Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 832: Second administrator

"Administrator, Brother Su?"

The voice fell, and the endless white light disappeared, revealing a woman in a pure white dress who couldn't see her face.

At a glance, it seemed to be able to see a peerless beauty, with a sweet smile, the kind of beauty that everything will fade away, perfect to the cheek without any blemishes.

But when I look again, everything in front seems to be covered in a white mist.

The white mist is misty and misty, blocking all the beautiful scenes, making people invisible.


Su Chen did not raise his head to look at each other, and directly admitted.

He understands that it is meaningless to lie in front of such a strong man.

What's more, this great power has come to the door, do you have to lie?

If someone asks it, maybe it's just a question.

For a powerful person of this level, perhaps from the moment he saw him in the world, everything about his life has been known to others.

Of course, he didn't look up to see this mighty appearance.

With such a big gap, who knows what will happen if you raise your head without consent?

Don't show up a mighty power that can't look directly at it, just look at it for yourself, it's over.

"For me, don't be so restrained."

The woman said softly: "Look up!"

Su Chen slowly raised his head when he heard the words, there was nothing to hesitate.

If this kind of power wants to harm yourself, still use it?

So what they let themselves do, do what they do!

At the moment Su Chen raised his head, he clearly felt a gaze fall on his face.


After a while, a faint sigh came out, which contained boundless melancholy and sadness.

It is hard to imagine that a sigh can contain so many emotions.

"You are very smart, and you must have guessed who I am."

A trace of sadness flashed in the depths of Nangong Ruohan's eyes, but the tone remained unchanged, saying: "In the future, I will also be a member of the exchange group."

"From now on, take care."

After the voice fell, Su Chen felt that there seemed to be some changes in the surrounding space.

Looking around, Nangong Ruohan has already left.

"This boss, what do you want to find yourself?"

Su Chen pursed his dry lips, and thought to himself: "Is it just to come and see myself?"

"Suppose, if the power of the communication group is the power of the Taoist, and she can use the power of the Taoist, does she doubt that she has a close relationship with the Taoist?"

"If Dao Master falls, will he be the reincarnation of Dao Master?"

Thinking of this, Su Chen was slightly taken aback.

Taoist reincarnation?

The reincarnation of that kind of powerful person will turn into an ordinary person like himself?

It is impossible to come.

And if you are the reincarnation of a Taoist master, why doesn't the little cute boss say a few more words?

In this way, she said that she was also a member of the exchange area, so she left?

and many more!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Su Chen's mind.

The little cute boss is so strong, the powerhouse of three question mark levels, this is really a powerful person at the same level as the master.

Now that such a strong person joins the exchange group, he still has a relationship with the Taoist master.

Um... if you can calculate the equivalent, that means you have something to do with yourself, and you can count as one of your predecessors.

That being the case, it's normal to set this big guy as an administrator, right?

Thinking and moving, Su Chen directly immersed his consciousness in the exchange group, using his Taoist vest to set the little cutie as the exchange group manager.

This second administrator is the real administrator!

"Ding, the Taoist master has set Little Cute and Cute again as an administrator."

In the exchange group, a group prompt suddenly appeared.

At the same time, in an unknowable world, the corners of a woman's mouth rose slightly.

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