Did you make a mistake?

Hearing this, the others looked at Sun Li in surprise. Mo Yuqing's mouth was slightly open, almost enough to hold an egg down.

However, Sun Li could not care about this. He looked at Wang Shuang and spoke like a barrage of words, "Team Wang, no, Tuan Wang, don't get me wrong. I heard that this kid dared to provoke you, so I brought him here specially. You admitted your mistake and you actually dared to provoke the city lord of Tianzhi City. You are really impatient!"

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Shuang with a flattering look on his face, "City Lord Wang, I was lucky enough to follow you when you conquered that grain depot last time. I was lucky enough to witness your god-like majesty, and now you have come to our Huaxin City base to work together." Fighting zombies, if Mayor Zhang and the others know that you are here, they will be very happy, I will inform them right away."

After saying that, he wanted to slip away. Wang Shuang looked straight at him and said softly, "Take this person away!"

Sun Li's body froze. After hearing this, he quickly turned around, picked up Liu Feng and walked away without any hesitation.

When Sun Li could no longer be seen, everyone present faintly heard a series of extremely tragic screams coming from Liu Feng, like a cuckoo weeping blood, and they were shocked when they heard it.

At this time, everyone present heard Sun Li's words, and instantly understood Wang Shuang's identity. He was actually the city lord of Tianzhi City, Wang Shuang, who was recognized as the strongest of the three major forces!

Their faces became dull, and they looked at Wang Shuang with disbelief. They couldn't believe that this majestic leader of a major force would quietly appear here.

Mo Yuqing's face was also extremely dull. She didn't expect that the person who saved her would be Wang Shuang. She had heard Liu Feng say that she and others would be sacrificed to Tian Zhi Cheng and the 21st Division. She didn't expect that she would meet him before they even started. The biggest master.

For a moment, she felt extremely complicated, not knowing whether to be happy or worried.

Different from her was Shen Qi, this coquettish woman. At this time, her eyes were like water, with the light of seeing prey. She looked at Wang Shuang, stuck out her tongue, licked the corner of her mouth, and murmured Muttered to himself: "This is in line with the image of a man in my heart!"

Wang Shuang watched Sun Li leave, turned around, found a table at random, sat down, picked up a glass of red wine, and tasted it slowly. He knew that the place would be very lively next.

A long time passed, and everyone gradually came back to their senses. Looking at Wang Shuang's figure, they were all in awe. The bustling manor suddenly became extremely quiet, and everyone became cautious in their movements and words, for fear of disturbing them. The figure sitting there quietly.

Mo Yuqing's eyes changed for a while, and finally she walked to Wang Shuang and stood behind her, as if she were a maid, but with her maid uniform, it was very suitable.

Shen Qi didn't even look at the man next to her at this time. She walked towards Wang Shuang with her devilish figure swaying, taking one step forward, her chest was turbulent, which made people look at her.

Walking to Wang Shuang's side, Shen Qi didn't seem to notice Mo Yuqing standing beside her. She approached Wang Shuang in a familiar manner. Her white jade-like arms were resting on Wang Shuang's shoulders, and she bent down slightly. Wang Shuang was stunned at a glance. I saw the waves on her chest.

"City Master Wang, would you like Xiao Qi to have a drink with you?" Shen Qi exhaled like a blue breath and wrapped around Wang Shuang like a beautiful snake. Her delicate voice fell into Wang Shuang's ears, making Wang Shuang look slightly sideways. Immediately he saw the white snow that came into his eyes.

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