The Yuan Stone contains powerful energy. The higher the level of the Yuan Stone, the more powerful the energy contained in it. The low-grade Yuan Stone that Wang Shuang obtained back then served as the energy source for the entire city wall. Until now, , from which we can know how much energy a low-grade Yuan Stone has!

Similarly, Yuan Stone is also the transaction currency of the universe. Under normal circumstances, as long as you have enough Yuan Stone, you can buy everything you want!

Even the king's hands now only have middle-grade Yuan stones, and the high-grade Yuan stones were only heard from the spirit of the weapon!

Although people other than Cass have seen high-grade Yuan Stones, they are extremely surprised to see that Cass also has one!

This high-grade Yuan Stone can generally only be used by strong men in the realm of gods. For cultivation, even in the realm of Star Lord, they usually choose high-grade Yuan Stones for cultivation. Although Cass was an existence at the pinnacle of the extraordinary before, he actually has a high-grade Yuan Stone. Yuan Shi, this is also surprising.

"I obtained this high-grade Yuan Stone in a secret realm. Just one, Babata, should be enough to restore some of your functions!" Cass said to Babata in a deep voice, not paying attention to the eyes of others.

It is said that there is only one, but in fact, there are more than a dozen in his storage ring. These can be said to be the savings he has saved over the years as a star thief. He does not even dare to show them to others, but now he can take them out. One reason is because no one present can pose a threat to him, and another reason is that once he gains the right to rule this planet, he will definitely gain more than one high-grade Yuan Stone!

Moreover, Cass believed that other people would have some high-grade Yuan stones on their bodies, but they probably just didn’t want to take them out.

A high-grade Yuan Stone disappeared, and Babata seemed to become more solid. There was a hint of excitement in his voice, "Five percent of the energy has been restored. Now the remaining energy is 15%, and the spacecraft function has been restored to 100%." Three, 30% of the functions can be used!”

As the words fell, they immediately saw the appearance of the earth and the location of the puppet on the big screen in front of them!

"Is this planet a little weird?" Cass looked at the blue planet and felt a little weird for some reason.

"Babata, invade the network of this planet. I want to know the specific information of this planet!" Cass ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Babata responded. Invisible ripples flew towards the earth. In just a few seconds, Babata covered the earth's network and sent back massive amounts of information, causing Cass and others to wait. Everyone was extremely surprised!

"Golden light rain? Evolvers, zombies, mutant beasts, bases..." Cass and others murmured to themselves, with a flash of thought in their eyes.

"According to the information provided by Babata, this is a primitive planet without any cultivators. However, an accident suddenly occurred and the entire planet began to evolve. I have been wandering in the universe for so many years and have never encountered such a planet. This situation." Cass turned to look at the others, "Have you ever encountered this situation?"

Everyone else shook their heads and seemed confused!

"According to my analysis, there are three possibilities for this situation. One is that the space here is connected to a certain secret realm, causing the vitality to leak. This situation occurs. The other situation is that this planet has its own consciousness and is born. Star Spirit." Babata paused after saying this.

"The birth of a star spirit!" When several people heard this, the light in their eyes was almost hotter than the sun. Cass even said excitedly, "The birth of a star spirit can only be bred by a planet above level four. Not only It can only turn this planet into a paradise. If it is fused with others, it can even allow people to enter the realm of the venerable without any hindrance! Could it be that this primitive planet could give birth to such a peerless treasure?"

Others were extremely excited when they heard this, "I remember a strong man in the Western Star Region, who was fused with the star spirit of a four-pole planet. He was promoted to the supreme venerable, shaking the starry sky, and even more powerful than ordinary venerables. Be strong!”

Each of them was more excited than the other, and they were all discussing this possibility.

"There is a third possibility, this is man-made!" Babata's voice sounded. It is a special type of weapon. Although it is at the level of a god, its main function is flight and detection!

As soon as it finished speaking, everyone stopped the discussion and looked at each other with solemn expressions. If it was really man-made, then this person must be extremely powerful, at least at the Star Lord level. Otherwise, There would be no such terrifying power!

"I hope it's not the third type!" Cass said in a deep voice.

Just when their spaceship was approaching the earth, Wang Shuang, who was practicing in the Jiangnan City base, was awakened by Xiao Kong.

"Boy Wang, your planet is in big trouble!" Xiao Kong said in a deep voice with a look of solemnity on his immature face.

Wang Shuang was stunned. This was the first time he saw Xiao Kong talking to him so solemnly. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, "What happened?"

"Someone from the universe is approaching the earth!"

"What!" Wang Shuang's pupils shrank suddenly. After staying with Xiaokong for so long, he also understood that the earth seemed to be in a state of isolation. The advantage of this was that no one would take advantage of the earth, and the earth had no external threats. The disadvantage was that it lacked the vitality of heaven and earth and could not become a cultivator. By!

Now that he suddenly heard that someone from the universe was approaching the earth, Wang Shuang was only worried. He understood what an ownerless planet meant to the cultivators. This was a wealth that reached the heavens!

And their current strength has not fully grown yet.

Once a conflict occurs, Wang Shuang is very worried about whether he can protect the base and his relatives and friends without waiting!

"Be specific, what's going on!" Wang Shuang took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"See for yourself!" Xiaokong didn't explain. With a wave of his hand, a huge spaceship suddenly appeared in the air in front of him. Wang Shuang had seen an aircraft carrier, but compared with this big guy, the so-called aircraft carrier was like a model. generally!

The spaceship was originally hidden, but when it comes to space treasures, there is no secret at all.

"I just noticed a space fluctuation. This spaceship should be transmitting something to the earth! You'd better be careful!" Xiao Kong said with a solemn expression.

Looking at such a huge spaceship, Wang Shuang's face became extremely ugly, "How did this spaceship appear? You said that the earth is in an extremely remote place. How did you find this spaceship?"

"I don't know about this. Since the Fengji boy was able to come here in the first place, it's not surprising that this spaceship came here!" Xiao Kong shook his head and said that he didn't know, "But, you also Don’t worry too much, I found that this spaceship is at the God Transformation level, which is not a high level, and I found that the appearance of this spaceship was seriously damaged, it is likely that it suffered some cosmic disaster and came here accidentally!”

"It is estimated that the guy in the spaceship must have been seriously injured. Otherwise, the spacecraft would not have stayed outside and would have appeared directly above the city!"

Hearing this, Wang Shuang's anxious mood finally calmed down a bit, but he frowned. "Even so, as long as the opponent has a strong man with an extraordinary level, then we can only capture him without mercy!"

Xiaokong shook his head, "If the opponent really has extraordinary strength, even you won't be able to defeat him with just one move! Unless you can master this magical power!"

"Damn it!" Wang Shuang cursed angrily in a low voice. He didn't expect such a thing to happen at this time!

"Then what should we do next?" Wang Shuang raised his head and looked at Xiaokong. At this time, he could only believe it!

"Let's observe it first to see what the other party's intentions are." Xiaokong sighed, "However, your own strength must improve as soon as possible. Otherwise, if a conflict occurs, your current strength can only cope with it. A cultivator at the pinnacle of Xiantian!"

Wang Shuang heard the words, nodded silently, thought for a moment, and then gave the order. From now on, no one is allowed to leave the base without his order, and he began to retreat again, planning to comprehend the Star Finger again!

Everyone was a little surprised when they received Wang Shuang's order, but they all obeyed.

A green bodhi seed appeared in Wang Shuang's palm, like a flame, exuding a glistening green light. After several years, this bodhi seed seemed to be more rounded and more delicate. Indistinctly, It seems that countless chanting sounds can be heard.

"Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, I have never used you in my previous enlightenment. Now the situation is critical. I hope you will not let me down! Let me see what you have now after being nourished by your Yuan Power in the past few years. You have the ability!" Wang Shuang murmured to himself. He got this Bodhi Seed a long time ago and helped him many times. Later, Xiao Kong told him that this Bodhi Seed was a bit weird and advised him to use it less, so, Wang Shuang has never used it much. Now, he understands that if he wants to improve his strength in a short period of time, he can only master the magical power of Star Finger!

And Bodhisattva can help open the door of wisdom and increase his understanding several times!

Seeing Wang Shuang take out this strange Bodhi seed again, Xiao Kong didn't say anything. There is nothing he can do to help Wang Shuang now. After all, his body is severely damaged and many of his abilities cannot be used!

"Bodhisattva, I remember it seems to be the most precious treasure of Buddhism. How could it end up here? Is this planet also related to Buddhism?" Xiaokong wrinkled his smooth forehead and muttered to himself.

It now clearly feels that this planet is full of countless secrets, each of which is so amazing.

"I hope there won't be any big problems!" Xiao Kong shook his head and focused his attention on Wang Shuang again!

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