Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 822: Talking about tuberculosis

"Worthy of celebration? This sentence is interesting."

On the opposite side of the orange light and shadow, a purple light and shadow sneered, and said playfully: "Is there such a spirit? I haven't seen it for many years, you can still talk nonsense like this."

All the people present were all an illusory light and shadow.

In this way, can you also see the spirit of expression?

That's really amazing!

As soon as this remark came out, all the lights and shadows laughed.

We have worked together for many years, and we have already known our own personalities and our own situation.

In the main **** alliance resident, only the black light and shadow body in the front is here.

After all, as the lair of the Alliance of Lord Gods, there must always be a Lord God guarding here. Otherwise, what should I do if someone hits the door?

They are in charge of conquering wars, and all matters of the Lord God Alliance are moving in a good direction.

But I can't do it, my hometown is gone, right?

Then, no matter how much resources and the world are conquered, what's the point?

"well, let's get back to business."

The black light and shadow said, "What do you think about this matter?"

After the orange light and shadow were silent for a moment, he said: "What else? The power of the master appears. Isn't this just a reminder that we should converge?"

The blue figure snorted coldly when he heard the words, and said, "Convergence? Convergence? The master has not been seen for many years, and now only a little power of the master appears, we will retreat? Do you know what will be waiting for the entire alliance of the Lord God when we retreat ?"

The voice fell, and there was no sound in the entire pavilion.

Those present are the main gods!

As the top existence of the Lord God Alliance, they coordinate the affairs of the Lord God Alliance and they also know a lot of information.

The road to war is like a boat against the tide, if you do not advance, you will retreat!

The Alliance of the Lord Gods is powerful. From all aspects, the Alliance of Lord Gods can be regarded as one of the most powerful forces in this universe.

But no matter how powerful it is, it does not mean that the Lord God Alliance has no opponents.

On the contrary, there are many opponents in the Lord God Alliance, and they are very strong.

Even the weakest abyss is not much weaker than the main **** alliance.

Even the abyss can send a large number of powerful people to the main **** alliance headquarters, but the main **** alliance dare not let the main **** step into the deepest part of the abyss.

Every superpower has a hole card that makes other superpowers fear.

The bottom card of the abyss is the power of the abyss.

In the deepest part of the abyss, all powers are controlled by the Lord of the Abyss. Even the Lord God will be greatly restricted from entering the deepest part of the abyss.

The strength of a body is limited, which means that even if the main **** alliance has all the power, there is no way the Lord of the abyss can be in the deepest part of the abyss.

Of course, the Lord of the Abyss can't help the Lord Gods.

"How many years ago has it been since the last flash in the power of the master?"

The red light and shadow looked around and asked in a deep voice.

"It seems that it happened ten billion years ago."

The yellow light and shadow sighed faintly, and said, "Ten billion years, what a long history this is!"

"Haha...It was a miracle that I lived so long if I was not careful! It was a long time ago, so I couldn't even think of it."

"Who would have thought that an ordinary child could grow up to this level now? Become a supreme god? The past is not very clear, but the only thing I can't forget is when I was 20 years old. At that time, my biggest wish was to live a hundred years!"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as the purple voice heard the yellow light and shadow, and the tuberculosis began again.

All day I seized the opportunity and started to express feelings about my past and the age at which I lived. If you say something different, they are not unacceptable.

But the key is to say these words repeated many times all day. What's the point?

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