"Wang Shuang!"

"Xiao Shuang!"

"No, we have to save him!"

Li Xin, Wang Hu and others were shocked when they saw Wang Shuang being knocked away by a terrifying energy. Li Xin wanted to turn back, but when he saw the zombies slowly gathering in front of him, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. There was a moment of struggle, not knowing whether to save Wang Shuang or to deal with the zombies in front of him first.

Although he also understood that his current power was almost useless compared to Wang Shuang, he did not want to just watch Wang Shuang die, but if he returned, I am afraid everyone would die if these zombies surrounded him!


Just when Li Xin was hesitating, he suddenly saw Wang Shuang's figure staggering up, speeding up, turning into a phantom and running towards him. I couldn't help but feel happy, knowing that the situation was critical, I gritted my teeth, threw the grenade forward, and jumped into the car instantly. All the cars understood that the situation was urgent and almost stepped on the accelerator, and the cars rushed forward at high speed.


This grenade opened the road ahead directly, and five luxury cars passed directly through it.

Wang Shuang, on the other hand, endured the injuries on his body and ran as fast as he could. If he hadn't used the bone shield in the blow just now, this skill could have blocked the full blow of the fifth-level evolver, but in the blow just now, It explodes directly.

Fortunately, Wang Shuang's strength was strong enough. He had just evolved to level four, and his physical strength was comparable to that of twelve people, so he was not directly killed by this terrifying blow!

Strong strength means that Wang Shuang's body is good enough and has stronger resistance. Now Wang Shuang's physical fitness is as hard as marble. Even if ordinary bullets fall on Wang Shuang's body, they may not be able to penetrate his body. .

Even so, Wang Shuang was almost killed by this blow. He was lucky not to die. Wang Shuang felt that his internal organs were almost displaced, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

However, Wang Shuang persisted, relying on his strong will to stand upright, and ran at top speed in the direction of Li Xin and others.

Wang Shuang took the time to look back. On a tall building in the distance, a man nearly two meters tall with a red body looked at him with a pair of ferocious eyes. On his forehead, there was a hole the size of a fist, and there seemed to be a hole in it. A hint of sparks.

"Magic zombies: able to emit energy beams with destructive power!"

"Level: Level 5!"

"Skill: Energy beam, which can destroy any creature below level five. Even level six zombies may die if they are hit. The effective range is one thousand meters!"

"Weakness: Weak close combat ability!"

When Wang Shuang saw this kind of data, he couldn't help but gasped. This kind of magical zombie seemed different from the one he had encountered before, but the magical zombie that had reached level five could be said to be at the top of the food chain in Jiangnan City. The topmost creature.

Fortunately, it is impossible for this kind of zombie to continuously emit that kind of terrifying beam. Every time a beam is emitted, it must pause for a while to regenerate energy. Otherwise, it will be the most terrifying creature. I am afraid that no one in the whole world can fight against them again. Got it!

Wang Shuang didn't dare to delay and ran outside desperately. If there was another attack, Wang Shuang would never believe that he could survive no matter how confident he was!

Wang Shuang was running quickly. Suddenly, a Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped beside Wang Shuang with a creaking sound, and the door opened directly. "Get in the car! Wang Shuang!" Zhao Xin's voice rang quickly.

Wang Shuang didn't have time to say anything, so he ran directly into the car, closed the door with a bang, and "boom", the vehicle instantly turned into a sharp arrow and rushed forward quickly.

Although Wang Shuang's speed is fast enough, it is impossible to compete with luxury cars. The ultimate speed of such luxury cars is almost 500 to 600 kilometers per hour, which averages nearly 100 meters per second. Although Wang Shuang is fast enough, he cannot Nearly thirty meters in just one second.

And Wang Shuang couldn't maintain his ultimate speed for a long time, so Wang Shuang got in the car and left without hesitation! Now that the obstacles ahead have been temporarily cleared, the vehicle passes directly through the group of corpses and disappears into the distance!



Horrifying howls sounded, and many zombies looked at Wang Shuang and others leaving with some anger, especially the terrifying magic zombie on the high building, which became furious, but there was nothing they could do. Although his attack It's scary, but it requires a buffering time. So I could only watch Wang Shuang and others leave!

"Xiao Shuang, are you okay?" Zhao Xin asked anxiously while driving in the car. At this time, her powers have been used up and she cannot use the healing spell to treat Wang Shuang again.

"Brother Wang Shuang, are you okay?" Dong Mengqi's somewhat green but caring voice came, with a look of concern on her face. Dong Zhu also looked at Wang Shuang with concern.

"Don't worry, you won't die yet!" Wang Shuang lay on the soft backrest with a pale look on his face.

"Ahem," Wang Shuang said, but he kept coughing, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay. Let's go quickly. Now we have passed the most difficult hurdle. We are now at the outskirts of Jiangnan City. In a few minutes we will be out of the city. After leaving the city, keep going forward and let others lead the way!"

Wang Shuang looked at Zhao Xin and seemed to want to say something else, so he interrupted him and spoke while holding back the pain in his body.

Zhao Xin then remained silent and drove silently. It didn't take long for the five vehicles to rush out of Jiangnan City. Along the way, some survivors watched in shock as they left.

"Someone can actually leave Jiangnan City like this!"

"Lucky man! Lucky guy!"

"There must be evolvers among them!"

These survivors secretly thought in their hearts that they felt a little desperate when they thought about the situation of themselves and others.

After the five vehicles rushed out of Jiangnan City, they had become pitted and stained with blood, as if they had been baptized by war.

After everyone rushed out of Jiangnan City, their speed was no longer so fast. They all slowed down slowly. Soon, Zhang Ye, Li Xin and other people's vehicles began to lead the way, and everyone else followed.

Soon, along the highway, everyone returned to Jinsheng Community in less than three hours. As they approached the community, they found someone standing guard at the door with a gun!

Seeing a row of five luxury cars roaring towards them, the woman who was standing guard immediately blew the whistle around her neck. The sound of "beep" and "beep" kept sounding. Suddenly, many women with guns suddenly Zi ran out and looked at the people who were gradually slowing down with a wary expression.

"Ka" "Ka"

One by one, they directly pulled up the safety, pointed their guns at many vehicles, and waved their hands to signal them to stop the vehicles!

"Open the door! It's us!" Li Xin rolled down the window and looked anxiously at Lin Xueqing, Zhang Yao and others who were standing at the front with wary faces. Wang Shuang is now injured and in urgent need of treatment.

"Li Xin, you are back!" Lin Xueqing and others were a little surprised. Then they realized what they were doing and quickly put away their guns and opened the door to let Wang Shuang and others' vehicles in.

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