Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 440: Seriously injured Du Kong!

Qiu Yingtong and others had already exhausted all their efforts to resist the zombies that were crazily crawling towards the city wall. Now, seeing the two terrifying second-level zombies reappearing, the last straw in their hearts was crushed. collapse.

"How is this possible? Where did so many second-level zombies come from!" Qiu Yingtong muttered to himself, his face extremely pale.

"Five second-level zombies are trying to destroy our base!"

"How could this happen? We are one of the six super bases. How did we get to where we are now?"

"I don't believe it, this must be fake..."


Many people had faces full of disbelief, and even forgot to resist the climbing zombies. They once again suffered a lot of losses, but at this time, no one cared. They were like standing on the edge of the cliff. It was like a stone, and might fall completely if the wind blew, and the appearance of these two second-level zombies was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Our base is finished!"

"There is no hope, hundreds of thousands of people will die, they will all die!"

"What's the point of holding on now!"

"Break out, maybe some people can survive!"

A flash of despair flashed through the hearts of many evolvers.

Seeing the two second-level zombies reappearing, Du Kong's expression became extremely ugly. He was confident of dealing with one second-level zombie, but facing three second-level zombies, he didn't think he could handle it. It would be good if he could survive. of.

Glancing at the other two battlefields, I saw that the Green Demon Vine was fighting extremely fiercely with the big lizard-like zombie on the opposite side. I don’t know how many vines of the Green Demon Vine were broken, and green liquid splashed everywhere, but every one Wherever it breaks, the vines will grow again in a few breaths and become intact.

The lizard zombie didn't fare well either. Its bones were shattered by the Green Devil Vine, and its speed became extremely slow. Black blood flowed out from the wounds on its body, but it could still struggle with the Green Devil Vine. less time.

As for the battlefield of the Dragon Turtle, it has been a stalemate. The Dragon Turtle's defense is extremely powerful and contains a trace of Xuanwu blood. It can be said that unless the zombies in front of it reach the second level peak, it may be possible to break through the Dragon Turtle's defense. !

But similarly, the white-bone zombies were unable to do anything to the dragon turtle, and the dragon turtle was also unable to harm the zombie, and all the extremely cold air was blocked.

Du Kong just glanced at it and knew that it would take at least three days and three nights for the two to decide the winner!

He also heard some desperate sounds from behind, and he also felt helpless. How could he fight three second-level zombies?

Although he had the intention to retreat in his heart, he was still unwilling to retreat just like that since he had never fought in person. Anyway, with his ability, even if he really couldn't defeat him, he would still have no problem escaping.

"Kill!" Thinking of this, Du Kong's face became serious, and his aura became more powerful. Standing in the void, he almost merged with the void.

His figure disappeared in a flash, and in the next moment, he appeared next to a zombie. With a palm strike, the terrifying force almost beat the zombie into pieces.

Two zombies appeared this time. One looked like a cannon barrel, with a round and long head and a bulging lower body like a big rubber ball. The other had a majestic body and looked extremely burly, but its two arms were It is in the shape of a knife, like a mantis's arm. Just standing there, there is an extremely sharp power.

Du Kong was attacking zombies with sharp blade arms.

Facing Du Kong's full blow, this zombie's fighting consciousness seemed to be extremely strong. The figure turned sharply, and the blade arm swung towards Du Kong with a "swish" sound. It seemed like two heavenly knives tore apart the space. It directly collided with Du Kong's palm.


A powerful shock wave spread, and both Du Kong and the zombie were shocked. Du Kong took two steps back, but the zombie stepped back further. The gap between the two was clearly visible.

However, this zombie's fighting consciousness is extremely strong. Using this counter-shock force, the body accelerated again and charged towards Du Kong from one side. The sharp blade arm blocked all Du Kong's escape routes and slashed towards Du Kong with one strike. Sora's throat was slashed towards his heart with a knife. The action was sharp and cruel, without any mercy!

Surrounded by the zombie's counterattack, Du Kong did not panic. Faint ripples appeared on his body. Although he was standing in front of him, he seemed to be in two different planes from the zombie.

The powerful attack of the blade-armed zombie fell in front of Du Kong, but it hit the air and was unable to pose any threat to Du Kong.

The attack failed, and the zombie looked at Du Kong in confusion, as if he didn't understand what was going on.

Du Kong's face also paled slightly, and the ripples in front of him only lasted a few seconds.

"It's too reluctant to use the ability of So Close to the End of the World now. I'm afraid I have to wait until the third level to be able to use it skillfully!" Du Kong thought helplessly. This is one of his skills. When activated, it can stretch The distance to the enemy seems very close, but in fact it is far away.

It sounds simple, but in fact it involves space ability. With Du Kong's second-level strength, it is still too reluctant to use it now. He just used it once, and he felt that his body was almost torn apart. !

Seeing the ripples around him disappear, two second-level zombies came towards Du Kong at the same time. The terrifying power blocked all routes of Du Kong, forcing him to resist!

The last second-level zombie looked like a cannon barrel. It was aimed at Du Kong's figure, and a power that made everyone feel palpitated came from it.

Being flanked by two second-level zombies, even though Du Kong was extremely powerful, he was still a little overwhelmed and looked extremely miserable. Especially after he felt the zombie staring at him not far away, which was powerful enough to shatter a mountain, he became even more cautious.

The two zombies didn't tangle with Du Kong for much time. They seemed to have gotten some kind of information and killed them directly, trapping Du Kong for a moment.

A ball of black energy condensed the void around Du Kong, and the arm of the blade-armed zombie flew out directly, turning into a shadow of swords that filled the sky, causing chaos in the space outside Du Kong.

Sensing the intentions of the two zombies, Du Kong's face changed wildly. This was to mess up the space and prevent him from escaping. By doing this, they should be waiting for the final blow of the cannon zombie!


Sure enough, at the next moment, a force that seemed like a volcanic eruption burst out instantly, and a huge beam of light erupted from the local's head. Because of its speed, it formed a long flame tail behind him.

The air was instantly evaporated by this explosive force, forming a straight vacuum channel.

"No, be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"

When Qiu Yingtong and others on the city wall saw this scene, they all yelled crazily. Du Kong was here to help them. How could they want to see such a strong man die tragically at the gate of the base.

Even Hua Lao and others who were far away in Shangjing changed their expressions. Du Kong was the strongest man in their base. If he fell with me in Jiangnan City, it would be a huge disaster.

Even those who had strongly opposed Du Kong's behavior were extremely anxious at this time. Although Du Kong could not deal with them, he was still a major force in his base. If he fell in Jiangnan City, the strength of their base would be reduced. A level up!

"Dukong, please don't let anything happen to you!" They all silently prayed for Dukong in their hearts.

Facing this fatal blow, Du Kong's face changed wildly. He had no time to think anymore, and he couldn't even move his body. The surrounding space was blocked, and it was impossible for him to catch the power of space and escape.

The ability of Ju Tianya was activated again, and faint ripples appeared. Du Kong's body seemed to be standing in another space. However, his face was extremely pale at this moment. With his ability, he could only use it once in a short time. , now using it for the second time, the skin suddenly burst open, and blood flowed out from the cracked skin.

The power that is enough to collapse mountains and seas is coming towards Du Kong, and the ripples in the void in front of him are constantly trembling. No matter how strong the ability is, there is always a limit. Once this limit is exceeded, this ability cannot be sustained. .

"Block it, block it for me!" Du Kong's eyes were fixed on the ripples in front of him. At this time, he could clearly feel the power contained in this beam of light. If one is not good, I am afraid that he will really die today. I will stay here completely.

The energy in the body is not reserved at all, and all the energy flows towards the ripples in front of him. This is his last barrier. Once it is broken, he is finished!

The beam of light crazily squeezed the ripples in front of Du Kong. Under this terrifying power, even with the specialness of the void ripples, there were faint fragments.

Everyone is staring at this with wide eyes, holding their breath, wanting to know the final result.


A somewhat crisp cracking sound sounded. Du Kong looked at the completely shattered ripples, and his body evaded crazily to one side. With a "swish" sound, the beam of light flew past his body and flew towards the sky, leaving a red streak behind. Tail.

Although he had dodged it, a large piece of flesh and blood on Du Kong's chest disappeared after being hit by the beam. His whole body looked like a cooked shrimp, hunched in the air.

"Boom" "Boom"

Two powerful figures rushed towards them without giving Du Kong a moment's rest. Seeing that Du Kong had dodged the blow, the second-level zombies headed by them joined forces with the blade-armed zombie to attack again.


Du Kong sensed the huge threat and used his last bit of strength to move his body towards the Green Devil Vine.

The two zombies jumped into the air and rushed towards the direction he left, not intending to leave such a serious trouble behind.

The wisdom of the green magic vine is not much worse than that of humans. Seeing Du Kong seriously injured and dying, he was shocked. A vine suddenly stretched out, covering his body in its thick vines.


Du Kong only had time to say one word before he completely passed out.

Hearing this, the Green Demon Vine glanced at the two zombies that were coming to kill them. The huge body suddenly shrank and turned into a green stream of light and flew towards the city wall.

The dragon turtle, on the other hand, seemed indifferent and continued to fight with the second-level zombie. Its defense might not be able to be broken even by five second-level zombies united, and it didn't care.

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