Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 677: The road to transcendence!

"Transcendence is the first step to truly become a god. Taking this step will determine what kind of extraordinary path you will embark on." Zhou Qian looked at Wang Shuang's thinking and spoke with a soft smile, his voice extremely distant. .

"There are countless geniuses in the world. If you want to truly surpass everyone, you must build the strongest foundation, and transcendence is the first step."

"The three extraordinary steps are physical body, spirit and supernatural power, but do you know the extraordinary ninth level!"

"Ninth level extraordinary?" Wang Shuang stared at Zhou Qian with his eyes widened.

"That's right, the ninth level of the extraordinary is not a realm, but the realm you enter into the extraordinary. The stronger a person accumulates in the innate realm, then he will have corresponding extraordinary power the moment he steps into the extraordinary! This extraordinary power will be divided into nine levels!"

"The weakest first-level extraordinary is just a realm that ordinary innate practitioners have broken through. Only the fourth-level extraordinary is considered a genius, the seventh-level genius is a peerless genius, and the ninth-level extraordinary is considered the strongest in the universe. !”

"Without seventh-grade extraordinary power, trying to compete for supremacy is nothing more than a joke! You lost on the first step!"

"Qin Feng and the others have been in the innate realm for a full hundred years, and now they have broken through to extraordinary level. They are only sixth-grade extraordinary people. Therefore, I am not optimistic that they are qualified to compete with those peerless geniuses!"

Hearing this, a window seemed to open in front of Wang Shuang. Before, Wang Shuang had no guidance and was just practicing in a daze. Now Zhou Qian is pointing out the road ahead of him and telling him how to go. This is very important to Wang Shuang. Saying it is something more important than acquiring a heritage.

"My requirement for Yang Mo is to be at least seventh level extraordinary and strive for eighth level. For you, my requirements are not high!" Zhou Qian looked at Wang Shuang, a smile flashed across his old face.

Wang Shuang, Meng Lang, and Gu Hongyi all looked at Zhou Qian with suspicion.

"Eighth grade guaranteed, strive for ninth grade!" Zhou Qian's next words made Wang Shuang roll his eyes.

"Mr. Zhou, if I want to be promoted to Extraordinary now, what level will it be?" Wang Shuang asked curiously.

"At most six levels, it has no meaning at all!" Zhou Qian glanced at him lightly, "The further you go to the extraordinary ninth level, the greater the gap, especially from seventh to ninth level, there is one level and one heaven. Seventh level is one level. The extraordinary ones of the same level are invincible, and the extraordinary ones of the eighth level can fight and transform into gods!"

"Ninth-grade extraordinary...can kill the transformed god!"

"Hiss" Wang Shuang and the others gasped, a little in disbelief. Then Wang Shuang's eyes lit up and he looked at Zhou Qian, "Mr. Zhou, how extraordinary were you before?"

"Ahem..." Zhou Qian seemed to be choked and kept coughing. Looking at the curious eyes of Wang Shuang and others, he uttered a few words, "Just try to be at the eighth level!"

"What is barely eighth grade? Is there such a level?" A trace of doubt flashed in Wang's eyes.

"I could have broken through to the eighth-grade extraordinary back then, but something unexpected happened. Therefore, I was only at the seventh-grade peak, but there is not much difference from the eighth-grade extraordinary."

Zhou Gan coughed dryly and seemed a little embarrassed to speak.

"Mr. Zhou, how do you break through to the eighth level or even the ninth level?" Wang Shuang looked at each other and spoke in a deep voice. Although he knew the road ahead, he still didn't understand how to go.

"It's very simple." Zhou Qian said with a smile, "The Dantian in your body is like a sea. It is not weaker than some geniuses. It's a pity that you are not a body. If it is a divine body, the Dantian in your body is infinitely large. In one move, It means that the sky will collapse and the earth will fall apart, and to step into the extraordinary world is to continuously compress and compress the energy in your body. No matter how many times you can compress it, you will be a level of extraordinary person!"

"Compressing Yuan Power, turning innate power into extraordinary power, this is a qualitative change! When the energy in your body is compressed to the extreme, it will also produce extreme destructive power. This is also the reason why the extraordinary realm is one level and one level! "

"Is it that simple?" Wang Shuang was a little unbelievable. Just compressing Yuan Power has become the standard for classifying ninth-level extraordinary!

"Easy?" Zhou Qian was stunned, looked at Wang Shuang, and laughed dumbly, "Little guy, it seems you don't know how difficult it is to compress Yuanli!"

"Little girl, tell Wang Shuang that you have compressed the energy in your body several times now!"

When Gu Hongyi heard Zhou Qian's words, she stuck out her tongue, put on a grimace, and stretched out three fingers, "Three times, the fourth time has been going on, but it is estimated that it will take me ten years to complete the fourth time." Second-rate!"

"My master said I can only compress it six times at most! Any more and my body will collapse!"

"Did you see it? This little girl's qualifications are actually not bad. She can only compress it six times." A bottle appeared in Zhou Qian's hand. "Did you see it? This is a person's body, filled with water. You If you compress it once, the pressure on the bottle will be twice as strong; if you compress it twice, the pressure on the bottle will be twice as strong!"

"The more times you compress, the pressure on the entire bottle, that is, your body, will reach a very scary level! You haven't compressed it yet, so you won't understand, but when you start, You will understand the terror and difficulty of compressing Yuan Power!"

When Wang Shuang heard this, his expression became solemn. It would be extremely difficult to be considered difficult by Mr. Zhou.

"So, your body refining secret method can be regarded as a timely rain for you. The stronger your body is, the stronger your ability to withstand pressure will be. Therefore, before you can break through to the extraordinary, you must Raise to the strongest level! Only in this way, you will be more likely to reach the ninth level in the future, and you will be able to withstand the inheritance of Wuming Peak!"

A flash of excitement flashed across Wang Shuang's face. On the side, Gu Hongyi opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhou Qian eagerly, "Mr. Zhou, can I accept the inheritance of Wuming Peak?"

Her words were soft and she looked like a little white flower. I felt pity for her, but Mr. Zhou smiled and said jokingly, "Little girl, as long as your master agrees to change your inheritance, I will pass on my Wuming Peak's secrets to you." A unique skill!"

"Forget it, Master, he will be very angry if he knows that I have switched to the master's sect." Gu Hongyi's face fell.

"Mr. Zhou, I want to learn too!" Meng Lang was not to be outdone. Seeing that both Wang Shuang and Wang Shuang could get the inheritance, he could not hold back, "Mr. Zhou, I have always longed to join Wuming Peak. Please accept me. I, Meng Lang, swear that I will honor you!"

Zhou Qian looked at this guy and shook his head helplessly, "You little guy, you are just an acquired state of cultivation now. Let's wait and see when you can break through to the extraordinary!"

Meng Lang is only in the late acquired realm now. It will take a long time to break through to the innate realm, let alone the secret technique of Wuming Peak!

Therefore, he could only nod with disappointment.

Wang Shuang continued to ask Zhou Qian some methods on how to compress the Yuan Power in the body, and Zhou Qian was also extremely patient and told Wang Shuang all the things that needed to be paid attention to when compressing the Yuan Power.

Afterwards, Wang Shuang began to retreat, not wanting to waste any more time.

When Gu Hongyi left, she also planned to start practicing hard and strive to go further. She was also stimulated by Wang Shuang and others. They all had amazing talents and practiced so hard. There was no reason for her to be lazy.

This also made Gu Hongyi's master feel a little surprised, and deeply sighed that Gu Hongyi had grown up.

As Wang Shuang went into seclusion, a strange scene seemed to appear in the entire Qingyuan Sect. Everyone was practicing crazily, and it was almost rare to see anyone still outside.

Especially Qin Feng, Li Chunjian, Situ Xue and even the three great true disciples all started to retreat at this time, expecting something.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Zhou Qian suddenly opened his eyes from sitting quietly and looked at a space in front of him. With a "chila" sound, the space was torn apart. Lin Jingtian and Yang Mo came out of it. Then Lin Jingtian casually With a wave, the small world behind him turned into a dreamy bubble and burst.

"Fortunately, I lived up to my fate!" Lin Jingtian looked at Zhou Qian and said with a faint smile.

Zhou Qian looked at Yang Mo and his eyes lit up. It was true that Yang Mo had changed too much now.

The originally thin body now became extremely tall and straight, like a proud green pine. Her long golden hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and every strand of hair seemed to be shining with brilliance.

The originally childish face was replaced by a strong determination at this time, and his eyes seemed like two magic lamps, burning with divine energy.

Looking at Yang Mo now, he seems to be an eternal furnace, exuding endless light and heat, and the aura of his body is so powerful that it almost breaks a big hole in the sky!

"Master!" Yang Mo's face was excited, and the aura on his body seemed to be a little unstable. Looking at Zhou Qian, tears flashed faintly in his eyes.

"Good boy, it seems that your divine body is going to shine!" Zhou Qian looked at the other party, a happy smile flashed in his eyes!

"No matter what happens to Xiao Mo in the future, you are my master!" Yang Mo said in a sincere tone.

Hearing this, Zhou Qian also smiled and nodded. On the side, Lin Jingtian stepped forward and said in amazement, "Old guy, I have to say that this little guy's golden divine body is indeed powerful. Although he has just awakened, his current strength is... You can fight with warriors from the innate realm!"

"This is because he hasn't cultivated yet. When he reaches the innate level, he can fight even the gods!"

"The golden divine body is worthy of being the top physique in the universe!"

Hearing this, Zhou Gan looked at Yang Mo. Yang Mo seemed to want to prove Lin Jingtian's words. He walked to an open space and shouted loudly. The blood all over his body seemed to be "swishing". Indistinctly, a golden divine light enveloped his body. The body was punched hard.


A deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and spider web-like cracks spread out in all directions.


Yang Mo looked at a huge boulder in the distance. He moved like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he landed in front of him and kicked it out. The boulder tens of thousands of kilograms exploded like tofu under his kick. Open and turn into dust all over the sky!

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