Wang Shuang's eyes lit up when he heard this voice, and he looked around. Wang Ang looked at him firmly, and the words just came from his mouth!

"Are you sure you can do it? How long will it take?" Wang Shuang asked quickly. This is a key issue. Network communication is paralyzed. He has long felt the disadvantages of being unable to communicate over long distances. Now he only relies on a few old radio station to send messages.

Therefore, when he saw the occupations of these people, he had an idea in his mind to establish communications for the entire Tianzhi City.

"With just a few of us, it would take half a year at the fastest to restore communications throughout Tianzhi City and establish a large-scale local area network!" Wang Ang hesitated for a moment, and then gave a figure.

"Half a year is too slow. Three months. I'll give you three months. If you need people, I'll give you people. If you need supplies, I'll give you supplies. In three months, we can establish the entire communication network of Tianzhi City." Get up and build a Sky City local area network that allows people to browse information online."

"If you can do it, I will set up a Department of Network Communications, and you can be the minister!" Wang Shuang directly threw out a big pie, but Wang Ang was shocked. Minister of the Department of Network Communications, no matter what the position is , both are ministers, and it is definitely a good job in Tianzhi City. He will not let this opportunity pass, even if the task seems very difficult.

"Okay, City Lord, don't worry, I will definitely build a network covering the entire Tianzhi City for you within three months!" Wang Ang promised in a deep voice.

"Okay, in that case, you are now the leader of the network communication team. In addition to these people, I will give you another hundred people. Starting from tomorrow, you will be responsible for the network communication of the entire Tianzhi City. I will let other people cooperate with you. If you have any questions or difficulties, just tell me and I can mediate for you." Wang Shuang smiled lightly.

Others looked at Wang Ang with envy and regretted why they didn't speak first. Now this task falls on Wang Ang's head. Once completed, it will definitely skyrocket.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord! If it can't be completed, I will never live in Tianzhi City again!" Wang Ang issued a military order.

Wang Shuang nodded. Seeing that the matter was over, they all bid farewell to Wang Shuang and left. Wang Shuang did not stop them. Looking at their leaving figures, there was a flash of expectation in his eyes.

"Xiao Shuang, with them, do you think we can really establish a LAN in Tianzhi City and restore communication?" Cai Xiao held Wang Shuang in one hand, and his tall chest kept rubbing Wang Shuang's arm, which made Wang Shuang Both hands feel soft and warm.

"They are all engineers anyway. If they can't even complete such a simple request, I feel like they can only do some ordinary work!" Wang Shuang said with a smile on his lips, "Leave professional matters to professional talents. Yes, I just need to coordinate the overall situation!"

After hearing this, several people were thoughtful.

"Brother Wang, our opportunity has come!" As soon as he returned home, Ding Wenlong said with excitement on his face, and the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed. If this task is completed, Wang Ang can reach the sky in one step. As a good friend, he is also one of them. One of the participants will definitely get a lot of credit. When the time comes, they can resume their pre-apocalyptic life and status!

"We must celebrate today! Haha, my sister-in-law and your siblings should be back soon. Let's prepare and cook a delicious meal!" Ding Wenlong looked excited and planned to hold a celebration party.

"Don't worry, don't be too high-profile about this matter. After all, this task is not easy. Even if I am confident, I will definitely face many difficulties. If it is too public, it will not be good." Wang Ang said conservatively. .

"Okay, I listen to you. Starting tomorrow, we will work together to complete this task beautifully!" Ding Wenlong's face straightened and he nodded understandingly.

As for what Wang Ang will do next, Wang Shuang doesn't care. Now, what he cares about is the news from Qiu Baoguo. It has been three full days, and no news has been sent back from Qiu Baoguo. This is unlikely, Qiu Ying Tong, Su Yu, and Hong Wu are all top-notch evolvers. If the three of them join forces, even they themselves have to be careful. There is no way the 21st Division has such masters!

Unless Qiu Baoguo teamed up with Qiu Yingtong and the rest of the 21st Division to keep Su Yu and Hong Wu behind, there should be news.

On the fourth day, Wang Shuang felt a little anxious, worried that something had really happened to them, and even planned to go and see for himself. At this time, news came that Cao Jun and the others were willing to join their own Tianzhi City.

Wang Shuang's original plan to go there in person was immediately put down, and he was waiting for Cao Jun, Wang Li and others in Tianzhi City.

Three days later, the remaining nearly three thousand people of the 21st Division arrived at Tianzhi City. Their ammunition, weapons, food, etc. were all loaded in military trucks and brought with them.

Wang Shuang went to greet him immediately and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Qiu Baoguo, Qiu Yingtong, Su Yu, Hong Wu and others. Behind them were Cao Jun, Wang Li, Yu Zhiqiu and Kang Ping. The evolver Wang Shuang took a closer look and found that there were eight or nine left. This made Wang Shuang sigh at the original strength of the 21st Division!

"Secretary Cao, it's been a long time!" Wang Shuang said to Cao Jun with a smile.

"City Master Wang Shuangwang, one of the reasons why I chose to join Tianzhi City this time is because of Lao Qiu's persuasion, and the other reason is that you are not purely for your own enjoyment like others, but are really willing to protect ordinary survivors. Or, give them a paradise! For this reason, I am willing to join you, but if one day, I find that what you have done exceeds my bottom line, then I will leave without hesitation, and everyone else has the same view. !”

Cao Jun looked at Wang Shuang and said calmly. As the former top leader of Jiangnan City, now he has been reduced to joining his own Tianzhi City. It is strange that Cao Jun feels comfortable.

However, he also knew in his heart that Wang Shuang's forces now took the absolute initiative. They were powerful and had sufficient weapons. Both the number of evolvers and the population were far beyond his own. It would be sooner or later to regain Jiangnan City, but there was only one in Jiangnan City. , so it has only one ruler, and that is Tianzhi City. By then, the status of their 21st Division will become extremely embarrassing.

Therefore, after learning that Qiu Baoguo had personally persuaded them, Cao Jun and others struggled for a long time before agreeing to Qiu Baoguo's statement and joining Tianzhi City, but at the same time they also put forward their own conditions, not to be punished for their actions. Unfair treatment, everything Wang Shuang does must benefit ordinary survivors!

Qiu Baoguodu agreed on behalf of Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang didn't say anything. Later, at the welcome meeting, he appointed Cao Jun as the deputy city lord of Tianzhi City. His position was the same as Zhang Tianqi and Dong Zhu. Wang Li was replaced by Wang Shuang. Transferred to the Supervision Department as deputy department.

Two businessmen, Kang Ping and Yu Zhiqiu, Wang Shuang established a Ministry of Commerce, with Kang Ping as the minister and Yu Zhiqiu as the deputy minister, mainly responsible for the business of the entire Tianzhi City.

Nowadays, their population exceeds 20,000, and various industries in the city are gradually emerging, including various shops, restaurants, etc. There is never a shortage of geniuses among the huge crowd. There will always be a small group of people who are good at seizing business opportunities. Some provide various services, some sell information, and some even hire other people...

In a short period of time, many shrewd businessmen have emerged in Tianzhi City, so they can barely be regarded as the middle class. Wang Shuang established this commercial department in order to regulate and manage such signs from the beginning. , to prevent various unexpected situations such as loss of control or fraud.

The evolvers under them, three ninth-level evolvers, Song Guangming, Tang Niu, Sui Cheng, and the other six ranging from fifth to eighth levels, were directly arranged by Wang Shuang into the Heavenly Blade. Wang Shuang paid special attention to it. When looking at this guy Sui Cheng, he always felt that this Sui Cheng was a little unstable and seemed not satisfied with his arrangements.

However, he was not too worried. After all, Sui Cheng's strength was not the most powerful in Tianzhi City. If he really had any intentions, he could suppress them with a flip of his hand.

Today's Heavenly Blade people include Zhou Yunyue, Lu Zhe, Su Wei, Su Xiaoxue and other six people, Tan Long and his three evolvers from Longjiang City, plus Song Guangming and other nine people, there are nearly twenty people. This is a force that no one can ignore.

Everything in Tianzhi City is developing rapidly towards the good side. Most of the troops in Tianzhi City have now withdrawn. It is snowing outside and it is really not suitable for a war. They have withdrawn into the city to recuperate and accumulate strength. However, although they are not fighting, But some training is still indispensable. With the foundation of the 21st Division of Qiu Baoguo, the entire training of soldiers in Tianzhi City is strictly in accordance with the requirements of Qiu Baoguo. It is even more strict than before the end of the world. After all, what we are facing now is Incomparably terrifying zombies and mutated beasts. In addition to superb marksmanship, an excellent soldier must also have strong fighting skills and the ability to survive in the wild. Under the training of Qiu Baoguo, everyone is growing at an astonishing speed.

Wang Shuang was not stingy with his food for these people. He provided all kinds of meat and vegetables as much as possible so that these soldiers who would fight for him in the future could replenish their body energy.

Wang Shuang's film department was handed over to Qiu Yingtong, who was responsible for the training of the film department. Qiu Yingtong was worthy of being Qiu Baoguo's daughter. She selected one hundred people and fifty men from Tianzhi City. Fifty women, these people have different careers, but they all have one goal, which is to live a better life.

Under Qiu Yingtong's sweet dates and big sticks, these people's daily training made Wang Shuang feel a little chilled. Qiu Yingtong not only satisfied with the fighting skills and battlefield fighting, but also mobilized more professional talents to teach them the battlefield. First aid, disguise, conversation, photography, computer knowledge, cooking skills...

Not only Wang Shuang, but everyone else was also shocked when they saw it. This is to train these people to become all-round talents!

Faced with the overwhelming number of tasks and studies every day, everyone's nerves were at their breaking point, and they couldn't even think about anything else. Many of them couldn't hold on. In less than a month, there were already ten people quit.

In the second month, Qiu Yingtong directly threw them outside the city and asked them to wander outside alone for a month. They had to kill three hundred zombies or three special zombies before they could come back. Otherwise, they would not have to come in to Tianzhi City. .

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