Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 39: Practice marksmanship!

Everyone was also alarmed by Wang Shuang's movement, and turned their heads to look at Wang Shuang, looking at the two people with some surprise.

"What's wrong, Brother Wang?" Sun Tianxiao asked with some confusion. He had just left for a while, but something suddenly happened.

"Tell me, what did you do to me just now!" Wang Shuang did not answer, looking straight at Huang Beibei.

"Nothing done, just chatting!"

"Chat, do you think I'm a fool? I will suddenly trust you so much and chat with you without reservation!" Wang Shuang was very angry because he was an extremely rational person and suddenly became hostile to someone who was hostile to him. He really doesn't trust people so much.

"Chat, is that the one!" Sun Tianxiao heard the conversation between the two, his mind changed quickly, and he thought of something in an instant, and said directly: "Brother Wang, don't worry, I think I know what happened just now Got it!"

"What, you know, tell me quickly!" Wang Shuang's expression changed when he heard this.

Sun Tianxiao glanced at Huang Beibei, "Huang Beibei was born in the police academy before. He is very good at interrogating people's hearts. It seems that there is a special hypnosis technique that can make people hypnotized without knowing it and confess all crimes. Because of her behavior, she became the deputy director of the police station in just a few years!"

"Come to think of it, he must have used this to hypnotize you just now!"

"What, hypnotized Brother Wang, seeking death!" After hearing this, the others immediately understood what had just happened, and couldn't help but became furious. They all looked at Huang Beibei and became furious.

"We originally spared your life, but we didn't expect you to dare to plot against us. Brother Wang, you can't keep this kind of woman!" Xiaobai advised Wang Shuang extremely angrily from the side. "

Huang Beibei knew that her behavior was very dangerous. One bad thing was that she was trapped in a cocoon. Now she was caught doing it, but she did not regret it. What surprised her was that Wang Shuang's mental power was so strong. Break away from her hypnosis directly. You must know that she interrogated the prisoners before and wanted them to be hypnotized for as long as she wanted. No matter what secrets she had, she would explain everything clearly. However, facing Wang Shuang, it only took a few seconds. .

But little did he know that Wang Shuang was even more shocked. An ordinary person could almost hypnotize himself using hypnosis. This is such a terrifying ability. If it were Li Xin or Zhang Ye, he would really be able to pour beans out of a bamboo tube. Usually everything is said.

"Hypnosis!" Wang Shuang frowned. With such a dangerous woman, he really felt embarrassed. Just kill her. She would probably cause trouble for herself. Moreover, he had a vague idea that someone with this kind of ability would Huang Beibei, if he can use it for himself, will probably be a huge help. So Wang Shuang refused to kill her.

But if he didn't kill, it would be too dangerous. He might hypnotize others and then run away. Therefore, Wang Shuang felt in a dilemma.

As if aware of Wang Shuang's difficulty, Sun Tianxiao stepped forward and whispered softly into Wang Shuang's ear. Wang Shuang's eyes lit up and he turned to look at Huang Beibei with a smile on his face. She was surprised. stepped forward in his eyes.

"What are you going to do!" Huang Beibei looked at Wang Shuang's sinister smile with some vigilance.

"I'm not doing anything, I just want you to sleep for a while!" Wang Shuang chuckled, and stretched out his right hand like lightning, hitting her on the back of the head.

"Uh" Huang Beibei passed out before he had time to speak.

"Haha, yes, Sun Tianxiao, I promise you, as long as you teach us how to use guns, then I will definitely let you leave safely!" Wang Shuang turned to look at Sun Tianxiao, looking at him with admiration.

"It's my honor to share Brother Wang's worries!" The other party said humbly, his eyes a little wandering.

Seeing that the matter was perfectly resolved, everyone once again fell into a heated discussion, but not long after, everyone returned to Jinsheng Garden.

Back home, Huang Beibei, who had fainted, was woken up by Wang Shuang. Zhang Yao, Lin Xueqing and others came out and were a little frightened when they saw the huge number of guns by Wang Shuang and others. Wang Shuang simply told them what happened to him and others, as well as the origins of the two unfamiliar faces. The others were dazzled and frightened. However, for Sun Tianxiao and Huang Beibei, They became a little reserved, presumably because they were in awe of their identities.

When Huang Beibei and Sun Tianxiao saw that there were a lot of people here, they couldn't help but be a little shocked. Huang Beibei couldn't help but feel a flash of regret in his heart, regretting that he shouldn't have refused to teach the king to use dual guns. After all, he didn't have He does bad things, but on the contrary, he protects ordinary people.

When Sun Tianxiao saw so many beauties, he couldn't help but have an evil thought in his heart, "Wait, my father will save me, and when that happens, I will make your life worse than death! These women are all mine!"

Wang Shuang moved all the guns down and freed up a room to store the weapons. As soon as Wang Shuang and others finished eating, they directly asked Sun Tianxiao to teach them some basic usage of firearms and common sense to the combatants.

Although Sun Tianxiao's character was not very good, his marksmanship was really not impressive. He could break a wine bottle within ten meters without any problem. Others, including Wang Shuang, couldn't help but be envious of him.

"Guns, remember to turn on the safety before shooting..."

While explaining the structure and usage of guns to them, Sun Tianxiao disassembled the guns for them to do experiments. Of course, he used empty guns, but he did not dare to act recklessly even if there were bullets. After all, Wang Shuang and others were terrifying him. I've already seen it, and I really don't want to commit suicide again.

He was like a teacher, explaining some important things to everyone. Everyone was like elementary school students eager for knowledge. If anyone didn't understand something, he would directly interrupt Sun Tianxiao's explanation and ask him to explain it carefully again.

Sun Tianxiao felt a fire in his heart. When had he ever been treated like a grandson and become so humble? He also became the teacher of a group of young boys and gave them firearms lessons. Sometimes he really wanted to shoot him to death. They just think about it in their hearts, and they can't even show any dissatisfaction on the surface.

After giving them the theory, he also had to practice with Wang Shuang and others, teaching them step by step how to open the safety, how to shoot, and how to aim at the target.

After a night passed, the sun showed a ray of morning light on the horizon. Wang Shuang and others walked into the living room with excitement. In order to practice their marksmanship, they turned on the lights in the yard outside and practiced continuously. Fortunately, Wang Shuang was there. Several silencers were found in a box, mounted directly on top of the pistols they practiced on.

Therefore, in one night, they fired a box full of nearly a thousand rounds of bullets. Even if they didn't sleep, they didn't feel sleepy at all. They were all immersed in the excitement of just learning to use a gun! Even the two girls held back their sleepiness and practiced with everyone in order not to cause trouble.

Sun Tianxiao, with big dark circles under his eyes, once again hated everyone to the extreme, while Huang Beibei slept quietly all night. When I woke up early in the morning, I saw the dark circles on Sun Tianxiao's face who had just walked in. I knew that they must have not slept all night. He said sarcastically: "Young Master Sun, you are a good teacher. You are so dedicated and you can judge them." A model worker!”

"If you had had such determination and perseverance before, I'm afraid you would have become an excellent police officer!"

Gangsun Tianxiao looked at Huang Beibei and was about to get angry. Wang Shuang and others followed. When they saw Huang Beibei, they seemed to have thought of something, "Okay, don't argue. Let's practice again today and pack things away." , go to the city early tomorrow morning!"

At this time, other people also came out one after another. After hearing Wang Shuang's words, they were silent and doing their own things. One day passed, Wang Shuang and others practiced again for a whole morning. Slowly, the two The girl has gradually adapted to the recoil of the pistol, but it is only at the level of being able to hit. Being able to hit a watermelon two meters away is considered good.

In the afternoon, Wang Shuang packed all the things he needed to bring. Guns, ammunition, food, water and other items filled the trunks of three police cars. He only left five guns and two hundred rounds of ammunition for those who were still at home. He believed that these were enough for them to protect themselves. At least, it was more than enough until they came back. If they could not come back, then, these He no longer needs to consider human life.

At the same time, in addition to Li Xin and others, there were two more people following Wang Shuang into the city, Huang Beibei and Sun Tianxiao.

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