Tang Xinlian killed two fellow disciples, and then glanced coldly at the other disciples around her. The next moment, bright rays of light burst out from her body, and vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of the great avenue. .

The Yuanling body, the body and the Tao, broke through to the realm of spirit transformation, and every move carried the power of heaven and earth. These rays of light appeared from Tang Xinlian's body, and the next moment they rushed into the Yuanling Sect disciples,


"Tang Xinlian, you are so cruel..."

"don't want……"

Screams rang out one after another. Before these Yuanling Sect disciples could get close to her, they were killed by rays of rays of light...

Tang Xinlian broke through to become a god. No one knows how strong her specific combat power is, but at this moment, the power she displayed was shocking. In just a few breaths, all these disciples were killed.

The corpses fell into the air, and the corpses of Yuanling Sect disciples were scattered on the ground. No one survived.


A flame appeared from Tang Xinlian's hand and fell towards the corpses below. A "cracking" sound was heard. The corpses were quickly burned to ashes. A gust of wind blew and even the ashes were dissipated. Now, no one knew it was him. Done!

After doing all this, Tang Xinlian raised her head, her eyes regained her calm look, her clothes were fluttering, as if she was about to ride on the wind, and there was no hint of the decisive killing look just now.

"Why are you doing this?" Wang Shuang looked at the other party solemnly and asked in a deep voice.

This is what Zhou Tong and the others are most confused about. Tang Xinlian is so cruel to her fellow disciples. Is she trying to betray her sect?

"I killed them just for the future of my Yuanling Sect..." Tang Xinlian spoke softly, her voice was like an orchid in an empty valley, with a faint ethereal aura.

"For the future of the Yuanling Sect?" Zhou Tong and the others looked strange. Tang Xinlian killed all the Yuanling Sect disciples here. Wasn't this to cut off the Yuanling Sect's future?

"I know that what Yuanling Sect has done makes you very angry, but I have no choice. I have begged the elders of the sect to ask him to take back the order. Unfortunately, I don't have any say, at least not yet. With this ability to change the minds of the sect's senior leaders, the only thing I can do is to stay out of the matter and do my best to help your disciples escape..." Tang Xinlian spoke slowly, but the words she spoke made Wang Shuang The four of them were shocked.

"You, you help my Qingyuan Sect disciples escape?" Zhou Tong said in shock.

"Otherwise, the three of you were able to escape in the first place. Didn't you realize that if I hadn't secretly helped you intercept the attack, you would have been killed long ago..." Tang Xinlian looked at the three of them and spoke calmly.

At this time, Zhou Tong and others suddenly remembered that the three of them had been targeted by attacks one after another when they escaped. As a result, an inexplicable force suddenly mixed in and dispersed these attacks, causing a shocking explosion, giving them a chance to escape. .

"That was you doing it secretly!" Zhou Tong said in a loss of voice.

When Wang Shuang heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. He gradually let go of his guard and murderous intent, and looked at the other party with a puzzled look on his face, not understanding why Tang Xinlian did this.

"What is your purpose in doing all this?"

"Purpose, if I say that I am leaving a little incense for my Yuanling Sect in the future, would you believe it?" Tang Xinlian opened her red lips lightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Your Yuanling Sect is one of the four major sects of Qingyuan Star. You are thinking too much about who can easily wipe you out. And what does this have to do with you letting go of my disciples of Qingyuan Sect? Do you think Will my Qing Yuan Sect destroy your Yuan Ling Sect in the future?" Wang Shuang looked at each other with a strange expression, feeling a little baffled.

"It's not your Qingyuan Sect. If it's just the Qingyuan Sect, I really don't care much. Although it was the former overlord of the Wild Star Territory, it is still impossible to destroy our Yuanling Sect." Tang Xinlian said indifferently, The tone did not put Qingyuan Sect in his eyes.

"It's you I'm afraid of, Wang Shuang!" Her eyes suddenly burst into bright light, like two beams of moonlight.

"The only person who can destroy our Yuanling Sect in the future is you! Therefore, I want to leave a trace of life for my Yuanling Sect. This is why I take action to kill them. They have all taken action against your disciples of Qingyuan Sect. , I killed them just because I hope that if one day comes in the future, you will consider my incident today and be accommodating to my Qingyuan Sect disciples..."

After hearing Tang Xinlian's words, the faces of Zhou Tong and the others instantly became dull. They never thought that the reason why Tang Xinlian took action was because of fear of Wang Shuang and fear that Wang Shuang would grow up and destroy their Yuanling Sect!

Is this possible? They couldn't help but wonder. Although they hated the Yuanling Sect, they understood the horror of the Yuanling Sect. This inheritance had existed for countless thousands of years, and there were so many masters in it that even the Star Lord-level beings could not be counted with both hands. Even the Venerable Even if they take action, they may not be able to exterminate it. Even if Wang Shuang defies heaven, it is impossible to destroy such a sect!

Wang Shuang's eyes narrowed. He did not think that Tang Xinlian was exaggerating. On the contrary, he had absolute confidence. When he stepped into the realm of Star Lord, he would be absolutely invincible under the venerable master, even more powerful than Lin Jingtian now. Qiang, when the time comes, destroying the Yuanling Sect is just a matter of his own thoughts.

And Tang Xinlian turned out to be pretty much what he thought. He really didn't know if this was his influence on Tang Xinlian or if Tang Xinlian knew something.

"You may not think too highly of me..." Wang Shuang spoke noncommittally.

"Do you think too highly of me? I am able to defeat the Yuanling Body twice within the same level. If I underestimate such a genius, I'm afraid I won't even know how I died." Tang Xinlian laughed at herself,

"Wang Shuang, I've done everything I need to do. Don't you come here just to use the energy of the Pure Yang River to attack the mid-transcendent stage? I'll leave this to you. Anyway, I have already broken through. The pure Yang energy here is very important to me. It's of no use at all..." Tang Xinlian gave up the place without saying anything.

"No one can be sure of the future. I just hope that if there is such a day in the future, I hope you can give me Yuanling Sect a chance..."

After Wang Shuang heard this, he was silent for a while. Zhou Tong and the three people behind him looked at Wang Shuang nervously, as if they also wanted to know Wang Shuang's answer.

"Tang Xinlian, whether you can agree or not is not up to me, but up to you. Now that you have broken through to become a god, I will make a move. If you can block it, then, if there is such a day in the future, I will consider what you did today... "Wang Shuang suddenly smiled and spoke in a leisurely tone.

"I really want to see the Yuanling body in the realm of divine transformation!" There seemed to be a blazing heat in Wang Shuang's eyes, which vaguely turned into a blazing flame.

"Okay, I also want to know how strong you are in the extraordinary realm!" After hearing this, Tang Xinlian agreed without a trace of hesitation. Her delicate body trembled, and inexplicable voices rang out, and countless rays of light shone in the air. It condensed under its feet and turned into a huge flower stand,

His body was slim and slender, like a female war goddess in the wind. An aura like a great avenue appeared, his eyes were extremely sharp, and his eyes like autumn water seemed to turn into two inexplicable symbols.


A piece of aqua blue armor appeared on her body, revealing her perfect figure, not a bit more, not a bit less, perfect to the extreme.

"Take action, Wang Shuang, I know you haven't used all your strength just now, let me see what's so strange about your domain!" Tang Xinlian's crisp voice sounded.

Wang Shuang heard the words and no longer hesitated. With a wave of his hand, the faces of Zhou Tong and the three people behind him changed and they retreated towards the rear.

"Sword Domain, get up!"

With a low cry, a strange wave appeared, instantly covering Tang Xinlian. Countless sword winds appeared, forming a sea of ​​sword light, covering everything within a ten-meter radius.

The terrifying sword light wiped out even the space, leaving only a vast sword light.

Faced with such a terrifying blow from Wang Shuang, Tang Xinlian's expression changed slightly, as if she did not expect that Wang Shuang's move was so terrifying. With a soft drink, Tang Xinlian quickly moved her hands to form a strange seal.

Following her movements, petals suddenly appeared in the space enveloped by Wang Shuang's domain. The countless petals were like countless small worlds, and each small world erupted with terrifying power, unlike Wang Shuang's domain. The swords in the sword collided head-on.

It's like the heaven and earth are being destroyed, chaos is being opened up again, and the void is being annihilated.

The two attacks were canceling each other out. Wang Shuang was extremely surprised. This was the first time he saw someone being able to stop the attack of his sword domain.

He was surprised, and Tang Xinlian was even more shocked. She was now a strong person in the realm of gods. When fighting against a warrior in the early stage of transcendence, even the strongest magical power could not kill him. This kind of terrifying strength could not be achieved even if she was a Yuanling. The body was really surprised!

"A thought of flowers blooming!" Tang Xinlian shouted in a low voice. As soon as her voice fell, endless petals bloomed. Under the stimulation of the spirit of the spirit transformation level, a series of pale golden illusory figures appeared on the petals. This was their spirit. Zong's peerless magical power was once used on Wang Shuang. What's OK is that due to his cultivation, he couldn't even use 1% of its power.

Now that he has advanced to become a god, the power of this style can finally truly show its charm!

Countless illusory figures appeared and attacked at the same time, heading towards Wang Shuang. Each figure was like a small world. They attacked at the same time. Even the strong men in the late stages of becoming gods had to retreat!


Terrifying power fluctuations swept across all directions, and the River of Pure Yuan rioted again. An extremely powerful force erupted. The three figures of Zhou Tong, who were already hundreds of meters away, retreated again and again.

"This is their true strength..." Zhou Tong and the other three looked at this scene with pale faces, and shed a cold sweat at the amazing move of the two.

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