Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 581: The Dragon’s Inner Alchemy!

Wang Shuang and others did not stop him. They had seen Wang Shuang and his two fighting before, and wanted to see with their own eyes whether this dragon was really that powerful!

"Keng" "Keng"......

There was a sound like striking iron, and the giant ax in the man's hand struck the dragon's scales. Not to mention breaking it, there was not even a trace of white left.

"Dong" "Dong" "Dong"...

This person's body was also shaken by the rebounding force and took a few steps back.

"I do not believe!"

The man seemed a little shocked and shouted loudly. Regardless of the cracked tiger's mouth, he raised the ax in his hand and slashed at the dragon's body again.


This time, his entire body was blown away, and the ax in his hand was thrown out!

Wang Shuang didn't make a move, so naturally someone stepped forward to catch him, and the flying ax was also stopped by others!

At this time, everyone looked at the body of this dragon in shock again. This dragon was already dead, but its body was still so hard. Even the majestic first-order evolvers holding magic weapons could not cut off the opponent's scales, but that's it. Despite their powerful body, they were still beheaded by Wang Shuang. They were all a little shocked, shocked by Wang Shuang's strength!

How powerful can one be to kill such a mutated beast?

"Now that your strength is the best in the world, you should be worthy of it!" Du Kong looked at Wang Shuang and murmured to himself.

Everyone else looked at Wang Shuang with complicated expressions, but the faces of everyone in Jiangnan City were filled with pride and pride! This is their city lord, the person they follow!

Wang Shuang naturally saw everyone's expressions, but he didn't care at all. Seeing this person's failure, he immediately turned his hand into a sword and cut it down flatly. A bright sword light flashed by, and they saw the person in front of them. The body of the dragon is divided into two halves!

Swish Swish Swish

Dozens of knives were slashed in succession, so fast that no one could see clearly. The next moment, many people saw that part of the scales on the body of the dragon in front of them were cut out and placed neatly on one side. It was as thick as a hill, and fresh blood was dripping from the scales, dyeing the ground red!

"These cut pieces are all mine! You can take the rest yourself!" Wang Shuang said calmly. As for whether others can cut it off, that is not something that I need to consider.

After all, he had already chosen to give them the dragon's body. If they couldn't even take it out, then it wouldn't be his business!

Ling Yun then took action, and with one move of his sword finger, he also peeled off his own scales!

"These are ours!" Ling Yun finished all this and then stepped back!

Du Kong, Su Ruoxi and others all moved forward one after another, and at the same time used powerful force to peel off their own portion of dragon scale armor. This is the best material for making armor. Wearing this armor, even cannonballs are It cannot harm the people inside, it can be said to be immune to physical attacks!

If you don’t count the impact!

Fortunately, those who stepped forward to cut were at least second-level beings. After using some weapons, they were all cut with difficulty!

At this time, a small accident also happened. The leader of a force did not have a sharp weapon in his hand, so he did not destroy the scale armor and asked for help from others.

After the last person was cut, Wang Shuang looked at the remaining mutated beasts and frowned. This was simply a mountain of flesh. From a distance, it looked like a mountain range!

But fortunately, now, he has a lot more storage rings in his hands, and even the space ring he is wearing now is a kilometer in size!

A flash of sword light flashed, and Wang Shuang put the huge head of the dragon into his storage ring. Yes, such a big dragon head can be taken back to make soup!

Others started to take away their own portions one after another. After breaking away from the scales, the remaining meat became almost the same as ordinary meat.

But at this moment, the weapon spirit suddenly spoke, "Boy Wang, there is something inside this dragon's body!"

"Huh?" Wang Shuang frowned and looked at the other party with some confusion.

"Open the seven inches of the abdomen and take a look!" Qi Ling said to Wang Shuang.

Hearing this, although Wang Shuang was a little confused, he still followed what the other party said. He stepped forward and walked to the dragon's abdomen. With a flash of his finger, he cut open the dragon's abdomen.


As soon as he opened it, a silver bead appeared from his abdomen and suddenly shot towards the sky!

"I want to run!" Although he was a little caught off guard, Wang Shuang reacted very quickly and understood instantly. Then with a thought, he directly communicated with the surrounding heaven and earth energy. A giant hand reaching the sky appeared, directly blocking the space, and blocked the silver Beads stop!


The big hand fell down, grasped the bead, and dropped it into Wang Shuang's hand.

As for the others, they all looked at Wang Shuang's actions in surprise and seemed a little confused.

When the bead arrived in Wang Shuang's hands, Wang Shuang's energy locked the bead tightly. It felt like a little beast trapped in a cage, frantically trying to break free!

"This is the inner elixir!" The weapon spirit said in a somewhat surprised voice, "The inner elixir is only available to monsters that belong to the extraordinary realm. How can such a dragon, which is not in the innate realm, be able to condense it!"

When Wang Shuang heard this, his ears perked up again. This was another new word...

"Why don't you ask if you want to know!" Qi Ling glanced at Wang Shuang and said angrily.

"This inner elixir is unique to the monster clan. Like the human soul, it contains most of the power and essence of this monster. Even if it reaches a certain level, they will give birth to themselves again from the inner elixir. , this is the demon spirit of the demon clan, which is similar to the human soul, and even has stronger attack power than the main body!"

"This dragon's inner elixir is only about the size of a thumb, and it has obviously just begun to gestate!"

"But it's a good thing that this is the case. Otherwise, if this dragon had used a self-destructing inner elixir, you would all have been seriously injured at least! After all, monsters are much more ruthless than humans when they go crazy!"

Listening to the words of the weapon spirit, Wang Shuang's eyes couldn't help but shine, "So, this thing is very precious! What is the use of this thing?"

"It's just a demon beast in the innate realm. Although it accidentally developed an inner elixir, it is still too small to be of much use!" The weapon spirit shook his head, "The real demon beast's inner elixir can generally be used as medicine, or It’s about cultivating some kind of magical power, and it can even be used as a trading currency!”

"This inner elixir is too small. Even if it is sold, I probably won't be able to sell even one low-grade Yuan Stone!"

Wang Shuang smiled bitterly, and then put it into his own space ring. Since it was of no great use, he would absorb the energy in it!

When everyone saw this, they didn't say anything. Soon, the distribution was completed, and a smile flashed in everyone's eyes. This time, everyone can say that they have gained a lot. Everyone is glad that they came this time, otherwise How could these things have their own share!

"The next step is to start the work of recovering the entire country of China. I hope that everyone can cooperate sincerely to completely eliminate the zombies and mutant beasts and restore our human homeland!"

Mr. Hua looked at everyone and spoke in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hua, we will do our best to kill the zombies and mutant beasts and restore our human homeland!"

"Kill all the zombies and mutant beasts!"

Everyone drank in response!

Wang Shuang and others left, ready to start the plan they had made before!

Back at the base, Wang Shuang summoned everyone, took out most of the dragon meat from the storage ring, and distributed it to everyone!

As for the other half, Wang Shuang plans to give it to his family!

The meat of the fourth-level mutant beast is definitely a super supplement. In the past, ordinary mutant beasts could improve everyone's physical fitness. Now this fourth-level monster can probably allow everyone to advance directly!

"Hey, I didn't expect that one day we would be able to taste the taste of fourth-level mutated beast meat!" Li Xin, Bai Xiaosheng and others all spoke with low voices on the side, each of them divided hundreds of kilograms. Mutated beast meat, as if I have obtained some treasure, I am overjoyed!

Everyone else is also smiling, except for Dr. Xu Minghai, who now has an inquiring expression on his face, as if he wants to know how this fourth-order mutant beast grew up, so as to provide inspiration for the evolution of his own genetic medicine!

At night, there are stars.

In Wang Shuang's manor, the lights were brightly lit, and beams of soft lights enveloped the entire manor without giving people a dazzling feeling. In the darkness, there are evolvers lurking quietly, looking at all suspicious figures.

In the huge villa, Wang Shuang, Miao Duo'er, Zhao Xin, Zhao Ruonan, Huang Beibei... and others gathered together. There were exquisite dishes on the table, many of which were prepared by fourth-order dragons. meat!

"I plan to start seclusion tomorrow and prepare to master a magical power and regain the country of China. You can discuss it yourself. If there are enemies that you can't deal with, let me know!" Wang Shuang put a piece of fourth-level beast meat into Miao Duo'er's bowl. , said to Zhao Xin and other women.

"Duo'er's body will need your more attention and help to take care of her."

Hearing this, Zhao Xin and others put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, "Don't worry, hubby, you can just retreat in peace. Sister Duo'er will be left to us. When you come out of quarantine, Sister Duo'er will not lose a hair!" "

Hearing this, Duo'er looked at Wang Shuang and said, "Hubby, are you going to retreat again?"

"I can't help it. I just got a magical power and I need to understand it carefully. When our child is born, I will pass this magical power on to him, okay!"

Wang Shuang quickly comforted him, and even now he was planning to teach him magical powers.

When others saw this scene, a flash of envy flashed in their eyes, but they could only sigh secretly that they did not have the kind of fate that Miao Duoer had!

Fortunately, Miao Duoer also knew that Wang Shuang was the leader of Jiangnan City and did not continue to entangle him. Otherwise, whether Wang Shuang could retreat would really be a problem.

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