Wang Shuang and others listened to Yang Zi's story and understood why she appeared here. It turned out to be a small town dozens of miles away from here, and an evolver occupied this small town.

There are less than two thousand people in the entire town. After the apocalypse, there are thousands of people who have turned into zombies. Including those who were eaten by zombies, there are only four to five hundred people left. After the evolver came, he killed all the zombies here and then occupied the place. All the men who relied on him were recruited as his subordinates. Those who were unwilling to join him were assigned to do a lot of hard work every day. He himself and His men ate plenty of fish and meat every day, while others could only eat wild vegetables and gnaw tree bark.

This evolved person even captured all the few women in the town. The pretty ones were enjoyed by him, while the ordinary ones were given directly to his subordinates.

The last and most ugly thing was that his hands and feet were broken, allowing anyone in the whole town to vent their anger.

This evolved person's temperament is unpredictable. Sometimes when he is happy, he can give rich food to the woman who is serving him, but he may also slap the woman who is serving him to death in the next moment.

Therefore, all the people who stay with this evolver work diligently every day, for fear that the other party will kill them if he is in a bad mood.

Yang Zi, who was originally a college student, happened to go home for something, and encountered the apocalypse. Her parents became zombies, but he was lucky enough to survive. After meeting this evolver, he quietly hid in the storage room of his home, relying on He hid for several months with the supplies stored in his home.

However, in the past few days, her supplies were finally exhausted. She wanted to escape in search of supplies, but was discovered by patrolling personnel. She ran away desperately, relying on her familiarity with her hometown to escape. Then, the evolver Three people were sent to take her back.

Fortunately, she met Wang Shuang, otherwise, if she continued running, she would be caught by three missions sooner or later and taken back. Yang Zi felt her heart trembling when she thought of what would happen to her when she was taken back.

After listening to Yang Zi's narration, Wang Shuang and others turned their attention to the other three people. At this time, the three people were already filled with despair. They were blocked by so many soldiers when Yang Zi told them about their journey. Even if they wanted to escape, it would be impossible for them. They knew in their hearts that with the size of this army, there was no difference between trying to wipe out their town and crushing an ant!

"Tell me, what is your boss's name? What abilities does he have?" Wang Shuang did not speak, while Hong Wu on the side stepped forward and looked at the others and asked calmly.

"Fellow military lords, we are all following Lord Zhou Huo's orders. We don't want to do this. Please, please let us go. We can't help ourselves..."

"My lords, we are just little ants. Everything is ordered by Zhou Huo. We are innocent."

"Spare your life, spare your life..."

The three of them kept begging for mercy and put all the blame on the evolver named Zhou Huo.

Hong Wu frowned and glanced at Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang nodded. Hong Wu took the three of them directly to the jungle. After a while, there were three screams. The screams stopped suddenly, and Hong Wu came out suddenly. .

Yang Zi watched the three people being dealt with and felt relieved.

"Take us to your small town." Wang Shuang's indifferent voice sounded. Yang Zi looked up, and Wang Shuang looked straight at herself.

"Uh, okay, okay, come with me!" Yang Zi took a long time to realize that Wang Shuang was talking to her, and nodded quickly.

"Old Qiu, you will stay here temporarily, and Yingtong will also stay here to prevent any powerful mutant beast from appearing. I will take a hundred people to see it." Wang Shuang arranged.

Qiu Baoguo and the others nodded understandingly. They had seen this kind of survivor organization with hundreds of people many times. Not to mention Wang Shuang's own strength, just those 100 people could sweep the opponent, provided that the opponent did not evolve. By!

Qiu Yingtong didn't follow either. Her strength was second only to Wang Shuang. If Wang Shuang left and she wasn't around, Qiu Baoguo's team would probably suffer losses if they encountered some powerful ninth-level zombies or mutant beasts. Tragic.

Wang Shuang led Hong Wu, followed by a hundred people, and followed Yang Zi down the road, through the bushes, and walked forward in twists and turns.

Yang Zi led the way. Compared with her previous panic escape, her mood became extremely excited at this time. After all, she was followed by a hundred soldiers with guns and live ammunition, and Wang Shuang, the leader of the army. Even if the other party was a Evolutionary, she also believed that she could break that Zhou Huo into a sieve.

After walking for half an hour, Wang Shuang looked at Yang Zi who was tired and sweating profusely, shook his head, and pulled her directly, "You are so slow, I don't know how you escaped. of!"

Yang Zi stuck out her tongue, with a look of embarrassment on her face, "I ran out all night, and they almost caught me several times!"

"Forget it, I'll take you to the sky to find your way!" Wang Shuang asked Hongwu and the others to stop for a moment, and said helplessly to Yang Zi.

Before Yang Zi could figure out what it meant to find the way to the sky, she felt her body light up and seemed to be floating.


Some strong wind blew past her, making her look down blankly. At this time, she realized that she was being carried by Wang Shuang like a chicken, and her whole body was floating in the air. Wang Shuang A large black wing behind them kept flapping, causing their height to continue to increase.

"Ah, monster!" Wang Shuang looked at the other party in a daze, thinking that the other party had a good psychological quality. Unexpectedly, the next moment, a scream that almost shattered his eardrums sounded, almost making him lose control, and directly Falling to the ground.

After finally calming down, looking at Yang Zi's mouth that was still shouting, an apple appeared in her hand, and she stuffed it into her mouth, immediately blocking her mouth.

"I didn't expect you to be a soprano! We both almost fell!" Wang Shuang glared at the other party angrily, "If I were a real monster, I would eat you first!"

"Then, how come you have wings?" After being gagged, Yang Zi finally stopped screaming and looked at Wang Shuang in front of her. Knowing that her reaction was too intense, she asked with some embarrassment.

She was really curious. Although she knew that evolvers had various magical abilities, and since Wang Shuang was the leader of so many people, he must be a powerful evolver, she never thought that Wang Shuang could fly.

"This is not the question you should ask. Is that your town?" Wang Shuang held Yang Zi in his arms and pointed to a place in the sky and asked.

When Yang Zi heard Wang Shuang's words, even though she had 10,000 doubts in her heart, she kept her mouth shut obediently, not daring to offend Wang Shuang. Looking in the direction Wang Shuang pointed, the little chicken nodded like it was pecking at rice.

"Okay, let's go down!" Wang Shuang carefully looked at the town in the distance, understood how to go, and took Yang Zi down.

At this time, Yang Zi also took the opportunity to look into the distance in the air. Mountains, rivers, and rivers were all at his feet. Villages were arranged disorderly on the ground. From a distance, they were only about the size of a palm.

But there were still more sights to see, and her body had already landed on the ground.

"You're addicted to staying in heaven, aren't you?" Wang Shuang looked at Yang Zi's reminiscing look and said with a low smile. Yang Zi's face turned slightly red, she lowered her head and said nothing. From the glance just now, she really liked the feeling of flying high in the sky.

Next, Wang Shuang didn't let Yang Zi show the way. He ran forward quickly with Yang on his back. The others followed closely. They were all professional soldiers. Crossing mountains and ridges was a trivial matter for them, let alone Only a few dozen miles.

Under the rapid running of everyone, they had approached the town in less than two hours. Although the number was small, it seemed that the evolver was still a little vigilant. There was a group of big men with guns outside the town. patrol.

Wang Shuang watched a group of five people approaching gradually and fired with both hands. Five strong winds surged out and penetrated the brains of the five people in an instant.

Seeing Wang Shuang kill someone across a distance of tens of meters with a snap of his fingers, Yang Zi couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his awe for Wang Shuang increased.

"You can keep going!" Wang Shuang smiled slightly and walked forward with everyone in a swagger, without any intention of hiding. At a point like his, facing these ordinary people, there was no need to hide his figure, even if it was the other party. Those who have evolved don’t have to worry at all.

Hundreds of people entered the town, which soon caused a commotion among the people. The survivors, all in ragged clothes and with numb eyes, looked at Wang Shuang and his group, and finally there was a flash of fluctuation in their eyes.

"who are you?"


Big men with guns rushed forward one after another, a total of fifty or sixty people, blocking the way of Wang Shuang and others. However, when they saw a hundred fully armed regular troops behind Wang Shuang, they all gasped. They looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

"Yang Zi! Is that you?" Suddenly, one of them looked at Yang Zi beside Wang Shuang and spoke in surprise. It seemed that he did not expect that Yang Zi would dare to come back and bring so many soldiers.

"Humph, Li Yong, you didn't expect it. This time I came back to bring the devil Zhou Huo to justice! None of you guys who are working for the tiger can escape!" Yang Zi gave the other party a disgusted look.

"You really think you can deal with Brother Huo with a few big soldiers, you are really overestimating your capabilities! You can't imagine the capabilities of the Evolver!" Hearing this, a flash of sarcasm flashed across the face of the guy named Li Yong opposite him. Looking at Wang Shuang and others, he said with some disdain, "I'm afraid you have been deceived by this woman. Brother Zhou Huo killed all the zombies in the town and saved the entire town. But the great hero, I don't know how this woman... I’m telling you, but I want to tell you that Brother Zhou Huo is a powerful evolver, let alone a mere hundred of you, even if there are twice as many, we are not afraid!”

"Well said!" Li Yong's voice fell to the ground, and a deep voice sounded. A tall man with a sinewy face appeared behind them. A flash of violence flashed in his eyes from time to time, but he seemed to be suppressing it. His left hand is holding a chain, and behind the chain are a row of five naked women, crawling on the ground like dogs. Everyone's eyes are numb, desperate, and lifeless.

What is surprising is that his right hand is holding a kitten with glowing red eyes. The kitten is lying in the other person's arms obediently. It looks at Wang Shuang and others with a pair of red eyes. Anyone who is seen by these eyes All the soldiers felt a faint feeling of discomfort.

"I am Zhou Huo, the leader here. Where do these friends come from? It's an honor for me to come to this small place of ours." Zhou Huo looked at Wang Shuang and others and smiled lightly, not noticing that Wang Shuang and others were at all. Anger at seeing him behave like this.

"You are Yang Zi. Now that you are back, don't leave again. From now on, you will be my woman!" Zhou Huo then looked at Yang Zi, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Zhou Huo, you are dreaming. The reason why I came back is to see you executed with my own eyes! Scum and scum like you should not live in the world at all!" Yang Zi saw Zhou Huo, although there was still fear in his eyes. , but still mustered up the courage to curse loudly.

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