I don’t know how much time passed, but Wang Shuang felt that his thoughts were getting more and more messy, as if he had fallen into an eternal sleep. His soul was almost integrated with the planet. Countless thoughts came to him, making him feel as if he was a planet. A mountain, a river, a grass.

Countless memories made Wang Shuang gradually forget his past and regard himself as this planet.

In the base, even though Wang Shuang's soul was protected by the immortal green lotus, it was gradually dissipating, like a withering flower.

"No, we have to find a way to wake him up. We can't do this again." Xiao Qi said in a deep voice. Once the soul is completely dissipated, there will never be a chance to come back.

However, how to help Yang Fan is a question. They all realized that most of Wang Shuang's soul has been integrated into the planet. It is difficult to bring them all back!

"Xiaokong, is there anything you can do?" Xiaoqi looked at Xiaokong. Xiaokong is the weapon spirit of the Wanjie Pearl, and he may have some way to control the power of space.

"Boy Wang, his soul has been integrated into the planet. The power of space can't do anything about it." Xiao Kong said helplessly, "If it was just the beginning, I might be able to bring Wang Shuang's soul back with the help of the Ten Thousand Realms Pearl, but when it comes Now, Wang Shuang’s soul is too scattered.”

The aura on Wang Shuang's body is getting lower and lower, like a stone, which has dropped to an extremely dangerous level. If it drops any further, it will be indistinguishable from a real corpse.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Kong and Xiao Qi were extremely anxious. Xiao Kong didn't care about anything, and made a seal with his hands. A bead appeared on Wang Shuang's head, like a small sun, gathering all the people from all over the world. Light!


With a low drink, countless space forces erupted from the Ten Thousand Realms Pearl. It was invisible and qualityless, like light, and spread towards the planet. Soon, it completely spread to the planet.

The power of these spaces penetrated into the mountains, rivers, vegetation, and wanted to bring Wang Shuang's soul back. As the power of space exploded, many light spots reappeared and were brought back, returning to Wang Shuang's body. middle.

The aura on Wang Shuang's body gradually increased, and his face gradually turned rosy, no longer like a corpse.

However, as Wang Shuang's soul recovered 60%, the remaining 40% never returned. Wang Shuang sat there quietly cross-legged like a living dead.

"Damn it, where are the 40% of the soul?" Xiaokong's expression changed and he said in shock and anger.

His space power spread all over the planet, but he didn't find Wang Shuang's other 40% soul!

"What's going on? Hasn't his soul integrated into this planet?" Xiao Qi asked.

"I don't know, my space power has been integrated into this planet just now, but 40% of his soul has not appeared!" Xiaokong said with a gloomy face.

"If we can't find the 40% soul, Wang Shuang will never wake up for the rest of his life!" Xiao Qi said with a gloomy face and an extremely low voice.

And in an inexplicable space, there seems to be no time, no space, only "nothingness".

Forty percent of Wang Shuang's soul is located here. Standing in this space, Wang Shuang looked at everything around him. Everything was strange. Outside this space, there was distorted time and space, like a kaleidoscope.

"Where is this?" A flash of doubt flashed in Wang's eyes.

There are still places like this.

A black and bloody thunder emerged out of thin air and landed on the space, causing ripples like water ripples.

Gray mist emerged and slowly surrounded the space, making it impossible for Wang Shuang to see the situation outside, including the distorted time and space. There were constant "chichi" sounds all around, as if something was being torn apart.

Wang Shuang felt a coldness spreading through his soul. Although he didn't know what the bloody thunder and black thunder were, he vaguely realized that if these thunders fell on him, he would definitely be wiped out instantly!

"Time and Space Breakpoint!"

Suddenly, I don’t know when, a distant voice sounded, which seemed to come from eons ago. As the voice emerged, the fog around the space dissipated, the thunder disappeared, Wang Shuang looked forward fiercely, and seemed to see an eternity. long river.

Above the long river, a figure vaguely appeared, standing at the beginning of the long river of time, looking downstream. In his hand, a ball of light that seemed to be condensed with stars all over the sky undulated in his hand.

In the light group, there seemed to be tens of thousands of mountains, countless rivers, various caves and blessed places, orchids and jade trees, and endless fluctuations of vitality.

This is the star spirit of the earth!

A bright divine light flashed across Wang Shuangshuang's eyes.

However, Wang Shuang was very curious about who that person was, and the star spirit was actually in his hands!

The next moment, the figure moved his palm, opening up a space in the long river of time and space, and then casually put the star spirit into it.

"Hide it here, waiting for you to get it!"

Above, that figure stepped on the long river of history, spanning the past, present and future, and was wrapped with endless light rain!

A voice seemed to penetrate time, and Wang Shuang was shocked in his heart. What kind of strong man was this, who could actually talk across eternity of time and space.

As far as he knows, even a saint can transcend the long river of time and be immortal, but it is impossible to reverse time. Could it be that he is an emperor!

Also, what does that sentence mean? Put the star spirit here and wait for you to pick it up. Who are you waiting for? Yourself? How does he know himself?

A series of doubts appeared in Wang Shuang's mind, but there was no answer. After all this was done, the figure seemed to see Wang Shuang, sighed softly, and wanted to say something more, but the passage of time was greatly shaken, Direct riot, it seems that the other party's behavior has seriously violated some taboo.

Time and space are collapsing, and countless terrifying forces are rising, as if they want to destroy everything. The figure seems to be backlashed, and a blood flower blooms into the long river of time, turning into a drop of bright red blood.

As this drop of blood enters, countless forces rise in the long river of time to wipe out this drop of blood, but this drop of blood seems to be filled with a strange aura and has an eternal characteristic!

Even though it was obliterated by the long river of time, it still did not dissipate. Wang Shuang saw the drop of blood flying towards him like a boat in the storm.

"Boom" "Boom"...

Countless horrific scenes emerged, bloody thunder, blurry figures, and strange sounds all emerged, but this drop of blood burst out with a bright divine light, tyrannically dispersing everything.

In the end, this drop of blood broke through all obstacles and came to this strange space.


At this time, Wang Shuang saw clearly the true appearance of this drop of blood. It was like a drop of red crystal falling straight onto Wang Shuang's body and then disappeared.

Wang Shuang didn't know what was going on. With the integration of this drop of blood, he felt that there seemed to be some kind of change in his body, but he couldn't tell it.

As this drop of blood entered his body, Wang Shuang saw the long river of time and space slowly dispersing, and the outside world was gradually shrouded in mist, as if there were endless mysteries.

However, Wang Shuang did not forget that the purpose of this trip was to find the Star Spirit. The Star Spirit was in that weird space. If he wanted to find it, he had to find that space!

However, I don’t know exactly where that space is.

"Hey, that space seems very similar to this one?" Wang Shuang suddenly thought of something, and the space around him seemed extremely familiar.

"Isn't that space right here?" An astonishing guess suddenly appeared in Wang Shuang's mind.

However, if that space is really here, where are the stars?

While Wang Shuang was thinking, a bright divine light suddenly appeared in his body, and then the world began to spin. When Wang Shuang woke up, he found that he was back in the base city and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wang Shuang, are you awake?" Xiaoqi and Xiaokong said in surprise.

"Where did the 40% of your soul go? I scanned the entire planet and couldn't find your soul!" Xiaokong said in disbelief.

"I'm not in that space, why did I come back?"

Wang Shuang didn't seem to hear the other party's words. He muttered to himself without knowing what he was talking about. Xiao Kong and Xiao Qi both looked at him confused, "What space? What are you talking about?"

"I just entered a very strange space. There seemed to be no time, no space, nothingness. I saw distorted time and space, and even saw a person, a person above the long river of time. He seemed to want to tell What did I say, but I didn’t hear..."

Wang Shuang muttered to himself. No one knew what he was talking about except himself. However, when Xiao Qi and Xiao Kong heard this, their expressions became extremely solemn. They looked at each other and then looked at Wang Shuang.

‘Boy Wang, what happened to you? ’

After coming back to his senses, Wang Shuang looked at them, then smiled bitterly and told them what he had encountered.

A strange space, an incredibly powerful figure, and blood that travels through time!

All of these are extremely mysterious.

"Time and space breakpoint?" Suddenly, Xiaokong said to himself, seeming to think of something, which attracted Wang Shuang's attention, "Do you know the time and space breakpoint?"

"Of course I know that it is a strange space, located in the turbulence of time and space. In that kind of space, there is no concept of time and space. Unless you know the specific coordinates, no matter how great your ability is, Don’t try to find it!”

"You said that your soul has reached that kind of space. No wonder I can't find you." A flash of realization flashed in Xiaokong's eyes.

"Is there such a place on the earth?" Wang Shuang asked. He knew that the star spirits must be there. As long as they find that space, they can merge with the star spirits!

"Yes, we left the place where we came before. You even saw things from ancient times. If you say where is the most likely place, it can only be there!"

Xiao Kong spoke in a deep voice.

"Bermuda!" A flash of fanaticism flashed in Wang's eyes. He stood up, put away the formation, and saw Zhao Xin and the girls outside.

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