Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 382: Connection with Jiangnan City!

In the very center of Jiangnan City, the people coming in and out make the place extremely busy. Soldiers with guns and ammunition are guarding the door, and there are evolutionaries in the dark. It can be said that no one can sneak in without being discovered.

Zhao Xin, Dong Zhu, Zhang Tianqi and others are all dealing with the big and small things that happen in Jiangnan City. There is also a group of staff on the side. Otherwise, just a few of them will definitely be exhausted!

At this time, Zhao Xin looked more shrewd and capable, and her housekeeper temperament was more abundant, as she reviewed and approved the submitted documents.

"Add 100 patrol officers. Well, Jiang Jie reported this. He is Wang Shuang's brother-in-law, so we have to give him this face!"

"Well, the first regiment needs one hundred tons of food. Now that food is so urgent, where can we give them so much! Fifty tons at most!"

"What, the Ministry of Commerce wants to call ten evolvers!"

Zhao Xin looked at the documents in her hands, nodding and shaking her head for a while. Although they were all trivial matters, she couldn't help but take them to heart. Wang Shuang had conquered Jiangnan City, but she couldn't let him die in her hands.


After reviewing and approving some documents, Zhao Xin stretched out, revealing her slender figure.

"What, are you tired?" Dong Zhu looked at Zhao Xin on the side and said with a smile, "Yes, Jiangnan City is full of waste now, and everything has to start again. It is indeed a bit hard!"

"Okay, Aunt Dong, please stop teasing me. I can't compare to you. I keep reviewing and approving documents every day, and you are more diligent than me!" Zhao Xin shook his head and gave a wry smile.

"It's a bit tiring to say that Wang Shuang disappeared. With the increase in population, the entire Jiangnan City is becoming more and more difficult to manage!" Zhao Xin sighed. If you don't become a householder, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. They used to have a small number of people. She still didn't find it difficult to manage, but now the number of people has exceeded 60,000. She has no management experience and is extremely confused. If it weren't for the help of so many people, she would have given up long ago!

"Furthermore, I got news that there are still several forces in our Dongshan Province who have learned about our strength from somewhere, and they have united together and even plan to subjugate our Tianzhi City!" Zhao Xin's expression changed when he thought about this. Extremely gloomy.

"I know what you're saying. Captain Qiu, aren't you working hard to train the team to prevent a big battle from happening?" Dong Zhu nodded, and a gloomy look flashed across his face. They are now faintly aware of the situation in Tiancheng. The sight of the number one force in Dongshan Province, as someone dares to provoke them, is no less than a slap in the face to them.

"But I heard that each of those forces has a first-level strongman! We only have Qiu Yingtong here!" Zhao Xin's face was a little ugly. They all knew how terrifying the first-level strongman was. If it weren't for Wang Shuang, I'm afraid it's just a dream for them to capture Jiangnan City.

The entire Dongshan Province has now gone through a major reshuffle, and there are only four remaining forces, and Tianzhi City is the strongest, but the other three forces want to subdue them, which makes her not angry.

"We also have a dragon turtle, which is also a first-order mutant beast." Cai Xiao, who was on the side, also heard what they said and said softly.

"That dragon turtle only recognizes Wang Shuang's words, and it basically doesn't go ashore. It only stays in the water. It won't do anything unless the enemy comes to attack it." Zhao Xin said a little depressed. In fact, they all knew it. Wang Shuang has another back-up left behind, and that is the Green Devil Vine. The zombies in the entire Jiangnan City were wiped out, and all the zombie corpses were used as fertilizer to feed the Green Devil Vine and the Life Fruit. Now the Life Fruit is all mature, but With the Green Devil Vine around, none of them can get it.

They all vaguely knew the strength of the Green Demon Vine, and it was definitely stronger than Qiu Yingtong. However, like the Dragon Turtle, it only obeyed Wang Shuang's orders, so it was basically impossible for it to go into battle.

Therefore, now they are facing a very embarrassing situation, that is, although there are many powerful people in Tianzhi City, there is only one first-order evolver, Qiu Yingtong. Facing several other forces, they will inevitably be at a disadvantage.

"Oh, it would be great if Xiao Shuang was here. With him, these forces would just crush us if they dared to do this to us." Zhao Xin couldn't help but think of this.

While they were talking, an intelligence agent stumbled in, losing all of his previous composure.

"Minister Zhao..." The female intelligence officer's face turned red and she was so excited that she couldn't speak clearly.

Zhao Xin and others frowned when they saw the excited scene of this female intelligence agent. They were extremely strict with their subordinates. They would not like their subordinates who behaved in such a frivolous and agitated manner.

However, they also understood that since this man was extremely excited, something big must have happened, so they suppressed their anger and decided to ask what happened.

"What's going on? How can you be so frivolous and rude!" Zhao Xin said with a straight face and a cold voice. It was okay if she was not serious. When she became serious, everyone would feel as if they were being judged.

But the female intelligence officer obviously didn't care. She looked excited and said tremblingly: "City Lord, it's the City Lord who sent the message!"

It seemed as if a huge boulder weighing 10,000 kilograms was smashed into the water, causing a storm. Everyone present knew who the city lord was. Being able to be qualified to be called the city lord made the female intelligence agent extremely excited. There was only one possibility. It was their city lord Wang Shuang who had disappeared for nearly two months!

Some of the evolvers or staff who had just joined Tianzhi City were a little surprised when they looked at Zhao Xin, Cai Xiao and others who were struck by lightning. They also had some expectations in their hearts. They had also heard about Wang Shuang's disappearance. It was said that The city lord who was able to regain Jiangnan City relied on him, but he disappeared for some reason. Now there is news. They all really want to see what kind of man he is who can open up such a big business.

The heads of Zhao Xin and others were all dizzy. There seemed to be countless rumbling sounds, but no sound could be heard. Only one thought appeared in their minds.

"There is news from Wang Shuang!"

Fortunately, Dong Zhu was still calm, and quickly came to his senses, looked at the other person, and said in a deep voice: "Are you sure it was from Wang Shuang?"

After hearing Dong Zhu's words, the female intelligence agent handed over a telegram in her hand without saying anything. Now that the network is paralyzed, they can only use this most primitive way to maintain communication with the outside world. Of course, their Tianzhi City has already The network communication before the end of the world has been restored, but we can still communicate by phone.

I took the telegram and it only contained one sentence, "I'm in Tianshui City, Northeastern Province! Wang Shuang!"

Dong Zhu didn't say anything after reading it, and then handed the telegram to Zhao Xin and others.

Zhao Xin and others came back to their senses and fell silent when they looked at the words on the telegram. After all, it was a telegram. Although it was Wang Shuang's name, they did not dare to easily believe that it was Wang Shuang.

"Northeast Province, Tianshui City? I seem to remember that this is the city closest to the Daxing Mountains!" Dong Zhu muttered to himself.

"Yes, that's right there. I've been there once before. It's more than two thousand miles away from us! If it's really Wang Shuang, how could he run so far!" Cai Xiao also said, herself As an anchor before, she had to go everywhere to find the background. Tianshui City happened to be the closest to the Daxing Mountains. At that time, she used the Daxing Mountains as the background to do a live broadcast about the forest.

"Whether it's true or not, we have to send someone to check it out." Zhao Xin took a deep breath and looked at everyone, "He is the lord of Tianzhi City. Since he sent the news, we must also go and see if it's true. It’s fake. If it’s true, we want to bring Wang Shuang back! If it’s fake and dares to deceive us, this person must be killed!"

At the end of her speech, her tone was extremely cold.

"But who should we send? You must know that we only have Qiu Yingtong, a first-level evolver here. If you want to travel two thousand miles to Tianshui City, you must be a first-level expert. Even a ninth-level evolver may not be able to do it. Arrive in Tianshui City safely!"

"However, Qiu Yingtong cannot leave. Otherwise, if there is no first-order strong person in charge, problems will easily occur!" Others raised questions. Now Jiangnan City is full of waste, but fortunately there are many original people in Tianzhi City. With the help of personnel, Jiangnan City has now been restored to its original scene. Even so, it has attracted the covetousness of many forces. If their first-order evolvers leave again, Jiangnan City will definitely become unstable.

"This time, I will go in person, and Qiu Yingtong, Su Yu, and Li Xin will follow!" Zhao Xin said suddenly.

"No, this is too dangerous. You can't go there in person. Qiu Yingtong is in charge of Jiangnan City, so other forces don't dare to act rashly. She must not leave!" Dong Zhu heard this and directly rejected it.

The journey is more than two thousand miles, and who knows how many dangers there will be along the way. If something goes wrong with Zhao Xin, it will be a big trouble. You know, although Zhao Xin is only level eight now, her healing skills But it can treat any injury below the first level. As long as a person still has breath, he can be revived, which is comparable to a small life fruit.

There are more than a dozen evolvers she saved alone. They have made great contributions to Tianzhi City and there must be no problems!

Moreover, Qiu Yingtong is the only first-order evolver in Tianzhi City. Once he leaves, the forces in Dongshan Province will never let go of this opportunity.

"Aunt Dong, you don't have to worry about me. With Su Yu, Qiu Yingtong and the others, I will be fine." Zhao Xin smiled faintly, "As for the first-level combat power, I will discuss it with Wang Shuang again. Let’s talk to that pet dragon turtle, and I think it’s okay for him to temporarily protect Jiangnan City.”

"This time, we will leave quickly and return quickly. There are fewer people and it is easier to move!"

Hearing this, everyone stopped saying anything. They all knew Zhao Xin's character. Once something was decided, few people could change it!

"Without further delay, send someone to call the three of them immediately. We will set off today. We can get there in three days at most. It will take about a week to go back and forth. During this time, Aunt Dong and you will have to work hard! "Zhao Xin ordered, then looked at Dong Zhu and said softly.

Dong Zhu nodded, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there will definitely be no chaos in Jiangnan City!"

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