Seeing that Wang Shuang ignored him, Hou Feng flashed an angry look in his eyes, and was about to explode. Now everyone here is his own, and Wang Shuang is only one person. Although he is very strong, Hou Feng doesn't believe that with his own So many people still can't win the king double!

However, before he took action, in the distant sky, a black stream of light came from a very far away like lightning. The stream of light fell, and the figure in it was revealed next to Wang Shuang, and it was Ling Yun.


Ling Yun just glanced at Hou Feng indifferently, and uttered a word coldly, not giving Hou Feng any face at all. He obviously heard Hou Feng's words before, joking, this thing fell from the sky, it must contain endless meanings. The secret is that Hou Feng actually wants to occupy this strange door within the scope of their base. Even if he agrees, it is impossible for other forces in China to agree, and they may even kill each other directly.

Seeing Ling Yun like this, Hou Feng's face became angry and he wanted to take action.


But before he started to move, Ling Yun, who was beside Wang Shuang, had a flash of light in his eyes, and a terrifying sword light blasted out like lightning, with a speed that was almost beyond what Hou Feng could detect.

"Not good!" Hou Feng's expression changed, and a light cyan energy formed a huge shield in front of him. At the same time, his body quickly retreated backwards.


With a loud noise, Hou Feng's light cyan protective shield was completely shattered in the blink of an eye, and a black sword light appeared. He did not continue to pursue, but returned directly to Ling Yun's hands.

Only then did Hou Feng realize that it was just a sword finger from Ling Yun! With a mere finger of the sword, he had pushed himself to this point. Hou Feng couldn't help but feel his face turn red, and a feeling of shame arose.

"You are a loser, and you still want to attack me! Next time, I will kill you with one sword!" Ling Yun said coldly, and after speaking, he looked at the giant door in front of him.

Hearing this, Hou Feng spat out a mouthful of blood. He was angry. After all, he was also the master of a super base, but in Ling Yun's eyes, he was just a passerby who could be killed casually. This huge gap almost made him want to Go crazy.

Hou Feng wanted to fight Ling Yun desperately, but thinking of the terrifying sword light just now, Hou Feng had to put his thoughts aside.

"Just wait for me. I will pay you back one by one for the humiliation I suffered today!" Hou Feng roared in his heart, but he stood aside with his sword aggrievedly, not daring to say anything anymore. When his subordinates saw how useless their boss was, they all shook their heads, looking extremely disappointed.

And while Ling Yun was observing, streams of light were running towards here. Du Kong, Chen Buyan, Su Ruoxi... and others all arrived here one after another. They were all second-level strong men with various secret treasures. They could do this. It's not surprising to get here quickly.

When they saw Wang Shuang and others, they all greeted each other, and then stepped forward to observe the huge thing in front of them.

"City Master Wang, Ling Yun, you came earlier than us. Did you find anything?" Du Kong and the others asked Wang Shuang after observing for a while. As for Hou Feng and others on the side, they subconsciously ignored them.

Hearing this, Ling Yun thought for a moment, "This door should be the door to the secret realm, but this door is closed. It is impossible to push it open with human power! I think there should be any conditions to open this door. Door!"

"Yes, I think so too. Although the voice that appears in everyone's mind is said to be entered by those who are destined, I think it should also meet certain conditions. Now that the door is not open, maybe we have not touched or reached a certain level. A condition." Wang Shuang nodded and expressed his guess.

When the others heard this, they all nodded in agreement.

"It's possible that this door may require some keys to open." Du Kong said casually, but Wang Shuang's heart moved.


Wang Shuang thought of how he had killed the zombie king and got a golden key.

"Is this the key to the door?" Wang Shuang himself searched for a long time but still couldn't figure out what the golden key was.

Thinking of this, the golden key appeared in Wang Shuang's hand. With the appearance of Wang Shuang's key, a bright light suddenly flashed above the silver door, and a strange wave appeared. Under the silver door, mercury seemed to flow. Generally, six keyhole-like holes slowly appeared!

"This really needs a key to open it!" Du Kong and the others were stunned. They didn't expect that such a sci-fi thing really needed a key to open, and they didn't expect that the key was still in Wang Shuang's hand.

Thinking of this, even with Ling Yun's indifference, the corner of his mouth twitched.

"How do you have the key?" Du Kong looked at Wang Shuang in surprise, and then his face lit up, "In that case, City Lord Wang, please open the door, and let's go in and take a look together!"

Hou Feng on the other side saw this scene, his eyes were red, and he kept roaring in his heart, "Why are all the good things in Wang Shuang's hands, the laser gun, the gene-enhancing potion, and now he doesn't even have access to this extremely mysterious door key that dropped from the sky?" There is actually one!”

"It's unreasonable. Why wasn't this guy Wang Shuang killed by a thunderbolt?"

Looking at the eager eyes of several people, Wang Shuang smiled bitterly and waved his hand, "I only have one key. Look at the keyhole, but there are six. I think there should be five more keys!"

"Uh, maybe I have one here too." Suddenly, Su Ruoxi on the side spoke, her voice like the sound of nature. Stretching out her hand, a golden key gleamed in her hand.

This time it was Wang Shuang and others' turn to be surprised.

"I got this by killing a very powerful zombie before. I didn't know what it was at the time. When the King City Master took it out, I thought of this!" Su Ruoxi was looked at by everyone and said a little embarrassedly. .

"So, there should be four keys left." Du Kong frowned, "Maybe the remaining keys are in the hands of others. Let's wait here. Others have noticed the movement here, so they should Will come too!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then found a place. Wang Shuang took out a few chairs and a table from his storage ring, and placed some tea sets on the table. A few people began to slowly drink tea and chat. Hou Feng and others stood aside a little aggrieved, not daring to step forward at all. Just now, Ling Yun almost killed him by himself. Now Hua Guo The most powerful people unite, if he dares to come forward to provoke, he will definitely be beaten to pieces with one blow!

"However, you think this is the end. When the door opens, I will definitely go in, find enough treasures inside, and improve my strength to a level that surpasses all of you. By then, all of you will You can't run away!" Hou Feng said angrily in his heart.

Three hours passed. At this time, many top experts from China arrived one after another, including Liu Dong, Li Chengze... and many other leaders of large bases.

They all saw Wang Shuang and others and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"City Lord Wang, I wonder what's going on? How did such a huge door appear?" Liu Dong and Wang Shuang have a relatively good relationship. Upon hearing Liu Dong's inquiry, Wang Shuang simply asked himself People's thoughts are told to them.

"Now, we have two keys, and we are still missing four keys. If you have any, everyone can open the door together and explore this so-called secret realm of the galaxy together!" Wang Shuang said slowly while looking at everyone.

With that said, Wang Shuang took out his golden key and showed it to everyone, "This is the key. If you have it, take it out."

Seeing the golden keys on the king's hands, everyone lowered their heads and wondered if they had such golden keys.

After a while, two of them looked up with surprise on their faces, took a step forward, and held two golden keys in their hands.

"We have such a key!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang and others' eyes flashed with joy, "Well, now we have four. There are still two more to go. Whose place are they?"

Under the expectant gazes of Wang Shuang and others, many people shook their heads and glanced around, but no one had the other two keys.

"Well, doesn't anyone have the other two keys?" Wang Shuang and others looked at each other and frowned. They had not expected such a scene, but they still lacked two keys.

"How about we try to open it with four keys?" At this time, someone suggested, "Maybe we can open this door."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang and others thought that this was a good idea. The other two keys should be in the hands of other people. It was difficult for them to know where they were, so they could only try to open them with four keys.

They did whatever they thought of. The four of them came to the silver door and inserted the keys in their hands directly.


The silver door suddenly erupted with streaks of silver light, which seemed to be trembling non-stop. However, after only a few minutes passed, the silver light gradually disappeared, and the entire door returned to its previous calmness.

"It seems that without the six golden keys, we can't get in!" Wang Shuang said regretfully, knowing that this must be an extremely strange treasure, but everyone could only watch and could not enter. , the most painful thing is this!

However, just when everyone was at a loss what to do, strange auras flew towards this place at great speed. The expressions of Wang Shuang, Ling Yun and other second-level powerhouses all changed wildly. They noticed a lot of extremely terrifying auras flying towards here!

Moreover, from these auras, they felt a cold-blooded, arrogant, and domineering terrifying power.



In the distance, two obviously different roars sounded, one that sounded like a mutated beast, and another that seemed like a zombie!

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