Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 812: The hard dish just played

The upset monk: "Actually, I think now, if only I can bring people over."

The upset holy monk: "I brought my master over directly. With their little strength, my master will slap it."

Limlu Tempest: "Monk, I remember that you said that you have a lot of life-saving methods? Just now... didn't you have time to use it?"

Distraught monk: "Uh...that's it, my life-saving means, then I have to push it too. No, the sword light just now was too evil, I didn't feel any threat at all, I just thought it was a bit pretty. And then I am gone."

Distraught holy monk: Slimes are stunned

His life-saving methods, to be honest, are not average.

Especially among the many life-saving methods, there are some real hole cards.

The incarnations of the masters and masters, and some of the jade slips that the supreme elders gave to them when they went to visit certain elders. The jade slips contained the attacks of the elders.

I'm really too small to look down on others.

Watch it later!

When he met those prodigal gadgets again, he directly sacrificed his big move and let his trump cards go to entertain them.

Limlu Tempest: "Let's do it!"

Tony didn't have any money: "You're wrong, too. He obviously didn't release a bunch of big tricks, so he was killed."

Tony has no money: "Fortunately, you have joined the exchange group, otherwise you will have nowhere to shout."

The upset monk: "Yes, the exchange group protects the souls of group friends, it's pretty good."

Brother Su: "Holy monk, after you resurrect, go directly to Limru!"

Brother Su: "The enemy gang that killed you has found me."

Limlu Tempest: "..."

Limlu Tempest: "I cursed those people for the monk just now, but I came up to die as a big one. It's really invincible! Seriously, I admire their courage!"

The upset monk: "Well...Me too, even as an enemy, I admire their courage, it's amazing."

Your lord administrator, that's a great master!

Even if it seems to have Tier 7 strength now, who in the group doesn't know that the administrator is a growable clone that improves with the strength of group members?

Those enemies attacking the administrator, it's no one.

It seems that I don't need to avenge my grudge, and I don't need to waste my hole cards.

After all, the administrator takes the shot, does the opponent have a second end?

Now he was thinking, if those in the main **** alliance who attacked the administrator knew the real strength of the administrator, would they be scared to death?

Forget it, whether scared or scared to death, they are all dead anyway.


At the same time, the other side.

After the Lord God Alliance No. 1 inspection team killed the holy monk, they came non-stop and targeted Su Chen.

Although Su Chen's breath cannot be felt at all, the boiling flames surrounding Su Chen all show that there is a powerful cultivator here.

Therefore, the No. 1 inspection team also easily locked Su Chen's location, but when they saw Su Chen, everyone's eyes were condensed, and they knew one thing in their hearts. The hard dish of this battle might have just been on the field. .

The monk just now was just an appetizer.

It's easy to be sure, after all, people are right in front of them but can't perceive the slightest breath, which is enough to show that the strong man in front of him is a strong man who is very good at hiding his aura.

The assassin is not terrible!

Be afraid, you don't know anything when the assassin almost met you.

In this case, I'm afraid I didn't know how to die when I died.

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