Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 1007: Promoted to Tier 8

The war continues to erupt!

Waves of fighting and killing led this mighty war to a climax, and the anxiety of death began to spread.

According to the truth, born and grown in the cruel environment of the abyss, the devil should be more aggressive and not afraid of death.

But the fact is just the opposite. Cunning is engraved in the devil's soul instinct. In this seemingly even war, the demons also have a lot of ideas.

Coupled with the eyes of the God Eater and the exchange group of friends looking at the prey, and the state of fighting completely forgotten about everything, the demons were frightened and feared.

Eat the rat family and evolve with battle!

Grow with the flesh and blood of the enemy!

Perhaps the body of the devil is made up of the negative energy of the abyss, which may cause devastating consequences if swallowed by other creatures.

But these consequences are all trivial things in front of God Eater!

All energy is just nourishment in front of God Eater Rat.

Merely nourishment, in the stomach of the rat, can it turn the sky upside down?

It's about the evolution of the ethnic group, so it's even more brutal when the God Eater fights to swallow it.

And as the war progressed, the power of the God-Eating Rat clan became stronger and stronger.

Although some of the Demon Legion can evolve by devouring flesh and blood, their devouring ability is far from enough in the face of Devouring Rat.

What's more, some larger demons swallowed a lot of God Eaters in one bite, and swallowed them directly without chewing.

Although these demons have powerful digestive capabilities inside their bodies, the life force of the God Eater is tenacious. In the eyes of God Eater, there is nothing in this world that cannot be swallowed.

This has caused many god-eating rats to grow and grow in the belly of these devouring demons until they finally burst out!

The battlefield is constantly changing, with various coincidences and inexplicable ways of fighting emerging in endlessly.

And because the devil is in the eyes of the exchange group of friends, that is the point of walking!

So one by one is the rise of killing, how efficient is it!

Kill more and earn more!

All beings are equal before the points!

As for Su Chen?

In this war, he is also the rise of killing!

He didn't know if he had enough points to upgrade his Secret of Heaven, strengthened his foundation and raised his realm, or inadvertently broke the shackles during the frenzied battle and advanced to the eighth level!

Anyway, just like that, during the silent and free-will fight, I broke through!

If it hadn't been for the constant aura that swept through when he was promoted, I am afraid that Su Chen himself hadn't noticed that he was promoted.

"Administrator: Brother Su."

"Strength rank: rank eight."

Su Chen looked at the ranks of combat power on his group of faces, and after squeezing to death an upper class demon, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he was very happy.

Eighth order!

Finally arrived!

Tier Nine is the pinnacle realm in this universe!

And the level of three question marks is obviously more than one level higher than the ninth level.

If he really wants to count the level according to the question mark, he must reach the cultivation base of the four question mark levels in order to calmly meet the predicament of the future outbreak.

As long as your own strength is in place, then everything is not a problem!

At the same time, the exchange group fryed.

Tony has no money: "Congratulations! Congratulations to the Administrator's promotion to rank eight!"

Tony has no money: "No, it's congratulations to the administrator who broke the eighth order! (Congratulations

Limulu Tempest: "Congratulations! I hope I will be the next one to advance to the eighth rank."

Sun Mengyao: "No, you should say Ben Meng Wang."

Limulu Tempest: "..."

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