Back on the city wall, everyone looked over with concern, and many people looked directly at the shield in the king's hands.

"What is this, City Lord?" Zhang Ye and others asked curiously.

Wang Shuang himself frowned slightly and looked with his detection eyes. Suddenly, information about this transparent shield came out.

"Special item: Crystal Shield!"

"Ability: Super strong defense, can resist three attacks from level nine zombies!"

"It's not very useful, but it can resist three attacks from level nine zombies!" Wang Shuang shook his head and said with some disappointment. He thought it was another heaven-defying god-demonic thing, but he didn't expect it to be such a useless thing.

You know, his current strength can even directly kill level nine zombies. There is no need for such a thing. However, it can be given as a gift to his family or his little niece.

After hearing Wang Shuang's words, they all nodded and were a little disappointed. They were all eighth-level evolvers. Although they were defeated by the ninth-level zombies, they could still hold on for a few hours, so they didn't attach much importance to this crystal shield. .

"Wang Shuang, no, there are too many zombies, and the other three places can't hold them anymore!" At this time, Qiu Baoguo spoke to Wang Shuang hastily.

Many evolvers were stunned when they heard this, and Wang Shuang shouted loudly: "How is it possible? There are nearly 800 soldiers in each of the other three city gates, and there is a ninth-level evolver standing guard. How is it possible that we can't defend it!!"

"Level 9 zombies also appeared in the other three places. The evolvers were contained. How could ordinary people stop so many zombies!" Qiu Baoguo explained hurriedly.

"Damn it, Qiu Yingtong and Su Yu, let's send two level eight evolvers each to support them! Otherwise, if the city wall falls, this place will also fall!" Wang Shuang said to Qiu Yingtong and Su Yu. Both of them pointed out the two eighth-level evolvers without hesitation. Su Yu even sent Yunkong there. It was Gu Yan who had been guarding other city gates before. After sending Yunkong here again, he was completely He is the only ninth-level evolver left!

Wang Shuang did the same, sending Li Xin and Zhang Ye, and taking Zhang Zhen away with him. He, a seventh-level evolved person, is quite dangerous here. If anything happens, he won't be able to rescue him in time. In this case, the city gate where Zhou Ying is stationed can be more secure and will not be easily attacked.

Qiu Yingtong's most generous move was to send out Tian Bo, the remaining ninth-level evolver, and another eighth-level evolver.

After the arrangement was completed, Wang Shuang and the others continued to watch the zombies that were coming in frantically. Many low-level special zombies jumped to the top of the city and were blocked by many evolvers, and they started fighting fiercely.

Because evolvers occupy a favorable location, they die much less than zombies, but evolvers will be swallowed up by zombies every moment.

As time went by, the soldiers' gun barrels turned red, and the number of zombies still didn't seem to decrease much. While the soldiers were changing the barrels of their guns, the zombies' counterattack became even more frantic. The zombies attacked the city wall without fear of life and death, and started to stack up again. This time, everyone had no time to attack and could only watch each other helplessly. The height is rising at a terrifying speed.

Even if there are still people attacking, the special zombies in the zombie group spit out flames and venom and rush towards the city wall, killing people directly.

I saw that the soldiers were gradually at a disadvantage. Wang Shuang, Qiu Yingtong, Su Yu and others no longer waited and watched, they broke out directly, jumped down the city wall, and attacked the zombies.

Thunder, fire, ice, ground thorns... terrifying attacks headed towards the corpse group.

They were all evolvers of level seven or above. With one attack, countless zombies were wiped out. These evolvers were simply bulldozers. Sweeping past, not a single zombie could stop their steps. Many soldiers on the city wall were stunned when they saw the zombies that were wiped out in the blink of an eye. Although they knew that the Evolvers were powerful, they did not expect that they would be so strong!

The tidal wave of zombies was pushed back directly by more than a dozen people. They could only imagine this kind of scene in their minds, but they didn't expect that they could actually see it in reality.

"This is the power of the Evolved!" A young soldier said with admiration on his face.

"It would be great if I could have this kind of strength."

"With all the evolutionaries in charge, Huaxin City will definitely win!"

"Just a zombie, vulnerable!"

Many soldiers and officers were talking about it, some were envious, some were horrified.

However, although the performance of Wang Shuang and others can be called strong, only they themselves know the pressure involved. Facing such overwhelming zombies, although most of them are ordinary zombies, they can kill them as easily as crushing an ant, but even if They are real ants, numbering in the hundreds of thousands. They are so terrifying that no one or any animal dares to provoke them.

Feeling the zombies falling down like wheat, the energy in their bodies also flowed away like running water. In a short period of time, a large amount of energy was consumed.

At this time, among the corpses in the distance, a black shadow suddenly jumped up and flew directly towards the city wall.

At this time, Wang Shuang and others saw that this was a zombie with its whole body intact, wearing a somewhat shabby black coat, brown jeans, and a grey-white face with a ferocious murderous intent.

But what shocked them the most was that there were two bone wings extending from the back of this zombie, just like his black scale wings. They flew across hundreds of meters in one move and headed towards Qiu Baoguo on the top of the city wall. Wait for someone to kill.

Qiu Baoguo, Lei Cheng and others looked at this scene with horror. There were flying zombies among the zombies, which none of them expected.

After all, with the number of zombies, almost the entire land is occupied. If zombies with the ability to fly are mutated again, the land and air will be occupied by zombies, and humans really have no way to survive.

But these are all for the future. Now, the most important thing is that this flying zombie is flying straight towards himself and others. They are all ordinary people. Even the lowest level special zombie cannot resist, let alone this one. There are flying zombies. The worst thing is that the top evolvers such as Wang Shuang and Qiu Yingtong are not around. They have no way to face this level of zombies.

However, when Lei Cheng looked at the zombie, there was a flash of struggle in his eyes, as if he was hesitating. Before he could finish hesitating, a figure appeared diagonally from the ground.

Wang Shuang's long knife swung out and collided directly with the zombie.


There was a loud noise, and the two figures retreated at the same time. The flying zombie was directly knocked into the air. Wang Shuang looked at the flying zombie in front of him, and traces of black blood appeared on the long knife in his hand.

This zombie looked at Wang Shuang, with a flash of cruelty in its eyes. A clear knife mark appeared on its arm, but it fully recovered in the blink of an eye. The bone wings on its back fluttered, as fast as lightning, and a pair of sharp claws struck fiercely. Catch Wang Shuang.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

Wang Shuang's figure also flew up directly, fighting with the zombie in mid-air, and strong shock waves swept in all directions.

Wang Shuang's attacks were straight forward, without any unnecessary movements. They were all the most standard killing techniques. From the end of the world to the present, Wang Shuang himself didn't know how many battles he had gone through. Even fighting had gradually become instinctive. His every move Each sword was refined to the extreme, leaving deep scars on the opponent's body.

This zombie was extremely fast, with a pair of sharp claws like an antelope's horns, killing Wang Shuang from different directions.

"Mr. Qiu, who do you think can win between the two of them?" Lei Cheng looked at the two figures fighting in the sky and asked Qiu Baoguo beside him curiously.

Hearing this, Qiu Baoguo snorted coldly, "If Wang Shuang can't win, how can we still hope to defend your base!"

Hearing this, Lei Cheng smiled awkwardly and lowered his head silently, but a trace of madness gradually appeared in his eyes.


Wang Shuang's figure was knocked back and he stepped back several steps through the air. There is also a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and there are scars on his body. Only after fighting with this zombie can you feel how powerful the opponent is. The speed is extremely fast, and a pair of sharp claws can tear apart fine steel. Compared with his own weapons, It was not inferior at all, and even slightly better. What shocked him the most was that this zombie was not afraid of energy attacks. His fireballs and wind blades fell on the opponent's body and were automatically blocked in front of the body.

However, his weakened version of the immortal body played a powerful role at this time, and all the injuries on his body recovered in the blink of an eye, and the speed was even more terrifying than the zombie in front of him.

When the flying zombie saw this scene, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. He roared and rushed forward again. He didn't believe that Wang Shuang, a mere human, could actually block him!

Wang Shuang sneered. If he had to fight for his life force, he could kill everyone here. After all, the immortality obtained by killing the zombie king was a weakened version, but compared with others, he was definitely the hardest to kill. .

However, he did not intend to fight for his life force with the other party. With a focus on his eyes, the energy of wind and fire began to spin again.

"Wind and Fire Scroll!"

With one punch, the two terrifying energies were intertwined. After several successful uses, this move became more skillful and more powerful. Wang Shuang faintly felt that the combination of these two energies was not the greatest. The power, if more energy can be integrated into it, the power will definitely increase again!

But now his main focus is on how to completely combine the two energies. Wang Shuang believes that if one day he can completely combine the two energies of wind and fire, he is even confident that he can surpass the level 8 with the strength of the eighth level. A battle with level nine creatures!

Wind and fire blended together, the fire assisted the wind, and the wind promoted the fire. The two complemented each other, and the green and red entangled like a dragon in the angry sea, flying towards the zombie.


With a low roar, the flying zombie felt the terror of this attack. Its bone wings vibrated wildly, trying to escape from here, but Wang Shuang's attack had locked it firmly, and it could not escape at all.

Seeing the attack getting closer and closer, the two bone wings on the opponent's back closed together and surrounded his whole body, like an eggshell.


A terrifying shock wave swept away in all directions, and everyone looked up, but the air was filled with two colors of energy and nothing could be seen clearly.

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