Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 66: Survivor Organization!

Wang Hu, Lin Youran, Xie Lingyu, Huang Beibei, Fang Fei, and Xu Jie all looked ashamed. They knew very well that without Wang Shuang's help, they would have died countless times, so they could say that they almost killed Wang Shuang. The two were dragged to death. They were originally here to help, but unexpectedly they became a burden.

Seeing everyone's faces turning red, Wang Shuang frowned and looked at Dong Zhu: "Aunt Dong, they are my friends and comrades who fight with me. Since they choose to come to Jiangnan City with me, Then, I will be responsible for them!"

"So, it doesn't matter whether it's a drag or not. As long as I'm alive, I won't let those who follow me down!"

Wang Shuang's words were powerful and decisive, but they made everyone present tremble in their hearts. They all raised their heads to look at Wang Shuang, with unspeakable meanings appearing. At this time, everyone suddenly realized that they had followed Wang Shuang all their lives. The most correct choice among them.

Even Zhang Ye was slightly silent at this time, but he let go of the little thoughts in his heart and completely no longer had any thoughts.

"Perhaps this is why I am always inferior to him!" Zhang Ye smiled bitterly.

Dong Zhu's eyes were also a little surprised, not because of Wang Shuang's words, but because of his reaction. He could react so quickly and use it to win people's hearts for himself. This method, whether it was sincere or intentional, was It is worthy of her praise.

"Haha, this is the fun part. Let me see how far you can go!"

"Actually, I'm not discriminating against them, but if you really take them with you, you can save them once or ten times, but it's impossible to save them a hundred times. Sooner or later something will go wrong. Go by yourself or bring them with you. One of them can be your helper!"

Dong Zhu said, pointing at Li Xin and Zhang Ye. She could clearly see that these two people were different from the others. One was terrifyingly fast and the other was powerful. They should belong to the same type of person as Wang Shuang.

"Aunt Dong, they are evolvers, and so is Liu Xin, but his ability is a bit special. He can only use it if he has a gun in his hand. As for what an evolver is, it is difficult to explain to you. You can think of it as They are a type of human beings who suddenly gained special powers, and these humans can also kill zombies and become stronger!"

"Zhang Ye and I should be considered to have naturally evolved after the mutation occurred, while Li Xin and Liu Xin became evolvers after acquiring a skill after killing zombies!"

Wang Shuang briefly introduced Dong Zhu to prevent her from not knowing about the Evolver and suffering a big loss in the future.

"What you said makes sense. So, I will go by myself this time, and they will stay with you temporarily. First, they can have a rest, and second, they can protect you, mother and daughter." Wang Shuang thought for a moment, and so Decide.

"Xiao Shuang, I'll go with you! It's too dangerous for you to be alone. My speed is fast enough. Even if there is danger, I can escape for my life without burdening you!" Li Xin suddenly stood up at this time and looked at Wang Shuang, Frowning.

Li Xinsheng was afraid that the scene of the last battle with the mutant would happen again. If Wang Shuang had no one around him, he would be dead. Therefore, Li Xin wanted to go with Wang Shuan, so that at least there would be some care for both parties.

Wang Shuang smiled and waved his hands, "No, Xiaoxin, it's more convenient for me to be alone this time. I can leave when I want and fight when I want. Ordinary zombies can't trap me. Besides, I still have a few grenades." , I won’t be stingy if I really encounter that kind of dangerous situation!”

At this time, everyone remembered that they had found a few good things in the police station. If a grenade were dropped, any copper or iron wall would be blown apart. Therefore, everyone put down their worries slightly.

Li Xin thought for a moment, then stopped talking when he saw Wang Shuang persisted.

And those who didn't know, such as Yu Feng, Zhang Lei, Su Wei, and Liu Xin, looked at Wang Shuang in disbelief. This guy also has grenades! Even Dong Zhu was a little surprised. This little guy had surprised him more than he had in ten years combined. He really didn't know how many more surprises he would bring to him.

"Okay, you just stay here for the time being with Aunt Dong. I'll leave first. There are many places nearby and there are some distances between them. You may not be able to come back at night. Don't worry!" Wang Shuang asked for tens of thousands of dollars. leave.

"Brother, why are you leaving?" At this time, Meng Qi came out of the room again. She could see that she was a little unhappy at being sent away by Dong Zhu. However, seeing Wang Shuang's appearance of leaving, she asked nervously. , said, grabbing Wang Shuang's clothes, looking at Wang Shuang with a pair of big watery eyes, turning back to look at his mother from time to time, as if asking.

"Haha, Meng Qi, big brother has some things to do and will be back soon!" Wang Shuang comforted the little girl with a smile, then took out a golden monkey toffee from his pocket and handed it to her, "Meng Qi Guai, can I bring you some delicious food when big brother comes back?"

Unexpectedly, the little girl rolled her eyes, took Wang Shuang's toffee, and muttered: "I'm already past the age of eating sweets, and you still treat me like a child! Humph!" Even so, but that The candy was tightly held in his hand.

Everyone smiled knowingly, and Wang Shuang's body turned into an afterimage and disappeared. He had now cleared all the panoramic maps of Jiangnan City, so there was no need for anyone to lead the way.

An hour later, Wang Shuang's figure appeared on the top of a tall building. He watched the sunset gradually set in the distance. The streets that were supposed to be bustling with traffic were all occupied by zombies. The doors of various shops were closed, the glass was broken all over the floor, and the vehicles were wandering around randomly. The quilts were still on the side of the road. Black smoke was rising from many vehicles and they were smashed to pieces. Some vehicles were turned over completely. All kinds of garbage were flying in the sky, making Wang Shuang's eyes dark.

"One day, I will come back and take back everything here!"

Wang Shuang murmured to himself, and an indescribable domineering energy appeared in his body. After speaking, he looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up. A passage that looked like an alley was tightly surrounded by a fence. , there are some vehicles inside, and the entire alley is blocked by vehicles!

"found it!"

Wang Shuang went straight downstairs and appeared at the entrance of the alley a few minutes later. Looking at the blocked alley, what flashed through his mind was the previous bar!

Yes, the first place Wang Shuang found was a nearby bar. The change occurred during the day. During the day, the number of people in the bar was the smallest and there was enough food. Moreover, the bar was located in an alley and the address was slightly remote. I am afraid that at that time There are also some shady businesses, so bars are opened in places like this.

But Wang Shuang doesn't care, as long as he can achieve his goal.

Wang Shuang climbed over the fence directly and stepped over the vehicle. Not long after walking, there was a fork. At this time, Wang Shuang could feel that someone was peeping at him in the corner. He couldn't help feeling happy that there was someone there. , just afraid of no one!

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a man in the corner in front pointed at Wang Shuang with a sharp thorn and shouted in a low voice. As soon as he finished speaking, three more people appeared at the same time. As soon as they appeared, they surrounded Wang Shuang.

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