Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 807: Two inspection teams

At the same moment, the main **** alliance station far away in the void.

"Received an early warning that the subordinate forces' reincarnation space was invaded."

"Now we begin to organize rescue operations, rescue targets, and space for reincarnation."

"Now, mobilize the first inspection team and the second inspection team to rescue."

"The order is given, and we will start now!"

Voices echoed in a black and gold building, and then a law enforcement officer dressed in black-patterned silver clothes with a grim complexion walked out of the building. The moment the law enforcement officer walked out of the building, a huge purple circle formed in front.

The transmission target of the purple magic circle is the reincarnation space.

The Alliance of the Lord Gods rules all directions, and there are millions of forces similar to the space of reincarnation.

The reincarnation space selects potential practitioners for the main **** alliance to fight and plunder resources, and the strong in the main **** alliance will also provide protection for the reincarnation space.

Although there are many forces similar to the reincarnation space, the forces that reach the level of the Lord God Alliance, not to mention the millions of forces under their command, can be perfectly and properly arranged even if they are tens of millions of forces.

But because the reincarnation space is not too strong a subordinate force, even if the XXX-level situation comes, the Lord God Alliance will only send two inspection teams on a regular basis.

However, for the enemies that may come into contact with the reincarnation space, the two inspection teams can completely solve it.

An inspection team, which has a leader, a deputy leader and 36 team members.

Anyone who can join the inspection team is a high-level awakened.

In terms of the level division of the exchange group, the inspection team leader and deputy leader are all Tier 7 cultivators, and the team members are Tier 6 cultivators, and they are also Tier 6 top cultivators.

For the two inspection teams, there are only four level 7 practitioners.

Only from this time the inspection team sent by the Lord God Alliance could initially judge the power of the Lord God Alliance, and the speculation in the exchange group still far underestimated the power of the Lord God Alliance.

When the last member of the inspection team stepped into the purple teleportation circle, the purple teleportation circle disappeared.

This means that the two inspection teams, all of the 76 high-level awakened persons have reached the vicinity of the reincarnation space.

"From now on, all the creatures you see are enemies!"

"Everything, kill without mercy!"

After passing through the purple teleportation array, the two inspection teams divided their troops into two directions and moved in two directions based on their own perception.

A complete inspection team can join together to form a powerful battle formation and burst out more powerful forces.

The inspection team went out to execute the task of punishing the enemy, because it only knew about the enemy's invasion, but was not very clear about the enemy's strength.

Therefore, for any enemy, the inspection team will maintain the most calm and vigilant state.

As the inspection team of the Lord God Alliance, who has gone out to perform missions for many years, who is not experienced?

Who has never experienced a crisis of desperation?

The crises this time told them the simplest truth, that is, don't underestimate any enemy.

Even if the opposite is just an ordinary person, that can't be underestimated.

At the very least, before the enemy is completely dead, you must remain absolutely calm and not get hotheaded.

And if you want to chat, you can go back to the main **** alliance headquarters and then let yourself go.

Everything is to survive.

"Everyone, I hope that this time there will be no shortage of people!"

An indifferent voice came to the minds of all the inspection team members. They went out to perform their tasks, thinking that the best ending was a complete return.

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