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The ancient portal stands on the top of the mountain, as if it has sealed an era, exuding an enduring aura, and seems to be transmitting an extremely strange aura across the endless river.

Wang Shuang stood in front of the door without moving, looking at the ancient door, with complex patterns printed on it, noble and mysterious!

He knew that as long as he pushed the door open, he would be able to reach the top of the mountain. But since the door was standing here, would it be pushed open so easily?

At this time, Wang Shuang's body was filled with boundless energy, like ocean waves. All his cultivation was restored, and he became even stronger than before!

The small world absorbed a large amount of world power from the steps and expanded by half!

Wang Shuang's eyes were serious, he stretched out his hands, slowly pushed forward, and landed directly on the door.


At the moment of contact, Wang Shuang's eyes turned cold, and he felt a coldness. Vast pressure came instantly, like the Milky Way collapsing, the sun and the moon exploding, the endless pressure was released, Wang Shuang's hands exploded instantly, and even this A wave of coercion surged towards his body, annihilating his body inch by inch!

"Get out of my way!"

Wang Shuang's eyes widened in an instant, almost bursting. Subconsciously, he used the Great Swallowing Technique, transforming into a black hole and swallowing this pressure. The Immortal Green Company guarded the depths of his mind, firmly protecting his soul!

The small world opened and also helped Wang Shuang absorb this unimaginable pressure!

A breath of time passed, and half of Wang Shuang's body was annihilated. But luckily, Wang Shuang finally got his hands away from the door!

"Hoo" "Hoo"

Just after leaving the gate, Wang Shuang's body recovered instantly, like a fish returning to the water, breathing heavily.

As the Holy Art of Nirvana operates, his damaged body also flashes with green brilliance and recovers at an astonishing speed!

However, Wang Shuang didn't care. These were just traumas. What he really cared about was this door!

"That pressure just now?" Wang Shuang whispered to himself. If he hadn't had many tricks, he would have been killed just the moment he touched this door!

Such a terrifying experience made Wang Shuang understand that if he wanted to enter the top of the mountain, this door would be the final test!

No one can resist that kind of pressure. Wang Shuang believes that even if the Venerable comes, there is no way he can open this door!

However, since the Time Divine Sect placed this gate here, they must have considered it!

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang's eyes flashed and he watched the door carefully. He didn't know if other roads were exactly the same as his own. Maybe everyone's situation was different.

Looking carefully, Wang Shuang suddenly discovered that the lines on the ancient gate seemed to encompass all the creatures in the world!

Wang Shuang looked at a tadpole-like pattern and concentrated his energy. The next moment, his eyes blurred, and then he saw a small stone. It was ordinary, there was only one like this!

A flash of curiosity flashed in Wang's eyes. He did not rush to escape from this environment, but looked at this palm-sized stone!

Under his gaze, the small stone did not seem to change at all. Wang Shuang had a trace of doubt in his heart, but his patience was obviously ridiculous. He seemed to be in trance, sitting quietly in front of the small stone!

"Well, it seems to have grown a little taller!" At a certain moment, Wang Shuang suddenly woke up from his trance, his eyes suddenly brightened, looking at this stone that was almost unchanged from before. In the eyes of ordinary people, this stone

The stone did not change at all, but when it fell in his eyes, Wang Shuang knew that the stone had risen by less than one ten thousandth of a millimeter!

With this discovery, Wang Shuang's anxiety faded away and he continued to pay attention to this stone!

The wind blows and the rain blows, the sun rises and the moon sets, the grass and trees wither, spring goes and autumn comes, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. Wang Shuang has turned into a stone statue, sitting quietly on the body of this stone. beside.

At this time, this stone, which was no more than the size of a palm, had become the size of a person, even bigger than Wang Shuang!

Time continued to pass, Wang Shuang seemed to have forgotten where he was, and completely turned into a bluestone, enduring the wind and rain, the changes of the earth, the stars and the moon chasing each other, in the blink of an eye, it seemed that tens of thousands of years had passed, and it seemed that tens of thousands of years had passed. Thousands of years.

At this time, on the top of a ten-foot-high mountain, a ten-foot stone statue seemed to be connected with the mountain. You could even feel the pulse of the mountain, whether it was joy or sadness...

"This is the formation of the mountain, after countless years, slowly, slowly, but never stopping!" A vicissitudes of time and hoarse voice sounded, permeating the top of the mountain.


At some point, the stone statue on the top of the mountain cracked instantly, and a figure sat there quietly with his eyes open, filled with the feeling of endless years.

"The true meaning of the mountain is thick and difficult to destroy!"

A dark yellow light flashed in Wang's eyes. At this moment, he had an extremely terrifying improvement in the true meaning of the mountain!

There are thousands of things in the world, and every rule and every true meaning has its own true meaning. Once you understand the true meaning of a certain way, it is equivalent to mastering a chain of order. This is one of the reasons why many geniuses can fight across the ranks!

Although Wang Shuang has not yet comprehended the true meaning of the mountain, he is infinitely close. Wang Shuang is confident that if he gives himself some time, he will be able to completely comprehend the true meaning of the mountain.

However, what he practices is the sword intention, and if he chooses a true intention, he can only go down one path. Otherwise, he will be distracted by two things, and in the end he will only be able to draw water from a bamboo basket in vain!

Therefore, even if he understands the true meaning of the mountain, Wang Shuang will at most integrate it into his own sword intention!

Various thoughts flashed through Wang Shuang's mind. The next moment, his eyes moved, and the world shattered like glass!

Wang Shuang opened his eyes and looked at the door that seemed to have not changed at all. He felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart, "This door contains countless rules. Every line represents an order between heaven and earth!"

"If you can understand and master it all, you can reach the realm of saints in an instant!"

However, it is completely impossible for Wang Shuang to master it!

"Xiaokong, how long has it been since?" Wang Shuang suddenly felt moved and asked.

"It only takes a stick of incense!" Xiaokong's voice came from his mind!

"The law of time!" Wang Shuang was shocked. It seemed that he had been in that space for hundreds of thousands of years, but only a stick of incense had passed in the outside world. This was definitely the law of time!

Moreover, it must be the handiwork of the Saint of Time. Otherwise, even a Saint would be difficult to do such a thing and use the rules of time for his own use!

Knowing the pattern on the door, Wang Shuang's mind was spinning. With a thought, a sword intent that could break the world emerged, rising and growing, seemingly without end!

The intention of the sword is to move forward indomitably. It is better to be broken into pieces than to be destroyed!

This sword intention emerged instantly and was under Wang Shuang's control.

Blast towards the door in an instant!


The door suddenly emitted a buzzing sound, and beams of light erupted one after another. Indistinctly, the door was constantly vibrating, and cracks opened, revealing a ray of light!

Wang Shuang's eyes lit up. It turns out that this door needs to be activated by true intention!

His sword was like water from the Milky Way, falling continuously. However, no matter how Wang Shuang urged him, the door never opened again!

"What, what's going on?" Wang Shuang was extremely shocked, and the sword intent dissipated instantly. With a "boom", the door in front of him closed suddenly!

Not paying attention to the closed door, Wang Shuang frowned, thinking about his own problem.

"Is it because my sword intention is not strong enough! Only a stronger sword intention can open this door!" Wang Shuang's eyes narrowed. The improvement of true intention is not like cultivation. As long as there are sufficient resources, cultivation will be complete. It can be like riding a rocket!

The improvement of true meaning requires time, understanding, and opportunity. When the opportunity comes, you can advance to the next level in the blink of an eye. If you don't have the opportunity, all your efforts will be in vain!

However, isn’t the door in front of you the best place to enhance your true meaning?

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Shuang's mouth, his eyes were like lightning, and he began to look for the lines that belonged to the sword's intention!

As he searched, Wang Shuang soon saw a pattern, and the aura on it was completely consistent with his sword intention!

"I found you!" A flash of light flashed in Wang's eyes, and the next moment, his eyes were filled with flowers again. Between heaven and earth, there was a dazzling sword that was immortal, like eternity!

The sword's intention exudes an artistic conception of being extremely strong, extremely rigid, and invincible!

Compared with this sword intention, Wang Shuang's own sword intention is like a seedling, far incomparable to it!

Wang Shuang slowly approached the sword intent, but he felt a stinging sensation coming from him. Even though he was at an infinite distance, he still felt like he was suffocating!

This sword intention has obviously reached a level that I can't even imagine. Even those at the top of the venerable world would probably feel extremely threatened when faced with it!

Wang Shuang also displayed his sword intent, exuding a breath of the same origin.

The next moment, Wang Shuang felt the stinging sensation on his body dissipate. Seeing the effect, Wang Shuang continued to move forward, using his sword intention to fight against the sword intention!

Since the distance is infinite, his sword intention is less affected, so it is easier to resist, but as he gets closer, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger!

In the end, Wang Shuang was only 10,000 meters away from Dacheng's sword intent!

At this time, the threat faced by his sword intent has reached its extreme!

Dacheng's sword intention is extremely strong and indestructible. Wang Shuang's sword intention is like a seedling, which is constantly being crushed and wiped out. But the next moment, Wang Shuang's sword intention reappears and continues to fight tenaciously!

Every time Wang Shuang's body was broken by the sword, his body would become scarred and he was almost killed!

But with this process of breaking, recovering, breaking, and recovering again, Wang Shuang's aura began to rise at an astonishing speed!

His sword intention is also starting to become stronger, as if it is evolving from a seedling to a small tree!

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