"Wenwen, I'm leaving." Wang Shuang said.

"Where are you going?" Hu Wenwen asked nervously. After spending a few days together, she always felt a sense of security for Wang Shuang. Now she suddenly heard that Wang Shuang was leaving, and her heart felt empty for a moment, as if she had lost everything. What's average.

"I'm going to the general area. I still have a lot of things to do. Don't worry, I will visit you when I have time." Wang Shuang touched the other person's head. His body has undergone many transformations and now looks like He doesn't look like a man in his twenties at all. His skin is as smooth as mutton-fat white jade, and his originally ordinary face has become extremely delicate. Like a big boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, touching the head of a little girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, it looked a little funny.


Hu Wenwen seemed to be a little depressed and whispered. Wang Shuang saw this, touched her head again and left the room.

Wang Shuang can help Hu Wanzhou's family leave here, and even as long as he reveals his strength, he believes that even the special zone can easily let them in, but now he can't do too much. Before he has a complete understanding of Tianshui City, he You must keep a low profile and not reveal your skills easily.

When he understands Tianshui City, Wang Shuang will have corresponding confidence in his heart. At that time, he will take Hu Wanzhou and Hu Wenwen to other places. Zhang Yong and Zhang Xia will not be able to escape. !

Early the next morning, Wang Shuang left Lao Hu's home without anyone disturbing him. You can enter the general area during the day, but you must have corresponding certificates to stay in the general area temporarily at night.

Therefore, during the day, there are particularly many people in the general area. According to official statistics, 30% of the people in Tianshui City are in slums, 60% in the general area, and 10% in the special zone! The special zone occupies 40% of the entire Tianshui City base area, the general area occupies 40%, and the final slum area occupies 20%!

Therefore, although the area of ​​the ordinary area is twice that of the entire civilian area, the number of people is also twice that of the slum area. Wang Shuang can clearly feel this popularity when walking in it.

On both sides of the street, there are shops, vendors, selling clothes, fruits, vegetables, and daily necessities, which almost made Wang Shuang think that he was back before the end of the world.

There were many people selling things, but few people buying them. Wang Shuang observed curiously and discovered the reason. The things were too expensive. One pound of vegetables cost five pounds of grain, and one pound of meat required ten pounds of grain. Even A piece of soap or a box of toothpaste costs one pound of grain. After the end of the world, the original monetary system collapsed and was almost like waste paper. Therefore, most people here use grain as transaction currency. It is worth mentioning that although Tianshui City is not big, But the entire Northeastern Province is a big food province. The land here is fertile, and the food produced is not only popular domestically, but also sold abroad.

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, the food in Tianshui City has just been harvested, and the reserves are enough to feed 100,000 people for five years. Therefore, the top leaders of Tianshui City are not worried about the food problem at all. They even use food as currency and implement a food stamp system to control the entire Tianshui. city!

In the distance, there are some office buildings, which are used by the management of Tianshui City to work. They are similar to the civil servants before the end of the world. In addition to them, there are also people from various companies working there. Wang Shuang just looked around casually and found a lot of advertisements.

"Beast Harvest Team, you are trustworthy!"

"The Mighty Beast Hunting Group is the best choice for 90% of people!"

"If you want supreme security, we have the most professional team and special retired soldiers to protect you 24 hours a day. The price is ridiculous!"

"If you want to have a warm home, Tianshui Real Estate welcomes you, with free water and electricity, and 24-hour butler service!"

"There are tens of thousands of rooms in Guangsha, and you will be happy to stay there. Zhongyi Company will give you the most considerate service!"

Pitiful little advertisements were posted everywhere, offering bodyguard services, selling houses, renting houses, and organizing groups to hunt wild beasts. Wang Shuang was dazzled by what he saw.

"Fruits, fresh fruits..." There was a sound of selling fruits from the side. Wang Shuang turned around and saw that it seemed to be a newly opened fruit shop. At the door, there was a loudspeaker playing continuously in a loop. Above the door, There were also two pieces of red paper attached, which said there was a big opening offer, including a 20% discount on all fruits.

"You can go buy some fruit and try it!" Wang Shuang felt like he had left Tianzhi City, arrived at the Daxing Mountains, and then arrived at Hu Wanzhou's house. He hadn't eaten fruit for a long time. He saw strawberries one after another, and there were drops of bits on the cherries. Wet with dew, he couldn't help but walk towards the store.

His original tattered clothes had been thrown away before he entered the general area, and he had changed into ordinary clothes, which made him inconspicuous even among the crowd. In the store, a woman who looked to be in her thirties and still had the charm of a mature lady was sitting behind the counter, casually looking at the people walking around the door.

Although there were many people outside, it was obvious that there were definitely only a few people who could afford the fruit. Therefore, the proprietress did not expect many customers to come. However, she saw Wang Shuang paused at her door for a while, and originally thought that Like everyone else, they were all passers-by, and then they saw Wang Shuang open the door and enter the store.

A warm smile immediately appeared on the female boss's face, and she quickly stood up and greeted her warmly.

"Welcome, little brother, what fruits do you want to buy?"

To be able to open a store in an ordinary area like Tianshui City, you must have both vision and background. Otherwise, if you open a store today, it may be closed tomorrow. Although the clothes on Wang Shuang's body are not famous brands, he still has the vision to travel all over the country. Faintly aware of Wang Shuang's seemingly detached temperament, which Wang Shuang cannot hide, it seems that after being promoted to the first level, the whole person seems to have transcended the level of ordinary people and entered a new realm, even if he does not reveal it at all. The breath always has an indescribable temperament.

"Let me just take a look first." Wang Shuang smiled at the female boss. Seeing Wang Shuang's smile, the female boss's eyes lit up. This smile seemed like a clear spring flowing through her heart, making her already calm heart once again There was a trace of ripples.

"What a handsome young man!" This was the first thought in her mind, but she had also seen the world, and she quickly came to her senses with a soft smile on her face.

"Okay, take your time and take a look. These are all just picked. Although the best ones are sent to the special zone, they also taste good."

Wang Shuang nodded and took a casual look. The whole store was not big, only about thirty square meters. The shelves were filled with all kinds of fruits, even grapes.

"Are these grapes grown in a greenhouse?" Wang Shuang asked. Apart from greenhouse cultivation, there is no other way to ignore the laws of the seasons.

"That's right, we have a greenhouse planting base in Tianshui City. All kinds of vegetables and fruits come from there. I just pick up some of what they left." The female boss said with a smile, looking at Wang Shuang up and down, and kept saying Guessing Wang Shuang’s identity.

"Oh" Wang Shuang responded, then stopped talking and continued to look at it. In Tianzhi City, the fruits he ate were carefully selected. Compared with the ones here, they were twice or twice as good. Now he could only choose some that were picked by others, so he looked left and right and was not very satisfied.

The door opened again, and a beautiful woman in her twenties, wearing a black trench coat and black jeans, came in. The female boss looked at her, and her eyes lit up again. She had a tall figure, extremely delicate facial features, and a light makeup on her face. A pair of eyes are like a blue rose, with a feeling that strangers should not approach him. The first impression he gives is that he is cold and difficult to deal with.

"Welcome!" The female boss said hello again with a smile on her face. Her eyes were sinister, and she could see that the woman should work in a commercial building. Her hands were slender and white, and she had obviously not done much work! Such people often have very high wages and correspondingly have strong purchasing power.

The beauty walked elegantly and held a pink bag in her hand. As soon as she came in, she found that there was someone else in the store besides the proprietress. She couldn't help but take a look at Wang Shuang and saw Wang Shuang picking up a piece of fruit and looking at it. He looked at it and put it down, picked it up again and put it down again. He couldn't help but show a look of contempt. He was probably some country bumpkin. He didn't have much money. He was shocked when he saw the price. He didn't know how to walk out decently!

The woman didn't care about Wang Shuang. She looked around casually and picked five oranges and four apples. The female boss weighed the woman with a smile.

"Pants, apples total three pounds and two taels, and two taels are free. We are opening for an event today, with a 20% discount, which counts as twelve pounds of food for the beauty!"

Hearing what the female boss said, Wang Shuang turned around in surprise, "So expensive? One pound of apples is worth five pounds of grain!"

"Hmph, if you can't afford it, don't stand here stupidly!" After hearing Wang Shuang's words, the beauty snorted coldly and took out a food stamp with a face value of twenty. However, a flash of pain flashed across her face. These twelve kilograms of grain were her four days' wages, so she bought some fruit. Her heart was bleeding. However, she really loves to eat fruits. She would rather eat less than eat less fruits. Apples and oranges are the cheapest, so she can barely accept the price! For example, she didn't even dare to look at the grapes. They were calculated by the grape. Each grape was worth three taels of grain. A bunch of grapes was worth more than ten kilograms of grain. How could she be willing to buy them!

Although she looked down upon Wang Shuang a little, the female boss did not look down upon her at all. She had a very poisonous eye and had met countless people, but almost none had the temperament of Wang Shuang. Therefore, she did not dare to look down upon her at all. Look, he looked at Wang Shuang with enthusiasm, his attitude was even more enthusiastic than the woman, and he didn't even take the food stamps handed over by the beauty.

"Forget it, the quality of the fruits you have here is really not that good, just take some." Wang Shuang didn't care about the beautiful woman's words. He shook his head and found that the quality of these fruits was really average. He stopped choosing and chose randomly. Several items, including strawberries, cherries, grapes, and bananas, each selected a pound and asked the female boss to pack them for him.

When the female boss heard this, her face was lifeless. Her fruits were the leftovers picked by others. Not to mention her, almost all the shops in the general area were like this. She giggled and swayed her extremely plump body. Step forward and pack Wang Shuang's bags.

Seeing Wang Shuang buying so many fruits without blinking an eye, she didn't even dare to buy them. She just made a rough estimate and found that the value of these fruits was worth more than a hundred kilograms of grain!

"This guy must have done this on purpose after hearing what I said. He doesn't have much money, and he still wants to make up for it! He really thinks that it's still before the end of the world. After saying it, he can't buy it at all, and he can still return it. If he doesn't buy it, he can Not being able to walk out of this store is a problem!" The woman thought angrily when she saw the female boss's different attitudes towards the two of them, but she couldn't bear it in her heart. Although she was more arrogant, she saw that a stupid boy was acting because of She felt guilty because she had made a stupid statement.

Wang Shuang didn't know, did she understand how she could open a fruit shop here without any background? If she weighed it and didn't buy it, whether she could walk straight out of the store was a problem. Some people had done this before, but the result was His limbs were broken and thrown out. She didn't want Wang Shuang to meet such an end.

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