Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimensional Conquest Chapter 361

"The Shelter of the Earth."

The power of the earth was manifested, and the ground began to shake, and finally formed several huge earth wall barriers.

Chapter 0111 A person's performance

"Light, protect me."

"In response to the call of the Cloud Rider, wind, rain, thunder, let down the thunder hammer of God."

"My anger will turn into a monstrous flood."


Tianchen sang all kinds of defensive words at high speed, those methods that existed in his memory but were often forgotten.

With the rapid increase in strength and the diversification of various means, some weak and weak abilities were almost forgotten by Tianchen, so this time he did not directly summon the Holy Grail of Creation for defense.

Because in that case, there is basically no suspense, and the result is absolutely unscathed, a world's creation artifact, unless the strength of the attack power can temporarily break through the world barrier of the high-level world.

According to Tianchen's estimation, in this type of moon world, Gaia and Alaya will definitely be able to do it, and the incarnation of the root will be absolutely fine. The words of Zhu Yue Brunstad are reluctant.

Of course, in other worlds, there will be more strong people. Yakumo Zi and Kazami Youxiang can do it. After all, he was well 'trained' before he came to this world. It was an unbearable period of time. past.

"This is too exaggerated. How many means does he have, and none of them are heavy. It's like the legend of the beginning of the world." The white knight said silently.

The dazzling brilliance shone on the world, as if it could purify everything, and the monstrous tsunami began to sweep up, attacking from the sea with the momentum of swallowing everything.

The true red dragon flames are burning with the mighty power to destroy the world, and the thunderous thunder resounds through the heaven and earth. The storm has come, and everything seems to be in turmoil.

The earth began to change, the terrain began to change, the plants began to grow wildly, and they began to pass away quickly. The passage of time shrouded the world, as if the scene when the world first opened.

At this time, Tianchen's mind was completely immersed in that mysterious perception, similar to the so-called 'epiphany' in some martial arts world, but obviously the level was much higher.


Outside the domain, endless chaos, a vast world group.

The center of the world group, the core of many world guards, its name is 'Central World', at this time an indescribable change has taken place, and the world seems to be sublimating.

The top beings from various worlds feel it carefully, and they can feel that this central world is stronger.

"That lord has become stronger again."

"It is said that the higher the status in the gods, the more the world's blessings, the more resources, and the more you can see. It is time for us to go to the endless chaos and follow those big men to conquer the world."

"I already feel the opportunity to break through."

"It is said that a certain adult in the middle-level world called 'Death World' has occupied a great advantage, and maybe it will be incorporated into our country in the near future."

"That thing called 'shallow hits' seems to be popular at the top, not sure if I can get one."

"It can't be replaced by your contribution value."

"Then go to those low-level worlds that occasionally appear near the kingdom. If you are lucky, you may have unexpected harvests, and you may be able to make great contributions if you contribute."

"That's right, just like the low-ranking world-'Dantrian's Bookshelf World' is a degenerate high-ranking middle-ranking world. It is said that a certain big man was born in that world."

"The aborigines of the low-ranking world are very rare, but if they happen to be discovered by us, the big people at the top will definitely give them generous rewards."



This is a very meaningful insight, which is equivalent to doing a lot of sorting out, and it is also a summary of these years of experience. Such opportunities are not common.

In this temporarily constructed world, apocalyptic disasters are constantly being staged, and it has completely become Tianchen's performance alone. The full blow they issued before was directly drowned in countless torrents.

Ye Mo's black sword was also completely blocked, and it didn't even fall down at all. At this time, he also returned to Tian Chen's side.

On the other hand, Aertuluqi and the others should not mention how aggrieved, endless various unknown attacks greeted them. Although they are strong enough, they are not invincible, and they are already struggling.

"It's really good. I took a small step forward. Although it's still a lot worse from the seventh-order median, I can already feel it vaguely."

Tianchen opened those eyes, and at this time they were extremely clear and extremely deep.

"Uh... I got a little serious, and I almost forgot about you."

Looking at the embarrassed figures of a group of people, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Tianchen's face. He was obviously about to release water, but he didn't expect to enter such a state directly.

"It should be over."

Tianchen stood up slowly, and at this moment, it was like pressing the pause button, the world seemed to stagnate, and the endless attacks disappeared directly.

The figure of the not-tall, sixteen-year-old boy seemed to be carrying the world on his back. He was so sublime and great, and had a strong sense of security, which made people want to rely on his arms.

【What the hell am I thinking? 】

Eltluqi shook her head violently, trying to get this idea out of her mind, but it was of no use at all, as if it had taken root and could not be removed.

Chapter 0112 Accidental Intruder

"Luqi, you'd better admit defeat and come back to me as agreed."

Tianchen slowly approached and walked towards Elterluqi and the others. Although he was walking as usual, it brought them unparalleled pressure.


Elter Luqi clenched her fists tightly, her face full of dissatisfaction, it seemed that Tianchen would not let her go as easily as she did ten years ago, but she was not reconciled.

"Well? It's really interesting to be able to temporarily hide from my perception."

Tianchen suddenly stopped, frowned, a smile of interest appeared on his face, and then looked in a certain direction.

"Space - break it."

Tianchen said softly, and then the space as far as his eyes could reach was completely shattered, and space cracks spread all over that side of the sky, dark and hideous.

"What a warm welcome."

The thick voice came, without the slightest panic, and then, in the space crack, a figure slowly walked out, calm and calm, the terrifying power of space cutting did not affect him in the slightest.

It was a face with a strong, aging face, red pupils, a dress like a suit, a black coat, and a sword of gems in his hand, shining with the power of space.

Jishua Zelrich Shubein Ogu, the second magician in the Moon Moon World, has many titles, such as Gem Weng, Marshal of Magic Dao, Wanhua Mirror, etc. However, at this time, the Dead Apostle should also be added. The name of the fourth ancestor.

"It is very rude to break into my world without my consent." Tian Chen mocked.

"I don't think you should care about it with your attitude. It's the first time we met, no, or it's the second time we met, the look that peeped at us at the beginning." Gem Weng said with a smile on his face.

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