Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 619: Luotian Wonderland!

Wang Shuang has seen many spectacular scenery on the earth, but it has never been as shocking as now.

Nine tall peaks rise from the ground, standing in the clouds. The peaks are lush with ancient trees, and waterfalls flow down. It's like the Milky Way falling from the sky, cranes flying, Ganoderma lucidum and fairy flowers scattered randomly on the peaks, and there is a faint divine light.

The sky is as blue as a sapphire crystal, without any clouds covering it, and the bright sunshine shines down, bringing a touch of warmth.

The nine peaks are like nine gods standing in the vast sky, but one of the peaks seems to be cut off in the middle. Compared with the vastness of the other peaks, it looks extremely barren.

The eight peaks are lined with various beautiful buildings and pavilions, like a vast heavenly palace. Only the ninth peak has no palace or even many ancient trees, making it look extremely desolate.

What shocked Wang Shuang and others the most was that on the top of the nine peaks, there was a huge bronze bell, like a hand covering the sky, covering the nine peaks. A curtain of light dropped down, looking at this giant bell. With the domineering bronze bell, Wang Shuang and others seemed to see a god who was creating the world.

Wang Shuang and others got off the golden ship, while Senior Brother Du and others went forward to report to the old man.

Wang Shuang and the others stayed where they were, watching the boys and girls gathered around them, as well as many accomplished practitioners, looking at each other curiously.

From some people, Wang Shuang could clearly detect an extremely powerful force, and they should also be masters in the innate realm! There are also some boys and girls with arrogant looks on their faces. They should be those with extremely talented talents!

Soon, when the old man at the front heard Senior Brother Du's report, a flash of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and then he walked forward quickly and looked at Wang Shuang and others.

"Who is Shen Ling'er?" The old man looked at the crowd and said a heavy pressure like a mountain. Wang Shuang and the others felt their bodies sinking.

When Shen Ling'er heard this, a look of joy appeared on her face, and she strode out like a proud swan.

The old man's eyes were wide open, like two magic lamps, looking at Shen Ling'er from beginning to end, and then a smile flashed across his face, as if the spring breeze was blowing, and everything revived in an instant.

"Shen Ling'er, right? I am the elder who is in charge of this assessment. You can call me Elder Liu." The old man spoke to Shen Ling'er with a kind face, making many people look envious.

"This old guy is a strong man at the level of a god!" Xiaokong whispered in Wang Shuang's ear, which surprised Wang Shuang. Strictly speaking, this was the first time he had seen a strong man at the level of a god!

In the past, I didn't kill all the gods at the level of transformation on the earth by myself, it was all thanks to Bodhizi.

It was really the first time for Wang Shuang to see a truly complete and complete powerful person who transformed into a god.

"Hello, Elder Liu." Shen Ling'er was not stupid. She knew that the old man in front of her was the elder of Qingyuan Sect, so she said obediently.

Elder Liu nodded with a smile, and did not say any plans to accept disciples. If he wanted to join the Qingyuan Sect, he would have to pass two tests. Otherwise, it would be useless even if he spoke.

Elder Liu then looked at the people gathered together. There were about 3,000 people in a hundred ships. Among them, there should be some with second-grade talents, but there should be only one with superior second-grade talents.

"You have been able to reach this point, which is considered to have passed the initial screening, but there is still a long way to go before you can join Qingyuan Sect and become a disciple of Qingyuan Sect. Next, you still need to pass two tests and succeed in both. Then according to your Your talents and performance in the test will be used to allocate your belongings!"

"Now, let's take the first test, Luotian Wonderland!"

The old man spoke in a deep voice, waved his sleeves, the space vibrated, and a circular space passage appeared in front of everyone.

"Luotian Immortal Realm has countless spaces within it. When you enter it, you will face various tests. Ordinary people who have not practiced cultivation will also have their own tests. Only if you pass the test can you proceed to the last one!"

"The time is one hour. If you can't get out within one hour, then the test will be considered a failure!"

"Of course, if you are fatally injured in it, you will be teleported out the moment before you die!"

"If someone is found to be cheating, their qualifications for the assessment will be cancelled, and in serious cases, they will be shot to death!"

The old man spoke word by word and explained the rules clearly. After speaking, Elder Liu looked at them again and said, "Do you understand?"

"Got it!" Three thousand people spoke loudly at the same time. At this point, everyone was confident in themselves and did not think that they would fail at this level!

"Okay, since you are ready, let's start now!" The old man said, waving his hands again, and a strong wind blew past Wang Shuang and others. The next moment, Wang Shuang felt that his body did not seem to belong to him. From this space, disappear.

In an instant, the group of teenagers that Elder Liu was responsible for disappeared. Looking at this scene, a flash of respect flashed in the eyes of Senior Brother Du and others on the side. This is a powerful person who transforms into gods. Every move he makes carries the power of heaven and earth.

"You all should go back. There are still six days left, and we will try to find as many good seeds as possible." After doing all this, Elder Liu said to the many disciples who had sent these young girls here.

"Du Li, you have done a good job this time. As long as Shen Ling'er can pass the test, I will report the rewards you should receive without any deductions!" Elder Liu assured Senior Brother Du and others that as Qingyuan The elder of the sect, a powerful man at the level of a god, his guarantee is convincing enough. Hearing this, Senior Brother Du and others all looked happy and kept nodding their heads in thanks.

After all these disciples left, Elder Liu lowered his head and thought for a moment, then waved a ray of divine light and flew towards one of the nine peaks.

"This time, before the time has come, five good young talents with second-grade talents have appeared. They are much better than in previous years. Could it be that our Qingyuan Sect has been in decline for so many years and now it is about to rise again! "

"No matter what, we must find a way to recruit these good seedlings into our own lineage. Although I am not qualified, the Supreme Elder or the Peak Master will come forward to recruit these disciples into my sect! There may be a star master-level existence in the future. !”

Elder Liu murmured to himself that just now he had passed this news to Yifeng to which he belonged. Although everyone was a member of the Qingyuan Sect, they would not be in harmony with each other. They would all fight with each other and compete for interests.

The previous four good young talents with second-grade talents have been snatched away by other peaks, and now we must capture this good young man in our own hands!

However, even if the other person's talent is transcendent, he still needs to pass the test, otherwise he will not be able to add this person to his lineage at will.

Thinking of this, Elder Liu looked forward. Under his gaze, the void in front of him seemed to be like a mirror, and countless scenes slowly appeared, appearing like a fleeting sight.

Elder Liu focused all his attention on the space where Shen Ling'er was.

Wang Shuang felt his head dizzy slightly. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he had arrived at an extremely wide grassland.

"Tsk tsk, Luotian Fairyland is nothing more than that. It's just some miniature spaces. It's not much different from Fengji Boy's Xutian Nine-Layer Pagoda." Xiaokong's faint voice sounded.

When Wang Shuang heard this, he looked at the scene in front of him with a wary face, thinking that the test would come soon.


There was a roar, like an earthquake, and Wang Shuang felt that the ground under his feet was shaking constantly.

Dozens of miles away from Wang Shuang, giant bears that looked like hills were running towards here. Each giant bear was three feet in size, with its fur covered in blood, and its eyes were as big as copper bells.

The body exudes the powerful aura of the acquired realm, and there are hundreds of them!

After a dozen breaths, Wang Shuang saw the bears in front of him.

"This is a blood-furred bear. Although it is only in the acquired realm, its defense power is considered top-notch among monsters of the same level. Even the attacks of some ordinary innate realm masters cannot kill a blood-furred bear with one blow!" Xiaokong explained. road.

"These hundreds of blood-furred bears should be your test. Killing these hundreds of blood-furred bears in one hour is indeed difficult for an innate strong man without much actual combat experience, but it shouldn't be too difficult for you. !”

"These monsters can't pose a threat to you yet. Don't use the Pointing Star Finger. It's easy to see. You don't have the strength to possess such a magical power, let alone retain it!"

"In case of use, I think the masters of Qingyuan Sect will not mind if their sect has a peerless magical power at the level of a venerable! By then, you will have to hand it over whether you want to hand it over or not."

Xiaokong told Wang Shuang, his tone extremely solemn. Wang Shuang responded with a serious face, "Don't worry, I know the severity!"

Wang Shuang also knows the principle of keeping wealth secret. This is not the earth. There are many masters who are stronger than him. If he is not careful, he will definitely be swallowed up without leaving any bones.

While they were talking, this group of blood-furred bears had already approached Wang Shuang. Looking at this group of acquired monsters, a cold light flashed in Wang Shuang's eyes. He did not use weapons. He wanted to try out what these so-called blood-furred bears had. How powerful!

His body shook, and a stream of blood energy rushed into the night, exuding a violent and domineering momentum, killing the blood-furred bear.


Wang Shuang punched a blood-furred bear, and it felt like he was punched on a piece of steel. The blood-furred bear's body flew straight backwards, and there was an obvious dent somewhere in the body, but the opponent was still not dead. He struggled to get up and continued to attack Wang Shuang.

Moreover, after Wang Shuang's blow, the hair of the bloody bear seemed to be more vivid, as if it was about to drip down with blood.

Feeling the opponent's increasingly violent aura, a cold light flashed in Wang's eyes, he roared, and charged towards the bears like a ferocious beast!

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