Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 85 Establish your authority!

Many survivors became extremely excited after being oppressed by Xiong Jinli for such a long time. They all gradually lost hope for life. Every day, they could only rely on their own heavy labor in exchange for some meager income. From time to time, they were oppressed by Xiong Jinli, so when they heard Wang Shuang's words, they all became extremely excited.

Wang Shuang looked at the excitement on everyone's faces, smiled slightly, and thought to himself: "It's still useful to reveal your identity."

He continued: "However, Xiong Jinli still has some thugs who have left and haven't come back yet. We will wait for them to come back and deal with them directly. However, I am worried that someone will tip off the information. Therefore, everyone is not allowed to leave this yard until those thugs are dealt with. !”

"What, we can't leave this yard! So where will we live? What will we eat?" someone said loudly.

"Yeah, what's the difference between you and those thugs!"

"We don't agree!"

Voices of opposition sounded out, and everyone expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Food. I will arrange for someone to cook it for you, but you must stay here!" Wang Shuang's face turned cold, and the surrounding fireballs fell directly to the ground, creating a big hole in the ground instantly.

Everyone fell silent for a moment, not daring to speak again, and looked at Wang Shuang with some fear.

Wang Shuang looked at everyone and felt a little gloomy in his heart. He was helping them, but none of them knew what was good or bad. It seemed that people were bullied for their kindness, and horses were ridiculed for their kindness. You can't just be a good person, you have to show some of your own skills when appropriate.

Everyone else was watching Wang Shuang handle all this, and they were all a little surprised. If it were them, they would not know what to do in the face of such huge opposition, but if it were Wang Shuang, they would directly show their strength. , Wang Shuang's domineering attitude was deeply engraved into their hearts at this moment, especially Dong Zhu, whose eyes lit up and admiration flashed in his heart.

Soon, under Wang Shuang's slightly domineering approach, everyone stood obediently in the courtyard. The courtyard was paved with bluestone floors, and many people sat down on the ground.

Wang Shuang and others went back to the room directly. A group of people gathered around. Wang Shuang ordered Zhang Ye and Zhang Lei to replace Wang Hu and Wang Hu in the middle of the night.

"By the way, Wang Shuang, what should we do next?" Lin Xueqing asked.

"What to do, sleep! Wait for Xiong Jinli's return!" Wang Shuang said calmly. Only by keeping up his spirits can he face all difficulties.

"Okay, let Aunt Dong direct everything from now on, don't bother me!" After Wang Shuang said that, he directly found a room and started to sleep.

Zhao Xin smiled slightly and followed everyone in under the strange eyes. "Fox!" Lin Xueqing looked at Zhao Xin's figure and said with some hatred.

Cai Xiao was a little restless. Now that zombies are rampant in the apocalypse, no one will think about who she is or what she once was.

He wanted to rely on Wang Shuang, but he didn't know how to speak, and seeing Zhao Xin's eyes and threatening tone, he was even more timid and didn't dare to speak.

The entire hall was looking at Dong Zhu, waiting to hear her arrangements. They all knew that Dong Zhu was a female legend in the business world, and her IQ could crush them all, so they all admired her.

Wang Shuang didn't care much about external affairs. He didn't know how to deal with these messy things. He was better at fighting and becoming stronger. It was better to leave these things to professionals like Dong Zhu.

Seeing Zhao Xin come in twisting her waist like a water snake, Wang Shuang smiled slightly, hugged her, and fell into tenderness when the other party exclaimed.

The next day, when Wang Shuang got up, he found that Lin Xueqing and others had cooked a large pot of porridge in the yard, and there were many steamed buns beside them, which were being distributed to everyone in the yard. These people used to drink porridge so clear that you could see the bottom, and you could even count the rice grains in the bowl. Not to mention steamed buns and the like, so they were extremely satisfied to have such a meal.

Seeing Wang Shuang, Dong Zhu came over and said with a smile: "Xiao Shuang, you have left all the trouble to me, and you are free!"

"Hehe, isn't it true that those who can do more work!" Wang Shuang smiled. Looking at everything in order in front of me, I couldn't help but admire Dong Zhu's commanding ability.

"Don't grab it, come one by one, everyone has it!" Lin Xueqing was distributing food to everyone on the side. They lined up in two long lines, each one squeezing forward a little bit.


Suddenly, Wang Shuang heard a child's cry and looked up. In a long queue, a boy of no more than seven or eight years old was pushed aside by a man, and he took the other's position. Others were afraid of the opponent's physique and did not dare to say anything.

"Why did you jump in line?!" Lin Xueqing looked at the big man in front of her, a little angry, and her chest kept rising and falling. As he said that, he wanted to step forward and help the boy who was pushed down.

"Little brother, are you okay?" Lin Xueqing asked with concern.

"Oh, he took my place! That's my place!" the little boy cried, wiping his eyes.

"I didn't cut in line. It was obviously him who came to cut in my line. He didn't cut in and he fell down! If you don't believe it, ask other people!" The man said confidently, while looking at the others with a threatening tone. it goes without saying.

"You!" Lin Xueqing's face turned red with anger.

"Hurry up and get some food! I'm hungry!" the man said impatiently.

The other women looked at the man angrily, but they really didn't know how to deal with it. Most of Wang Shuang's team are women, and now they are also on duty, watching sentry, and resting.

"Wang Shuang, do you see this?" Zhang Yao saw her best friend being treated like this and walked to Wang Shuang and spoke softly.

"give it to me!"

Wang Shuang stepped forward directly, without using any force at all, and ran directly in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"You, what are you going to do?" the man said in a somewhat stern voice. He still knew Wang Shuang and knew that he was an evolved person. He could act arrogantly in front of these women, but facing Wang Shuang, he did not dare to act like that. Like before.

"What are you doing?" Wang Shuang sneered. This kind of scum dared not face the thugs, so he would just hide in his own nest. He despised this kind of people the most. Therefore, with a cold look, the knife passed directly across, "poof", blood sprayed, and a head rolled directly to the ground.

"Ah, murder!"


The others were startled and screamed in horror. "Crash!" A large circle opened with Wang Shuang as the center.

"Wang Shuang, you..." Lin Xueqing and others looked at Wang Shuang in surprise. They had seen too many dead people, so they were not frightened. They were just a little surprised that Wang Shuang's methods were so violent.

"You really think that I, Wang Shuang, am a loser. Just because I saved you doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want and be so wanton." Wang Shuang looked at everyone indifferently and slowly glanced around.

"Since I saved you, everything here belongs to me. When the end of the world comes, all previous laws and regulations will become pieces of waste paper. The strong will be respected!"

"I am better than you, so you must obey me in everything, otherwise, this man will be your fate!"

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