Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 63 News about my sister

Wang Shuang's sister is a gold-collar worker, a store manager selling high-end furniture, with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands. However, after buying a house here, she fell into heavy mortgage pressure. She worked late into the night every day and never forgot to call herself. She often Let yourself go to the house to eat, take yourself to the mall from time to time, and buy yourself some good clothes. Of course, your brother-in-law is also a small manager of a state-owned enterprise, and their combined salary is considered medium in Jiangnan City. Therefore, It was a good day.

She was even more happy after giving birth to a lovely girl. Wang Shuang often visited his niece and asked her to call her uncle. However, the little one never called her uncle except for mom and dad. This was the reason why Wang Shuang The most depressing thing for both of us is that every time, my sister and brother-in-law laugh at me for not having an uncle.

His sister often urged him to find a girlfriend and stop just having fun. Wang Shuang nodded perfunctorily every time, but felt a little bitter in his heart. He did not tell his sister that his previous confession failed and that his family was just an ordinary family. In terms of family, I don't have any particularly outstanding abilities. I would blush when talking to girls, let alone girlfriends. My sister has successfully established a foothold in this city through her own efforts, but I have a bleak future.

Wang Shuang had sworn before that he would never talk to a girlfriend again until he had achieved a career after graduation, but this matter had always stayed in Wang Shuang's heart and he had not told anyone.

Thinking of my sister's kindness to me, when I saw the door opened in front of me, it seemed as if there had been an earthquake. Furniture fell to the ground, broken dishes, messy clothes and pillows were thrown away, and various toys were still scattered randomly. On the ground, there was a pool of bright red blood on the living room floor.

A zombie with half of its legs left with only white bones left was walking around the room. Its belly was bulging high, as if it had swallowed something before!




Wang Shuang seemed to be stimulated. He roared suddenly and without even using his knife, he punched straight out without hitting its head. He directly broke off one of the zombie's legs and exploded all over the sky. Broken flesh and bones. Then, Wang Shuang seemed to be going crazy and punched again, breaking the opponent's limbs with each punch.

The blood mist that filled the sky dispersed the broken bones, leaving only the torso, and the zombie with a big belly fell to the ground. There was no trace of fear on his face, only the desire for flesh and blood.


The zombie's eyes were fierce, and he kept making inexplicable roars, as if he was mocking Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang's eyes were crazy and bloodthirsty. Looking at the zombie, there was no trace of mercy, only endless killing.

Wang Shuang walked towards the zombie step by step, looked at the zombie's ugly face, and stepped on it hard.


The ground was instantly dyed red and white again, and the zombie died immediately.

Wang Shuang looked at the zombie's belly with a sad face. Everyone else stood aside silently, not daring to disturb Wang Shuang. Suddenly, a voice appeared, "Are you here to see Xiao Wang?"

Everyone turned around and looked blankly. The room opposite was opened. A woman who looked to be in her thirties opened the door. She looked at everyone and asked in a low voice. Beside her, there was a man holding someone in her hand. Holding a kitchen knife, he looked at the group of them nervously.

"Aunt Yu, Uncle Zhang!"

Wang Shuang's expression changed, and he recognized that the person in front of him was his sister's neighbor. The woman's name was Yu Feng, and the man's name was Zhang Lei. She had met them before, and she had a good relationship with her sister's family. I heard that the two of them opened a restaurant. A small company can be considered to have quite a lot of assets. Therefore, the moment he saw them, Wang Shuang became excited. In less than a blink of an eye, he crossed the distance of nearly ten meters and came to the couple. He directly grabbed the shoulder of Yu, who was called Aunt Yu, and kept shaking it.

"Aunt Yu, where are my sister and her family? Do you know? Or they have already..."

Wang Shuang's tone was extremely urgent, with a hint of expectation and fear.

Aunt Yu and Uncle Zhang looked at the man in front of them with horrified expressions. They both had an impression of Wang Shuang and knew that he was Wang Qin's younger brother. He often came to his sister's house in the past, so they got to know this honest and honest boy. , but it had just been a long time since they saw Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang turned out to be so terrifying in their eyes. They all saw through the peephole the scene of Wang Shuang killing the zombie just now. The terrifying speed and power frightened them. If they didn't understand Wang Shuang's character, they wouldn't dare to open the door even if they were beaten to death!

"Your sister and her family are all fine. They left two days ago and don't know where they went. They even asked me to go with them. I thought I would wait for the government to rescue me, so I didn't agree!"

Aunt Yu was so dizzy from being shaken that she spoke quickly, fearing that she would be shaken out and have a concussion if she was shaken any further.

"Gone, they're gone!"

There was a touch of ecstasy in Wang Shuang's eyes, and the string in his heart that had been stretched to the extreme finally relaxed slightly. As long as it was not the worst case scenario, it would be fine. If the person disappeared, he could look for it again, even if it cost several times the price. We must find them too!

"That's right, the two of them took their daughter and left with a group of people. We don't know where they took them. They probably left the city. But at that time, zombies were everywhere in the city. We thought the government would come to save us. So I didn't leave, but now I can't get out again! The monsters outside are becoming more and more terrifying, and we have seen with our own eyes that many people who were hiding were found and killed by some monsters!" Zhang Lei said with a bitter look on his face. There was a flash of fear in his eyes.

"Oh, now it seems that your sister Xiaoqin is still discerning. She knows that the longer it drags on, the more dangerous it will be, so she should leave early!"

Hearing the words of the couple, Wang Shuang put down the big stone in his heart slightly, looked at the two of them, and asked: "Aunt Yu, Uncle Zhang, we are here to save my sister. Since they have left, then we have to leave." It’s very dangerous outside now. Do you plan to stay here or leave with us?”

Wang Shuang is not a ruthless person and knows that a favor must be repaid. He doesn't mind helping the couple with the news they gave to his sister. Of course, if they insist on waiting for government rescue, he won't say much.

The others looked at Wang Shuang in surprise, a little surprised that Wang Shuang became so kind and offered to take the two people away.

You know, before they left many people to fend for themselves, and Wang Shuang didn't even think of saving them. Even the woman just now, Wang Shuang acted as if he didn't see it, but now it is like this. Everyone can't help but feel that Some didn't recognize the figures in front of them.

When Yu Feng and his wife heard Wang Shuang's words, they were surprised. Seeing Wang Shuang's strength, their intuition as businessmen told them that this was the last chance to leave the purgatory of Jiangnan City. If they did not seize it, they would There is no other way except waiting for death.

Therefore, they all nodded one after another with excitement on their faces.

Wang Shuang was not surprised. He nodded, made some simple repairs here, and prepared to leave. Yu Feng and his wife went back and simply packed up. There was nothing to pack, just a backpack with some food and food in it. Water, they relied on the remaining water and food at home to survive for several days. Until now, there was not much left. Each of them held a kitchen knife in their hands, carefully, and looked extremely funny.

When Wang Shuang saw the two of them looking like this, he couldn't help but feel a little funny, which relieved his sadness a little.

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