"Then let's quickly clean up everything here and arrange it. Go and tell Su Wei to bring everyone here. We have to wait until Xiong Jinli comes back and deal with him before heading towards Huaxin City!" Wang Shuang said to Li Xin.

He must eradicate guys like Xiong Jinli. Only in this way can he leave with peace of mind. "Okay, I'll go right away!"

Li Xin nodded, and after finishing speaking, he left directly, leaving Wang Shuang alone in the huge room.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Wang Shuang asked with some confusion. At this moment, the entire village outside was in chaos. Those thugs were directly killed by Wang Shuang and Li Xin. Now they are a little confused. measures. They wanted to come here to have a look, but the gunshots just made them all huddle in their homes, without any desire to come out and have a look.

The women all looked at Wang Shuang with some fear, but it was the first woman who mustered up the courage to explain to Wang Shuang.

"You'd better put on your clothes first!" Wang Shuang said to these women before she could speak. After saying that, he went out and waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, these women got dressed and came outside. They looked at Wang Shuang and each of them spoke timidly.

After their explanation, Wang Shuang understood that they were all women from Lijiacun, and that some abducted women were imprisoned in another place. For his own safety, Xiong Jinli did not live here. This place was equivalent to their place of pleasure and discussion.

Xiong Jinli became the king here and occupied this place. He also gathered nearly 80 close followers from here. He bullied the people here and acted arrogantly. He was even more cruel and unkind. Some people dared to object to feeding people directly to zombies, which was even more wanton. The treacherous women were robbed everywhere, and many of the beauties they robbed were divided up by Xiong Jinli and his men.

They gathered all the food here, and the aboriginal people were driven to work in the fields. They were not given anything to eat, not even the children. They asked these people to tidy up the vegetable garden. A bowl of it was extremely thin. , you can see the clear soup at the bottom.

Only Xiong Jinli and his men can eat white flour steamed buns, vegetables, and meat! As for those women, if they please Xiong Jinli and others, they may be rewarded with a white-flour steamed bun, a fish, or a piece of meat.

The villagers are often so tortured by hunger that they have to exchange their bodies for some food, and the men can only endure it with tears. If anyone resists, they will be shot to death by these thugs, and their bodies will be fed to zombies.

Listening to their tearful narration, Wang Shuang was even more livid, and asked them to take him to the places where their beautiful women were hidden in their golden houses.

In a building not far from this two-story building, Wang Shuang and others went in and saw many young women, each of whom was of average or above average appearance. Seeing everyone coming in, they were all startled and looked at Wang Shuang who came in with some surprise.

"Who are you?" The leading woman looked up in surprise, her voice was extremely pleasant!

Wang Shuang looked at the woman in front of him, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. The woman in front of him was wearing a white dress, with black hair that reached her waist. Her figure was bulging forward and backward, and her chest was so turbulent that it almost burst the skirt. The fleshy face is like a small apple. It looks so lovely that it makes people want to take a bite.

A pair of big black eyes were shining, Tan's mouth was slightly opened, and he looked at Wang Shuang, extremely surprised. When Wang Shuang saw such an astonishing beauty, he also flashed the word "powerful country and beautiful city".

"This is the Evolver. He just finished off Xiong Jinli's men and came to save us!" The woman following Wang Shuang stepped forward and said excitedly.

"Save us? Evolvers?" The faces of these women were extremely surprised. They had been bullied by Xiong Jinli. They had long been a little desperate for this kind of life. Now, a man suddenly came to save them, and they were a little afraid. believe.

"This was just kidnapped by Xiong Jinli's men. He went out before he could take possession of it." The woman behind Wang Shuang said quietly when she saw that Wang Shuang's eyes had been falling on the childlike beauty.

"What's your name?" Wang Shuang nodded, looked at the woman in front of him, and asked.

"My name is Cai Xiao. I am an online anchor. I was kidnapped here by a group of people who said they would dedicate me to their leader!" The woman bit her lip, looked at Wang Shuang, and spoke with some joy. In the past few days, Cai Xiao seemed to be living in hell. When he was first caught, he often resisted violently. Later, the thugs took her directly to see what happened to the women who disobeyed.

Some had their hands and feet cut off, leaving them wailing in pain, and some had their eyes gouged out and thrown directly into the zombie pile, where they were eaten by the zombies.

Some women were simply thrown into the square and allowed to be raped by others until they could no longer bear it and died completely.

All these things made Cai Xiao extremely frightened, and later she no longer dared to struggle. She originally thought that her life was over, but she didn't expect that someone would come to save them.

She was just a network anchor, just a beautiful woman. When the end of the world came, she ran away everywhere, trying to find a safe place, but she was kidnapped here.

She was originally a person with an extremely cheerful and lively temper. After all, if a host could not mobilize the atmosphere, there would probably not be many people to reward her. Unfortunately, after so many days, her lively personality had long been tempered away from her original liveliness. , the whole person is cautious every day. I am afraid that I will be treated cruelly if I make some mistake.

If she hadn't been so beautiful, I'm afraid these thugs wouldn't have been so tolerant of her and would have just thrown her into the pile of zombies.

"Okay, you are all free now, but it's best not to run around. Xiong Jinli and the others are out. There will be a battle when they come back. You'd better stay in the house." Wang Shuang didn't say much, simply He said something to them.

Soon, Wang Shuang followed the women to the place where the thugs stored food. Several private houses formed a huge warehouse. Wang Shuang opened the door and found that there were all kinds of supplies inside, including bread, flour, cola, ham, cakes, and more. There are a lot of chicken, fish, meat and eggs neatly placed aside.

"What a wealth of supplies, but now they are all mine."

Wang Shuang smiled slightly and drove everyone else out. With a wave of his hand, all the supplies disappeared. Wang Shuang received them all into his storage ring.

In addition to these, Wang Shuang asked all these women to go back to their respective homes. As for Cai Xiao from Xiong Jinli's family, he took the initiative to follow Wang Shuang back to the small two-story building in the middle of the village.

She is a smart person. After a few days of hard work, she understands that this world is very cruel. If she does not have special abilities, she can only rely on the strong. Xiong Jinli is a complete lunatic. She simply does not dare to imagine that she will What will happen? After seeing Wang Shuang know that Wang Shuang is an evolver, she understands that maybe she can survive in this world by relying on Wang Shuang.

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