In a villa located in the center of the Huaxin City base, Qiu Baoguo, Qiu Yingtong, Su Yu, Gu Yan, Zhang Tianqi and others were all here. They were all tied up and looked extremely embarrassed. The outside of the house was covered with cloth. The dragnet is so full that not even a fly can get in.

Qiu Yingtong and the others looked at each other with wry smiles, all of them extremely annoyed.

"This bastard Lei Cheng turned his back on us and wanted to annex us! It's all my fault. He was so careless. I didn't expect him to be so bold!!" Qiu Baoguo said with regret.

They didn't expect that just after repelling the zombies, Lei Cheng actually took advantage of them and wanted to take the opportunity to annex them. He was unprepared and didn't react until he was caught by Lei Cheng, but it was already too late. It's too late.

Qiu Yingtong, Su Yu and others were all seriously injured, and Lei Cheng took the opportunity to sneak attack, sealing the energy in their bodies in one fell swoop, and their strength returned to that of ordinary people in an instant. Wanting to resist is tantamount to wishful thinking.

"It's not your fault. After all, Lei Cheng is hidden too deeply. Who would have thought that he is not only an extremely powerful evolver, but also secretly cultivated three ninth-level evolvers!" Zhang Tianqi also smiled bitterly at the side. He said, looking at Su Yu who had been silent, his eyes were a little complicated, "But what I'm really surprised about is that Lei Cheng actually captured Su Yu. You know, Su Yu was originally his, and now Doing this would be too chilling!”

"Humph" Su Yu groaned and remained silent, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Everyone knew that he felt uncomfortable. After all, the feeling of being betrayed and made a prisoner by the boss he had always trusted was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Damn Lei Cheng, you know, I should have burned him to death at that time!" Qiu Yingtong's eyes were full of evil, and his face turned pale with anger. She felt extremely aggrieved. Originally, she was considered the second strongest person behind Wang Shuang. If she had been vigilant at that time, even if the opponent had three ninth-level evolutionaries under her, she would not have been able to fight back. seal! At least I can escape and find Wang Shuang for help!

But she didn't discover the other party's plot in time, and now all her power was sealed. Qiu Yingtong could feel that this power was enough to seal her entire power for three days! She couldn't imagine what would happen in three days. I'm afraid that the three parties' forces would all be annexed by this ambitious guy like Lei Cheng!

"Now, I can only hope that Wang Shuang can be vigilant and don't let Lei Cheng and the others catch them all in one fell swoop!" Yun Kong said bitterly from the side. Previously, he and Gu Yan fought desperately at other city gates, barely resisting the attack of the zombies, and finally repelled the zombies. Unexpectedly, Lei Cheng took advantage of the situation and wanted to annex all the power in one fell swoop. This made him feel chilled. , even more furious.

"That's right, City Lord Wang is the strongest and has many strong men under his command. He shouldn't be easily plotted by Leicheng!" Gu Yan agreed.

Now all their hope lies with Wang Shuang. Once Wang Shuang is also plotted by Lei Cheng, it will be difficult for them to stand up.

Qiu Yingtong remained silent. The sealed power in his body also had a strange fluctuation at this time. An inaudible phoenix cry sounded faintly, and the sealed power gradually became rarer in this phoenix cry. stand up.

Feeling such a change, Qiu Yingtong's face was slightly happy, she said no more, and worked hard to communicate the energy of the time, hoping to break this sealing power as soon as possible.

"Although Lei Cheng can plot against us, it is impossible to deal with Wang Shuang in this way!" Qiu Baoguo's deep voice slowly sounded, "Wang Shuang and Qiu Baoguo are enemies in the first place, and they have always harbored feelings for Lei Cheng. Be careful, it is impossible to sneak attack Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang's strength is so strong that I haven't really seen it until now. Once we really fight, even if Wang Shuang is injured, he will definitely not be like three ninth-level evolvers. It can be dealt with!"

"The possibility that Lei Cheng wants to subdue Wang Shuang and his men is slim!"

"In that case, our chances of winning are still very high, and there is still hope. As long as Wang Shuang is not plotted by Lei Cheng, he will definitely come to save us!" Liang Yunhai said excitedly.

Everyone else's faces flashed with excitement when they heard this, and they were all secretly hoping that Wang Shuang could rescue them.

When Qiu Baoguo saw this, he sighed in his heart. He still had something to say, which was also what he was most worried about. "Compared with Lei Cheng and Wang Shuang, the difference between Lei Cheng and Wang Shuang is basically the difference between a rabbit and a tiger. Originally, Wang Shuang had no reason to take action. Now, Lei Cheng gives Wang Shuang a perfect reason to regain Huaxin City!"

"The most troublesome thing is that I have fallen into it. If Wang Shuang is also interested in his 21st Division, I am afraid that all of them have just escaped from the wolf's den and fallen into the tiger's den again!"

"I hope I guessed wrong..." Qiu Baoguo murmured to himself.

The situation outside has become a mess. The senior officers of the army brought by Qiu Baoguo disappeared collectively. Lei Cheng was also killed by Wang Shuang. All the senior officers disappeared in an instant. Some low-level evolvers vaguely felt that something big had happened. I don't dare to bring up the things that happen, I just stay at home and don't pay attention to anything that happens outside.

Wang Shuang arranged for Zhou Ying, Yuan Ying and others to pacify the troops who were in chaos. He also arranged for Wang Hu and Liu Xin to handle various matters in the city. Bai Xiaosheng, Li Xin, Deng Mei and Zhang Ye were responsible for He still understands the principle of attacking everywhere, killing Lei Cheng's men, and eradicating the roots. Since Lei Cheng has been killed, he must deal with all his gang members.

He himself strolled towards the villa where Qiu Yingtong and others were staying. As for why he knew they were here, Wang Shuang caught one of Lei Cheng's men and tortured him for less than three seconds before everything was revealed.

Outside the villa, there were some soldiers guarding with guns, whispering some dirty jokes from time to time, but they did not dare to speak loudly, and looked at the two evolutionists sitting quietly with some awe.

"I wonder how the progress is going with Captain Lei? Why haven't you sent someone to take over?" An evolutionist frowned and said in a somewhat anxious tone.

"Captain Lei will definitely succeed immediately if he takes action. I think that guy named Wang should be solved! By then, Commander Lei has unified the forces of the three parties, and his power has instantly surged to become the largest force. What is the 21st Division, what is Sky City?" , all must surrender to us!" Another evolver said with a longing smile.

"But why do you look so nervous? Captain Lei trusts us by entrusting us with such an important task. This is a good thing!" The man looked at the other party with some doubts.

"Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? You don't know who is imprisoned here. If anyone inside has a problem, even if we die ten times, it won't be enough. This is not a good job. It is clearly walking a tightrope. Ah!" the man said with a bitter smile.

He was really frightened in his heart. In the Qiu Baoguo, Zhang Tianqi and others will not talk about it. One of them is the commander of the 21st Division and the other is the mayor of Huaxin City. They are both powerful figures. Don't talk about them before. , even Lei Cheng didn't dare to underestimate the two of them. Qiu Yingtong and Su Yu are top-notch evolvers. Trying to crush them to death is almost the same as crushing an ant. Although their power has been sealed now, But no one can guarantee that they will not have any resistance. With so many heavyweights under guard, he feels like he is taking a selfie in a volcano crater. He might fall down accidentally and not even the burned bones and slag will be left. .

And he couldn't let them die. Once these people died, Lei Cheng's plan to conquer those soldiers would be in vain. He knew that Lei Cheng valued the strength of the evolvers among them. Although he was not as good as Wang Shuang, he was also A first-class master, once conquered, will definitely be a big help!

Therefore, he was sitting here on pins and needles, wishing that Lei Cheng would transfer him immediately. Even if it was like a battlefield, it would be better than being mentally tortured here.

However, another of his companions was indifferent and sneered in a low voice: "I said, Lao He, you are too courageous. They are no different from ordinary people now. How can they be able to pull something out of the sky? Don't worry Well, unless an evolver comes to save them, otherwise, they want to escape..."

But before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of panic on his companion's face, and his eyes seemed to be in disbelief. He couldn't help but froze. Following the other person's gaze, his body stiffened instantly and his eyes looked straight ahead. , a hint of shock appeared in his pupils, and then engulfed him.

Wang Shuang seemed to be taking a walk, walking towards here leisurely with his hands behind his back. When he saw the two evolvers looking at him, they showed a gentle smile.

At this time, everyone else noticed Wang Shuang's figure and stepped forward to surround Wang Shuang. However, when they saw Wang Shuang's face, they recognized Wang Shuang's identity, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

"I don't want to kill you, please get out!" Wang Shuang looked at everyone and chuckled, with a casual tone, as if he was not the one surrounded by many guns, but them.

However, after hearing Wang Shuang's words, these soldiers put down their guns as if they had been pardoned, and ran outside like crazy. Each of them only hated their parents for not giving them an extra leg.

Wang Shuang did not stop them and watched them leave quietly. Then he looked at the two evolutionaries with extremely frightened faces and said with a faint smile: "I'm here to save people!"

There were only four words that clearly expressed his purpose, but they made the two of them pale, their lips trembled, and one of them fell to his knees directly, "City Lord Wang, it's none of our business, we are just gatekeepers." Yes, everything was ordered by Lei Cheng, and we didn’t want to, please, please spare us, we don’t dare to do it anymore!”

When the other person saw this, he kowtowed and kept begging for mercy, "City Lord Wang, we are really forced. None of the adults inside have moved. Please let us go!"

Both of them were constantly begging for mercy. As for resistance, they had no such idea. The moment they saw Wang Shuang, they already understood that Lei Cheng's plan had failed, and maybe even he himself was finished. They finally became one. He is an evolutionary person and is living a happy life, but he doesn't want to be loyal to Lei Cheng.

Besides, they all know Wang Shuang's strength. Although one of them is level five and the other is level six, facing Wang Shuang, they are really no different from an ant. Therefore, they all looked at Wang Shuang with horror on their faces and kept begging for mercy.

"Wait outside, no one is allowed to come near without my permission!" Wang Shuang glanced at the two of them lightly, and then walked inside without paying any attention to them.

Hearing this, the two evolvers were ecstatic, kowtowed continuously and stood at the door, eyes wide open, looking intently, like two door gods!

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