As the shock wave disappeared, a figure of one person and one beast appeared in front of them again, but the scene that was displayed surprised everyone.

Wang Shuang's fist collided with the two claws of the mutated beast. All the claws of the mutated beast were broken, and streams of blood flowed out along the fractures, forming a pool on the ground. There were only a few white marks on Wang Shuang's fists covered by black armor. Even these white marks disappeared in the blink of an eye and returned to their original state.


A roar full of pain sounded. The mutated beast looked at Wang Shuang with some fear in its eyes. A sound of tearing the air came. A white tail looked like a steel whip, and it moved toward Wang Shuang with an aura that could tear everything apart. When Wang Shuang came, even if there was a hill in front of him, this blow could completely smash it into pieces.

Wang Shuang looked at the white tail, his expression unchanged, and with a thought in his mind, a shield composed of mental power appeared in front of him. The white tail hit the shield with a dull sound, and then returned without success.

Wang Shuang didn't stop at all. He turned his fist into a knife and slashed down with one strike. A huge long knife made of flames directly tore the air in front of him and caught up with the mutated beast that wanted to escape.

"No! Stop!" Zhou Huo looked at Wang Shuangde's blow, his face changed wildly, and he shouted with a bit of jealousy. This is his most powerful trump card. If he loses this mutation that he was extremely lucky to conquer, Beast, he is just an ordinary seventh-level evolver!

This mutated beast also seemed to sense a strong danger. It retreated even faster, almost turning into a bolt of lightning. However, it was faster, and Wang Shuang's knife was faster. In a blink of an eye, it caught up with the mutated beast. With his long knife fall.


This mutated beast was divided into two halves directly in the middle. Flesh, flesh, and intestines flowed out of the body, and a powerful energy poured into his body in a way that Wang Shuang could not understand.

"You, you actually killed my little tiger!!" Zhou Huo's face turned pale and he looked at Wang Shuang as if he were looking at his father-killing enemy!

"Hey, I'm more interested in killing you than killing a mutant beast!" Wang Shuang didn't pay attention to the mutant beast on the ground. He looked at Zhou Huo with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He really wants to get this ability from the other party. After all, he can tame mutant beasts. If he masters this ability, he will have more choices when facing various mutant beasts in the future. .

After hearing Wang Shuang's words, Zhou Huo suddenly thought of his situation. Without the mutated beast, he was only a seventh-level evolver. It was undoubtedly a fantasy to escape from such a terrifying enemy.

"Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood. When I become stronger, I will crush you to ashes!" Zhou Huo felt cruel in his heart. He looked around and found that many ordinary people were not far away from him. , his eyes suddenly lit up.

"As long as you threaten the other party with these ordinary people, the other party will definitely be wary!" Zhou Huo thought in his mind, and his body swept aside like lightning, but he did not notice the ridicule in Wang's eyes.

"You are still playing such a trick in front of me!" Wang Shuang shook his head in disappointment. With a thought in his mind, a light blue wind blade appeared out of thin air and passed directly over Zhou Huo's body. Before he could even let out a scream, he directly Split in half.

An energy surged into Wang Shuang's body, but Wang Shuang didn't care. Instead, he carefully paid attention to the skills in his body. However, in just a few seconds, a light cyan rune appeared on Wang Shuang's body. Inside, there were lines carved on it that he couldn't understand, but after the rune appeared, Wang Shuang naturally understood its usage.

"Beast Taming Talisman: There is a 10% chance of taming a mutated beast of the same level as yourself, and a 1% chance of taming a mutated beast higher than yourself. The higher the level, the chance drops tenfold!"

"It seems that the probability of taming is not as high as I thought!" Wang Shuang frowned slightly and muttered to himself, but then he thought that if the probability of taming was ridiculously high, then Zhou Huo would probably be able to tame the mutant beasts. It's enough to form a legion. At that point, even I won't be able to get a good deal!

"This is not bad. There is a certain chance of taming mutant beasts. This is also a very practical skill!" Wang Shuang was no longer disappointed, but watched as the energy in his body that had almost reached the eighth level peak was changing with another skill. With the appearance of , the seventh-level beast-taming rune gained a lot of energy and was promoted to the eighth-level beast-taming rune. The energy that was almost on the verge of breaking through suddenly dropped a bit, making it more difficult for him to break through again. A wry smile also flashed across Wang Shuang's face. He now has too many skills in his body, nearly ten types, which makes it extremely difficult for him to break through. Everyone else has been promoted to level nine. He But he still set foot on the eighth level.

Others were stunned when they saw the originally ferocious Zhou Huo being killed directly. His men all looked pale and looked at Wang Shuang with fear on their faces. Many people wanted to escape, but seeing Wang Shuang's terrifying wind blade just now and the soldiers staring at him behind him, none of them had the courage to escape.

Those survivors whose eyes were numb and dull gradually showed a touch of life on their faces, and there seemed to be a light called hope shining in their eyes. Everyone looked at Wang Shuang with longing expressions, looking at this god-like figure who killed Zhou Huo. Yang Zi also looked at Wang Shuang with shock. Although she imagined that Wang Shuang was very strong, she still didn't expect that he could be so strong. Such a powerful mutant beast was almost beaten so badly that Zhou Huo It was even solved with one move, and Wang Shuang didn't seem to have made much effort at all.

This scene gave Yang Zi a more intuitive understanding of Wang Shuang's strength, and a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Wang Shuang came back to his senses and looked at the crowd in front of him, especially the naked women lying on the ground. He couldn't help but sigh and ordered: "Hongwu, take them all away, and arrange some arrangements after you go back." People escort them back to the City of Heaven!"

Hong Wu nodded silently, as he would have done so even if Wang Shuang didn't tell him to. After Wang Shuang finished speaking, he looked at the survivors and said softly: "My name is Wang Shuang, and I am the city lord of Tianzhi City. If you are willing to follow me, I, Tianzhi City, will accept you!"

"Tianzhicheng, can we eat?" At this time, a timid voice sounded. Wang Shuang looked and saw a skinny child. His body was tightly covered with some torn cloth strips, and his body could be clearly seen. I don't know whether it was beaten or frozen, but the surface was green and purple. At this time, he looked at Wang Shuang with a pair of dark eyes.

"Of course, not only will you have food to eat, but you will also have a house to live in and clothes to wear. No one dares to bully you!" Wang Shuang's nose was sore, he stepped forward and touched the other person's head and said softly.

When the survivors heard Wang Shuang's words, a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in their eyes, and they all spoke one after another.

"Great, we finally don't have to suffer from this devil anymore!"

"Mom and Dad, this beast has been killed by the Evolver, you can rest easy!"

"Very good!"

"We don't have to go hungry anymore!"


Hearing the voices of the survivors, Wang Shuang sighed, while Hong Wu led the soldiers behind him to gather the survivors in the town.

After giving the instructions, Wang Shuang looked at Zhou Huo's men who were looking at him with fear on their faces. There was also a killing intent on their faces. He wanted to deal with these people, but he thought that although these people deserved to die, they died in vain by his own hands. It's also a bit wasteful.

Therefore, Wang Shuang said to them coldly, "You scum, I originally planned to kill you, but since you are not like Zhou Huo, I can give you a chance to atone for your sins!"

"Thank you, Mr. Evolver!"

"Thank you, Master Evolve, for not killing me!"

"We must perform well and atone for our sins!"

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of these people, and they all knelt down and kowtowed, thanking Wang Shuang for not killing him.

"City Lord, what are you?" Hong Wu looked at Wang Shuang with some confusion. In his impression, Wang Shuang did not seem to be such a soft-hearted person.

A sneer appeared on Wang Shuang's face, "They still have some remaining value! It would be such a waste to die in our hands like this!"

Hong Wu nodded and said nothing more.

After Hong Wu and others finished counting the people, Wang Shuang and others searched the room where Zhou Huo lived and found a large amount of grain, meat, and various foods, which filled three rooms.

Wang Shuang also unceremoniously received all the food into his storage ring and led everyone back to the place where Qiu Baoguo and others were waiting.

Five to six hundred people came to the location of the large army in groups. When they saw thousands of soldiers lined up neatly, all the uneasiness in their hearts disappeared. With such an elite army, it was definitely not as powerful as Zhou Huo. A demon who takes over a small town and becomes the king with just a little strength.

Qiu Baoguo and others were also a little surprised when they saw these people. After Wang Shuang told what happened, Qiu Baoguo and others were all gnashing their teeth at Zhou Huo and wanted to cut him into pieces again. Therefore, they were These survivors took special care and immediately arranged for some food to be distributed to them.

Wang Shuang then arranged for a hundred soldiers to escort these people back safely, and also arranged for two evolvers to follow to prevent unexpected situations on the road.

"Why don't you want to go back to Tianzhi City with you?" Wang Shuang looked at Yang Zi in front of him and asked curiously. Everyone else was happily willing to go to Tianzhi City, but this little girl took the initiative to ask to stay. Wang Shuang was a little surprised.

"All my relatives are dead, and I don't have any relatives in Tianzhicheng. I want to follow you, and you don't have anyone to serve you tea. I can be your maid," Yang Zi said in a low voice.

Her heart was very active. Even if she followed back to the City of Heaven and no longer had to endure hunger, she would still be just an ordinary survivor. There would be nothing special about her. But if she was in the City of Heaven with Wang Shuang, If she has something to do with the city lord, her life in the future will definitely be infinitely better than others, and even, if possible, she will become Wang Shuang's woman... Thinking of this, she sighed in her heart, as if How could a post-apocalyptic hero like Wang Shuang lack women around him? I'm afraid as long as Wang Shuang says something, those who want to be his woman can line up for dozens of miles!

Wang Shuang looked at the other party deeply, as if he could see through Yang Zi's mind, but he didn't say anything, and nodded lightly: "In that case, then you can follow me!"

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